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A lil accident while warming up

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Ouch! ouch! ouch!


today as usual I went to boxing because I am addicted to it just like I am addicted to ogame. anyways I met so many people there ! Even classmates, and my ex-job downtown resto- (so I meet a lot of people)


Anyways I was late so I decided to do 3 things at time- warm up, wrapping my hands, listening to the instructor and bouncing around. /oooo /boing ! actually make that 4 hahaha.


So as I was bouncing, and wrapping my hand- I lost focus at one point and landed on my ankle instead of my feet-


But because I really don't like to show people how physically hurt I am- I had decided not to say anything at the gym - any guy would do that! I don't know about girls. Anyways I continued boxing even though my foot was swollen.


When I got home it became even more swollen. So I asked Gogo for advice (maybe as you all know he was a lacrosse teacher so he might know how to deal with acute injuries)- he suggested me to buy a bag of frozen peas to wrap it around my swollen foot. and do the RICE - He also advised me to go to the pharmacy to get advices.


well anyways I did not do that since I had to leave for work and that was 5 hours ago. now it hurts even more!!


just a lil anecdote

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Well sounds like Gogo gave you the right advice :) Putting a swollen or sprained body part on ice will help reduce the swelling and hopefully the recovery time as well. Keeping it elevated might help too. My #1 piece of advice is to not let anybody know it hurts, you'll be less manly!

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Guest gogoblender

hk, you lameo

putting a frozen chicken breast on the lump isn't gonna help

I said bag of frozen peas dude...






p.s. a pharmacy is the cool these days. They're a good interim for a doctor and are usually the first place I go to instead of a doctor


close by

and fast

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lol @ cth and go


lol yep I didnt let anyone at the gym know- cause it is less manly- but I told my close friends for advice - :P


yikes I know the chicken is a bit lame- :-s but my ankle is less swollen already and I can walk easier-


The pharmacy is useless- the woman told me to take some advils- ;) I am not into medication unless it is really necessary

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Guest gogoblender

well...those advils woulda worked

sayin we're not into any kind of medication is kinda extreme no?

if the pain is keeping you from being functional then a skilled use of analgesics can help us sleep and find some peace at work.

I know that when my tooth started hurting I was goin off the wall.

I was up to three advils every few hours till the pain went away

trust me

no amount of frozen chicken will cure a toothache




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no no- not extreme at all


I remember when I had my wisdom teeth (all 4) taken out- I didn't take the rests of the antibiotics-


if you can control yourself from feeling the pain then its all good


Just letting you know


viruses like pain do evolve- and I do not want to abuse every medication everytime I am in pain! the more you take the less it becomes effective


Good luck on your tooth gogo

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Guest gogoblender

heh,not takin antibiotics fer a tooth infection is a quick way for something that could have been localized to instead spread and possibly cause even greater harm through the spread of infection.

Your ears



an infection can spread quickly from an infected caries infestation and go right in through your jaw all the way to yer brain if not in other ways.

Course, you'd probably kill yourself because the pain at that point would be so jaw shattering (lol:P) that nothing would matter.

There is a difference between an antibiotic and an analgesic (the latter which was what I had brought up above ;)

one is to find relief and make life bearable.

The other is the reason why so many never lived past the age of 22 in ages past


Skillfull application of drugs have their place. Penicillin, Willow Bark and Digitalis, for example and all examples of beneficial drugs found naturally have all helped millions live bearably past the age thought to be possible.

It's the word "skillfull" that is tricky.




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Awww HK /hug


Hope your feeling bettah :P


Lesson learnt: no point pretending not to be in pain....please I beg of you! That is just unmanly /wink


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heh,not takin antibiotics fer a tooth infection is a quick way for something that could have been localized to instead spread and possibly cause even greater harm through the spread of infection.

Your ears



an infection can spread quickly from an infected caries infestation and go right in through your jaw all the way to yer brain if not in other ways.

Course, you'd probably kill yourself because the pain at that point would be so jaw shattering (lol:P) that nothing would matter.

There is a difference between an antibiotic and an analgesic (the latter which was what I had brought up above ;)

one is to find relief and make life bearable.

The other is the reason why so many never lived past the age of 22 in ages past


Skillfull application of drugs have their place. Penicillin, Willow Bark and Digitalis, for example and all examples of beneficial drugs found naturally have all helped millions live bearably past the age thought to be possible.

It's the word "skillfull" that is tricky.





haha I didnt say I didnt take any antibiotics- I said I didnt take the rest of the antibiotics ;o)

huge diff- when the pain ceased, (which was the day after) the infection didn't come from the operation, but from the food I ate- it stuck inside the hole /lmao /sick


And Yes, there is tremendous diff between analgestic and antibiotics

Just reminding you our forefathers did not have them- and they still lived /bow


again you demonstrated wisdom with the adjectives "tricky" and "skillful" . One is to find relief and make life bearable- is there a need ? or simple it is routinely used, and subsequently becomes an object of abuse ;)


Thanks AURORA for the /hug , thanks for the lesson, a warm hug right back at ya /yay

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Guest gogoblender


always finish off all yer antibiotics prescribed

if you don't, then even though the pain subsides some bacteria can still subsist.

The remaining bacteria become stronger because they survived the first attempt to kill them and you may have an even worse problem than before.

Finishing off all antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor is one of the most important instructios given.

The choice to take antibiotics is another matter of course.

You may survive an infection, you may not...

Best not to take chances on very iffy stuff and do what the doctor says





p.s. all the natural drugs I mentionned above, hk I specifically chose them because they were discovered by our forefathers /devil


Willowbark-> Aspirin->analgesic

Digitalis->heart drug_.strengthens contractions of the heart muscle and has been in use since the dark ages

Penicillin->still used to treat most infections even though it's over-use has decreased it's power->antibiotic


And...we still have no idea what else our forefathers used and perhaps even reasons for why the things they prescribed often worked with astoundingly good results

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ok gogo a /beer for ya


mmm cool points you have there....




The redundancy is getting a bit lame- just for the sake of mentioning it- all drugs come from nature- and existed since the dark ages /viking it is a matter of extraction the important molecules - which I am sure our for fathers know how to /whistle perhaps with a /faerie perhaps.


In effect, all the drugs you mentioned are only mumbo jumbos- and used because of many failed experiments to discover by accident that it works


it was only through Pasteur the French doc that medicine really come through in western medicine. I do not know about the others school (asian, eastern, american indigens) since I never study their meds- but I can hypothesize that they too have done many trials before discovering which meds are harmful.


Now you spoke of doctors- Whilst I read from your post- it seems that you trust entirely your doctor similar to a sheep to a butcher... /whistle


How much exactly can you trust a doctor ? /diablo


Doctors do not know everything- they just speculate

1. Doctors might give wrong advices

1.a example: smoking in the 60s was thought to soothe yourself- increase health

1.b example: exposing to the sun can increase vitality

1.c example: doctors promote drugs for self promotion


2. People give too much high expectation to doctors

2.a. example: They can open you up since they passed numerous exams (bla bla bla)

2.b. example: You do not know what's wrong or do not listen to your body enuff so you listen blindly to doctor's speculations (remember doctors do not feel what you feel)

2.c. example: They are too smart- some do not have empathy therefore it was a cold calculation of a possible false premise


3. Doctors can be morally wrong

3.a: example. they want to experiment on you (think of why they promote BAYER drugs)

3.b: example: They are money mongers and do not place your wellbeing on top of the list

3.c: example: They too are human : they need to find special cases (patients) and study them- and when they find that someone just be ultra.....careful



NEED I SAY MORE /woot /viking

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Guest gogoblender

mumbo jumbo?


dude...if something works...

it works right?

I dont' think there is any argument for using a product that works

no matter what you choose to call it ;)

call it medicine, magic, or mumbo (lol)jumbo

products that have been used in the past get looked at by profiteers now. They see results and yearn to transform these results into money.

no problem there either

And...heh, what doesn't come from nature?

lol, doesn't everythng we perceive have basis in nature or what surrounds us?

lol, does it really make a difference in noting the distance from an original source to how something is extracted or marketed?

so, I'm sorry but you lost me on that one :P


heh, in ages past, the best trial was a simple one

if you found a product and someone got better


you've got your product

litigation five thousand years ago isn't what it is today me thinks





p.s. and thanks for the beer /thumbsup

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mumbo jumbo?




products that have been used in the past get looked at by profiteers now. They see results and yearn to transform these results into money.




lol, doesn't everythng we perceive have basis in nature or what surrounds us?


lol, does it really make a difference in noting the distance from an original source to how something is extracted or marketed?


so, I'm sorry but you lost me on that one :whistle:








lol- yeah it does make a difference when it comes to extracting a certain property of the plant- why ? it's not the result that counts, but the efficiency- would you rather take some sauvage plants to heal in a month or take a highly concentrated dose of mumbo jumbo to heal in week! /wink

Thus, profits do not come from results but efficiency-


Side effects were never taking into consideration when those highly concentrated drugs were fabricated-


Profiteers that you talked of do not considerate your wellbeing- like you said they are profitteers, they want money , and they want to profit from YOU


Of course, Trials are needed in order to market the drugs ? trust the meds is a big issue because you do not what kind of side effects it has- Drug companies like bayer experiment on you by marketing the drug-


Ignorant, or should I say, Gullible patients who listen blindly to their doctors never ask how do the drugs work ? come on, be HONEST, have you ever asked your doctor how does the drug work ? whether there are side effects ? Ok I let you think on that one /wink


Let's come back to trials- since you are lost

Drug companies do not tell you what kind of side effects it has on the human body, since the drugs are highly mumbo jumboed /wink they market it- without really telling the worse side effects it has- they study even more on patients- Doctors give those drugs to their patients to study them, to recall them, and to restudy them


In effect, patients are lab rats!!


do you think they find newer product and really BINGO-ed you got a new product ? it's the same <beep> with different amount of dosage /wink


and finally you talked of litigations- now that is interesting

why do you think there are litigations after all I just say ?


P.S. Glad you enjoy the beer /wink

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