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Everything posted by Feyd

  1. 2 things about PS3: 1) After getting a certain amount of bonuses, I can no longer view the details of the "Overview" screen this is what shows all the active bonuses and what not. I like to micromanage, and find this a little annoying. 2) I guess this really isn't a glitch or bug, just something I find to be a bit annoying. I recently decided to start a new BFG seraphim, my first time using a ranger. The problem is that you have almost no control over the mobs that you're aiming at. You can manipulate the analog stick, but it doesn't like you doing this. It seems to me like the game automatically picks the furthest target from you. So, when I get swarmed by mobs, instead of attacking the werewolf champ thats hacking away at me the game decides that the rat that is still off screen really needs to die. I yell "NO!" and jerk the stick in the direction of the champ, which the game interprets as: "hey, attack the spider that is right next to the champ." I get a small victory as the BFG blows the spider apart, but then my seraphim goes back to shooting at that stupid rat... This can also be frustrating when the furthest mob is behind a tree, or even worse, on the other side of a dungeon wall... It just doesn't make any sense why they would program it to choose the farthest mob to attack. All I'm saying is the first, and most important, rule of engaging multiple targets is: engage the closest, most immediate threat first. Anyway, it's just a small frustration, and doesn't keep the bfg seraphim from being my favorite toon so far. I guess I just wanted to rant about it. Thanks.
  2. I'm still trying to figure out the EP thing. Based on the descriptions of EP and chance to find valuables rings, it looks to me like EP doesn't really increase drops on its own. It seems like you need to have the rings equipped. And, since I'm neurotic about these things, every ring I have equipped adds a chance to find valuables modifier. Does any one know for sure if this is really helping me, or am I just gimping my toon?
  3. I've been trying to stay with sets for a while now. I've got a level 55 seraphim and everything that I equip is a set piece (still no full set) Is it better to stick with set gear or to pick individual items?
  4. I know for the seraphim you get an awesome sword. So, yes.
  5. Has anyone completed this quest and sent all of the developers back to the office? I'm asking because it seems like a pretty monumental undertaking, and I was wondering if there is any particular reward or reason to complete it. Thanks
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