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Posts posted by DaveO

  1. I have two of the Daemon other forms as part of the five CA selections you get. Both Energy and Poison Daemon are at decent levels, so if there is a weakness to Poison in the group I can address that with the Poison Daemons resists. Unfortunately, the downside is that it adds poison damage and those Dark Elves are resistant to poison. I'd much prefer to keep using the Energy Daemon buff which should have significant effects on melee and ranged damage. I'm hoping the buff that I was regularly giving to Gial boosted the damage quite a bit.

  2. Schot, that's a great idea to have a time set aside for preparation and another for going thru the area. The main reason I mentioned Zhurag Nar is that I want revenge on the Dark Elves for almost denying the others the right to have that portal. My Daemon is primed and focused, though I lost some really good 90% RSM daemon boots due to a server crash. I doubt I'll ever seen anything that good ever again soon. :)

  3. I found a way to bypass that troublesome mission. I'd like to think that I'm fairly good at these space flight sim games, but obviously I needed some assistance. Sheesh! To me it's quite annoying that I need some really good flying and combat skills to get thru that mission.


    P.S. - I did find a very useful way to survive capital ship attack runs by putting all my power to my shields. :D

  4. I was thinking of starting out at Zhurag Nar on the next session, but we could go elsewhere if others have weak poison resistance. Gial, I could transfer some WE set items to your character with a WE character of my own if you wish. Just let me know what you're looking for. The same goes for Gogo. I know my Daemon has the Uriell seraphim blade, and a higher level seraphim may have additional items Gogo is seeking.

  5. I have too many characters to list off, so if I supply my account name of Eternal Dagger then you may see me online. I would have been online earlier today if I felt I had enough time to level up my Battle Mage. Perhaps within the next few days, you will see me.

  6. I tried the mission again, and failed it due to a cloaked torpedo bomber. This always seems to happen, so I must be taking too much time. I had the Blind Fire, 80 Screamer missiles, and two extra fuel pods. I felt I took out the defenses and engines fairly quickly. I just DON'T know what it takes to pass this mission. I guess I need some elite piloting skills. :D

  7. I've seen Gogo's and Ari's signature banners, and I'd like to personally request a banner made for me. The only things I'd like in regards to the banner is that it should be from somebody who wants to do it, and that the banner should contain a Minotaur within it somewhere(Moca is fine from Sacred, but I would greatly encourage unique creativity).

  8. I just got my Daemon to level 35, and a few days earlier got the Dark Elf up to level 30. All I have to do is to get my BM up to level 40 for the DA leveling sessions, and I'll be good to go for this weekend. I still have all the waypoints except Shaddar Nur if anybody needs them. I don't have any Underworld waypoints right now. I did get a Byleth BM shield and the Recundis Vampiress shield for Schot and Ari during general quest running while leveling to 35.

  9. I gave away my hoard of mentor potions to help Ari and Schot. Fortunately, there were still some that dropped. As soon as Schot exited the caves, the potion drops were very few. It was fun helping out others so that they could get into Silver. I had the tables turned on me when Gial was level 29. I was touch-and-go for a while even with my Daemon buffed, but we all got pretty good after some patience. I even shared the mohawk look with Gial multiple times :)

  10. During the downtime of the DarkMatters site, I continued along with my Blizzard Wood Elf adventures. I completed the Ancaria campaign with her earlier this morning. Oddly, the other dragons seemed more vulnerable to Call of the Ancestors than D'Cay was. The roughest parts were doing the Lich Lord quest in Gloomoor(sp) where I was close to dying due to the massive mobbing when I entered the dungeon, and killing D'Mordrey who was insistent on mostly avoiding the Call of Ancestors waiting outside his throne room. In terms of treasure, I was able to complete the Octanion set for a set build Wood Elf, but I'll be running thru with my Battle Mage, Seraphim, and standard Wood Elf to see if I can get the Octanion items at a lower level(level 70+ for items I did acquire). Other characters got buffed with items I transferred over, so overall about 8-10 characters got a power increase from the items the Blizzard Wood Elf exported. I have a level 60+ Wood Elf mule character that I gave 66,666,666 gold to the Blizzard Wood Elf. The mule still has 400 million gold to give away to other characters that get to level 75-100. I've posted a few screen shots of her in action during the final part of the Ancaria campaign. Enjoy as always! :)




    Dragon hunting and Wind Element



    More Dragon hunting



    Poor Wirt! - Diablo



    Sakkara Demon Ancaria quest boss


    P.S. - I found the Lloraneth set leg greaves and socketed them with two +3 Trade amulets. With all of the +Trade gear, my Trade skill is close to or slightly above 150! She ended her Ancaria campaign adventures at character level 75.

  11. Gogo, it's been the same way with Clan DA's leveling sessions. My Battle Mage frequently encountered long lag situations, so it's possible that Teamspeak will not provide much of a benefit. The only way to address the lag is to create multiple server sessions. Depending on the number of players, that means either 2 or 3 servers ready for the next session.

  12. Clan DA uses Teamspeak as a way to bypass lag caused by typing. For some reason, the lag workarounds remind me of Diablo 2's issues where using a Glide package was the best way to play the game. Oddly, D2's performance plummeted under every other video setting.

  13. I managed to do a few quests as well as obtain more waypoint portals. I now have all portals with the exception of Shaddar Nur, and will happily share them with the group. I recognized a good brief online session as a sign to exit and continue again on a later date. She's level 15 right now, but I should be able to reach level 20 without too much difficulty.

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