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DarkMatters Celebrates
20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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Community Patch Builds

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2 files

  1. Clean Level 1 Seraphim With Survival Bonus 97%

    Nothing really else to describe..



  2. Community Patch unskilled Characters.zip

    A level 200 character for each of the 7 classes with no skill/attribute points allocated with all teleport/portal in niob game and full of set item in
    Set Items list:
    白色圣诞 (White Christmas')
    - (The White Christmas' Cowl) [Helm]
    - (The White Christmas' Tunic) [Armor]
    - (The White Christmas' Shoulder Strap) [shoulders]
    - (The White Christmas' Wings) [Wings]
    - (The White Christmas' Bracers) [Arms]
    - (The White Christmas' Gloves) [Gloves]
    - (The White Christmas Waist Belt) [belt]
    - (The White Christmas' Trousers) [Legs]
    - (The White Christmas' Boots) [boots]
    麦格拉卡文的变异服饰 (Megalcarwen's Garments of Mutation)
    - () [Helm]
    - () [Armor]
    - () [shoulders]
    - () [Wings]
    - () [Arms]
    - () [Gloves]
    - () [belt]
    - () [Legs]
    - () [boots]
    神圣审判 (Heavenly Justice)
    - (Celestial Blessing) [Helm]
    - (Armor of Justice) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of Law) [shoulders]
    - (Greaves of Justice) [Legs]
    恩迪吉安的神器 (Endijian's Artifacts)
    - (Endijian's Visor) [Helm]
    - (Endijian's Chestplate) [Armor]
    - (Endijian's Pauldron) [shoulders]
    - (Endijian's Wings) [Wings]
    - (Endijian's Relics) [Arms]
    - (Endijian's Bracers) [Gloves]
    - (Endijian's Sash) [belt]
    - (Endijian's Leg Guards) [Legs]
    - (Endijian's Boots) [boots]
    尼克塔斯特的争议 (Nikotaste's Arguments)
    - (Nikotaste's Aegis) [shield]
    - (Nikotaste's Stinger) [sword]
    尼奥卡斯特的剑舞 (Niokaste's Blade Dance)
    - (Niokaste's Grace) [Helm]
    - (Niokaste's Robe) [Armor]
    - (Niokaste's Shoulder Guards) [shoulders]
    - (Niokaste's Wings) [Wings]
    - (Niokaste's Sleeves) [Arms]
    - (Niokaste's Grip) [Gloves]
    - (Niokaste's Cord) [belt]
    - (Niokaste's Leg Guards) [Legs]
    - (Niokaste's Sandals) [boots]
    六翼天使的启示 (Revelation of the Seraphim)
    - (Wisdom of the Celestial) [Helm]
    - (Garment of the Celestial) [Armor]
    - (Gown of the Celestial) [shoulders]
    - (Wings of the Celestial) [Wings]
    - (Justice of the Celestial) [Arms]
    - (Righteous Hands of the Celestial) [Gloves]
    - (Braid of the Celestial) [belt]
    - (Fate of the Celestial) [Legs]
    - (Stride of the Celestial) [boots]
    Sopor Aethernis (Sopor Aethernis)
    - (Starlight) [Helm]
    - (Creators legacy) [Armor]
    - (Pulse of time) [shoulders]
    - (Eternal breeze) [Wings]
    - (Strider of aeons) [Arms]
    - (Pillars of Millenia) [Gloves]
    - (Sash of Infinity) [belt]
    - (Bearer of Light) [Legs]
    - (Breath of the Firmament) [boots]
    Virtues of the Seraphim (Virtues of the Seraphim)
    - (True Faith) [Helm]
    - (Dedication) [Armor]
    - (Resilience) [shoulders]
    - (Honour) [Wings]
    - (Fairness) [Arms]
    - (Protective Hands) [Gloves]
    - (Austerness) [belt]
    - (Sense of Duty) [Legs]
    - (Steadfastness) [boots]
    - (Patience of Saints) [shield]
    - (Holy Wrath) [sword]
    光芒天空 (Illuminated Skies)
    - (Helmet of the Halo) [Helm]
    - (Veil of Clouds) [Armor]
    - (Northern Lights) [shoulders]
    - (Radiant Pantaloons) [Legs]
    无尽的复仇 (Infinite Revenge)
    - (Chestplate of Fury) [Helm]
    - (Light Battle Plate) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of Guilt) [shoulders]
    - (Wings of Revenge) [Wings]
    塞瑞什的起源 (Origin of the Seraphim)
    - (Helmet of the Seraish) [Helm]
    - (Fighting Cuirass of the Seraish) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of the Seraish) [shoulders]
    - (Wings of the Seraish) [Wings]
    - (Pantaloons of the Seraish) [Legs]
    索非亚的仁爱 (Sofia's Benevolence)
    - (Helmet of Benevolence) [Helm]
    - (Tunic of Benevolence) [Armor]
    - (Sash of Sacrifice) [belt]
    - (Legguards of Benevolence) [Legs]
    诸神黄昏 (Twilight of the Gods)
    - (Holy Protection) [Armor]
    - (Wristguards of Dusk) [Arms]
    - (Sofia's Protection) [Legs]
    高等精灵(High Elf)
    圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')
    - (Dark Christmas's Cap) [Helm]
    - (Merry Christmas's Garment) [Armor]
    - (Merry Christmas's Arm Protector) [Arms]
    - (Merry Christmas's Gloves) [Gloves]
    - (Merry Christmas's Belt) [belt]
    - (Merry Christmas's Trousers) [Legs]
    - (Merry Christmas's Boots) [boots]
    格林姆柏林的变异服饰 (Glimborin's Garments of Mutation)
    - () [Helm]
    - () [Armor]
    - () [Arms]
    - () [Gloves]
    - () [belt]
    - () [Legs]
    - () [boots]
    先祖的装饰 (Adornments of the Ancestors)
    - (Cowl of Antiquity) [Helm]
    - (Robe of the Ancestors) [Armor]
    - (Sleeves of the Forgotten) [Arms]
    - (Mitts of the Ancients) [Gloves]
    - (Belt of the Past) [belt]
    - (Greaves of the Heirs) [Legs]
    - (Boots of Remembrance) [boots]
    Armaments of the nine hells (Armaments of the nine hells)
    - (Helmet of Avernus) [Helm]
    - (Breastplate of Dis) [Armor]
    - (Bracers of Phlegethos) [Arms]
    - (Gloves of Stygia) [Gloves]
    - (Belt of Minaurus) [belt]
    - (Legplates of Baalzebul) [Legs]
    - (Boots of Malbolge) [boots]
    - (Ring of Cania) [Ring]
    - (Ring of Nessus) [Ring]
    塞得拉希尔的喧嚣 (Celdrahil's Pandemonium)
    - (Celdrahil's Visage) [Helm]
    - (Celdrahil's Focus) [Armor]
    - (Celdrahil's Flames) [Arms]
    - (Celdrahil's Claw) [Gloves]
    - (Celdrahil's Wrath) [belt]
    - (Celdrahil's Doom) [Legs]
    - (Celdrahil's Devotion) [boots]
    法拉达尔的暴风雪 (Faladal's Blizzard)
    - (Faladal's Eye) [Helm]
    - (Faladal's Moxy) [Armor]
    - (Faladal's Sound) [Arms]
    - (Faladal's Gloves) [Gloves]
    - (Faladal's Cord) [belt]
    - (Faladal's Safe Step) [Legs]
    - (Faladal's Finesse) [boots]
    毁灭之尘 (Ashes of Perdition)
    - (Helmet of Perdition) [Helm]
    - (Tunic of Perdition) [Armor]
    - (Bracers of Perdition) [Gloves]
    - (Greaves of Perdition) [Legs]
    风暴之衣 (Garment of the Storms)
    - (Helmet of Storms) [Helm]
    - (Chestplate of Storms) [Armor]
    - (Belt of Storms) [belt]
    - (Greaves of Storms) [Legs]
    - (Ring of Storms) [Ring]
    弗拉瑞的传家宝 (Velaria's Heirloom)
    - (Velaria's Headgear) [Helm]
    - (Velaria's Garment) [Armor]
    - (Velaria's Mitts) [Gloves]
    - (Velaria's Pantaloons) [Legs]
    - (Velaria's Wristguards) [Arms]
    无邪之衣 (Vestments of Innocence)
    - (Circlet of Innocence) [Helm]
    - (Robe of Innocence) [Armor]
    - (Pantaloons of Innocence) [Legs]
    室女的复仇 (Virgo's Revenge)
    - (Virgo's Helmet of Revenge) [Helm]
    - (Robe of Revenge) [Armor]
    - (Gauntlets of Revenge) [Gloves]
    - (Virgo's Pants) [Legs]
    圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')
    - (Dark Christmas's Cap) [Helm]
    - (Merry Christmas's Garment) [Armor]
    - (Merry Christmas's Arm Protector) [Arms]
    - (Merry Christmas's Shoulder Strap) [shoulders]
    - (Merry Christmas's Belt) [belt]
    - (Merry Christmas's Trousers) [Legs]
    - (Merry Christmas's Boots) [boots]
    摩尔莫林的变异服饰 (Mormorin's Garments of Mutation)
    - () [Helm]
    - () [Armor]
    - () [shoulders]
    - () [Arms]
    - () [belt]
    - () [Legs]
    - () [boots]
    达尔韦恩的复仇 (Daerwain's Revenge)
    - (Daerwain's Headgear) [Helm]
    - (Daerwain's Chest) [Armor]
    - (Daerwain's Epaulets) [shoulders]
    - (Daerwain's Sleeves) [Arms]
    - (Daerwain's Sash) [belt]
    - (Daerwain's Greaves) [Legs]
    - (Daerwain's Boots) [boots]
    德塞亚的机敏 (Detheya's Agility)
    - (Detheya's Cowl) [Helm]
    - (Detheya's Protection) [Armor]
    - (Detheya's Shoulder Plates) [shoulders]
    - (Detheya's Wrist Guards) [Arms]
    - (Detheya's Girth) [belt]
    - (Detheya's Greaves) [Legs]
    - (Detheya's Footwear) [boots]
    繁枝嫩叶 (Leaves and Twigs)
    - (Helmet of the Thorns) [Helm]
    - (Armor of the Roots) [Armor]
    - (Shoulderings of the Nettles) [shoulders]
    - (Armguards of the Nettles) [Arms]
    - (Belt of the Twines) [belt]
    - (Greaves of the Morning Dew) [Legs]
    - (Boots of the Vine Leaves) [boots]
    森林的召唤 (Call of the Forest)
    - (Headgear of the Forest) [Helm]
    - (Bark of the Forest) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of the Forest) [shoulders ]
    - (Ring of the Forest) [Ring]
    永恒火焰 (Eternal Flame)
    - (Headgear of Flame) [Helm]
    - (Chestguard of Flame) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of Flame) [shoulders]
    - (Girth of Flame) [belt]
    - (Pantaloons of Eternal Flame) [Legs]
    苦痛雕像 (Glyph's of Torment)
    - (Helmet of Agony) [Helm]
    - (Tunic of Agony) [Armor]
    - (Greaves of Agony) [Legs]
    麦赫之光 (Meho' Sun)
    - (Meho's Head Protection) [Helm]
    - (Meho's Chestguard) [Armor]
    - (Meho's Wristguards) [Arms]
    - (Meho's Greaves) [Legs]
    时光之须 (Tendils of Time)
    - (Helmet of Time) [Helm]
    - (Chestplate of Time) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of Time) [shoulders]
    神庙护卫(Temple Guardian)
    圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')
    - (Merry Christmas' Cap) [Helm]
    - (Merry Christmas' Armament) [Armor]
    - (Merry Christmas' Shoulder Strap) [shoulders]
    - (Merry Christmas' Arm Protector) [Arms]
    - (Merry Christmas' Belt) [belt]
    - (Merry Christmas' Trousers) [Legs]
    - (Merry Christmas' Boots) [boots]
    迪米欧那的变异服饰 (Dimiona's Garments of Mutation)
    - () [Helm]
    - () [Armor]
    - () [shoulders]
    - () [Arms]
    - () [battery]
    - () [belt]
    - () [Legs]
    - () [boots]
    战斗模组CC10 (Combat Medules CC10)
    - (Head Module s26a) [Helm]
    - (Torso MMt) [Armor]
    - (Shoulder Guards zn13) [shoulders]
    - (Arm Part EN-24) [Arms]
    - (Battery N5s) [battery]
    - (Belt Module 144-1) [belt]
    - (Knee Module EN-28) [Legs]
    - (Boot Module 12-m) [boots]
    肯德里克的统治 (Kendric's Archon)
    - (Kendric's Crest) [Helm]
    - (Kendric's Ark) [Armor]
    - (Kendric's Carapace) [shoulders]
    - (Kendric's Mauler) [Arm]
    - (Kendric's Core) [battery]
    - (Kendric's Chassis) [belt]
    - (Kendric's Myomere) [Legs]
    - (Kendric's Fighting Boots) [boots]
    T能量模组 (T-Energy Modules)
    - (Helmet of T-Energy Helm]
    - (Center Module of T-Energy) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of T-Energy) [shoulders]
    - (Arm Guards of T-Energy) [Arms]
    - (Battery of T-Energy) [battery]
    - (Girth of T-Energy) [belt]
    - (Greaves of T-Energy) [Legs]
    - (Boots of T-Energy) [boots]
    机械模组 (Technical Modules)
    - (Head Module of the Demiurge) [Helm]
    - (Center Module of the Demiurge) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders the Demiurge) [shoulders]
    - (Arm Module of the Demiurge) [Arms]
    - (Battery of the Demiurge) [battery]
    - (Girth of the Demiurge) [belt]
    - (Greaves of the Demiurge) [Legs]
    - (Boots of the Demiurge) [boots]
    自控苦难者 (Cybernetic Tormentor)
    - (Mask of the Tormentor) [Helm]
    - (Plate of the Tormentor) [Armor]
    - (The Tormentor's Burden) [shoulders]
    - (Greaves of Guilt) [Legs]
    光明守护者 (Guardians of Light)
    - (Radiant Helmet) [Helm]
    - (Gleaming Chestplate) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of Truth) [shoulders]
    - (Greaves of Guardian) [Legs]
    暗影守护者 (Guardians of Shadows)
    - (Helmet of the Shadows) [Helm]
    - (Protector of the Guardian) [Armor]
    - (Legsupport of the Dark Guardian) [Legs]
    - (Boots of the Dark Path) [boots]
    鲁门的奴仆 (Lumen's Servants)
    - (Lumen's Enlightenment) [Helm]
    - (Reassuring Prayer of Lumen) [Armor]
    - (Lumen's Support) [shoulders]
    - (Lumen's Sash) [belt]
    XTM-2174 (XTM-2174)
    - (Prototype AP 513) [Helm]
    - (Prototype LI 189) [Armor]
    - (Prototype CA 333) [Legs]
    暗影武士(Shadow Warrior]
    圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')
    - (Merry Christmas' Hat) [Helm]
    - (Merry Christmas' Garment) [Armor]
    - (Merry Christmas' Shoulder Strap) [shoulders]
    - (Merry Christmas' Arm Protector) [Arms]
    - (Merry Christmas' Gloves) [Gloves]
    - (Merry Christmas' Belt) [belt]
    - (Merry Christmas' Trousers) [Legs]
    - (Merry Christmas' Boots) [boots]
    塔林的变异服饰 (Tallin's Garments of Mutation)
    - () [Helm]
    - () [shoulders]
    - () [Arms]
    - () [Gloves]
    - () [belt]
    - () [Legs]
    - () [boots]
    阿曼廷的遗产 (Amantin's Legacy)
    - (Armantin's Helmet) [Helm]
    - (Armantin's Armor) [Armor]
    - (Armantin's Shoulder Plates) [shoulders]
    - (Elbow Protector) [Arms]
    - (Armantin's Battle Gauntlets) [Gloves]
    - (Armantin's Belt) [belt]
    - (Armantin's Legplates) [Legs]
    - (Armantin's Boots) [boots]
    丹德兰的战术天赋 (Denderan's Tactical Genius)
    - (Denderan's Battle Plan) [Helm]
    - (Denderan's Center) [Armor]
    - (Denderan's Foresight) [shoulders]
    - (Denderan's Maneuver) [Arms]
    - (Denderan's Skirmish) [Gloves]
    - (Denderan's Reserve) [belt]
    - (Denderan's Bluff) [Legs]
    - (Denderan's Plans) [boots]
    康卡的圣物 (Kanka's Relics)
    - (Kanka's Barbute) [Helm]
    - (Kanka's Cuirass) [Armor]
    - (Kanka's Pauldrons) [shoulders]
    - (Kanka's Spaulders) [Arms]
    - (Kanka's Fist) [Gloves]
    - (Kanka's Girdle) [belt]
    - (Kanka's Greaves) [Legs]
    - (Kanka's Sabatons) [boots]
    拉克雷帝之星 (Lucreti's Stars)
    - (Lucreti's Harmony) [Helm]
    - (Lucreti's Prowess) [Armor]
    - (Lucreti's Burden) [shoulders]
    - (Lucreti's Vision) [Arms]
    - (Lucreti's Revelation) [Gloves]
    - (Lucreti's Tail) [belt]
    - (Lucreti's Honesty) [Legs]
    - (Ambling Path) [boots]
    魔之骄傲 (Pandamonium's Pride)
    - (Wayne's Enlightenment) [Helm]
    - (Jodah's Osteal Chestguard) [Armor]
    - (Aloi's Osteal Shoulder Guards) [shoulders]
    - (Gruma's Fury) [Arms]
    - (Elli's Fist) [Gloves]
    - (Akin's Sash) [belt]
    - (Zhang's Decaying Bones) [Legs]
    - (Trifir's Runners) [boots]
    冰冷墓穴 (Cold Grave)
    - (Headgear of Graves) [Helm]
    - (Plate of the Tomb) [Armor]
    - (Gauntlets of Burial) [Gloves]
    - (Charon's Greaves) [Legs]
    无尽的沉默 (Eternal Silence)
    - (Helmet of Silence) [Helm]
    - (ChestPlate of Solitaire) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of Decay) [shoulders]
    - (Legwraps of the Dead) [Legs]
    - (Ring of Eternal Rest) [Ring]
    刽子手的救护 (Executioner's Aids)
    - (Executioner's Mask) [Helm]
    - (Executioner's Cuirass) [Armor]
    - (The Judge's Burden) [shoulders]
    - (Legs of Justice) [Legs]
    地狱苦痛 (Infernal Torment)
    - (Helmet of Infinite Torment) [Helm]
    - (Diabolical Chestplate) [Armor]
    - (Blazing Shoulders) [shoulders]
    拉沃克的复兴 (Ravok's Renaissance]
    - (Ravok's Thoughts) [Helm]
    - (Ravok's Chest) [Armor]
    - (Ravok's Last Stand) [Legs]
    博格尼克斯的裁决 (Bergonix' Judge)
    - (Bergonix' Judgement) [Axe]
    - (Bleeding Ring of Bergonix) [Ring]
    - (Bergonix' Amulet of Strength) [Amulet]
    百夫长徽章 (Centurio's Insignia)
    - (Cassis) [Helm]
    - (Lorgica Squamata) [Armor]
    - (Manica) [shoulders]
    - (Colossus' Arms) [Arms]
    - (Belt of the Giants) [belt]
    - (Leg Protector) [Legs]
    - (Caligae) [boots]
    阿伯瑞斯的变异服饰 (Arbereth's Garments of Mutation)
    - () [Helm]
    - () [Armor]
    - () [shoulders]
    - () [Arms]
    - () [Gloves]
    - () [belt]
    - () [Legs]
    - () [boots]
    黑暗圣诞 (Dark Christmas')
    - (Dark Christmas's Hood) [Helm]
    - (Dark Christmas's Tunic) [Armor]
    - (Dark Christmas's Bracers) [Arms]
    - (Dark Christmas's Shoulders) [shoulders]
    - (Dark Christmas's Trousers) [Legs]
    德兰的威力 (Deylen's Power)
    - (Deylen's Vindictiveness) [Helm]
    - (Deylen's Haughtiness) [Armor]
    - (Deylen's Indifference) [shoulders]
    - (Deylen's Wrath) [Arms]
    - (Deylen's Loyalty) [Gloves]
    - (Deylen's Strength) [belt]
    - (Deylen's Revolt) [Legs]
    - (Deylen's Superiority) [boots]
    伊尔加德的审判 (Iigard's Judgment)
    - (Ilgard's Sermon) [Helm]
    - (Ilgard's Vestment) [Armor]
    - (Ilgard's Visions) [shoulders]
    - (Ilgard's Judgement) [Arms]
    - (Ilgard's Compliance) [Gloves]
    - (Ilgard's Consistency) [belt]
    - (Ilgard's Directive) [Legs]
    - (Ilgard's Assurance) [boots]
    萨拉基的冥府之路 (Saraki's Path to the Netherworld)
    - (Saraki's Dark Pact) [Helm]
    - (Saraki's Determination) [Armor]
    - (Saraki's Destiny) [shoulders]
    - (Saraki's Downfall) [Arms]
    - (Saraki's Intuition) [Gloves]
    - (Saraki's Demise) [belt]
    - (Saraki's Curse) [Legs]
    - (Saraki's Folly) [boots]
    坚决地审判 (Determined Justice)
    - (Helmet of Determined Justice) [Helm]
    - (Robe of Determined Justice) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of the Denouncer) [shoulders]
    - (Bloodrobe of Determined Justice) [Legs]
    宣泄之衣 (Drapes of Catharsis)
    - (Hood of Catharsis) [Helm]
    - (Cowl of Catharsis) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of Catharsis) [shoulders]
    - (Pantaloons of Catharsis) [Legs]
    恐怖使者 (Dreadbringer) - {2677,2678,2680,2679}
    - (Cowl of Anguish) [Helm]
    - (Robe of Anguish) [Armor]
    - (Shoulders of Anguish) [shoulders]
    - (Vestment of Anguish) [Legs]
    灾难徽章 (Insignia of Balefulness)
    - (Insignia of Deference) [Helm]
    - (Insignia of Balefulness) [Armor]
    - (Insignia of Inquisition) [Ring]
    - (Insignia of Pain) [Legs]
    库恩的裁决 (Kuan's Verdict)
    - (Kuan's Dark Thoughts) [Helm]
    - (Kuan's Plate) [Armor]
    - (Kuan's Pauldrons) [shoulders]
    - (Kuan's Will) [belt]
    龙法师(Dragon Mage]
    圣诞快乐 (Merry Christmas')
    - () [Helm]
    - () [Armor]
    - () [shoulders]
    - () [Arms]
    - () [Gloves]
    - () [belt]
    - () [Legs]
    - () [boots]
    Halgrim's Law (Halgrim's Law) - {3330,3331,3332,3333}
    - (Halgrim's Loyalty) [Armor] # 3330, lvljump = 10, minconstraints = {20,13,0}
    - (Halgrim's Honesty) [shoulders] # 3331, lvljump = 10, minconstraints = {20,13,0}
    - (Halgrim's Steadfastness) [Legs] # 3333, lvljump = 10, minconstraints = {20,13,0}
    - (Halgrim's Path) [boots] # 3332, lvljump = 10, minconstraints = {20,13,0}
    Mavv's Vow (Mavv's Vow)
    - (Mavv's Winged Helmet) [Helm]
    - (Mavv's Gloves) [Gloves]
    - (Mavv's Pad) [belt]
    Draagen's Legacy (Draagen's Legacy)
    - (Draagen's Helmet of Mental Might) [Helm]
    - (Draagen's Sacrifice) [Armor]
    - (Draagen's Burden) [shoulders]
    - (Draagen's Arm) [Arms]
    - (Draagen's Judgement) [Gloves]
    - (Draagen's Belt of Strength) [belt]
    - (Draagen's Greaves) [Legs]
    - (Draagen's Boots) [boots]
    Pyx's Power (Pyx's Power)
    - (Pyx sees everything) [Helm]
    - (Pyx's Armor) [Armor]
    - (Spaulders of Responsibility) [shoulders]
    - (Pyx's Arms of Might) [Arms]
    - (Pyx's Righteous Hand) [Gloves]
    - (Pyx's Belt) [belt]
    - (Pyx's Nimble Gaiters) [Legs]
    - (Pyx's Dice Cup) [boots]
    Thraken's Command (Thraken's Command)
    - (Thraken's Will) [Helm]
    - (Thraken's Order) [Armor]
    - (Thraken's Law) [Arms]
    - (Thranken's Principle)
    Torik's Oath (Torik's Oath)
    - (Torik's Sight) [Helm]
    - (Torik's Protection) [Armor]
    - (Torik's Spaulders) [shoulders]
    - (Torik's Nimble Bracers) [Arms]
    - (Torik's Iron Fist) [Gloves]
    - (Torik's Buckle) [belt]
    - (Torik's Leggings) [Legs]
    - (Torik's Bloody Trail) [boots]
    全角色通用(All Class Set Items)
    邪恶死神 (Black Death]
    - (Nitao's Hammer of Black Death) [Hammer, One-Handed Hafted Weapon]
    - (Nitao's Amulet of Agony) [Amulet]
    - (Nitao's Ring of Suffering) [Ring]
    布特拉格里梅斯的遗物 (Bratgrimaces Legacy)
    - (Maritha's Stake) [Polearm]
    - (Maritha's Glamour) [Amulet]
    - (Tristan's Companion) [Ring]
    平衡之力 (Equilibrium)
    - (Star of Illumination)
    - (Star of Urtak)
    凯塞的好运 (Kayser's Luck)
    - (Benny's Promise) [Ring]
    - (Ellen's Commitment) [Ring]
    基拉的守护 (Kira's Protection)
    - (Kira's Wall) [shield]
    - (Kira's Iridescent Shard) [Amulet]
    - (Kira's Guardian) [Ring]
    史莱格拉莫尔的圣物 (Slagelamber's Relics)
    - (Saint Coralie's Mercy) [Dagger, One Handed Sword Weapon]
    - (Saint Libertine's Blessing) [Dagger, One Handed Sword Weapon]
    - (Slagelamer's Sacrificial Dagger) [Amulet]



  • Our picks
    • Rune Stacking - Yes or No?
      We can add the ability to stack runes.  Doing so will save inventory space.  But, it will also make the bonuses on all runes in the stack identical.  So, if you have a low level Darting Assault Rune with +1 Darting Assault and 2.0% Chance to Poison, then every Darting Assault rune you pick up afterwards will be added to that stack and the bonuses conformed to match it.

      Sacred 2 players, is this trade-off worth it?
        • Thanks!
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      • 51 replies
    • [Dev] Diablo 2 Fallen mod for Sacred 2
      Are you ready for a brand new Sacred 2 experience?

      Presenting a new mod for Sacred 2 CM 1.50:
      Diablo 2 Fallen
      Latest update as of July 27, 2017!
      Download the latest test release: Diablo 2 Fallen Beta 9

      Diablo 2 Fallen is on SacredWiki! Get all the in-depth info and details on the mod!

      7 completely overhauled character classes with brand new combat arts, runes, skills and voices
      The worlds of Ancaria and Sanctuary merged - the lore of both games has been combined
      6 new deities with new divine gifts, god statues, and quests (see list below)
      Dozens of new enemy designs, creature overhauls, plus new hero monsters and bosses (read about them in the D2F Creatures Thread)
      New Diablo-inspired user interface, loading screens, fx, and shrines (read about them HERE)
      Complete soundtrack and sound effects revamp (see link for D2F Music Pack download above)
      Gems, jewels, and charms integrated into gameplay
      New items: Necromancer Shrunken Heads, Amazon Trophies, Throwing Axes, Magic Wands, and more!
      Overhaul and rebalance for old item designs and modifiers

      Better quest rewards for bosses and chain quests - find more uniques and special items through questing!See full list of new quest rewards HERE.

      Elite Mounts project custom version integrated into mod.
      Custom integration of Survival Mod: Fight more powerful and aggressive enemies - with better XP & rewards!
      Custom version of Wardust's Serious Textures built in - No need for separate download

      Item Mod 1.2a and Reduced Fog Mod integrated
      Rewrites for character class quests (in progress, Druid quest is partially complete)
      Mercenaries. Hire past heroes from Sacred 1 to join you in your battles! (in progress)
      New Diablo-related quests (in progress)

      Old enemies have been redesigned, and all kinds of new enemies will appear across the map. Look out for the new bosses and "super-unique" elite enemies that will have special abilities. Read about all the enemies in the Diablo 2 Fallen Creatures Thread.
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      • 1,076 replies

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