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    Hessen, Westerwald area

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  1. Define massive... At my moms birthday: mom 1 her four kids and wives/husbands 8 12 grandchildren, 4 of them married= 16 9 grandgrandchildren 34 people from family add friends and other relatives, we normally meet at the firefighters hall The family of my wife is as big In summer breaks we often do tents for the kids of both sides. We do holiday only every 3rd or 4th year. Hard to get replacement as a countryside doc as my wife is.
  2. Yes, same here. Badminton is the name for the competive sport. Federball is more you play the ball in a way the other can return it. Since it is in the open wind is always a factor. Oldest grandchild will be aged 5 August the 15th, The mixed grandchild twins are two years younger.
  3. Still in rehab but at least I could play a bit with my granddaughter. How is this called in English. German it is Federball (feather ball)
  4. bacon -> pike The twins caught one. Will wait with preparation till I am back from rehab. in difference to a carp a pike has not enough fat to taste good So you can wrap it with bacon, or pierce fatback sticks into it, ...
  5. *!§$ Rehab Could not visit The open air concert at the Schiffenberg monastry close to my old university town Giessen. Last time I visited Blind Guardian did a nice live performance of their The Bards Song
  6. million -> location here it is million 1000000 billion 1000000000000 , double the zeros trillion 1000000000000000000, triple the zeros
  7. joy -> Friedrich Schiller He wrote Ode to Joy. Beethoven used it for the sung part of his nineth.
  8. When dad had it the medic of his soccer team pressed a coin edge against the calcanite part and then with a hammer stroke it was loosened.... How -> happy 'How do you do' is one of the happiest songs I can play. This was performed at HIT'S A GOGO (!!!) show. The cover from Scooter
  9. gold coins -> calcaneal spur At war time with very few docs around people used to cure calcaneal spur by using a hammer and a silver coin. With the last silver coins vanishing 1975 in germany the disease was not curable any longer: pressure waves, ultra sonic, ... all were less effective. But I kept three of the coins, just in case
  10. Rehab is more painfully than being tortured by the spanish inquisition. And now they found something new. The real good cook is ill and they found no quick other. The potatoes are too soft because boiled too long, the peas and carrots seem not to be boiled at all.... If I had knewn this I would have asked my people to bring my field kitchen to the place...
  11. Kayak -> Origami Our second has a foldable kayak which she can transport with bus and train.
  12. boat -> Hochwasserboot Our house is in no risc of flooding. But the ones in valleys are. I store a special boat at my barn in case the streets in villages below are flooded. It is moved either by poles or walking behind it between the two grips and pushing. Metal because there are often trunks in such in muddy water.
  13. ocarina -> Hohner Marine Band Had one as my first real no toy music instrument. Still play it today - wandering uphill to a campfire place in nature is not a thing I want to do with a tuba
  14. Starting first day of 6 weeks rehabilitation. Training nerves and muscles after the arm wound The rehab is near the USA. Luckily noz the Trump USA but the Elvis one. Bridge over the river Usa atBad Nauheim where Elvis was as a soldier. My Rehab is in a nice park at Bad Nauheim.
  15. julia dreams -> 8 track tape recorder Used Pink Floyd a lot when doing slideshows about classtrips. 8 track Revox tape recorder: 2 tracks for music, 2 for projectors, 4 tracks for light effects... My brother used my machine for mixing the music of his punk band
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