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    Hessen, Westerwald area

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  1. First time that I am using a telescoping wander pole from carbon. Ok it is more practible, but a selfmade from hazelnut has its classic charm. You probably see people with a pair of trecking poles a lot. But a really long pole which can be used two-handed has its advantages as as soon as the terrain gets rough: pole jumping over small rivelets, breaking at steep downhill, ...
  2. Frozen, sunny, no wind, ... And a stop in playing ice hockey on the frozen field. Loud noises in the distance and minutes later chains over chains of cranes ... I remember when just being drafted for a few weeks. We were ordered to guard the ammunition bunkers mid in forest. Suddenly cranes flew over and some started to sing the ''Wild Geese' song. I had not better to say than: it are cranes not geese. The song was written by a soldier on guard at the western frontier in WW1. He compared the free army of grey wild geese in the air with the gray soldiers on the ground and wondered if he would still be alive on their return flight (hedied in 1917). We sung the song a lot when marshing. Sometimes at joined maneuvres with the french in both languages.
  3. Even tiny and hard to find on a globe - Germany has something the USA doesn't have: Mittelgebirge. 'Middle high' mountain ranges from west to east, not like the america's where the mountains are mainly at the west coasts and very high. These Mittelgebirge block much of the artic cold reaching southern Germany and they block the hot air from mediterraan reaching northern Germany in summer. Also the rain clouds from the atlantic have to climb the Mittelgebirge. At climbing they reach colder air and it starts to rain. So the valleys are often flooded at rain storms. All would be nice if not living near a hilltop there. Luckily my ancestors build the house half into the hilltop centuries ago. At the left side you see a castle. In average every 15km was a castle. Even our house has a former signal tower seen for miles and miles. Was in a time of robber barons marauding the lands and villages had to call for help from the big castles while defending the villages inside fortified churches. Sadly our identifying folk song is often misused by militarists. The song was made when streetworkers build roads through the hills in 1932-1935, not as a military marsh. They had to marsh there because there were no roads yet and they arrived frozen because of the stormy weather.
  4. Montreal must be big, probably more than 131 people. Our village has just one licensed snowplow driver. And that only if I am not at normal work... Licensed means insurance if cleaning public roads. Road to house and around is private and the twins can use the snowplow on their Yamaha squad
  5. If this is winter, where do you live in summer? Air conditioning? Here we are digital for centuries. Binary system: o=Open and 1=closed The wiki picture of a window shutter would be the summer shutter: allows for air circulation if window open and shutter closed. We have one shutter like the from wiki and one massive shutter for winter and storms. The rear part is build into the hill. So the rooms at the back of the house need light but have nearly constant temperature. Sunny, ground and flooded field still frozen. Counted 134 persons skating. Hope we have enough in the field kitchen. At sun set some chains of cranes...
  6. Hurra nytt år Prost Neujahr Happy new year Don't know how the wonderful people are doing. For myself I am doing quite fine. Sunny and with the field at our barn is still flooded and frozen I will play a bit ice hockey with the twins after lunch. Sadly I have only goalie equip and I feel thati am getting older year by year.
  7. wizards -> Die kleine Hexe / The little witch With the grandchild older I put a pack of kids book from the storage room. One of the books I used to read from is Preußler's 'Die kleine Hexe'.
  8. We use to tie the plants at the still green leaves on small reed or bambus sticks which hang from the roof. The wind can blow through the barn's roof while it is dry, Real garlic where you eat the toes versus bear garlic where you eat the fresh leaves in normally spring. We harvest before blossoms appear.Which is a bit tricky because two other similiar looking plants are poisonous. With the indoor garden all is save and access to fresh ones all the year. Maiglöckchen / lily of the valley amd Herbstzeitlose / autumn timeless
  9. rationalization -> rationing In war and afterwar times it was here. Grandma said she was lucky to have good knowlege in herbalism. So she could trade a bit with ration cards for salade. As long as she was alive she explained all the plants and animals and their usage to us kids and later grandkids.
  10. It is funny that people look puzzled when they ask me about a recipe. Leek tastes better if really fresh from the garden. I mix some boar to the pig. The selfmade cheese is just for the soup. It wouldn't taste smeared on bread. But I think the most impact has the field kitchen. The soup is more homogen, little differences with contents haveless impact... Gandma used real garlic, stored hanging below the windblown roof of the barn. I use bear garlic from our indoor garden and some other really fresh vegs. Bought an indoor garden from a restaurant which didn't survive corona. So bear garlic is all the year totally fresh. And if you are frozen from playing ice hockey and skating for hours- everything warm tastes a lot better
  11. I had Brutblätter (breeding leaves). Think it is byrophilium botanicaly. Around the leaves are mini copies of the plant. They fall down and build new plants plants. Goethe used to send them to friends. So the plant is often called Goethe-plant in Germany. One species has plantlets at outside of the leaves. This plantlets have mini-plantlets on their leaves. These mini plantlets have micro-plantlets... Got rid of them because the plantlets were slightly poisonous and the baby grew into the grapping everything age.
  12. Heavy and heavenly are so close connected words in winter :) Very old recipe. Grandparents did house butchering pigs in winter when no flies around. Leek can be harvested even when snow covered. Onions were dried in autumn for winter storage. Grandma made Handkäse, a local acid-set cheese, every week. So the recipe is centuries old, from a time before refridgerators and supermarkets. We use Handkäse for the melting cheese in the recipe below. It has only 0,4% fat and is very high on proteins because it is acid-set. I have still all the tools, but I have to buy milk direct from the farm to have the bacteria still alive. german-style-leek-and-cheese-soup
  13. Field is frozen again. Sunny and skating possible. Roasted 15 pounds minced meat with lot of onions. Put in field kitchen with 15 litres bouillon. Later adding some pounds of leek and cheese. Served with sliced baguette. Kids invited their friends so I prepare for 80 people -included theparentswho drove their kids. Warming soup, but lots and lots more than on the recipe picture. Less waterand more cheese too :)
  14. discipline -> inner Barsteward Many people promise to themself to start the new year with more sport, eating only healthy stuff and loosing weight, .... But most lack the self-discipline to fight the inner-B A S T A R D The auto-censoring allways makes me laugh as a non-english, so I kept it in the headline In German it is innerer Schweinehund. A Schweinehund was centuries ago a very aggressive nearly untamable dog used for hunting boar. Nobles often armoured them in chainmail
  15. The class teacher of our twins got a broken leg. A young woman short before getting her exam took the class. To know the class every kid should write down: favourite food, colour, hobbies,... Both twins wrote leftovers as favourite food. So the phone rung and my wife got the new teacher. There would be help if we had not enough money to buy food. My wife invited her and her friend for saturday meal. The fact is that with planed normal recipes you repeat stuff. Preparing leftovers you can be really creative ...
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