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Everything posted by ~Night.Wolfe~

  1. Anything new going with this? I totally understand if you are busy with the new forum and all that I was just checkin' in
  2. You are definitely THE source for all things pertaining to horses and riding! Great job Pevil! Cheers
  3. I could probably get Carolyn to make a clan board again , in fact I think she was asking if anyone wanted one and no one responded.... I will ask her if there is enough interest from everyone.
  4. I think you may have misunderstood Gogo... I didn't mean to condense the Sacred sections onto just ONE forum. What I meant was to create a new board on one forum where all members from certain clans (those that have a really good track record of having good/fair players) would get together and meet members from OTHER clans. I know my clan and some others have a private board that isn't open to the public where we get together and attempt to plan events or get together to all play at the same time but with so few actively playing members it is somewhat hard. Then you add to that people's personal lives, schedules and time zone differences and it makes it even harder. But if we had a place where ALL clan members from ALL clans got together we could probably get waaaay more clan events, competitions and just group playtimes that would be fun with more people around.... Get what I mean? Like an affiliated clans lounge.
  5. Your forum has always looked amazing.... I sooooo want to borrow Darius, he is a genius!! But anyway... as far as your clan I have to say that you have some of THE best players out there in your clan! They all seem to be very community oriented and I have never had anything but great encounters with them. Keep up the great job guys! I have been thinking of a possibly fun thing to do at my forum and I guess this is as good a place as any to bring it up since obviously both Jonny and Gogo will see it... I am not sure about Clan DA but I do know that my clan and Gogo's clan are rather small and so many people have deserted Sacred until Sacred 2 comes out. Therefore it seems to ME anyway that it is a lot harder to get good group of players together for any sort of event or just cause it's fun playing in a group... also of course is that activity on the forums has slowed down quite a bit. Therefore I was thinking about creating a board for ALL of our clans to come together and talk Sacred, trade items and plan gaming times together. Is this something that you all think your clan members might enjoy and you would encourage them to participate in?
  6. Hey gogo I have a bunch of new enemy stats that I have not put up on my website yet... and I figured in case you had started going through them for any you don't have that I would just post the info. for you here so you wouldn't have to start at the beginning again... Animals: Poisonous Wargh of Zhurag-Nar - Damage: Poison, Physical - Weak to: Fire, Magic Magical Wargh of Zhurag-Nar - Damage: Magic, Physical - Weak to: Fire, Poison Demons: Giant Burning Araneida - Damage: Fire - Weak to: Magic Burning Araneida - Damage: Fire - Weak to: Poison, Magic Putrid Pirate - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Poison, Magic Decaying Pirate - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Poison, Magic Monsters: Wreathed Choker - Damage: Fire - Weak to: nothing Water Gargoyle - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Poison, Fire Lesser Gargoyle- Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Poison, Fire Blood Harpy - Damage: Magic - Weak to: Poison, Fire Hatchet Crab - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Poison, Fire Hatchet Crab Hunter - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Poison, Fire Undead: Unsettled Pirate - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Fire Undead Pirate - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Fire Skeletal Pirate - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Fire Restless Pirate - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Fire Humans: Slavecatcher - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Poison, Magic Brigand - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Poison, Magic Hirelings: Praetorian - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Fire Mohkva - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Poison, Fire Female Mohkva - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Poison, Fire Mercenary of Urkuk - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Fire Mercenary of Hedgenton - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Fire Freelancing Soldier of Hedgenton - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Fire Freebooter of Urkuk - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Poison Deserting Soldier - Damage: Physical - Weak to: Magic, Poison So each time I get new screenshots that are not on the webpage I will write you a list like the above to make it easier for you to get a complete list. Also I won't be adding the new ones above for a while so you won't be copying double info. if you go to to website in the next week or so. I am trying to figure out a cleaner way of setting up the bestiary pages so I won't be updating anything there till I decide how I want to do it.
  7. Wow guys you are makin' me blush Yeah obsession I will agree that my forum can be a tad slow... unfortunately to get it to look as great as it does I had to use a LOT of java coding which slows the load time. I once tried to set up a few different phpbb style forums but I always either had problems figuring out how to customize them or the hosts I was trying to use had tons of problems with error and/or down times. That being said if you can get over the slightly slower loading times it is pretty easy to figure out and we would love to have more visitors. Oh and Gogo, I was hoping that either you or one of your people could make me a Dark Matters mini-banner like those for Pevil's Place and Clan DA at the top of my forum so I can ad you to my affiliates table there.
  8. Click to go to Wolfe's Lair! Wolfe's Lair is an English fansite created by ME to cover everything you could ever want to know about Sacred Underworld and Sacred 2: Fallen Angel! Sacred Underworld Overview: info. on all 8 Character Classes tons of Game Basics guides for MP and SP screenshots of every Set and Unique Item in the game so far detailed walkthrough that includes every Main Quest and Side Quest in Sacred Underworld detailed walkthroughs for all the Easter Eggs Maps, Stash Locations and Portals for the entire world on Ancaria detailed directions for all the Dragons Bestiary - (Under Construction) and plenty more miscellaneous things for you to check out! Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Overview: Game Overview including minimum requirements for both the PC and XBox 360 versions tons of Game Screenshots, Character Art and Concept Art Skill Info. for the two characters announced so far Plus tons more to come as we reach the release date!! Forum Overview: our forum has been open and continuously active for just over a year and a half some great Character Builds Game Glitches info. The WpC Clan and tons of other great gamers! Come visit us anytime!
  9. Great guide Gogo! I thought you might like to know two things though... The first is that you have the goblin table listed under elves and no elves table. The second is that I double checked all the res./damage against the 2.28 Bestiary screenshots I have and they all match up perfectly... thought I would save you the trouble of double checking them...
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome all! And I really appreciate all the kudos on my site I tried Guild Wars once and I just couldn't get into it... I think cause it is sooo hard to play alone and you never know who you can trust to watch you back and what not. That is the type of game that you really have to have a clan to join with right away that has lots of active members... so I ended up uninstalling it :cha (18):
  11. So I am a fan of Gogo's and decided to finally come see what the forum is all about..... great job! I especially love how the skin changes depending on which game board you are in... very cool So do ANY of you even play Sacred anymore I saw that there are hardly any posts in that whole section.... So anyway I was just dropping by to say hi <--- love that smiley
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