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  1. Couldn't get it to install no matter what I tried. However managed to get hold of a copy of CM patch 150and that installed fine
  2. I just came back to Sacred 2 after a long absence and downloaded the latest CM Patch 160, however I can't install it. It keeps coming up with error can't delete AdhocAPI.dll file. I tried moving the offending file to another folder to see if that will allow it to finish installing but it does no good. It seems to have an issue with every .dll file in the game's System folder. I am trying to install it to the latest version of Sacred 2 from GoG, the "Win10 compatible" version. Can anyone help me here please?
  3. 1. Red, white and blue underpants, black jogging bottoms. 2. The rain hitting my window. 3. A chocolate cookie. 4. No. 5. Black. 6. Raining hard, a real downpour. 7. Earl Grey Tea. 8. NFL. 9. Mousey brown fighting to see if it will go grey or bald first. 10. No, eyes are too sensitive, so wear bi-focals. 11. Two neither of which bother to keep in touch, not even so much as a Christmas Card. 12. October, when all the children are back in school and we can go on a peaceful holiday with all the other tourists around. 13. Cornish Pasty. 14. The Rocky Horror picture show, anniversary showing. 15. Christmas Eve. 16. By killing things in computer games. 17. Mechano. 18. Winter. 19. Hugs, although I am not a tactile sort of person. 20. Vanilla. 21. Last night listening to music. 22. Loads of storage boxes. 23. Played yahtzee with my wife, then listened to music. 24. My wife's health deteriorating. 25. I hate popcorn! 26. Bently special 3/8 racer ( Wish I could afford one!) 27. Fuschia. 28. Three. 29. Retired due to ill health. 30. Sunday. 31. Can't remember, I don't treat birthdays as different to any other day. 32. One. 33. Three. 34. Coffee. 35. Rhubarb and Custard boiled hard candy. 36. Married. 37. Neither, life is life. You just have to make the most of it regardless, because you are not going to get another one. 38. Freedom, since I am classed as clinically extremely vulnerable, I have been in covid lockdown since last March. 39. Lots, the biggest being that it took me nearly 60 years to realise that life is to be appreciated rather than endured. 40. Sunshine. 41. After being married for 25 years I had better be or my wife will be very disappointed, lol. (yes I am)
  4. Hi all. I'm hoping for a Happy New Year for us all. It has been a miserable Christmas for us again, it's like Christmas is cursed for me as everything bad seems to happen at Christmas. When my father died a few years ago it was on 23 December. My first marriage ended in a really bad breakup when my first wife told me she had found someone else and she wanted me to move out, that was the morning of Christmas Day. Two years ago my father-in-law died the week before Christmas. Last Year I was rushed to hospital with a series of heart attacks three weeks before Christmas. This year our little dog was taken ill on Christmas Eve and was put down on 27 December. Now that Christmas is behind us it would be nice to hear happy things for the New Year, so do any of you have some good things to share for the New Year?
  5. It's a shame that it is only for the Steam version of the game. I use the GoG version and won't touch Steam with a bargepole as I refuse to support DRM.
  6. Here's an old one I have always liked; A man stands at his garden gate staring at the rising flood water that is getting nearer and nearer to his house, when a truck pulls up outside and the driver says "Jump in and I'll drive you to safety". The man says, "No thanks, I trust in God, He will save me!" Some time later the flood waters have risen and the man is now stood at his bedroom window watching the water swirling just outside the window, while the garden and first floor of his house are under water. A boat floats by and the person rowing it says, "Jump in and I will row you to safety". The man says, "No thanks, I trust in God, He will save me!" Later still the man is stood on his roof, clinging to the chimney because the entire house is now under water, when a helicopter flies up and hovers just above him. "Climb into the helicopter and I will fly you to safety", shouts the pilot. The man says, "No thanks, I trust in God, He will save me!" Some time later the man has drowned and is standing before the throne of Heaven and says to God, "I trusted you! I waited for you to save me and you just let me drown!" God replied, "I sent you a truck, a boat and a helicopter. What more did you want?"
  7. I would say do what your insurance wants. The Covid app is only as useful as the number of people voluntarily using it. The take up for using a similar app in this country has been abysmal with more people not using it than those that do. Since you may com into contact with far more people not using it that using it then how useful is it really? Whereas the smartphone that your insurance wants you to use is going to be useful to you for more than a single reason and does not depend on other people using it to do what it is designed to do to make it useful.
  8. Oh how I remember those days! Sacred was the first game I ever played online and the first time I ever played multiplayer. The other players taught me some valuable lessons that I still play by today in all my games. Hardcore, delete on death characters and help any other players I can, the way they helped me back then. Also the wonderful game taught me the value of good gameplay over pretty graphics!
  9. Best wishes Spock. It's definitely a scary experience I know. I'm still trying to do my expercises which isn't easy at the moment. It's hard to do a brisk 30 minute walk every day when we are in lockdown and I'm not supposed to leave our small 5 room bungalow, lol
  10. Yes I saw this video, but he was concentrating on what went wrong and what might have contributed to its demise. He didn't spend a lot of time showing what was good, how it was ahead of its time and why players are willing to devote their spare time and effort into reviving the game. I know this is only my opinion and may raise a few hackles, but if we were to compare Vanguard against WoW, Vanguard would be the MMO aimed at serious game playing adults, while WoW would look like it was programmed for pre-teen children. Even just the mini-games show the difference between the games. Diplomacy takes patience to learn and skill and tactics to win, it also affects all aspects of the game, faction reputation, merchant responses, guards responses, even how the farmers and peasants view you. Crafting is a fiendishly complicated procedure that rewards you for how well you cope with the complications and problems that arise during the crafting process. If you want to make equipment for your character, you can't just throw materials at a crafting bench and get the item you want, you have to work and struggle to produce it and even then the quality of the item can vary enormously depending on how much effort you put into it and how skilfully you cope with the problems arising. When you add in the 15 classes, 20 (including 6 nationalities of human) races and backgrounds and the dozen or more starting areas and separate main quest lines, there is enough variety and challenge here to satisfy anyone.
  11. I don't know if any of you remember Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, which was a game that Sony Online Entertainment decided to close down a few yeras ago. It was a brilliant game that pulled no punches and didn't hold your hand (unless it was to distract you while it plunged a dagger into your back!). A lot of players were very upset when Sony decided it wasn't profitable enough and closed down the servers, because the game was unique for its time and not only was it a very good hardcore MMORPG with 15 different classes, 14 different races (and 6 types of human) most of which had their own distinct starting areas and questlines, but also featued a complicated, indepth crafting system (a bloody frustrating one!) and a very interesting card based, diplomacy minigame. I was one of the players who really missed it and lamented its loss, well great news, it's back! The VGOEmulater is a fan run project which has got hold of the source code for the game and has got a server up and running and the game is playable again. It's currently in a (sort of) pre-alpha stage in that they are still working on it and not got everything working properly again yet, but it is playable and some of us are playing it and bug reporting as we find stuff. The new devs are all fans who are devoting their spare time to bringing this game back to life and although they do accept donations, they are purely used to pay for the server. If you would like to try the game and maybe do a bit of play testing and you don't mind that some small parts may still be broken, then you can find their forum here https://www.vgoemulator.net/phpBB3/index.php You can check out the wiki here https://vanguard.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page
  12. Thanks all. Dax, My wife has a home gym that I am using (carefully) but exercise and fasting will not help my diabetes while the other drugs I have to take every morning and evening are raising my blood sugar level. My diabetes specialist is considering adding further drugs to the metformin I am taking, but is unhappy about doing so as they could cause further complications, especially with my heart meds.
  13. I haven't been around much the last couple of years, which have not been very good ones for me. Apart from the car accident I have already said about on this forum, I have had some quite bad health issues these last couple of years. I developed Ulcerative Colitis (very messy and unpleasant) but for weeks while I waited for the test results, the doctors told me that it could be bowel cancer. As you can imagine, it was not a good time for my family. When they finally confirmed that it was not cancer the relief was immense. So they started treating the colitis with high doses of steroids to which my body had an extreem reaction, I gained about 40 pounds and my blood sugar level jumped from a fairly mormal 6.4 to a dangerous 37.2 and I developed type 2 diabetes and went blind. It took months to recover my sight and to get my blood sugar down to a reasonable level. Apparently I am one of the minority of people who can't tolerate steroids and develope steroid induced diabetes, lucky me! Things finally started looking up, the colitis was under control, the diabetes was in remission and all seemed right with the world. Then our National Health Service decided on a cost cutting exercise and changed the drugs I was being treated with for the colitis (non-steroid now) for cheaper drugs which nobody noticed included a side effect of raising blood sugar levels. Bingo, back comes the diabetes! Stress levels go up as the new National Health Service systems means that instead of my consultant prescribing drugs for me directly, she now notifies a clerical department that I need them, the celerical department notifies an outside contractor that I need them, I have to phone the contractor to arrange delivery to my door. Great if the system worked but it doesn't and I end up ringing the contractor who says they haven't been notified by the clerical department who I can't contact so I then ring the consultant's secretary to ask that the consultant chases up the issue from her end and get the clerical deaprtment to get off its butt and does the jobit's supposed to do. This happenes every bloody month, meanwhile I am without the drugs I need and my health is deteriorating. Finally it all gets too much and I collapsed this December 2nd with a heart attack. After being rushed to hospital I had 3 more heart attacks within 36 hours. Three weeks later, after 2 Angio procedures on 2 of the 3 major arteries to the heart, a stent, a ballon treatment to force an artery open and a 'burning wire' to clear a blockage in another artery, I get out of hospital just in time for Christmas, with a large bag full of drugs to keep me going, taking 11 different drugs multiple times a day for my Colitis, Diabetes and heart! My wife decided that I should get away for Christmas, different surroundings, relaxation and a stress free holiday, so we hired a small caravan on the coast for Christmas week. Arriving there on Christmas Eve we decided to just get a takeaway and relax so we did from a local takeaway we always use when we are in that area and were surprised to find it under new ownership. We then spent Christmas Day thowing up and Boxing Day with diarrhea! The weather was abysmal with gale force winds and driving rain all through the Christmas and as we packed the car to drive home on the Friday, the sun finally deigned to appear!!! All in all, I look forward to the New Year in hope, despite the fact that I have miutiple appointments with multiple doctors and nurses for weekly blood tests, diabetic reviews, dieticians, stress counseling, heart monitoring, pokings and proddings for the foreseeable future. Because optimistically things can only get better ...... can't they? I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope the coming year is a good one for all of us!
  14. I've not played there in a long time, but isn't that the village where there is a gypsy girl quest giver on the path outside village asking for help and you can go in and thrash the soldiers threatening the village?
  15. It's hard to recommend something without knowing your preferences, but I rather like "Icewind Dale" for strategic gameplay and pick my own music.
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