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Everything posted by Aegis

  1. Thank you. Patience is needed for this stuff, I tell you. ^^ So I take it you also saw the good, the bad, and the ugly of my gallery. ^^;
  2. I can hardly tolerate working indoors doing heavy labor as it is, I can only imagine working outdoors in extreme weather.
  3. Heh. Couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, couldn't have explained it any better, period. Pretty much the meat and potatoes of all you need to know there before figuring things on your own. Also a newbie myself, so welcome to the forum. I also made some serious mistakes on my first try, one of them being not putting any focuses for any of my aspects, especially for buffs. I've since learned the hard way the importance of planning your build, nevermind how many runes to eat.
  4. Thank you, steve. You know, gogo, if the current pic can be considered the alternate to the Armantin's set, I think I have an idea for Denderan's and Lucreti's sets as well. Brainstorming time...
  5. Some of my friends are complaining over the couple of cms of snow and wished for the green Xmas of last year. Ah, the perks of living near a great lake. Can't wait till this supposed record snow fall comes. :/ I can more or less live with snow. Where I complain are salt trucks, mountains blocking my drive way, and black ice. Freezing rain will also dampen the mood, too.
  6. Huh... you know, as dreary as Toronto may be, there is a perk to this: we don't get it as bad as other cities. We got snow here, but I'd hardly call it bad... at least not yet. o.o Come next month, we shall see. >>;
  7. Hmm... a rotting corpse, a flaming goth man in a dress, cult dude that talks to Pocket Monsters, or a two legged chihuahua... I could go with one of the ladies, but if not the high heels, then certainly the thongs would kill me. And then there's the draft. >>
  8. Thank you both. ^^ I personally thought the guy could be a little more... intimidating myself, thus I settled for that idea. And, yeah, I also want that set, too. =3 Hmm, maybe if I work up enough of a collection, I'll add it to the wiki.
  9. Say hi to my take on the Shadow Warrior. And if I remain inspired, there could be more. Be very afraid.
  10. How about I give you four I'm listening to? ;p I'm obsessed with all of them at the moment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TChCohiZUo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8_NnBwkKNY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeloP43nsd8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtgAynh-b3U
  11. Sleipnir was Odin's steed, was the child of Loki and Svaðilfari, was described as the best of all horses, and was sometimes ridden to the location of Hel. The Prose Edda contains extended information regarding the circumstances of Sleipnir's birth, and details that he was gray in color. Sleipnir was also an eight-legged horse. When you also consider that Loki was the one who gave birth to Sleipner, nevermind that he turned into a horse, that is one screwed up relation.
  12. Thanks for the hard work testing this. So I guess any combination of mods ought to do. My first SW had NA modded to four skeletons, and while not exactly strong, the numbers and their toughness were good enough for me.
  13. Good call. And other than perhaps the first few words, it wasn't supposed to make sense anyways. I'd be scared if it DID make sense. o.o;
  14. Depending on the definition, the Aegis was either a shield forged, or a buckler. I'll simply wiki this and give you the description.
  15. Not yet. Drew plenty of other stuff, but nothing for Sacred 2 at the moment. If I ever lose the block, I just might do it.
  16. Really, my forum name is one of those fairly common names you'll see. You see it in RPGs, you see it in hardware, etc, etc. Originally, however, it's named after Zeus' shield. This name, however, has been with me since, well... forever. And now that I think about it, I should've used 'Dead Fat Boy' instead. >>;
  17. Yesh, short and sweet. ^^ Of course, I could write an essay on how I dislocated my index finger while cheering for a hockey game. o.o Thank you, thank you for the warm fuzzies. ^^ Or maybe I just ate something... fuzzy. >>
  18. Been well over a month, so excuse the reply. I'll just throw in my own experiences from my brief time with my SW build. He's a beast, and one of the reasons is that I've kept GR and RE at all times. Hardly anything could touch me, and bosses that I once feared due to inexperience suddenly could do little because of all that added hp and defence. The Sacred wiki pretty says it plainly: the benefits you get from keeping buffs on outweigh the disadvantages big time, especially since there is more than one way to mitigate regen times to begin with. I mainly rely on the focuses to do the job, while leaving concentration alone at 1 point. So, really, despite the massive numbers, I wouldn't be too concerned over regen times.
  19. I prefer a pint over my arm being a snack, so... Hello, hello. ^^ You probably wouldn't want to know where and how to become someone's snack. o.O
  20. Never used RO myself so I have no comment. On the other hand, AG, especially modded, as everyone else says, is beautiful. I never had issues with the cooldown, and especially when used in conjunction with other CAs, I do notice the attack and defence stack up. Currently set with Tutor, so it's meant to be a bit of an experience booster.
  21. *necros* Just wanted to say, this guide and Kaiden's guide were godsends for me. I don't personally own the game, thus I don't get many days where I can play and experiment for myself. So on the days I do manage to play, even though I didn't follow this guide to the letter, having it as the basis for my SW melee build just to get going, then following it up with Kaiden's tips on defence pretty much made my SW a walking tank. Loved it, and I thank you for it.
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