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Everything posted by D-molisher

  1. Beta Invite. I got a beta invite key, so if anyone from dark want it. Pm me or spam this thread. Going online HC on electrocute.
  2. I Took this from Beta forum PoE: Quote Chris ( Grinding Gear Games) It's looking like early next week. 0.9.2 addresses a few obvious balance issues, but most of the important fixes are in the next patch, which we're already working on while 0.9.2 is being tested. I expect that 0.9.3 will be the largest balance patch that has ever been applied to the game. Our current deployment estimate for 0.9.3 is 23 Sept. There's no passive skill respec in 0.9.2, but you're guaranteed a pretty major one in 0.9.3... I don't feel that 0.9.2 adequately addresses the balance concerns raised by the community yet. It's disappointing to deploy a patch that doesn't make a best attempt to fix all the balance problems, but that's what the huge 0.9.3 balance refactor is for. At least 0.9.2 brings some fun new toys and gets the realm mostly up to date with what we have in the office. We have some of cut-throat mode in 0.9.2, so there is a small amount of PvP enabled. 0.9.3 may add more!
  3. It really look sweet. But I am gaming PoE ( with a bunch off DA´s ), beta testing & having fun. I might eventually get D3 - if it isnt flooded with chineese RMAH grinders ( or simmilar ). P.S. Clan DA and beta testers will get more PoE beta-keys. So far clan got 3 keys - all gone. So if interested monitor the thread or the DA thread. come to PoE ... We have beers.
  4. Panamon from DA got the last key for the time being. Clan DA just got 3 keys donated by Chris. We traded our beta keys and well messed some up. Made Chris giggle and donate us 3 extra keys - which are all gone now. Chris said all the ingame Beta testers will be given keys to donate to friends. So if you are interested - keep an eye on this thread or DA thread. I will try keep both updated, when I am not gaming
  5. Cris From GGG, donated clan DA 2 extra beta keys. 1 got donated to Brazzmonkey, last one is still up for grabs in clan DA forum. Getting ready for update Charly friday this week. There is gonna be alot off changes.
  6. R.I.P Electrocute. level 43 wich doing fell shrine act 2 ruthless. got critted by a named elemental. Long last her memory, and few HP. Till that nothing could satisfy her need for souls to charge her Shock-nova, or stand against her forious lightning. Hheheheh some lucky new player got all I had on me ( in SC ), before reroll. Now time for yet another wixen.
  7. I made yet another char ... Gem_storage. So if any off you HC folks need a gem or 2, let me know. I mostlikely got em. Oh and I got my first unique, too bad I dont play Peew peew ( archers ). Been grinding level 35 ish so far, I got 50 orbs or more, 50 uniques, and alot off useless things ( that littler Fellshrine ). Going for level 40 then goiing ruthless and faith ... Do or die. Oh right let me upload that unique pic somewhere so I can link it. Thx Jet, for hosting my pic. P.S Llama its +2 arrows and some, worthless for me. Anybody HC peop want that. A small sidenote: All servers are going to be erased / reset when open Beta start, just a warning.
  8. Going online on my easy buttom Electrocute. Now thats a unchallenging build - unless I fall asleep. Solod all way to end off cruel already, gonna try all solo till she dies. But lightning specced & lightning charge caster is cakewalk. Even with only 2 spells added - no need for more. Need check if ruthless is dangerous for this build - but I wery much doubt it - shes even full mf specced: 34 % item quantity & 74 % item rarity. Yes shes using the mod gems : Item rarity ( 12 % quality - int) Item quantity ( 15 % quality - str ).Both linked with shock nova Area of Effect - ( 26 - 518 dmg normal - crit 7 % extra still needs some passive mods ) Yes getting skill or modifier gems with mf quality - makes them drop as quality & they have better stats. Around ½ off all drops I see, ( I filter all whites) is higher quality or rares. P.S still missing to get my first unique item. There are so many different builds to try, sacred & ddo can giveup - this game got more combinations off builds. Could keep me occupied for an extensive loooooooong time. ( And probably will . ) Cris said they will end up with 100 active skills and around 50 passive skills. Now thats alot off time to even scrape surface off the build possibilitys. ( Now we got 30 actives ( gems ) and 30 passives ).* P.P.S. Charly update should be friday the second, then ill try wixen again and see if new evasion thoughts are usefull for a ranger. Besides that they will andd some Area of Effect skill for ranger and mod the existing Area of Effect´s to match the lightning Area of Effect. Then they will add a little to mobs if the new changes are to strong. Nah honestly - its a combination off:* Passive skills, skill gems & modifier gems. The passive skills, especially if a charge build means so big a difference. From doing base dmg on active skills- to getting more attack speed & dmg & others. ANd also distributing your stat points - depending on which side > Str. int, Dex. And also resistances & hp/ less casting time / attack speed / run speed / more minions/ etc - there are 30 different passives right now. And its only alpha passive tree - they said they will change it here and there with new adds and other thoughts - depending on feedback in beta forum PoE.
  9. Latest Beta member from DA: Rotluchs , GZ mate. I hope you go HC - not no dying world with its issues like the rest from DA. So now Rotluchs, Llama, Dobster, Vorlon, Dags, Stubbie & me are in PoE beta from DA.
  10. The champions, and the bosses. They got high crit, stunn, and other spec attacks. And since evasion is a chance roll, you roughly got a 3 in 10 chance off dying. The devs are gonna try some else with evasion, I look forvard to testing that. Ya ruthless is wilde, cant wait to try merciless when its added.
  11. Wixen nr 4 made it to level 32 in ruthless. RIP But shoved me a fun faaaast close-combat build, only bad is no defence. Meaning if you get crit in ruthless you die in 1 hit. The Frenzy skill gem - mixed with passive frenzy specs is redicilous fast. I hit the games limit off 10 attacks a sec as level 30. Poor fingers and mouse. Gonne reroll her on game update to test evasion changes - cause as is you got 30 % chance on ruhless to die each hit from any named mob. Oh and stubbie got a beta key. So now LLama, Dobster, Vorlon, Dags, Stubbie & me are in PoE beta from DA.
  12. Ehm rip wixen 2 & 3. Both got in mid 20´s and things started getting painfull. The mechanism for evasion is getting a redo, with around 70 % evasion, chance getting 2 hitted in cruel is 30 % chance each hit. Besides that rangers are missing an Area of Effect attack skill, especially the non bow using rangers. Area of Effect for rangers and another evasion mechanism will be added on expansion Charly. Actually atleast 10 peops are competing getting the first surviving ranger to level 40. There are noone in ladder with a ranger past level 40 alive in HC.Or actually a surviving ranger on Ruthless difficulty past chapter 1. Lost first one to endboss chapter one. I made wixen_four: going to be a shield sword ranger test to 30, or to when she meets faith. Gonna reroll her anyway on update - just curious about the rage charges for ranger . With 5 charges active, you have 10 normal attacks a second as level 30. With almost no defence and rage hp loss/ increased DMG on low health - definately need a test. Dmolisher my necro/ice wich level 33 PWN, only issue with necros is no pets in boss fights - cause no corpses to animate. Thats why also ice speced, for the freeze and chill procs. A slowed or frozen boss is less likely to hit you. She can have 8 ghouls and 7 ghosts. Shes at chapter 2 endboss almost ready for Ruthless, but easy peacy - not much testing with that build.( read boring ) Shes currently able to mutilate mobs 5-6 level above her level without a problem. Only challenge is the endboss chapter 1. I lost her 3 times to endboss chapter 1, and 1 time all party wipe - because 2 people summoned a city portal all party crashed and wiped. That bug have been fixed She is rank 68 on HC ladder. P.S Difficulty are: Normal, Cruel, Ruthless ( & secret - not added ). And a warning: Partying adds 50 % mobhealth pr party member.
  13. LMB,middle wheel, RMB, q, w, e, r, t. for active attack skills. ( from gems ) Pot slots in 1 to 5. ( till charly expansion, then 1-0, depending on belt.) When you start you can only LMB, and its best with a weap in hand offcource. To not move LMB - hold shift down and LMB attack. To link items CTRL click item with chat open/ Poe forum post open. To reset instance shift click entrence - only for beta testing. Also reason they made all drops random generated to make us test, not boss run. LMB is set for normal attack. But if you LMB ingame active skills slots - you can change it to any skill you have slottet/ are able to use. Screenschot F8. Minimap Tab. And others I dont remember like see latency and peops online hc server / sc server / other beta tools.
  14. I completed normal mode on my necro / ice wich. So far wery solid game, with alot off bugs that need weeding out. I got her level 23 or so, doesnt matter - since she will die scouting for bugs ... call it faith. Act 1 is almost finished - act 2 & 3 are missing ½ or more off content. Besides that we got normal, cruel & ruthless difficulty. ( missing hardest difficulty. though ruthless you will get 2 hit killed. ) Going to be an update to beta version charlie when pax ends. So far memory dumping and e-mailing at crashes zoning - trying to hlp them figure out why. Besides that, Area of Effect makes massive lag when partying a wich. So I have a hard time getting to party. Ice wiches got 5 spells- lightning got 3, fire got 1, necro got 2 spells. They are going to change spells on charly update, cold Area of Effect and others need some love peops say. I dont see why, if you spec for passive cold skills you are an evol wich for poor mobs. P.S. I just got my beta key a few days ago. So I am waiting for reply for allovance to donate it to someone in clan.(Llama )
  15. Not shure about that. You will be able to buy own server ( for clan or other ), and also buy special events / legues( challenges ). But only time will tell.
  16. I was in 5 man party yesterday. And ehm , we found 2 bugs. The first was with 2 people casting teleport - crashed the game server and all in party died. The second is a load zone bug - didnt kill anyone, but was annoying client crashing and using global chat to get reinvited. So first we spend hours figuring out what caused the wipe bug. Then we spend 2 hours remaking our chars - and finding the zone bug. Its beta so I expect to die here and there. So far completed chapter 1, and I like what I see. P.S. Theres a minor game bug fix today cause off these issues.
  17. Jetcutter donated me his beta key . THX jet.
  18. The full passive skills tree is .... awesome - wow so many build possibilitys. Let me say after seing that passive skills tree, anyone found my jaw. I guess diablo 3 just lost , atleast for me. Rip D3.
  19. I saw a raid video, this look wery cool. I might be tempted to try it. Even if I dont like PvP, there seems alot to do.
  20. 19 degrees celsious. Clouds and rain. forecast say regional up till 200 mm rain, thats what we normal get in entire august month. Over the last 2 weeks we got rain showers with enuff water for june to august normal rain. Meaning all 3 months total. Gah who stole summer.
  21. Check out the beta manifesto. Beta manifesto The released version is going to have 100 active skills, looking very sweet so far - even if just 30 skills. P.S thats the 10 skills you can see now for each stat, gonna be 3 times as many in final releace.
  22. 2 ways off lottery every 30 mins + special invite from Cris. 1 Having been forum member since pre beta lottery, Upcoming Veteran. 2 New forum member lottery, Upcoming Random. 3 Having made good serious post, that made Cris give you a beta key. So 96 lottery beta keys a day + invites from cris. I would suggest browsing the PoE forum.
  23. Yes that one GOGO. So far looking wery good, and I like the interaction with the dev team on the forum. I definately got this 1, as my top must check out game this fall.
  24. Path of Exile at PAX Prime 2011 Thursday, August 18, 2011 Grinding Gear Games will be attending the PAX Prime Expo in Seattle from August 26-28. We have a booth (#799) with many computers set up for you to play Path of Exile. In addition to the existing PvE content from the Beta, our experimental team PvP arenas will be enabled for you to try out. We will be distributing DVDs with copies of the Closed Beta (including a key) to people who come play the game. We look forward to seeing you there! Beta test is up, so far 4 from DA got beta invited. Keeping my fingers crossed to get 1 & go test hybrid buids ( off pure stat classes ) I have been watching Renixians live streaming from beta. That look really awesome: Renixian streams
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