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DarkMatters Celebrates
19 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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Doppleganger Warning !

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Me and a friend went into pvp mode, mine Inquisitor level 120 and his SW level 110. Even tough he was 10 lvls behind, I could barely hit him, I think that I could even lose the battle "to death" (and I kill nameless guards in niob with no trouble), but we were just for some fun and testing skills. Then I summoned dopple, level 190. I was just standing and chatting, when suddenly I saw my dopple cast DS, and hit my pal with something... two quick strikes 15k each, and I saw his SW lying on the ground :( we were both so mad, he had no deaths so far and I knew he had a good build... now he's angry and want to delete his char, and I feel like crap...

So just for your information, be careful around that doppledude if you go some "friendly" PvP

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