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Posts posted by chattius

  1. german site


    german forum



    Edit: I created a topic in german forum about SIF. Hope some with some knowledge will read it and answer.



    None of my normal nameservers is finding the ip number of SIF anymore. Some free not so often updated nameservers still have an ip number for SIF but I cannot connect to this number.

  2. Is strength adding to base damage?


    Did some quick test with different strength based weapons to see if

    strength is adding base damage. All test were done naked withpout tactic lore

    or any other modifier giving x% damage. (Test are in AddOn)

    Normal attacks
    weapon_type base_damage strength_46 str_53 shown_46 shown_53
    2h sword	49-66	   +24		 +28	70-94	73-99
    sabre	   33-41	   +11		 +12	43-53	44-55
    halberd	 46-65	   +17		 +20	60-86	63-89
    barehanded			  +4		  +5	 18-18	19-19
    So far it could be rounding errors. the 2h sword had part magical damage,
    so rounding errors could be bigger there.
    Averaged damage
    2h Sword
     +24 +28
    57.5  82  86
     +11 +12
    37   48  49.5
     +17 +20
    55.5 73  76

    So if I average the damage and round up it seems to fit. Strength seem to

    be added to the average damage.


    Different weapon types have different strength bonus.


    If you compare halberd and sword you see that the weapon damage is nearly

    the same, but the bonus from strength makes a big differrence. The low

    bonus from strength to base damage if fighting barehanded means that doing

    strength for a kungfu character is not needed.


    Is demonic blow getting base damage from poison modifier?


    Demonic blow before adding poison damage with the 2 handed sword from before:


    125-165 physical, 13-22 magical

    modifying for extra damage

    125-165 physical, 13-22 magical, 18-18 poison damage


    18-18 and leaving the other damage types untouched, this looks as if it adds

    base poison damage and not per cent as it is shown in the wiki. Same is probably true

    for all the combat arts mentioned a few posts earlier:




    Mortifying Pillory

    Frenzied Rampage






    Ruthless Mutilation

    dragon form combat art



    berzerkerform combat art


    There is a base fist damage

    At level 8 there seems to be a base damage for fighting barehanded of 14-14.

    It should be tested if this climbs with character level or difficulty.


    To Do

    For which of the 5 Combat Art's will it be useful to modify for more elemental base damage.

    Which character ideas could use it: unarmed Shadow Warrior, unarmed Inquisitor, ...

    The wiki should be corrected for these 5 modifiers.

  3. Gogo said no weapon Combat Art had base damage, but entry11 = {"et_weapondamage_poison", 60, 20, 6, 9 } looks like base poison damage?




    Mortifying Pillory

    Frenzied Rampage




    Ruthless Mutilation

    dragon form combat art


    berzerkerform combat art


    There seems to be at least 5 normal combat arts with elemental damage as a 'et_weapondamage_...' modifier?

    Or is it added after the normal damage calculation?

    The Wiki is confusing here: sometimes saying adding damage over time, then adding damage to a hit and as a third possibility adding % damage.


    Base damage for spells?

    Shame on me, but even after 16month sacred2 I never played a pure caster build. So to learn about caster builds I decided to play a shadow warrior caster(!). I am the opinion that you learn best if it is challenging, just like in soccer: you learn nothing against a team which you can beat 20:0. But a challenging 4:3 against an equaly strong team you remember for years.


    So I plan the shadow warrior. I know that fighters win from damage x-x rings in higher difficulties. So I wondered if this could be transferred to mages. But all I know to boost the base damage of a spell is spell level and intelligence. So the question is: will there be a time when it is better to socket some +intelligence gear instead x% damage? Or is the base damage from a spell already enough? Thats is ithe reason I try shadow warrior, it seems to have only 'weak'spells, id est lose base damage.


    Will the jump-attack win from +combat art range?

    Should I use spell intensity gear?

    How is ancient magic working: on mitigation, on resistances or on both?

    Should I wear damage type changing gloves?

  4. ....

    I've seen that fairly often with axes/swords on other characters, I think that the only range check is on the initial Combat Art cast, rather than before each hit. Also, if you poke about in the Spells.txt file you'll find an entry for the staff ranged attack (which I think is why the staff bolt won't work with Combat Arts, since it might be a Combat Art. Kinda).


    So I'd class it as a bug, but not specific to staves (with Staff Lore).


    There are similiar entries like this for arrow, energy shots and so on too. And the staff shot is listed as 1 second cooldown. I had the impression that the staff can shoot faster than 1 second, but if not I will flame my bad eyes.

  5. I read some easteregg stories about (german) sacred2. So I knew that the voice of the shadow warrior in the german version is the same as from Maximus in the gladiator (synchronizing speaker). Which fits well in my opinion.

    But then our 7 year old musical genius watched us playing and suddenly said, funny this sounds like Diego. I was looking up and Diego, the sable tooth tiger from Ice Age is the same speaker.


    She is just 7 so she didn't knew older movies or movies way above her age. But we tried some more tests:


    The dryad:

    It is the speaker for Jodie Foster. My daughter was right there. Even she didn't knew Jodie Foster as an actor. For her Foster was this crazy woman in 'Nim's Island' who fears animals and nature. I don't know which other movies the speaker synchronized and if ascaron did choose the speaker for the dryad in a ironic way, movie and sacred2 are both 2008, but I think it is funny, a dryad who hates natures :tease:


    The high elf:

    That's Bart she said. Looking up it is the speaker of Bart Simpson, in the movie, series and computer game. I looked up her movie synchronizations and closest to high elf would be Jovovich in the 1999 'Johanna of Orleans'.


    The seraphim:

    She didn't know, but it is the speaker of Sarah Michelle Geller. Chosen because of Buffy ?



    She said that is Freddie Faulig (Robbie Rotten) from the Lazy Town TV series for kids.


    Are there funny speaker/class combinations in other languages too?

  6. More hitpoints result in just more damage if you are hit by an x% life leech attack. I don't say that less hitpoints is better, but a build based on very high hitpoints is vulnerable to x% life leech attacks.

    In niob this life leech can be as high as 35+%. Since 35% life leech are calculated from your maximal and not your current hitpoints a 35% from 10000 hitpoints is 3500 damage and from 20000 hitpoints it is 7000. It doesn't matter how many hitpoints you have, 3 such hits and you are dead.

    So runes of protection modified for spell blocking reduces the chance that you will be hit by such attacks. It may also block debuff spells on you and enemies near you will be stunned. You don't need the lore just the blocking percent which come with high levels = focus.


    I would bring mentalism focus to mastery so you can modify 3 mentalism Combat Art's fully. Runes of protection, maelstream and combat trance perhaps.


    Even playing an elementalist, I would rather take familar and and runes than the protector if I can only go for 2 buffs early in game.


    I have to look for my elementalist build to look up my modifications. But be warned I played it as first character when buying the AddOn and there was no knowledge about dragon mages.

    * 02 Elementarmagiekunde (elementalism lore)

    * 03 Rüstungskunde (armour)

    * 05 Elementarmagiefokus (elementalism focus)

    * 08 Drachenmagiefokus (dragon focus)

    * 12 Konzentration (concentration)

    * 18 Mentalistenfokus (mentalism focus)

    * 25 Alchemie (alchemy)

    * 35 Reiten (riding)

    * 50 Drachenmagiekunde (dragon lore)

    * 65 Alte Magie (ancient magic)

    The idea was to test if alchemy would work when transformed (partial) and to test if horse Combat Art's were fixed in the AddOn (no). Even it was a testing character he was played hardcore to level 135 in niob from different members of my family before retired. The playstyle was quite easy. Using the high riding speed (riding was at mastery for testing) I was riding big circles gathering groups and avoiding combat. Then a maelstream and spamming destroyer gust of wind combinations. The destroyers kill all what is near and the gust hits survivors blowing them away, so the next destroyers have to move to the corner of the screen attracting more enemies....

    After pressing the combination key for a while there are no survivors in a very big area and I could use quick riding to find some more for kill. Alchemy was used as boss support, wielding a twohanded sword or shuriken with x% life leech and boosting attack speed and attack value with trophies.

  7. I modified this character for my little 15/3/4 project. The project is to play a character of each class hardcore to niob with all 15 Combat Art's modified with all 3 modifiers played in a 4 player lan. Sadly I lag the time to play that much so I did multiaspect characters most of the time to be able to follow discussions on the forum.


    The only change to the above build was to take away constitution and take tactics instead (gives more hitpoints for the buff). I had some experiments running and most of the early levels I played like a singing barbarian from diablo2. Using belligerent vault to jump to a group and pre-damaging it so deathblow kicks in for the explosion of demonic blow. BV is a spell attack so it wins from intelligence, combat discipline and ancient magic.


    1534 for the elf:

    Full 3 Aspect elf

    1534 for the dragon mage:


    1534 for the dryad (planed):

    shield, armour, tactics, hunter focus, nature focus/lore, voodoo lore/focus, ancient magic, combat discipline

    Playstyle would be tangled vines and dust devils for defense and damage, totem to aggravate and let enemies run into the dustdevil and ravaged impact to recharge Combat Art's.

  8. I looked up Krebsgang and after filtering away links to the Book of Grass "Im Krebsgang" (english Crabwalk) which is about people trying to flee from the red army in WW2 over the baltic sea. Then the Gustloff is sank with over 9000 dead, biggest ship disaster in whole history. Then there is Krebsgang used in music describing a permutation.


    In my case:

    Krebsgang seems to be best translated as crabwise, sideways moving while facing an enemy.


    If the character is at (0,0) and the target at (x,y) then the direction to the target is (x,y). But the character is not moving this way if there is a stone or any other small obstacle in the way ,it rather moves (-y,x) which is an angle of 90 degree. The face and run animation is in (x,y) direction while it is moving (-y,x). That why I called it 'crabwise'.


    You can see a similiar behaviour in monster groups. You aim at a target in the mid of a dense group. There is a high probability that an another enemy blocks the direct approach. So instead running to the center of the monster circle it runs tangential the distance it would have needed to reach the center, then it tries to hit the target again. If you kept the button pressed it will try to run tangential on the circle till it finds a hole. I think this behaviour is related to the above mentioned long distant crabwise.


    Sorry I do a bit hard with maths in english. I never had the language at school.

  9. I was comparing dragon mage aspects in an older thread.


    A pure dragon magic user is playable at begin, but later the transformations are way too weak.


    A elementalist needs the buffs from other aspects. Rune of protection is needed to block these nasty life leech combat arts in the AddOn. The companion boosts intelligence and therefore damage


    A mentalist can be played without elementalism.


    If you don't have much time, I would vote for a full 3 aspect dragon mage which is possible because the dragon mage gets it defense from buffs.

  10. Same people of x-mas patch are working on a community patch, still in beta currently and they are still looking for testers. If I got it right, it may be working on international 2.65.x versions. Some quests are fixed, some relics unlocked, ...


    From the german sacred forum:



    Comment about language support



    I read this that the changed files are same in all Ice and Blood versions, indenpendant of localization.

    High probability that if you depatch you can play closed again was mentioned somewhere in the thread.


    And most important, they wrote that they didn't want to be spammed with emails about the progress since they have only limited spare time to work on it. I will try the patch next weekend and willkeep you informed, if noone else is trying it. I have to fight through the 125 articles in the patch thread more carefully first.

  11. YY
    For consoles and the AddOn regeneration per hit is working. I would take stamina only if I play the classic PC version.


    While Rph

    is proving to be extremely useful I do not care for it with the bfg build. The flight time of the projectile is way to long for RPG to be effective.


    Well I suffer from eye damage from my army time and I use BFG with Archangel's wrath in melee range. So close that my double shots with explosions hit a single target :twitch:

    I have to agree that flight time or LAG can lessen the use of RpH up to a point that it is senseless. LAG is a problem because the server has to notify the client about a successfully weapon hit.


    But since not everone is playing a BFG build in sniper style, the ones who play like me could perhaps use it.

  12. Same people of x-mas patch are working on a community patch, still in beta currently and they are still looking for testers. If I got it right, it may be working on international 2.65.x versions. Some quests are fixed, some relics unlocked, ...


    From the german sacred forum:



    Comment about language support



    I read this that the changed files are same in all Ice and Blood versions, indenpendant of localization.

    High probability that if you depatch you can play closed again was mentioned somewhere in the thread.


    And most important, they wrote that they didn't want to be spammed with emails about the progress since they have only limited spare time to work on it. I will try the patch next weekend and willkeep you informed, if noone else is trying it. I have to fight through the 125 articles in the patch thread more carefully first.

  13. Dobri did a thread about Out of range attacks with other weapons.


    But this is not the same. With staff lore and Darting Assault you can hit targets behind hills and walls. This happens only if you have a staff in your right hand and have staff lore.

    It can be staff and shield, two handed staff, 2 staves, or a staff and another type of weapon - but you need staff lore and a staff in your right hand.


    After some testing I think this is a exploitable bug now, not a feature. Inqui mutilation, seraphim pelting strikes, ... behave the same.

  14. What you describe can happen on console, PC with and without AddON

    I think this is not same as staves. What you are describing I normally see at targets with many hitpoints. You target them with a multi-attack and keep the key pressed.Then the follow up attacks may hit- even the main target moved away- as long there are still other enemies (bodies?) are around.

    Another thing I saw it happen was when it is not possible to run to the target because of a small stone or something like this in the way, which blocked running but not the attack which could have done above the stone.

    I think is like:

    1. Sacred is calculating a route to the target, but it uses 3D at shoulder height.

    2. Walking uses 2D. If a small obstacle (like a stone) is blocking the walk then it stops walking.

    3. Now it tests if an attack on the target is possible from the place you stopped.

    4. The stone is small so a sword strike or shoot would be possible above it.

    5. Somehow the range of a weapon is not checked. Only if there is a direct line to the target on torso height.


    Another possibility is a weird Krebsgang (whats that in english? moving sidewards like a crab, or a samurai who circles an enemy while moving sidewards). You have direct sight to the target but a stone, small enemy is in the way. Sacred tried to move to the target, but another routine notices the obstacle and then something weird happens:

    The character moves in a 90degree angle but with body orientation towards the target. If character moved the distance, but 90% wrong, to the target he tries to attack from there.



    Staff lore multi attacks (like [s2wiki]Darting Assault">Darting Assault">[s2wiki]Darting Assault) are different: They hit targets behind a hill, walls, ... as long they are in shooting range, ignoring line of sight. And it is only on the AddOn AFAIK .

  15. Welcome to the board!


    Does she wants to play a female character? I know my wife and my daughters don't want to play males.

    You just started so you haven't a shopper yet. Does she likes shopping in a rpg?

    Should it be an easy to play character?


    Perhaps something like she shield maiden? You can start melee style (which is easy) and when the character grows she developes her magic arts. I did this character for my 12 year old daughter on PC but I know that some people play the build on consoles.

  16. No Motor sport/F1. Formula1 is boring with the new rules I heard. Everyone saving tires and noone riscs to speed up to advance in position.


    Fahrsport is with horses and a carriage. Our kids grew up with horses. That is one of the reasons we try to find a fun to play horsebuild for sacred2. Fahrsport is a sport we can do with whole family (except the 2 year twins) actively. You have to solve a cross country circuit with many obstacles as fast as possible, have to show how well your horses are trained, good looks for horses and carriage, ...

    At cross country the 'passengers' of the carriage are active, leaning out to move center of gravity and such. We start in 4 people, 4 wheeled, 2 horses (friesian). My father in law was a state champion in sidecarcross. And my wife used to be the monkey for almost 20 years. The monkey is the person in the sidecar who moves from left to right and for and back to keep the motorcycle in balance. When my father in law retired she moved to Fahrsport because it is more family friendly.


    Seems the english word for Fahrsport is combined driving.


    The Friesian horse


    We consider Fahrsport and vaulting (acrobatics on horseback) as nice family sports. They teach care for animals, teamwork, knowing of mechanics, body control, ... . The challenge weekends (at state, not international level) are like family meetings. You know everyone and exchange tipps and ticks.

  17. Gogo asked me to bring my article from SIF here to darkmatters. I started this with this thread but then 2 things happened:

    Gogo moved the article from normal forum to guide section at a time when it was not possible to edit the main article in a guide :P

    I bought the AddOn and it brought a lot of changes.

    So I moved some links which are for 2.43 into the main guide now, I added some warnings about changes which happened after the guide was written.


    But I will not do a rewrite for the AddOn. I will freeze this guide in the 2.43 version for the people who don't have the AddOn.


    I will start a new article how I would design a melee elf for the AddOn. There are several ways to do it:


    A FAQ: I will answer the most frequent questions about melee elves, but it is up to the reader to design his own elf.


    A Guide: I will write down what I think is the best melee elf for the AddOn

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