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Melee Inquistor For Pvp

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Posted (edited)

Hy everybody and sorry for worst english you ever read !

A friend from Sacred 2 official board tell me here is more life (thx Liolio ) !

In Romania we are a comunity who loves PvP !Now we are 25 teams,friends in real life and we prepare a new tournament !Maybe in future I will try Chattius HE mellee build !All games are 2 v 2 !It's a first time when I try to build a Inquisitor for PvP !

PvP rules :

1.144 hours active gameplay,after this I will wait the rest to finish them time !

2.No help from other characters,nu way to use sharing belongings,just what we find !

3.First team who reach 6 wins,because it's 10 matches will pass in next phase !


My team mate is a Tangle Vine Dryad our first enemy team is 1 Pyro HE and 1 Ice HE !


How I see my build :


Atributtes split between Strenghth and Willpower




1- Grunsome Inquistor Focus - Main Aspect

2- Armore Lore - focus and try to get 75 hard points ore more

3-Tactics Lore - I try to get 75 for crit

4-Constitution - sure 75 and more if I have time

5-Dual Wield - I dream to get mastery

6-Toughness - Mastery if I can or close

7- Astute Focus - try to get a better reflection

8-Concentration - 1 points

9.Combat Discipline - im sure I will not get mastery

10-Comabat Reflexex or Spell Resistance or Pacifism (if I will choose Pacifism I will focuse on him to get Mastery)


Gruesome Inquisition :

PC Buff :Mystic,Eradicate,Hallow


Combat Arts:

Callous Execution:Bleed,Lacerate,judgement (no drow life I need more crit's)

Ruthless Mutilation:Ire ,Petrify(I like in theory chance to stun),Frenzy

Frenetic Fervor:Fanaticism,Contemplation,No Escape


Astute Focus:

Reverse Polarity (Buff):Rebound,Counterblow,Evade

CM+LA in combo for make mobs soft to kill with weapons !


Now im level 65,still running in silver, im put all rings with + % xp for kill,because 144 hours is not so much !And use all mentors I have !

I hope I will loot some +all skills items before to enter in PvP !Now I find (almost I freeze when I see it ) a ice Flash and Serpent Tongue !And 1 Kandahar and 2 Desert Sabers !So I socketed now + % xp and chance to find !Drop is poor for now I killed few time 3 Dragons and now I will try to kill Dragon from Dryads !


I played Sacred 2 without Expansion because many of my friends not have and I hard to find here !


I will wait yours opinion about build ,gameplay !


Best regards !

Edited by edelweiss

Welcome, Edelweiss! Your English is very good, no worries!


Sorry I do not have a lot of PvP experience, but I have read some things that I can pass along to you:


The Elves you will be against in round 1 can use their spell Expulse Magic, which makes your combat arts unuseable, from what I understand, so that could be a factor that needs consideration.


Some characters are able to reach 100% damage mitigation, and then the only way to damage opponents will be with Damage Over Time, and possibly with wounds effects (deep wounds, deadly wounds). It all depends on how high levels your community can get in 144 hours gameplay.


Hopefully someone with more PvP can help in better ways than I.


Good Luck!

Posted (edited)

Thx essjayehm!


Yes I know my major problem is Expulse magic!But is not my only problem :my weak willpower against a huge dmg from Pyro HE!

I know in theory Inquisitor need to be hit to boost his dmg,but with no high amount of life I will end dead very fast !



On what skills I need to be focused ?

Finally I need to have a very high dmg without Combat Arts !But good resistence !


And Sacred 2 God's maybe will be mercy with me and they will give some good items !Until now they not see me :(( !




PS:In 144 hours of game can reach level 110-120 if you have enough mentor and rings and amulet with extra xp !And if you are shopper you will loose time on vendors !So you cant reach level 120 !

Edited by edelweiss

So I make some test with my team mate Pyro HE level 65 !So 1 v 1!Just copy my save and after battle re-copy in Ascaron save !No achievements loose !:D


1.Inquisitor based on mellee is make a huge dps !

2.Still very poor protection against spells !

3.One problem :it;s hard to hit a HE because of Shadow step !:((

Good news is I can killed a HE in EM just with my weapons dmg!

Bad news : is hard to aproach to hit the girl !

Good news :My partner with Intel Tangled Vine dryad can lock both,even SS is active in vine's !But SS cd's is not so low :D !

Now im pumping in Tactics,Armore,Constitution for mastery !

Next need advice :

What I choose last skill : Combat Reflexex or Spell Re4sistance so I will quit pacifism !I will put in my Inquisitor extreme mellee based build !Now just in tests !

After I mastery this 3 skills I focus on :Grunsome,Astute Supremacy Focus for reflection and Dual wield ( I have 20 hard points but I still missed very hard)

After 18 hours game play,level 65 just finished silver,finded 2 rings with + 3 all skill (life is bitch)just 2 rings with + xp !But I finded today after work another Ice Flash !

If are intersted I will write more infos !All my toons will be for mellee !


regards !

Posted (edited)

For PvP mode but mellee mostly !So pls some opinions because last left skill blink in my eyes !

And Merry X-Mas to all Sacred 2 comunity !


BR !

Edited by edelweiss

I can suggest you consider a possibility of Doppelganger buff at level 75 :) It can be quite useful, if not encountered an elf that likes to use Expulse Magic. Just equip %LL weapon (two-hander or throwing star) before activating him and he will be fine.


As of the last skill, Spell Resistance may be quite good against DoT (please correct me if I'm wrong), while evasion bonus given by reflexes can be gained from items quite easily.


Yeah I know will be good to use Doppelganger but this mean 75 points in Concentration !I can't do this !I have 144 hours for build !I prefer to split my points in Tactics or other all-around protection skill(Toughness,Armore,Spell or Combat)or try to raise my chance to hit so dual wield !Now just started Gold,level 71,mentors are not so much,just +43% xp socketed in my gear !Drop is poor I finded few green pieces for other toons :( !

I fight against this team twice,every time was range builds or caster builds,never close combat toon !Every time they attack my team mate who like play with casters or ranged !Every time they try it to ignore me because always I played with close combat toon !

Spell resistence is good but Combat R is not better for all-around protection?

I try to raise my weapons dmg without Combat Arts and chance to hit because I will be for sure in Expulse !

One question off topic : In tangle vine's HE can cast?


Hrm... looks like not too many people here have good experience with PvP... so I can try to offer more advice, although I play on console version which will be different than PC. The simple questions I know -


Yes, the Elf will be able to cast spells when she is vined. Cannot move, but can cast Shadow Step and gain "invisibility" from the proper modification of SS(as well as stunning anyone in close range). I don't know if Expulse will dispel the vines, I would guess it depends on the "banishing potential" of the Expulse?


Final skill choice you are still undecided for Spell Resistance, Combat Reflexes or Pacifism? For PvP, maybe Pacifism would still be the best choice, SR only affects "non-weapon" combat arts, and CR only affects "weapon" combat arts, whereas Pacifism would affect both. Yes, you can take SR vs. the 2-elf team, but if you win round 1 and face 2 melee toons in round 2, then SR isn't so good ;)


Olocat's suggestion of ZD is interesting, but I don't know if Expulse will dispel the twin when cast as a buff. You will have to try in your testing if you want to know the answer. IIRC, on vanilla Sacred (not expansion) you can get the doppelganger to cast a doppelganer, etc, etc... and have an army of twins. But that is no good if Expulse kills them all in one cast.

If you have good results with ZD test, you can use Reverse Polarity + Doppelganger buffs and ignore PC buff, no requirement to have concentration mastery.


Good news :My partner with Intel Tangled Vine dryad can lock both,even SS is active in vine's !But SS cd's is not so low

I think if Elf > level 100, then the cooldown on SS can be reduced very low, and they can re-cast before the invisibility wears off. I think ;) someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


Easy way to destroy in pvp,use sword weapons and Quetzal's first strike swords.Those swords can make anyone bleed out and die,the Inquisitor is a secondary effect causing master.You just have to know what weapons set ups you max the effects out.Btw does damage lore work better on the pc? If it does damage lore will help out as well.

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