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Community Patch unskilled Characters.zip build 20110320

About This File

A level 200 character for each of the 7 classes with no skill/attribute points allocated with all teleport/portal in niob game and full of set item in


Set Items list:






白色圣诞 (White Christmas')

- (The White Christmas' Cowl) [Helm]

- (The White Christmas' Tunic) [Armor]

- (The White Christmas' Shoulder Strap) [shoulders]

- (The White Christmas' Wings) [Wings]

- (The White Christmas' Bracers) [Arms]

- (The White Christmas' Gloves) [Gloves]

- (The White Christmas Waist Belt) [belt]

- (The White Christmas' Trousers) [Legs]

- (The White Christmas' Boots) [boots]


麦格拉卡文的变异服饰 (Megalcarwen's Garments of Mutation)

- () [Helm]

- () [Armor]

- () [shoulders]

- () [Wings]

- () [Arms]

- () [Gloves]

- () [belt]

- () [Legs]

- () [boots]




神圣审判 (Heavenly Justice)

- (Celestial Blessing) [Helm]

- (Armor of Justice) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of Law) [shoulders]

- (Greaves of Justice) [Legs]




恩迪吉安的神器 (Endijian's Artifacts)

- (Endijian's Visor) [Helm]

- (Endijian's Chestplate) [Armor]

- (Endijian's Pauldron) [shoulders]

- (Endijian's Wings) [Wings]

- (Endijian's Relics) [Arms]

- (Endijian's Bracers) [Gloves]

- (Endijian's Sash) [belt]

- (Endijian's Leg Guards) [Legs]

- (Endijian's Boots) [boots]


尼克塔斯特的争议 (Nikotaste's Arguments)

- (Nikotaste's Aegis) [shield]

- (Nikotaste's Stinger) [sword]


尼奥卡斯特的剑舞 (Niokaste's Blade Dance)

- (Niokaste's Grace) [Helm]

- (Niokaste's Robe) [Armor]

- (Niokaste's Shoulder Guards) [shoulders]

- (Niokaste's Wings) [Wings]

- (Niokaste's Sleeves) [Arms]

- (Niokaste's Grip) [Gloves]

- (Niokaste's Cord) [belt]

- (Niokaste's Leg Guards) [Legs]

- (Niokaste's Sandals) [boots]


六翼天使的启示 (Revelation of the Seraphim)

- (Wisdom of the Celestial) [Helm]

- (Garment of the Celestial) [Armor]

- (Gown of the Celestial) [shoulders]

- (Wings of the Celestial) [Wings]

- (Justice of the Celestial) [Arms]

- (Righteous Hands of the Celestial) [Gloves]

- (Braid of the Celestial) [belt]

- (Fate of the Celestial) [Legs]

- (Stride of the Celestial) [boots]


Sopor Aethernis (Sopor Aethernis)

- (Starlight) [Helm]

- (Creators legacy) [Armor]

- (Pulse of time) [shoulders]

- (Eternal breeze) [Wings]

- (Strider of aeons) [Arms]

- (Pillars of Millenia) [Gloves]

- (Sash of Infinity) [belt]

- (Bearer of Light) [Legs]

- (Breath of the Firmament) [boots]


Virtues of the Seraphim (Virtues of the Seraphim)

- (True Faith) [Helm]

- (Dedication) [Armor]

- (Resilience) [shoulders]

- (Honour) [Wings]

- (Fairness) [Arms]

- (Protective Hands) [Gloves]

- (Austerness) [belt]

- (Sense of Duty) [Legs]

- (Steadfastness) [boots]

- (Patience of Saints) [shield]

- (Holy Wrath) [sword]




光芒天空 (Illuminated Skies)

- (Helmet of the Halo) [Helm]

- (Veil of Clouds) [Armor]

- (Northern Lights) [shoulders]

- (Radiant Pantaloons) [Legs]


无尽的复仇 (Infinite Revenge)

- (Chestplate of Fury) [Helm]

- (Light Battle Plate) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of Guilt) [shoulders]

- (Wings of Revenge) [Wings]


塞瑞什的起源 (Origin of the Seraphim)

- (Helmet of the Seraish) [Helm]

- (Fighting Cuirass of the Seraish) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of the Seraish) [shoulders]

- (Wings of the Seraish) [Wings]

- (Pantaloons of the Seraish) [Legs]


索非亚的仁爱 (Sofia's Benevolence)

- (Helmet of Benevolence) [Helm]

- (Tunic of Benevolence) [Armor]

- (Sash of Sacrifice) [belt]

- (Legguards of Benevolence) [Legs]


诸神黄昏 (Twilight of the Gods)

- (Holy Protection) [Armor]

- (Wristguards of Dusk) [Arms]

- (Sofia's Protection) [Legs]



高等精灵(High Elf)




圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')

- (Dark Christmas's Cap) [Helm]

- (Merry Christmas's Garment) [Armor]

- (Merry Christmas's Arm Protector) [Arms]

- (Merry Christmas's Gloves) [Gloves]

- (Merry Christmas's Belt) [belt]

- (Merry Christmas's Trousers) [Legs]

- (Merry Christmas's Boots) [boots]


格林姆柏林的变异服饰 (Glimborin's Garments of Mutation)

- () [Helm]

- () [Armor]

- () [Arms]

- () [Gloves]

- () [belt]

- () [Legs]

- () [boots]




先祖的装饰 (Adornments of the Ancestors)

- (Cowl of Antiquity) [Helm]

- (Robe of the Ancestors) [Armor]

- (Sleeves of the Forgotten) [Arms]

- (Mitts of the Ancients) [Gloves]

- (Belt of the Past) [belt]

- (Greaves of the Heirs) [Legs]

- (Boots of Remembrance) [boots]


Armaments of the nine hells (Armaments of the nine hells)

- (Helmet of Avernus) [Helm]

- (Breastplate of Dis) [Armor]

- (Bracers of Phlegethos) [Arms]

- (Gloves of Stygia) [Gloves]

- (Belt of Minaurus) [belt]

- (Legplates of Baalzebul) [Legs]

- (Boots of Malbolge) [boots]

- (Ring of Cania) [Ring]

- (Ring of Nessus) [Ring]


塞得拉希尔的喧嚣 (Celdrahil's Pandemonium)

- (Celdrahil's Visage) [Helm]

- (Celdrahil's Focus) [Armor]

- (Celdrahil's Flames) [Arms]

- (Celdrahil's Claw) [Gloves]

- (Celdrahil's Wrath) [belt]

- (Celdrahil's Doom) [Legs]

- (Celdrahil's Devotion) [boots]


法拉达尔的暴风雪 (Faladal's Blizzard)

- (Faladal's Eye) [Helm]

- (Faladal's Moxy) [Armor]

- (Faladal's Sound) [Arms]

- (Faladal's Gloves) [Gloves]

- (Faladal's Cord) [belt]

- (Faladal's Safe Step) [Legs]

- (Faladal's Finesse) [boots]




毁灭之尘 (Ashes of Perdition)

- (Helmet of Perdition) [Helm]

- (Tunic of Perdition) [Armor]

- (Bracers of Perdition) [Gloves]

- (Greaves of Perdition) [Legs]


风暴之衣 (Garment of the Storms)

- (Helmet of Storms) [Helm]

- (Chestplate of Storms) [Armor]

- (Belt of Storms) [belt]

- (Greaves of Storms) [Legs]

- (Ring of Storms) [Ring]


弗拉瑞的传家宝 (Velaria's Heirloom)

- (Velaria's Headgear) [Helm]

- (Velaria's Garment) [Armor]

- (Velaria's Mitts) [Gloves]

- (Velaria's Pantaloons) [Legs]

- (Velaria's Wristguards) [Arms]


无邪之衣 (Vestments of Innocence)

- (Circlet of Innocence) [Helm]

- (Robe of Innocence) [Armor]

- (Pantaloons of Innocence) [Legs]


室女的复仇 (Virgo's Revenge)

- (Virgo's Helmet of Revenge) [Helm]

- (Robe of Revenge) [Armor]

- (Gauntlets of Revenge) [Gloves]

- (Virgo's Pants) [Legs]







圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')

- (Dark Christmas's Cap) [Helm]

- (Merry Christmas's Garment) [Armor]

- (Merry Christmas's Arm Protector) [Arms]

- (Merry Christmas's Shoulder Strap) [shoulders]

- (Merry Christmas's Belt) [belt]

- (Merry Christmas's Trousers) [Legs]

- (Merry Christmas's Boots) [boots]


摩尔莫林的变异服饰 (Mormorin's Garments of Mutation)

- () [Helm]

- () [Armor]

- () [shoulders]

- () [Arms]

- () [belt]

- () [Legs]

- () [boots]




达尔韦恩的复仇 (Daerwain's Revenge)

- (Daerwain's Headgear) [Helm]

- (Daerwain's Chest) [Armor]

- (Daerwain's Epaulets) [shoulders]

- (Daerwain's Sleeves) [Arms]

- (Daerwain's Sash) [belt]

- (Daerwain's Greaves) [Legs]

- (Daerwain's Boots) [boots]


德塞亚的机敏 (Detheya's Agility)

- (Detheya's Cowl) [Helm]

- (Detheya's Protection) [Armor]

- (Detheya's Shoulder Plates) [shoulders]

- (Detheya's Wrist Guards) [Arms]

- (Detheya's Girth) [belt]

- (Detheya's Greaves) [Legs]

- (Detheya's Footwear) [boots]


繁枝嫩叶 (Leaves and Twigs)

- (Helmet of the Thorns) [Helm]

- (Armor of the Roots) [Armor]

- (Shoulderings of the Nettles) [shoulders]

- (Armguards of the Nettles) [Arms]

- (Belt of the Twines) [belt]

- (Greaves of the Morning Dew) [Legs]

- (Boots of the Vine Leaves) [boots]




森林的召唤 (Call of the Forest)

- (Headgear of the Forest) [Helm]

- (Bark of the Forest) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of the Forest) [shoulders ]

- (Ring of the Forest) [Ring]


永恒火焰 (Eternal Flame)

- (Headgear of Flame) [Helm]

- (Chestguard of Flame) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of Flame) [shoulders]

- (Girth of Flame) [belt]

- (Pantaloons of Eternal Flame) [Legs]


苦痛雕像 (Glyph's of Torment)

- (Helmet of Agony) [Helm]

- (Tunic of Agony) [Armor]

- (Greaves of Agony) [Legs]


麦赫之光 (Meho' Sun)

- (Meho's Head Protection) [Helm]

- (Meho's Chestguard) [Armor]

- (Meho's Wristguards) [Arms]

- (Meho's Greaves) [Legs]


时光之须 (Tendils of Time)

- (Helmet of Time) [Helm]

- (Chestplate of Time) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of Time) [shoulders]



神庙护卫(Temple Guardian)




圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')

- (Merry Christmas' Cap) [Helm]

- (Merry Christmas' Armament) [Armor]

- (Merry Christmas' Shoulder Strap) [shoulders]

- (Merry Christmas' Arm Protector) [Arms]

- (Merry Christmas' Belt) [belt]

- (Merry Christmas' Trousers) [Legs]

- (Merry Christmas' Boots) [boots]


迪米欧那的变异服饰 (Dimiona's Garments of Mutation)

- () [Helm]

- () [Armor]

- () [shoulders]

- () [Arms]

- () [battery]

- () [belt]

- () [Legs]

- () [boots]




战斗模组CC10 (Combat Medules CC10)

- (Head Module s26a) [Helm]

- (Torso MMt) [Armor]

- (Shoulder Guards zn13) [shoulders]

- (Arm Part EN-24) [Arms]

- (Battery N5s) [battery]

- (Belt Module 144-1) [belt]

- (Knee Module EN-28) [Legs]

- (Boot Module 12-m) [boots]


肯德里克的统治 (Kendric's Archon)

- (Kendric's Crest) [Helm]

- (Kendric's Ark) [Armor]

- (Kendric's Carapace) [shoulders]

- (Kendric's Mauler) [Arm]

- (Kendric's Core) [battery]

- (Kendric's Chassis) [belt]

- (Kendric's Myomere) [Legs]

- (Kendric's Fighting Boots) [boots]


T能量模组 (T-Energy Modules)

- (Helmet of T-Energy Helm]

- (Center Module of T-Energy) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of T-Energy) [shoulders]

- (Arm Guards of T-Energy) [Arms]

- (Battery of T-Energy) [battery]

- (Girth of T-Energy) [belt]

- (Greaves of T-Energy) [Legs]

- (Boots of T-Energy) [boots]


机械模组 (Technical Modules)

- (Head Module of the Demiurge) [Helm]

- (Center Module of the Demiurge) [Armor]

- (Shoulders the Demiurge) [shoulders]

- (Arm Module of the Demiurge) [Arms]

- (Battery of the Demiurge) [battery]

- (Girth of the Demiurge) [belt]

- (Greaves of the Demiurge) [Legs]

- (Boots of the Demiurge) [boots]




自控苦难者 (Cybernetic Tormentor)

- (Mask of the Tormentor) [Helm]

- (Plate of the Tormentor) [Armor]

- (The Tormentor's Burden) [shoulders]

- (Greaves of Guilt) [Legs]


光明守护者 (Guardians of Light)

- (Radiant Helmet) [Helm]

- (Gleaming Chestplate) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of Truth) [shoulders]

- (Greaves of Guardian) [Legs]


暗影守护者 (Guardians of Shadows)

- (Helmet of the Shadows) [Helm]

- (Protector of the Guardian) [Armor]

- (Legsupport of the Dark Guardian) [Legs]

- (Boots of the Dark Path) [boots]


鲁门的奴仆 (Lumen's Servants)

- (Lumen's Enlightenment) [Helm]

- (Reassuring Prayer of Lumen) [Armor]

- (Lumen's Support) [shoulders]

- (Lumen's Sash) [belt]


XTM-2174 (XTM-2174)

- (Prototype AP 513) [Helm]

- (Prototype LI 189) [Armor]

- (Prototype CA 333) [Legs]



暗影武士(Shadow Warrior]




圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')

- (Merry Christmas' Hat) [Helm]

- (Merry Christmas' Garment) [Armor]

- (Merry Christmas' Shoulder Strap) [shoulders]

- (Merry Christmas' Arm Protector) [Arms]

- (Merry Christmas' Gloves) [Gloves]

- (Merry Christmas' Belt) [belt]

- (Merry Christmas' Trousers) [Legs]

- (Merry Christmas' Boots) [boots]


塔林的变异服饰 (Tallin's Garments of Mutation)

- () [Helm]

- () [shoulders]

- () [Arms]

- () [Gloves]

- () [belt]

- () [Legs]

- () [boots]




阿曼廷的遗产 (Amantin's Legacy)

- (Armantin's Helmet) [Helm]

- (Armantin's Armor) [Armor]

- (Armantin's Shoulder Plates) [shoulders]

- (Elbow Protector) [Arms]

- (Armantin's Battle Gauntlets) [Gloves]

- (Armantin's Belt) [belt]

- (Armantin's Legplates) [Legs]

- (Armantin's Boots) [boots]


丹德兰的战术天赋 (Denderan's Tactical Genius)

- (Denderan's Battle Plan) [Helm]

- (Denderan's Center) [Armor]

- (Denderan's Foresight) [shoulders]

- (Denderan's Maneuver) [Arms]

- (Denderan's Skirmish) [Gloves]

- (Denderan's Reserve) [belt]

- (Denderan's Bluff) [Legs]

- (Denderan's Plans) [boots]


康卡的圣物 (Kanka's Relics)

- (Kanka's Barbute) [Helm]

- (Kanka's Cuirass) [Armor]

- (Kanka's Pauldrons) [shoulders]

- (Kanka's Spaulders) [Arms]

- (Kanka's Fist) [Gloves]

- (Kanka's Girdle) [belt]

- (Kanka's Greaves) [Legs]

- (Kanka's Sabatons) [boots]


拉克雷帝之星 (Lucreti's Stars)

- (Lucreti's Harmony) [Helm]

- (Lucreti's Prowess) [Armor]

- (Lucreti's Burden) [shoulders]

- (Lucreti's Vision) [Arms]

- (Lucreti's Revelation) [Gloves]

- (Lucreti's Tail) [belt]

- (Lucreti's Honesty) [Legs]

- (Ambling Path) [boots]


魔之骄傲 (Pandamonium's Pride)

- (Wayne's Enlightenment) [Helm]

- (Jodah's Osteal Chestguard) [Armor]

- (Aloi's Osteal Shoulder Guards) [shoulders]

- (Gruma's Fury) [Arms]

- (Elli's Fist) [Gloves]

- (Akin's Sash) [belt]

- (Zhang's Decaying Bones) [Legs]

- (Trifir's Runners) [boots]




冰冷墓穴 (Cold Grave)

- (Headgear of Graves) [Helm]

- (Plate of the Tomb) [Armor]

- (Gauntlets of Burial) [Gloves]

- (Charon's Greaves) [Legs]


无尽的沉默 (Eternal Silence)

- (Helmet of Silence) [Helm]

- (ChestPlate of Solitaire) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of Decay) [shoulders]

- (Legwraps of the Dead) [Legs]

- (Ring of Eternal Rest) [Ring]


刽子手的救护 (Executioner's Aids)

- (Executioner's Mask) [Helm]

- (Executioner's Cuirass) [Armor]

- (The Judge's Burden) [shoulders]

- (Legs of Justice) [Legs]


地狱苦痛 (Infernal Torment)

- (Helmet of Infinite Torment) [Helm]

- (Diabolical Chestplate) [Armor]

- (Blazing Shoulders) [shoulders]


拉沃克的复兴 (Ravok's Renaissance]

- (Ravok's Thoughts) [Helm]

- (Ravok's Chest) [Armor]

- (Ravok's Last Stand) [Legs]




博格尼克斯的裁决 (Bergonix' Judge)

- (Bergonix' Judgement) [Axe]

- (Bleeding Ring of Bergonix) [Ring]

- (Bergonix' Amulet of Strength) [Amulet]


百夫长徽章 (Centurio's Insignia)

- (Cassis) [Helm]

- (Lorgica Squamata) [Armor]

- (Manica) [shoulders]

- (Colossus' Arms) [Arms]

- (Belt of the Giants) [belt]

- (Leg Protector) [Legs]

- (Caligae) [boots]







阿伯瑞斯的变异服饰 (Arbereth's Garments of Mutation)

- () [Helm]

- () [Armor]

- () [shoulders]

- () [Arms]

- () [Gloves]

- () [belt]

- () [Legs]

- () [boots]


黑暗圣诞 (Dark Christmas')

- (Dark Christmas's Hood) [Helm]

- (Dark Christmas's Tunic) [Armor]

- (Dark Christmas's Bracers) [Arms]

- (Dark Christmas's Shoulders) [shoulders]

- (Dark Christmas's Trousers) [Legs]




德兰的威力 (Deylen's Power)

- (Deylen's Vindictiveness) [Helm]

- (Deylen's Haughtiness) [Armor]

- (Deylen's Indifference) [shoulders]

- (Deylen's Wrath) [Arms]

- (Deylen's Loyalty) [Gloves]

- (Deylen's Strength) [belt]

- (Deylen's Revolt) [Legs]

- (Deylen's Superiority) [boots]


伊尔加德的审判 (Iigard's Judgment)

- (Ilgard's Sermon) [Helm]

- (Ilgard's Vestment) [Armor]

- (Ilgard's Visions) [shoulders]

- (Ilgard's Judgement) [Arms]

- (Ilgard's Compliance) [Gloves]

- (Ilgard's Consistency) [belt]

- (Ilgard's Directive) [Legs]

- (Ilgard's Assurance) [boots]


萨拉基的冥府之路 (Saraki's Path to the Netherworld)

- (Saraki's Dark Pact) [Helm]

- (Saraki's Determination) [Armor]

- (Saraki's Destiny) [shoulders]

- (Saraki's Downfall) [Arms]

- (Saraki's Intuition) [Gloves]

- (Saraki's Demise) [belt]

- (Saraki's Curse) [Legs]

- (Saraki's Folly) [boots]




坚决地审判 (Determined Justice)

- (Helmet of Determined Justice) [Helm]

- (Robe of Determined Justice) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of the Denouncer) [shoulders]

- (Bloodrobe of Determined Justice) [Legs]


宣泄之衣 (Drapes of Catharsis)

- (Hood of Catharsis) [Helm]

- (Cowl of Catharsis) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of Catharsis) [shoulders]

- (Pantaloons of Catharsis) [Legs]


恐怖使者 (Dreadbringer) - {2677,2678,2680,2679}

- (Cowl of Anguish) [Helm]

- (Robe of Anguish) [Armor]

- (Shoulders of Anguish) [shoulders]

- (Vestment of Anguish) [Legs]


灾难徽章 (Insignia of Balefulness)

- (Insignia of Deference) [Helm]

- (Insignia of Balefulness) [Armor]

- (Insignia of Inquisition) [Ring]

- (Insignia of Pain) [Legs]


库恩的裁决 (Kuan's Verdict)

- (Kuan's Dark Thoughts) [Helm]

- (Kuan's Plate) [Armor]

- (Kuan's Pauldrons) [shoulders]

- (Kuan's Will) [belt]



龙法师(Dragon Mage]




圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')

- () [Helm]

- () [Armor]

- () [shoulders]

- () [Arms]

- () [Gloves]

- () [belt]

- () [Legs]

- () [boots]




Halgrim's Law (Halgrim's Law) - {3330,3331,3332,3333}

- (Halgrim's Loyalty) [Armor] # 3330, lvljump = 10, minconstraints = {20,13,0}

- (Halgrim's Honesty) [shoulders] # 3331, lvljump = 10, minconstraints = {20,13,0}

- (Halgrim's Steadfastness) [Legs] # 3333, lvljump = 10, minconstraints = {20,13,0}

- (Halgrim's Path) [boots] # 3332, lvljump = 10, minconstraints = {20,13,0}


Mavv's Vow (Mavv's Vow)

- (Mavv's Winged Helmet) [Helm]

- (Mavv's Gloves) [Gloves]

- (Mavv's Pad) [belt]




Draagen's Legacy (Draagen's Legacy)

- (Draagen's Helmet of Mental Might) [Helm]

- (Draagen's Sacrifice) [Armor]

- (Draagen's Burden) [shoulders]

- (Draagen's Arm) [Arms]

- (Draagen's Judgement) [Gloves]

- (Draagen's Belt of Strength) [belt]

- (Draagen's Greaves) [Legs]

- (Draagen's Boots) [boots]


Pyx's Power (Pyx's Power)

- (Pyx sees everything) [Helm]

- (Pyx's Armor) [Armor]

- (Spaulders of Responsibility) [shoulders]

- (Pyx's Arms of Might) [Arms]

- (Pyx's Righteous Hand) [Gloves]

- (Pyx's Belt) [belt]

- (Pyx's Nimble Gaiters) [Legs]

- (Pyx's Dice Cup) [boots]


Thraken's Command (Thraken's Command)

- (Thraken's Will) [Helm]

- (Thraken's Order) [Armor]

- (Thraken's Law) [Arms]

- (Thranken's Principle)


Torik's Oath (Torik's Oath)

- (Torik's Sight) [Helm]

- (Torik's Protection) [Armor]

- (Torik's Spaulders) [shoulders]

- (Torik's Nimble Bracers) [Arms]

- (Torik's Iron Fist) [Gloves]

- (Torik's Buckle) [belt]

- (Torik's Leggings) [Legs]

- (Torik's Bloody Trail) [boots]



全角色通用(All Class Set Items)


邪恶死神 (Black Death]

- (Nitao's Hammer of Black Death) [Hammer, One-Handed Hafted Weapon]

- (Nitao's Amulet of Agony) [Amulet]

- (Nitao's Ring of Suffering) [Ring]


布特拉格里梅斯的遗物 (Bratgrimaces Legacy)

- (Maritha's Stake) [Polearm]

- (Maritha's Glamour) [Amulet]

- (Tristan's Companion) [Ring]


平衡之力 (Equilibrium)

- (Star of Illumination)

- (Star of Urtak)


凯塞的好运 (Kayser's Luck)

- (Benny's Promise) [Ring]

- (Ellen's Commitment) [Ring]


基拉的守护 (Kira's Protection)

- (Kira's Wall) [shield]

- (Kira's Iridescent Shard) [Amulet]

- (Kira's Guardian) [Ring]


史莱格拉莫尔的圣物 (Slagelamber's Relics)

- (Saint Coralie's Mercy) [Dagger, One Handed Sword Weapon]

- (Saint Libertine's Blessing) [Dagger, One Handed Sword Weapon]

- (Slagelamer's Sacrificial Dagger) [Amulet]

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