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20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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Fallen Angel Seraphim Items

15 files

  1. Dark Eagle's Wings

    Name: Dark Eagle's Wings
    Type: Wings
    Class: Legendary
    Character: Seraphim
    Socket Types:
    Gold : 2
    Silver : 0
    Bronze : 0
    Item Modifiers:
    Damage mitigation: Physical +X%
    Direct Damage X%
    Pacifism +X
    Item Levels:
    Silver: 15, 30, 45,
    Gold: 66, 82, 98,
    Platinum: 114, 130, 146,
    Niobium: 162, 178, 194, 210
    For more information about this item visit:
    Wiki Page
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.




  2. Huntress of Light

    Name: Huntress of Light
    Type: 1h Sword
    Class: Unique
    Character: Seraphim
    This one-handed sword is the reward for completing the Seraphim's Class Quest Chain.
    Socket Types:
    Gold : 2
    Silver : 0
    Bronze : 0
    Material: 1
    Item Modifiers:
    Chance for deadly wounds +X%
    Experience per kill +X%
    Item Levels:
    Silver: 15, 30, 45, 55,
    Gold: 60, 75, 90,
    Platinum: 105, 120, 135,
    Niobium: 150, 165, 180, 195, 200
    For more information about this item visit:
    Wiki Page
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.




  3. Seraphim Chest

    All the runes you could want and some expensive goodies....




  4. Niokastes Retex

    Niokaste Retex by Lord Banewrath Sunblade 6/9/11
    New textures for Niokaste's Blade Dance and one of the variants of this set. Instructions for the location of the niokastes skins is included in Niokaste's Retex.zip.
    This is just a basic retex for the seraphim niokaste set done in black/silver
    and making the set shiny in appearance. I supplied support for the two popular versions but this can be applied
    to any setup with minimal editing.
    Choose which version of the game you are using and extract the contents to your deep silver directory.
    I myself and not happy with the texture of the wings but I`ll release this anyway since I don`t know when I`ll find
    a texture for them I am happy with. They don`t look horrible but compared to the rest of the set parts I feel it looks
    Three more variants of this armor sets retex will be coming soon.
    Updated for CM Patch 1.50 in October 2016 by Flix
    Compatible with Item Mod 1.2a and Elite Mounts, and pretty much any other mod except Wardust's Serious Textures and Diablo 2 Fallen, which make their own changes to this armor set.
    You can (and should) use the Generic Mod Enabler (GME) for this mod. Just choose either "CM Patch 1.50 Version" or "Fallen Angel Version" and place the folder into the MODS folder generated by the GME. Then run the GME and enable the mod. It should be installed last in the mod order.
    -- Flix




  5. Sophia's Benevolence

    Name: Sophia's Benevolence
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 20 - 230 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Helmet of Benevolence
    Torso: Tunic of Benevolence
    Belt: Sash of Sacrifice
    Pants: Legguards of Benevolence
    Bronze: 4
    Silver: 4
    Gold: 4
    Complete Set Bonus:
    All Combat Arts (4)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Sofia%27s_Benevolence
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.


    1 comment


  6. Origin of the Seraish

    Name: Origin of the Seraish
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 20 - 230 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Helmet of the Seraish
    Shoulders: Shoulders of the Seraish
    Wings: Wings of the Seraish
    Torso: Fighting Curiass of the Seraish
    Pants: Pantaloons of the Seraish
    Bronze: 4
    Silver: 5
    Gold: 3
    Complete Set Bonus:
    All Skills (3)
    Regeneration Time (5)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Origin_of_the_Seraish
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  7. Infinite Revenge

    Name: Infinite Revenge
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 20 - 230 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Chestplate of Fury
    Shoulders: Shoulders of Guilt
    Wings: Wings of Revenge
    Torso: Light Battle Plate
    Bronze: 1
    Silver: 4
    Gold: 4
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Damage over Time: Physical (3)
    Damage over Time: Magic (3)
    Damage over Time: Fire (3)
    Damage over Time: Poison (3)
    Damage over Time: Ice (3)
    Chance to Reflect: Combat Arts (4)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Infinite_Revenge
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  8. Illuminate Skies

    Name: Illuminate Skies
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 20 - 230 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Helmet of the Halo
    Shoulders: Northern Lights
    Torso: Veil of Clouds
    Pants: Radiant Pantaloons
    Bronze: 2
    Silver: 3
    Gold: 3
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Experience Per Kill (3)
    Chance for Critical Hits (4)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Illuminated_Skies
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.


    1 comment


  9. Heavenly Justice

    Name: Heavenly Justice
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 25 - 229 Increment 12
    Set Components:
    Head: Celestial Blessing
    Shoulders: Shoulders of Law
    Torso: Armor of Justice
    Pants: Greaves of Justice
    Bronze: 0
    Silver: 4
    Gold: 4
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Chance to Evade (3)
    Chance to halve regeneration time (4)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Heavenly_Justice
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  10. Twilight of the Gods

    Name: Twilight of the Gods
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 20 - 230 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Arms: Holy Protection
    Torso: Wristguards of Dusk
    Pants: Sophia's Protection
    Bronze: 3
    Silver: 3
    Gold: 3
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Visibility Range (3)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Twilight_Of_The_Gods
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  11. Revelation of the Seraphim

    Name: Revelation of the Seraphim
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Aspect: Celestial Magic
    Available Levels: 15 - 225 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Wisdom of the Celestial
    Shoulders: Gown of the Celestial
    Arms: Justice of the Celestial
    Wings: Wings of the Celestial
    Gloves: Righteous Hands of the Celestial
    Torso: Garment of the Celestial
    Belt: Braid of the Celestial
    Pants: Fate of the Celestial
    Boots: Stride of the Celestial
    Bronze: 1
    Silver: 8
    Gold: 3
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Stamina (3)
    Offensive Skills (5)
    Aspect: Celestial Magic (7)
    Leech Life from Opponents % (8)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Revelation_of_the_Seraphim
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  12. Niokaste's Blade Dance + Niotaste's Arguments

    Name: Niokaste's Blade Dance
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Aspect: Exalted Warrior
    Available Levels: 15 - 225 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Niokaste's Grace
    Shoulders: Niokaste's Shoulder Guards
    Arms: Niokaste's Sleeves
    Wings: Niokaste's Wings
    Gloves: Niokaste's Grip
    Torso: Niokaste's Robe
    Belt: Niokaste's Cord
    Pants: Niokaste's Leg Guards
    Boots: Niokaste's Sandals
    Bronze: 0
    Silver: 8
    Gold: 4
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Exalted Warrior Focus (3)
    Defense Value (4)
    Chance to inflict open wounds (5)
    Aspect: Exalted Warrior (7)
    Chance to inflict deep wounds (8)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Niokaste%27s_Blade_Dance
    Note: This archive also contains an additional bonus - a second set which may have originally been intended to be part of the above set. The archive also contains Nikotaste's Arguments
    Name: Nikotaste's Arguments
    Type: Weapon Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 15 - 225 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Weapon: Nikotaste's Stinger
    Shield: Nikotaste's Aegis
    Bronze: 0
    Silver: 0
    Gold: 2
    Element: 1
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Attack Value (2)
    Opponent's Attack Value (2)
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Nikotaste%27s_Arguments
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.


    1 comment


  13. Endijian's Artifacts

    Name: Endijian's Artifacts
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Seraphim
    Aspect: Revered Technology
    Available Levels: 15 - 225 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Endijian's Visor
    Shoulders: Endijian's Pauldron
    Arms: Endijian's Relics
    Wings: Endijian's Wings
    Gloves: Endijian's Bracers
    Torso: Endijian's Chestplate
    Belt: Endijian's Sash
    Pants: Endijian's Leg Guards
    Boots: Endijian's Boots
    Bronze: 0
    Silver: 8
    Gold: 4
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Combat Art Skills (3)
    Attack Speed (5)
    Regeneration Penalty from Buffs (7)
    Aspect: Revered Technology (8)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Endijian%27s_Artifacts
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.


    1 comment


  14. Amulet of the Sereish

    Name: Amulet of the Sereish
    Type: Amulet
    Class: Unique
    Requires: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 10 - 230 Increment 10
    Variable Modifiers:
    Shield Regeneration
    Max. Shield Energy (Warding Energy Lore)
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Amulet_of_the_Sereish
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.




  15. Testa's Band (Seraphim)

    Name: Testa's Band (Seraphim)
    Type: Ring
    Class: Unique
    Requires: Seraphim
    Available Levels: 8 - 224 Increment 12
    Variable Modifiers:
    Warding Energy Lore
    Absorption Warding Energy
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Testa%27s_Band
    Notes: This item comes in two flavors - one for the Seraphim and one for the Temple Guardian.
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.




  • Our picks
    • Rune Stacking - Yes or No?
      We can add the ability to stack runes.  Doing so will save inventory space.  But, it will also make the bonuses on all runes in the stack identical.  So, if you have a low level Darting Assault Rune with +1 Darting Assault and 2.0% Chance to Poison, then every Darting Assault rune you pick up afterwards will be added to that stack and the bonuses conformed to match it.

      Sacred 2 players, is this trade-off worth it?
        • Thanks!
        • Like!
      • 51 replies
    • [Dev] Diablo 2 Fallen mod for Sacred 2
      Are you ready for a brand new Sacred 2 experience?

      Presenting a new mod for Sacred 2 CM 1.50:
      Diablo 2 Fallen
      Latest update as of July 27, 2017!
      Download the latest test release: Diablo 2 Fallen Beta 9

      Diablo 2 Fallen is on SacredWiki! Get all the in-depth info and details on the mod!

      7 completely overhauled character classes with brand new combat arts, runes, skills and voices
      The worlds of Ancaria and Sanctuary merged - the lore of both games has been combined
      6 new deities with new divine gifts, god statues, and quests (see list below)
      Dozens of new enemy designs, creature overhauls, plus new hero monsters and bosses (read about them in the D2F Creatures Thread)
      New Diablo-inspired user interface, loading screens, fx, and shrines (read about them HERE)
      Complete soundtrack and sound effects revamp (see link for D2F Music Pack download above)
      Gems, jewels, and charms integrated into gameplay
      New items: Necromancer Shrunken Heads, Amazon Trophies, Throwing Axes, Magic Wands, and more!
      Overhaul and rebalance for old item designs and modifiers

      Better quest rewards for bosses and chain quests - find more uniques and special items through questing!See full list of new quest rewards HERE.

      Elite Mounts project custom version integrated into mod.
      Custom integration of Survival Mod: Fight more powerful and aggressive enemies - with better XP & rewards!
      Custom version of Wardust's Serious Textures built in - No need for separate download

      Item Mod 1.2a and Reduced Fog Mod integrated
      Rewrites for character class quests (in progress, Druid quest is partially complete)
      Mercenaries. Hire past heroes from Sacred 1 to join you in your battles! (in progress)
      New Diablo-related quests (in progress)

      Old enemies have been redesigned, and all kinds of new enemies will appear across the map. Look out for the new bosses and "super-unique" elite enemies that will have special abilities. Read about all the enemies in the Diablo 2 Fallen Creatures Thread.
        • Like!
      • 1,076 replies

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