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Everything posted by S-P

  1. Well that explains it then my HE is a pretty low level shopper, guess I'm gonna have to wait a while yet.
  2. So they don't drop in loot, just bought in shops? What kind of level do you start getting them at? I've got a HE shopper but haven't seen any yet.
  3. I've read about these but where do you get them?
  4. The High Elf gets a legendary two hand staff 'Merciless Avenger' and Seraphim gets 1 hand unique sword 'Huntress of Light' there the only two I've completed the character quest for.
  5. Maybe it would be a good idea to start making a list of unique items, what dropped them and where. Some items seem really rare, I've only found Artamark's Star the once in Desert region by scorpion champ.
  6. Damn it Gogo, you've got all of us now looking for marshmallows shaped polearms.
  7. I have to agree that enemies do tend to drop the same sort of gear in certain areas, I've noticed that Ileias' Dirk gets dropped a lot by bandit champs in Elf/Human lands, never seen it dropped in desert or swamp region.
  8. That makes sense, so pays to move around to get those better unique items I guess.
  9. I've found that you get a lot of 'Circle of Life' dropping, so much so I think it shouldn't even be a unique item. Makes me think that maybe it could be level dependent, as you don't see this item before you hit level 15+.
  10. Wouldn't that get a bit boring though? It's a bit like a BFG Seraphim, no real threats means boredom.
  11. Can't say that I've had any problems playing Sacred on my PC, but I'm sure their are lots of player that may benefit.
  12. It's a shame Seraphim can't forge, I'd actually have an excuse to use general skills then.
  13. It's all what you want out of builds. These mods, offer nothing for defense, or offense, so you must understand using them your character will be at a lower fighting level than it could be. That said, of course leveling up quicker and finding more is great fun, so it's all 'what do you want?' If you're not playing hardcore, I would say 'whocares!' lol. You can't actually die, so use things as a learning tool on your first go through, and blast the magic find/+xp kind of things, and just use everything as a learning possibility, and you will get more loot! Lastly, on the banshee, just equip magic/ice relics and have a fire weapon. If you are primarily celestial based, he is very resistant to magic attacks, so that could have been the cause of your trouble. Ancient magic skill can solve that, at the cost of a skill choice. edit for: I can't spell. Cheers, Thanks - actually I did not start with any build in mind... I'm playing offline SP, but I don't want to loose my hard-earned SB and have no intention of dying! Gotta keep the pumpin' My first play through is just based on getting to know the enemies and environment. I think when I faced the Banshee, my swords just had a conversion to magic item in, so basically between my magic swords and my radiant pillar, I realize now why I had such a hard time against the banshee. I faced the Octagolamus yesterday and it certainly was not such a tough fight as the Banshee! (Cool fight, though with the Octagolamus loosing tentacles as the fight progressed!). All the enemies are circled red, so I suppose I'm still gaining as much xp as I can. Some of the Ogre Champions are a real tough fight at the moment and they seem to get some nasty criticals sneaked in sometimes! I might drop the xp gain bonuses, but I'd like to focus on magic find, since it will help my next characters out a lot (and I also like to change my appearance from time to time...). Combat Reflexes and Toughness are OK, you may want to drop one of those in favour of Constituition for the extra health bounus or put all attributes into Vitality to get the extra health. I hope you are using the Battle Stance Buff, this is a must for melee combat IMO.
  14. You may find it difficult getting to level 80 on silver, most enemies will give you no experience after about level 60. So it's best to move on to gold after that. Also what skills have you picked? Some skills are a must for a Seraphim imo.
  15. Basically does Tactics Lore improve chances of criticals with spell CAs? And do you get the damage bonus added to the CAs as well?
  16. Your running three aspects, wow. Is that a pure caster build? That doesn't leave you with many other skills. What was the other skills that you went with?
  17. Pretty much yes, but you will need a shopper to get the good stuff (yellow rings/amulets).
  18. All character quests are broken since Ice&Blood. The part in the quest 'The Hunt' starts in Thylysium, find the guard next to the sewer entrance to start it.
  19. You can get the same effect by using rings that have Damage %. I've got my fire damage upto 40% this way, really impacts on your fire damage CAs.
  20. My pyro high elf never left clicks so I don't have to worry about missing, plus when I fire blazing tempest on the mobs they need some time to burn to death. So when I'm on my mount I can keep them chasing me easly. You can miss quite a bit if using Ancestral Fireball, it tends to fly over the heads of some of the smaller enemies, which can be quite annoying sometimes.
  21. Using both makes sense I guess. Spell intensity to lower enemies resistance and fire damage % to increase overal damage, I'll try both to see if it makes a difference.
  22. Well that explains why I haven't noticed any difference when adding it with magic pearl. I take it that the damage % increases when you get to higher levels the same as other amulet/rings etc. Not seen much of a increase yet. Also would it be better to use the Spell intensity version rings for HE rather than the fire damage % version if going with the Pyro HE?
  23. So it just increases the damage of weapons that do the specific damage? Or does it also effect the damge of CAs as well?
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