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Bargaining skill and drops there after (PS3)

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Hello Folks.,


I recently started a new High Elf and decided to try out the bargaining skill.

I have noticed that I am able to purchase much better rings and amulets but I have also noticed that the majority of the drops that I receive are limited to two stars (very infrequently) and less.

I can count on the fingers of one hand how many three star items and have not seen any four or more star items to date.

Admittedly, the HE is only at level 25 with a 60% survival bonus and roughly 25% of the map explored. However, my other characters are similar levels and their drops are much higher quality.

Has anyone else noticed this or am I simply having a bad luck dry spell.


Thanks in advance for your help.....

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From another David born in Ottawa:


Bargaining should only affect shopping at the merchants.


Enhanced Perception affects drops from monsters.


There is an excellent article on limits and effects of bargaining on this site (I think Antitrust posted it, but I may be wrong). It states that bargaining has to be kept at char level (hard points) and soft points need to push it as high as possible to break through the tiers of item quality.


It looks to me like Ascaron/Studio II set the maximum boost from bargaining to drop as character levels increased. That is: it is capped at giving you better items past about character level 100, but not great ones (like it can at lower levels where bargaining skill level / character level give a better ratio.

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Hello FrostElfGuard,

many thanks for the quick response and thanks for pointing me to that excellent article on the 'limits of using bargaining skills'.

I must admit that the 'hard points' that I have committed is less than one per character level and my combined 'effective level' is less than twice the character level which explains why I still see so few two star items being offered by the vendors in Ancaria.

I have been able to obtain may pieces that have +2 all skills (the HE is only at level 25) and I have noticed a few pieces offering +3 to all skills very recently.

Consequently, I am more satisfied with the benefits of picking bargaining but I can not help but feel that the items dropped from the monsters are at a lower level if you have elected to use bargaining AND you do not follow the methodology of 1 hard skill point per character level. Granted, this observation is ONLY based on the first 25 levels of character development and as such may be short sighted in the long term.

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