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Melee Netherworld Hybrid

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Posted (edited)

Hello all, I am new to the forums as you can see by my post count, and I also have just installed the game a day or two ago. I currently have a level 18 or so Shadow Warrior, but that's in single player, and I'm thinking of making another character for a LAN game. The look of the Inquisitor and his spider is what made me want to play Sacred in the first place, the only reason I made a SW is because it was said to be good for beginners.


I've tried searching around for a hybrid build involving Nefarious Netherworld, but could only find Astute Supremacy hybrids. The reason I want this particular build is because I love the look of the Sakari's (Netherworld) set armor, and I love the playstyle of melee + summons. It's sort of the direction I took my SW in as well, but this one will be cooler!


The build involves mostly single-target attacks (until the first target dies, that is), but I feel that should be okay because it is for multiplayer. We should take down groups relatively quickly anyway. My character will be the tough enemy/boss killer, tank, and overall badass. Now onto my ideas:


Combat Arts:


Callous Execution - Bleed, Startle, and Judgement. This should give me high damage, as well as being able to stun boss monsters for long periods of time. Does it work this way, actually?


Purifying Chastisement - Mystic, Merciless, and Inure. I'm going to try to tank with Inure + Toughness for insane damage reduction. Mystic will increase the damage of my spells and god ability (the magic damage one). If you think I can switch out Inure for Hallow and still survive on the max difficulty level, please let me know!


Dislodged Spirit - Gelidity, Torture, Wildfire. This won't be as good a debuff as in most builds, but it still works, and it will be a source of Area of Effect damage. (Should I just cut it out and make this into a debuffer instead?)


Inexorable Subjugation - Effort, Fanatic, Probation. To increase the DPS in the best ways.


Soul Reaver - Deathmagic, Recreation, Zealot. Some more Area of Effect damage, and healing to increase my tankiness once I get a few souls.




Dual Wield: 75

Sword Lore: 75

Tactics Lore: 200

Concentration: 1

Combat Discipline: 75

Nefarious Underworld Focus: 70

Nefarious Underworld Lore: 190

Armor Lore: 75

Constitution: 75

Toughness: 75



Do these look good? Other than that, I have a few questions.


1. I noticed on my SW that certain skills share a cooldown, making it impossible to use my Belligerent Vault and Frenzied Rampage one after another, for example. Can someone explain why this occurs, with what skills, and so on? Can I actually use DS and IS in the same combo? (Got it)


2. Will my damage be high enough if I sink all my points into Vitality instead of Strength or Intelligence? I want to be the main single-target DPSer of my group, remember. I figure cherrypicking the top two single-target CAs from their tree would do this, but I don't know if I'm spread too thin.


3. How feasible is it to sink runes into IS after I go past my limit? My Underworld Focus is only 70, so my cap won't be too high. Is it safe to keep sinking them into this CA up to 200 points? Or will that cripple my ability to use Callous Execution? Should I put more into Underworld Focus?


4. Can I cut out any of my skills while still dealing enough damage and being tanky enough, to throw Blacksmith and/or Bartering in there? I would LOVE if I could do that. But I want this guy to be viable in all difficulty levels as well. (Got it)


5. Tactics Lore will allow me to do modifications for CE and PC, correct? I hope so, or I need to fit another skill in. (Got it)


6. I read somewhere that they changed the maximum CA level in the expansion pack (which I am using) to 200, but the source seemed skeptical. Is this true?


7. Can you get mastery in a skill without hard points in the skill? If so I might lower some of them a little to bring Underworld Lore to max. (Got it)


I checked the wiki on all of these things, and searched around, but couldn't find the answers. I might think of more, but thanks for your help in advance!

Edited by Jailbar


You play on PC right? So you've access to ancient magic right?

First to answer your question about mastery, no you need hard point into a skill to rip the benefit.

Tactic lore point allow you to mod the GI aspect.



I tried some builds a bit like that, I even tried a NN only (so don't use any CAs from other acpect even not modded). So far I've not been successful, but there are some console specific issues: PD is dangerous on console... really and too bad is a pretty potent spell, Ink can't take Ancient magic either.


So about your build, I see some "non coherent choices" I might be wrong or miss understand the purpose of your build.

Here what I noticed from my playing:

* IS and SR doesn't work that well together as Is steals souls from SR. My experience with such builds tell me that you should mod SR for longer durations to make sure your ATK and DEF values remains hight so if your minions die you still slash long enough to make new one. I also knows that the Death Magic mod is not worse it does crazy low damages. I would mod SR as follow:

Zealot/source/zealot the pretty standard modding, long soul duration is your best friend and source allows to read some more runes, recreation boost is really low too vs what some other classes can gain from CAs imho.

* SR is useless against Bosses. So you have to be aware that you won't be able to touch a boss with melee weapon. the CAs that may allow you to touch bosses is FF (from GI aspect) with the mod "resolve" still the duration scales up slowly and you will need GI focus as you have to fully mod it. So to make it short your best call for bosses will be your spells, there is only one that does damages it IS, I guess it can work but it's a slow killer.

* During bosses battles you will have only one buff PC, so I'd mod it as follow:

Mystic/Merciless/hallow, mystic and hallow will significantly raise the IS damages during bosses battle you will need it. During the std gameplay your high defense will make up for the lack of mitigation. For boss battle PD and IS should significantly decrease the boss offensive power.


Then it's matter of gameplay, if you don't plan to go through the campaign it's less of an issue but if you plan Bosses will be your main problem.

Overall you have to know for sure what will be your tactic. You say melee+ minions (and bosses will be spells).

* You will need both Tactic lore and GI focus imho.

* I believe that you can pass on Concentration, in standard situations you may not get that much benefit from PC whereas you are skill slots constrained. I would switch between SR and PC only for bosses battles.

* If you don't have a bargainer take bargaining ;) =x all skills is good and they are other goodies too.

* I'm iffy about Combat discipline too. You won't put that many spells together in a combo right? I believe you could with two. So I'll pass and take ancient magic which will greatly help the efficiency of your spells later on.

* I don't have the extension (console user) but I read that spells/CAs are way more of a threat I may consider Spell resistance.

* I don't believe that with such a build you achieve the "highest dps" but if you play MP you can offer a lot of help to other, and in many ways :)

IS will lock down any tough critters you want without the extension (and crawl them down with it), Dislodge spirit is a great debuff, PD does a good job too, put together... :) your friends will smash dead meat fast.

* In regard to melee, I'd switch the focus from CE to RM. Put together IS and RM in a combo, with few regen per hit you should be able to make the thing more "spammable"

* For weapon as RM could be the focus I would use two handed weapon, either sword or polearm (great range for RM).


Overall I believe that on PC you can have a build workable both SP and MP but you will have to remove high DPS to single target from your mind in the same time you will be a great addition to your team. Clearly I won't be a tank either you would need RP/exploit + irune but I believe it's not your best interest, better pump points into vit and constitution.

If I were to try the build again I would go (assuming SP is still relevant to you and most your leveling will be SP):

GI focus

Armor lore

NN focus

bargaining (@character level)

Tactic lore

Constitution (@character level)

weapon lore of your choice( two handed)

NN lore

Ancient Magic

Spell resistance


Skill point distribution is more tricky, you would not invest much point into weapon lore, like one for a long long time and really on SR and FF for attack value as well as +x to all skills (and bargaining is great :) ).

I would not invest too much early on in any skill actually bargaining and constitution. But I would spend 9 points into GI and NN focus asap to mod SR and FF. FF will ensure that you can melee and kill your first enemies and thus start to feed SR. Once SR is fed early on you are pretty much safe.

The focus should be Bargaining and Constitution save points to invest as soon as possible and be at character level. the point left migh go into Tactic lore (NN lore less tempting only IS does significant damages but less than RM so do a combo or alternate). here the list list of CAs Iwould mod (the first 3 are in proper order):

FF: faith / resolve (faith as NN lore will remains a secondary target for skill point for a while)

SR Zealot/source/Zealot (duration and lower regen)

FF: Faith / resolve / relentless

This is to make sure you can safely quick start SR which is critical to your survivability.

then for the NN aspect:

IS: Effort / fanatic / probation

DS: spite / deprivation

PD: despair / decrepit / extension

DS: Spite / deprivation / stimulate

then the GI aspect:

PC: mystic / merciless / Hallow

RM: deprivation / petrify / frenzy

CE: Bleed / Lacerate / judgment

NB I believe that RM will serve you better due as it allows for a lot of regen per hit and thus a better spamming of IS for your minions, but you could choose to use it not modified and mod CE first. As I understood that you intend to play MP, I thought that RM mods may helps your friend, deprivation make sure crits won't run away, you have stun chances, et.

Overall CE may replace RM in all cases if you're ok with lower level IS then use indeed DW instead of two handed weapons. Your call :)

IN regard to NN and GI I would spend more on tactic lore and less on GI focus and the opposite for NN (more point in focus less in lore) as there is only one damaging CA in NN not that powerful (IS) and that most effect granted by the aspect scales with the number of runes.

For the mastery constitution and bargaining will come first, then I would go armor lore, then it's as it fits your usage of the build.

Posted (edited)

After though. I you pass on modifying PD you will only need 70 points to mod SR IS and DS, you could pass on NN lore and replace it with Combat discipline. You could also mod CE before PC and RM and put CE, DS and IS in a combo. You would use RM not modified (which is not a critical point imho) you would dual wield for sure in this case.

Mod order would be (ff first)

CE: bleed /lacerate

PC: complete

RM: deprivation

then it's a bit irrelevant as you please.


Anyway tricky build I still not sure about how to go with it... The nature of Sr make those builds really problematic against tough critters and bosses, no souls and you're soon in trouble which mean that you have to consider work around to awful attack value and low FF duration. Plain melee build with GI and NN would work great if you don't go through the campaign, it's a lot less headache. Basically you use NN as buff/debuff only aspect, no minions/ no IS mod SR DS and PD only. Take concentration, mod PC with Irune, take Toughness that should grant you neat damage mitigation. SR come handy supposedly in Ice&Blood. No need for Ancient magic either as it does nothing for NN CA debuffing values. You can have quiet a tank if you let the campaign out the equation. Something like (between () would be early on):

In order (obviously per aspect)


SR: Zealot/source/Zealot

PD: free choice / decrepit / extension

DS: Spite / Deprivation

ED: Greed



FF: Fanaticism / resolve / relentless

then it depends on whether or not your use PC.


GI focus(9)

Armor lore (5)

NN focus (9)

bargaining (@character level)

Tactic lore (what left)

Constitution (@character level)

DW lore (1).


then it's open between blacksmith, SR, CR, Concentration, toughness, a weapon lore, etc. depending on what you want to achieve. Concentration and toughness would be critical to a hardcore player as mitigation is always the safest bet, for non hardcore for example Combat reflexes and toughness may be useful more often but is not a "worse case scenario type of defense" which is critical to achieve for hardcore player that can't die. For survivability Concentration toughness and SR are the best choices.


It's up to you campaign or not? If you've friends you can still summon them for boss fights, your debuffing powers would make it a breath ;)

Edited by super-avianti

After taking your thoughts into consideration, my new skill build is:


Dual Wield: 1

Sword Lore: 75

Tactics Lore: 75

Combat Discipline: 75

Nefarious Underworld Focus: 200

Armor Lore: 75

Constitution: 75

Toughness: 75

Nefarious Underworld Lore: 75

Ancient Magic: 75


600 + 200 + 1 = 801, 110 left for whatever I want.


Took out Concentration for Ancient Magic, as you said IS and SR don't mesh. Still thinking about the build, but your thoughts have helped. I'm taking everything else you said into account when building his CAs as well, thanks for the input!

Posted (edited)

After taking your thoughts into consideration, my new skill build is:


Dual Wield: 1

Sword Lore: 75

Tactics Lore: 75

Combat Discipline: 75

Nefarious Underworld Focus: 200

Armor Lore: 75

Constitution: 75

Toughness: 75

Nefarious Underworld Lore: 75

Ancient Magic: 75


600 + 200 + 1 = 801, 110 left for whatever I want.


Took out Concentration for Ancient Magic, as you said IS and SR don't mesh. Still thinking about the build, but your thoughts have helped. I'm taking everything else you said into account when building his CAs as well, thanks for the input!

Sorry I'm not sure I understand what you're up to. Ancient magic affect your spells, IS is mostly your only damaging spell in the NN aspect. The same I don't understand why you take NN lore if you don't plan to rely on IS, the other spells main effect are not damages (ED damages are really low, PD does no damages, DS damages will be irrelevant vs your melee damages).

I take it that you have a bargainer to provide you with +x to all skills because I ignore bargaining for a long while and clearly the benefit it can provide are nothing short of amazing. Really if you don't have one, take bargaining especially as it's available from scratch to Ink.

I'm not sure you will need to invest that much point into NN focus either, really your better of relying on jewelry and socketing to achieve high figures.

I don't get why you spend only 1 point into DW, OK once SR is pumped your attack value will be crazy put it takes a while to there. And you should consider attack speed and chances for double hit. You should aim higher at least mastery.


For information I tried to run again such a build and it's really tough on console. I reach level 23 pretty fast and SR allowed me to switch to silver difficulty at lvl4. I passed the Gar colossus in silver without much problem but I'm currently against the Octopus and I can't put a scratch on him, simply my attack value is to low. I can do better in regard to gear as I don't spend much time hunting +x skills jewelry neither I got blacksmith busy... I'm a bad consumer... :lol: // I also have to collect runes and read many FF/PD runes... It's really bothering how SR makes you careless, a false sense of invulnerability...


Here the skill I took and the points spend:

GI focus: 9

Armor: 5

NN focus: 9

Constitution: ~9 (from memory)

Bargaining: 23

Tactic lore: 1


I spent just the need point to get the critical mods in GI and NN, then to unlock Constitution which I kept at 1 till I could get bargaining at character level.

Once both bargaining and constitution are at character level, I will add points as fit (most likely to unlock CA modifications). As you can see +x to all skills are critical. My pb with the "octopalamus" I believe could be solved by shopping till I believe that I made a mistake once again (so 6 hours worse of playtime lost...), I rushed to mod SR but clearly lesser duration and higher regen cost is not the limiting factor for the build, attack value with SR down is. Conclusion I should have mod PD first and take the "confidence" mod (and again read/find/trade more runes...). By the way this will remain true for the whole character life, so I really warn you about spending only 1 point in DW, Sr is a weird thing both best friend and worse enemy to be rely on it too much.


For information, the complete build should be:

GI focus


NN focus



Tactic lore

Sword or pole arm lore

ranged weapon

toughness or CR

Spell resistance


I'm spending all my attributes point into Vitality. I wondering about making a not wise choice and choose CR vs toughness and not pursuit high mitigation but a more "fortuna" type of defense. I will have quiet some hit points but terrific defense value, in some part of the swamp SR is useless, I'm not sure mitigation will be enough for my survival if every blows aimed at me connect especially critical. So to be "coherent" I'll mod PC for highest damages. I also play safe by choosing a second weapon lore, ranged weapons which can be a lot of help against bosses and tough critters, it usually take longer to take them down but it's way safer.


NB for console player who would read this, beware PD is broken and some effects on your gear affect you once PD is running, so beware. I work around this by having FF and the "FF=PD" combo mapped on to the controller, if it's about "booting" SR with critters not that threatening I use the combo, if they are tougher (no matter SR is pumped or not) I use FF only. Clearly deathblow can be naughty, as well as many other things. BEWARE

Edited by super-avianti

Drop combat discipline and go with damage lore,I have a 200 Inquisitor. with the same build(1st post),I use damage lore instead for the increased secondary damage increase.I dont care about how much the bonus damage the PC buff gives I care about pure damage out put with the Inquisitor. and staying alive.I can say with the right rings/amulets and 2 Quetzal's first strike swords socketed with 40% deathblow rings causes massive damage. :)


Drop combat discipline and go with damage lore,I have a 200 Inquisitor. with the same build(1st post),I use damage lore instead for the increased secondary damage increase.I dont care about how much the bonus damage the PC buff gives I care about pure damage out put with the Inquisitor. and staying alive.I can say with the right rings/amulets and 2 Quetzal's first strike swords socketed with 40% deathblow rings causes massive damage. :)

I've one question, what is the point to pump NN focus this high? Mastery to socketed jewelry should do the trick no?


Other than that I toyed a bit yesterday to test how the FF resolve mod and PD confidence mod work together, I never did as PD is risky on console. I found that they work great together as no matter the order which you cast them FF resolve mod always multiples the bonus granted by PD which as I can read bunch of runes for those 2 CAs aleviate a lot the pb inquisitor can have to hit things :)


Well, I have given up on this build for now. I'm going to build a more standard Astute Supremacy hybrid before I try to do anything more fancy. I don't have the experience yet to pull it off.

Posted (edited)

Well, I have given up on this build for now. I'm going to build a more standard Astute Supremacy hybrid before I try to do anything more fancy. I don't have the experience yet to pull it off.

I hope you still read, I'll give up on the build I started as I though of something better and melee.

Mostly it's about slashing :) but the only buff would Reverse polarity but will not be used early on. unmodified SR and PC can be used alternately wold be used in early level.

The build will be (I think I'll give it a try ):

Early level

1: GI focus 9

2: NN focus 9

3: Armor lore 5

4: Sword weapon 1

5: Tactic lore 1


6: Barganing @ character level

Basically Bargaining will become the main focus in skill point, The build will already be effective and his power will grow along goodies you buy here and there mostly +x all skills. 2 CAs will be fully modified early on:

FF: Free/Resolve/Relentless

PD: Free/Decrepit/Confidence

Those two CAs (reading plenty of runes) will make sure we hit even tough critters.

They will remains for a while the only modified CAs we use.


7: AS lore 9

We fully mod RP: Rebound/Counter blow/Evade

+x all skills will make sure we can read a significant amount of runes so it can become our main buff (if not just wait a bit for better gear/jewelry)


8: Constitution: close to character level some point will be saved to further modify some CAs

9: CR

(10: SR


~level 65 (I've no level calculator so it might not be accurate it's just a matter of giving an idea of the build evolution).


1: GI focus 22

2: NN focus 22

3: Armor lore 5

4: Sword weapon

5: Tactic lore 1

6: Barganing @ character level

7: AS lore 22

8: Constitution: close to character level (after lvl75 @ character level).

9: CR 1

10: SR 1


The focus focus won't be up for a long time, so will have 3 extra mod points to use in each aspect.


CE: I think I may take Bleed and while startle if a safeguard with no PC bonus to damage I may very well choose lacerate

MP: Disgrace so a lesser debuff.



DS: Spite / deprivation

And I'm not sure about the last mod either stimulate for DS or Greed for ED. I leave the choice open for now.



Here I wonder about modding fully the ZD (as a spell) of take two mods for LA "Disperse and hesitation" and Bedaze for RT. So extra damages through the ZD but suffering from erratic behavior, or RT and LA used as debuff.

I haven't test but PD and LA effect on opponents attack speed should be cumulative so it may be possible to significantly decrease the threat that tough critters represent :)

RT should be used to get rid (for a while) of a tough critter or/and stun one tough critter.

For both damages will be irrelevant to the build.



About mastery I would go with Bargaining, constitution and armor lore in that order then as I see fit.


For gear +X all skill till the level in all skill is 75 or more (one good regen per hit item), then introduce damage modifier or/and extra defense or attack, shortly as fits :)


Attribute I wonder, all in vitality is my safest bet, all in strength would male a pretty all out character or a mix. Really defensive (for extension players) would be a bit like in the "Wyand Voidbringer" build:

-Up until u start getting 2 points per level, put all into Willpower.

-When u start getting 2 points per level put 1 into Willpower and 1 into Vitality.

-When u start getting 3 points per level put 2 into Willpower and 1 into Vitality.

Edited by super-avianti
Posted (edited)

edit error... Sorry


As I did an error I'll use this post in some way.

Just something I did not know and my be useful for Ink wannabe, when you dual wield CE hits twice but if you on your spider it hits only once.


Basically for that build I'll ride my GI spider so I let some socket aside to use two handed sword which have nice wounding properties :)

Edited by super-avianti

Drop combat discipline and go with damage lore,I have a 200 Inquisitor. with the same build(1st post),I use damage lore instead for the increased secondary damage increase.I dont care about how much the bonus damage the PC buff gives I care about pure damage out put with the Inquisitor. and staying alive.I can say with the right rings/amulets and 2 Quetzal's first strike swords socketed with 40% deathblow rings causes massive damage. :)

I've one question, what is the point to pump NN focus this high? Mastery to socketed jewelry should do the trick no?


Other than that I toyed a bit yesterday to test how the FF resolve mod and PD confidence mod work together, I never did as PD is risky on console. I found that they work great together as no matter the order which you cast them FF resolve mod always multiples the bonus granted by PD which as I can read bunch of runes for those 2 CAs aleviate a lot the pb inquisitor can have to hit things :)

You want mod points,I use all combat arts but PD.Weaken them with dislodged spirit then hit them with CE or RM.High damage with a melee Inquisitor. is very dependent on the gear being used.If you are going to use a AS/NN hybrid duel wield mage staffs with deathblow either on it as a bonus or socketed.


I began a similar build recently, a build catering to my interests in playstyle rather than effectiveness. Basically a 2h sword user who thrives on battle(soul reaver).

9 pointss in NN focus for SR zealot CA regen and soul imbiber, then everything else into melee. No concentration, no CD. SR for normal grinding, PC for bosses. Basically the character is a bit like Elric of melnibone, except its you that gains power through souls rather than the sword :) I love charging through endless mobs and just getting more and more powerfull the more I kill.

I dont like the mounts so speed lore is another skill, this build has many options for the last few skills. I took bargaining first as I don;t like shopping with other characters.

I just noticed the date of the last post in this thread... whoops.... well I've started this post now so I'll finish :P


Good luck with this toon, Rusto. IIRC you will cruise thru Silver and Gold but the Inquisitor's squishy Nature may be revealed in Platinum. At least, with Bargaining, you will be able to find some nice items (probably Mitigation as your go-to modifier).


Thanks, a nice thing about this build is that there is room for a lot of defensive skills.

I have to say though, that with this game especially I suffer from restartitus. Even when I was playing years ago I never got above level 75 before restarting lol

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