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Posts posted by chattius

  1. Background

    I recently used an old necromancer-build which I did short before the AddOn for a challenge again. I had to play a underworld-inquisitor who was not allowed to use a weapon lore or a magical lore other than the netherworld one. Since tactics are the lore for inquisition they were of limits. So the build was straight forward:


    2 inquisition focus (to unlock astute supremacy focus)

    3 armour

    5 damage lore

    8 speed lore (I wanted unarmed hits for RpH, Regeneration per Hit)

    12 astute supremacy focus (for buff only)

    18 concentration

    Up to this it was a melee build, just to reach a level when underworld spells would have useful regeneration times.


    25 netherworld lore

    35 netherworld focus

    50 ancient magic

    65 constitution


    I stopped the character when the AddOn didn't allow to use Inexorable Subjugation in begin of a combination anymore. With the discussions about Kungfu-Characters raising up I recycled the old character to do some tests. And one single item proved to be really useful:



    I equipped the character with gloves which turned damage to magical. Even damage lore mastery doesn't boost the weakening effect the 20% attribut decrease is something which shouldn't be ignored.

    Less enemy constitution: 20 percent less hitpoints is like raising your damage. If you need 5 strikes with 2000+ damage to kill a 9000hp beast you will need only 4 to kill a weakened 7200hp target, maybe even deathblow kicks in earlier.

    Less enemy strength: the enemy is less likely to hit you, and if he does , it will be for less damage

    less enemy dexterity: you have a higher chance to hit your enemy



    So weaken will give you damage, protection and hit chance.


    Compared to the other damage types:

    ice: reduced run and attack speed- mainly for better protection

    fire: damage over time. But to make the DoT ticks sum up to a full weapon hit it will take longer than 4 hits, so weaken kills quicker in a no boss scenario.

    poison: the same


    Of cause enemy resistances are a big part in the calculation but against not magical armoured enemies weaken shines.


    And its not only for sockets:

    The dragon mage has a mind strike which does more damage the more armour the opponent has. Doing a maelstrom reduces the damage of the mind strike. But the weakening effect of maelstrom turns the calculation, so that a maelstrom/mind strike will do more damage than the mind strike.


    It's somehow funny I was socketing mainly different damage types into my weapon slots for a long time and only looking for the enemies resistances to make a proper choice. But playing unarmed and having to find good damage changing gloves I put some more thoughts in what to socket for my other characters.


    My inquisitor test character from above is doing magical circle-kicks to weaken surrounding enemies so that he is less likely to be hit while he gathers enemies for the explosion of Dislodged Spirit. And the surrounding enemies have less hitpoints to survive the explosion.


    What are your tricks with the different damage types?

  2. Update of the progress of the spidergirls:

    Level 105, Niob, mainquest arrived at dryad island. Almost full level 135 Detheya collected but to low to wear it. So not much changes damage wise. At level 108 armour lore will be mastered and level 135 stuff is possible then. Then a total re-equipping will be done for the last 2 chapters with their heavy DoT beasts.


    Leveling in the famous orc cave proved to be quite easy (at least after shield mastery):

    Only poison and physical damage in this cave, no spells. So everything which passes the defense (orc champion hits for 13%) is normally stopped by the 75.6% block shield, and shield mastery bonus adds too. A normal fight there is starting with a tangled vine (lasting 10 seconds, rooting normally all 4 orcs and slowing their attacks), ravaged impact combination. If finding the right angle to attack quickly all orcs and spiders are done in this one tangled vine.


    Goblins 15 level up can die at a single ravaged impact if critical and armour piercing kick in and the second hit of the RI already doing deathblow damage.


    My daughters decided to continue playing the characters even they did the challenge already: reaching niob. But the character is still developing: no 3rd buff yet, no black curse, ..... so they will do the side quests with their spiders. Someone wrote that quests affect the stuff a shop offers.


    I really start to wonder if I would have used fist weapons instead a shield if the game would have provided them. A shield adds so much savety and still doing a dual-wielding-like attack.

  3. I think the list of possible head colours is quite complete. Last heads added were blue human from the evil main quest at this fight in the pub upstairs and the blue insect, a hunting spider (seems this one has double hits too). I will translate the collection if I find the time and get some help. I don't know all the english names at hand. A capital word means that the animation for a companion is in the code but the head was never found yet.


    Kopftyp	 Typ des Begleiters bei Kopffarbe
    		weiss		  blau			gelb
    Tier		Wolf		   Wildschwein	 BÄR
    Monster	 Olm			Werwolf		 Minotaurus
    T-Mutant	Elementar	  Pflanze		 Baumgeist
    Drache	  Echsenmensch   ECHSENM.KRIEGER junger Drache
    Insekt	  Tarantel	   Jagdspinne	  Skorpion
    Barbar	  Kobold		 Wüstenkrieger   TROLL
    Untoter	 Zombie		 Skelettkrieger  SKELETT MIT KUTTE
    Goblinoid   Goblin		 Ork-Krieger	 OGER
    Dryade	  Dryade		 ?			   BLUTDRYADE
    Mensch	  Mensch		 Schwertkämpfer  KUTTENTRÄGER MIT KNÜPPEL
    Hochelf	 Hochelf_Bandit Hochelf Soldat  KUTTENTRÄGER(Inquisitor?)




    Head-type   Type of companion if head is
    		white		  blue			yellow
    animal	  wolf		   boar			BEAR
    monster	 olm?		   werewolf		minotaur
    t-mutant	elementar	  plant		   tree spirit
    dragon	  lizardman	  LIZ.MAN WARRIOR young dragon
    insect	  tarantula	  hunting spider  scorpion
    barbarian   kobold		 desert warrior  TROLL
    undead	  zombie		 skeleton warior SKELETON WITH ROBE
    goblinoid   goblin		 orc warrior	 OGRE
    dryad	   dryad		  type unknown	BLOOD DRYAD
    human	   human		  Swordfighter	ROBED HUMAN WITH CLUB
    high elf	highelf bandit highelf soldier ROBED ELF (Inquisitor?)


    Races not listed don't drop a head. Please correct uncorrect english monster names. We have only the german versions.


    Places to find the heads

    blue animal: mini boss 'boar'

    blue monster: mini boss 'white griffon', werewolf champions in the swamp

    yellow monster: main bosses: nameless guardian, octa...

    yellow t-mutant: main bosses: fog, stone golem, facettelon

    blue barbarian: mini boss 'kobold lord'

    yellow dragon: all dragon bosses

    yellow insect: main boss 'gargantropod'

    blue insect: spider champion in a cave near 'guardian of the forest'

    blue undead: zombie champions in the swamp

    blue goblin: orc warrior champions (the ones who do the ice circles)

    blue human: shadow campaign, boss 'Eddie' (human in the pub)

    blue high elf: high inquisitor (only campaign)


    Again: please help to do correct names and perhaps do the stuff into wiki.






    Czevak said in GSF

    Was ich euch soweit sagen kann (CM Patch):


    Drache blau: "Dragon_small_red_elite" und "Dragon_small_green_elite" sowie "lizard_deathcult_priest_elite" (keine Ahnung wie die ingame heissen)

    Barbar gelb: Walther aus der XMAS-Reihe

    Untot gelb: Terus - General der Untoten Legion.

    Tier gelb: Meister Petz XMAS

    Goblinoid gelb: Lupus Kalthand

    Mensch blau: "DR_cult_mage_elite" (Irgendwelche Kultisten auf der Dryadeninsel)

    Hochelf blau: Archäologin Mishirla

    Dryade gelb: Mazzagons Leibwächterinnen

    Mensch gelb: Hexe Failitia


    dragon blue - red and green dragon elites, dragon cult elite- unsure ingame names

    barbarian yellow - Walter

    undead yellow: General Terus

    animal yellow: Meister Betz XMAS = Bear boss x-mas island?

    goblinoid yellow: Lupus Kalthand - Lupus Coldhand ?

    human blue: cultist mages elites on dryad island

    dryad yellow: Mazzagon's bodyguards

    human yellow: witch Failitia

  4. When I did this character I had not much experiences with Temple Guardian's. Taking sword lore was mainly to unlock scalable '-enemy chance to evade' on knives. Speed lore was mainly planed to push the base defense from dexterity and give some run speed, saving some sockets.


    The character was planed to be played without an overpowered energy shield. The reason he finally got one was that he lacked a bit defense versus casters. But the main reason is to block spells, so nothing is socketed to move more damage from hitpoints to the shield. The character has more hitpoints than shield points :thumbsup:


    It was mainly planed to get some knowledge with Temple Guardian's and to find my personal close combat playstyle, because I am not really able to do long distance aiming.


    So I tried out to play without a battery to have fast reg per hits. The character plays best if he has always several deadly spears running at the same moment.


    So run speed, need to have a high hit chance, defense push made me to put speed lore into the build.


    It was an experiemental character adapted to my peronal favourite playstyle. But it plays really nice. And at least we have our new family smith.

  5. x% life leech is allways from the maximal and not the actual hitpoints of your target.

    2% of a 1000hp beast is just 20, but 2% of a 100.000hp boss is 2000.


    It's always 2000 even if the boss is close to death, because it is calculate from the full health.


    If you do a weaken which reduces constitution or a deep wound which reduces maximal hitpoints the leech is calculated from the changed maximal hitpoints.


    So a 2% life leech weapon is like 50 hits to kill a boss, because life leech can't be resisted. Don't confuse it with x life leech which is just a fix amount.


    And there are beasts which have x% life leech attacks.They do really big damage if you have a character designed for maximal hitpoints.

  6. Quälen = twisted torment

    Fluch des Verderbens = Black Curse


    Kombo= short for Kombination

    Cd = Cooldown and not the chemical sign for cadmium



    Terrible denglish word, my old teacher would come back as a zombie if I would have typed it: Schrumpfkopfdropwahrscheinlichkeit. Denglish is the mix of german (deutsch) and english expressions in one word. Schrumpf(en) = to shrink, Kopf = head, drop is english, Wahrscheinlichkeit = probability

    So the word stands for the probability that a shrunken head is dropped.

  7. I have a big sword with x% life leech which I only use to cast my doppelganger. I modified it for inquisition and in case it decides to attack a boss monster it has 2 effects: X% life leech does a lot of damage at big hitpoint targets and the doppelganger heals itself if he hits. No changes in your build needed, just reserve a weaponslot for a x% lifeleech weapon if you cast your doppelganger.

  8. Dragon magic lore would be very useful:

    More hitpoints if companion modified for hit points.

    Without a lore modifying the companion for cast speed wouldn't be a bad idea else: you will need spells for defense.


    With the lore you can use a dragon strike for some damage, less boring than just staff shooting. The dragon mage has no combat art which allows the staff to hit several enemies. That's the reason I gave up on a dragon sfaff fighter and designed my sohei.


    If you have a bargainer already you have access to jewels with -enemy chance to evade already.If not you may need to add bargaining to have a decent hit chance.


    You seem to want to shoot with 2-handed staves. Not taking toughness but shield lore and socketing damage into 2 sockets of a nice shield with scalable block chance might be a good idea.


    So dragon lore and shield if you have bargaining, If not dragon lore and bargaining. Call it belly feeling.


    There are 2 possibilities for a staff shooter:

    Direct sniping or playing artillery and do barrage fire: Aim at a point behing an enemy group and let them run into the stream of shots. The later is only useful in plain terrain and demands some playing with camera options.


    Hope I could at least be of a little help. I don't know if my disliking of a single target shooter was cause of my bad eyes. In difference to my daughters I never really got the trick to work with cameras and combat arts same time for long distance shooting.

  9. A thing often overlooked is that most weapon-Combat Art's seem to get some base x attack value for each combat art level. The AddOn brought regeneration per hit. So by going high Combat Art-levels and recharge them with RpH you get a nice hit chance. The spidergirl dryads do weaponless kungfu attacks and don't have a weapon skill obviously. But they play with a shield. And a shield adds to the defense in a way you won't believe it on niob. The scalable block chance of yellow shields scales not only with shield lore but also with difficulty level. So the same shield blocks better in niob than in bronze.

    Also the dryad has combat arts boosting the defense. So if you take a shield with scalable base defense you will get really high defense values. If shield lore is at mastery even the stalwort will get a block chance. I think zthe shadow warrior has some Combat Art's which boost base defense too.


    The only skill a weapon(-skill-)less character needs is bargaining (best on another character).


    I started a weapon-less-Inquisitor this weekend and by optimizing its combat I was amazed what equipping him with a polearm did. It's damage exploded. But playing weaponless is a good teacher in optimizing. A year back I would never thought that a weaponless dryad will play without ever dying in niob.


    And look at the other advantages a weapon-skill-less design has:

    You can use a x% life leech shuriken at bosses and high damage shaft weapons for leveling. Hit chance is same.


    You won't get the doublehits and a few modifiers which have to be unlocked, but you can play with more weapon types.

  10. Nice new concept.

    I was working on a KungFu-Inqui at weekend. So I wanted all normal 3 buff's. Doppleganger will later be lasting long enough anyway. I planed dislocated spirit mainly to reduce enemies hitpoints since I am not allowed to take netherworld or might lore because of a kungfu style challenge. How much is the explosion damage boosted by the lore ?

    Since I play weaponless anyway I miss up to 6 sockets(!) -ouch. So in my case I wouldn't do doppleganger as a buff. I need the inquisition buff to push the damage of my unarmed combat and perhaps the damage of the support spells. So I would add inquistion focus. One reason to push the buff and another to get high weapon Combat Art to recharge all Combat Art's with regeneration per hit.


    About doppelganger: is it same on the console that if you cast it while wielding a weapon with x% life leech that the doppelganger will have x% life leech too? Do you know if other modifiers from a weapon will be carried over to the doppelganger?

  11. From thje german shrunken head FAQ:


    Variante 3 - weder Voodoofokus noch Voodookunde ist im Build enthalten:


    Hier kann man den Cd von Quälen über Konzentration, Ausdauer, Equipment... auch senken, allerdings die Wirkungsdauer von Quälen nur durch Erhöhung der KK-Stufe ein wenig steigern. Diese Variante hat die geringste Dropwahrscheinlichkeit, aber auch hier kann durch gestapeltes Quälen nachgeholfen werden.


    Quick short translation:

    If you have neither voodoo lore nor the focus then the only way to boost the chance to get heads with twisted torment is to use it at high levels (it has still a chance which scales with its Combat Art-level, but way lower than modified) and stack several torments. Higher Combat Art-level= longer duration = more stacked torments.


    Probably the chance from the hunter buff sinister predator adds to it.


    The spidergirl build will later get the ghost pet as a third buff, so having voodoo focus was not wasted.

  12. Life Leech

    Damn, I forgot the sheet with the updated values of the spidergirls at home. One thing which should be really done: Modifying dustdevil for spell block. My daughter plays in a 2 player team so in general there is allways at least one dustdevil with Combat Art-block active. The ranged life leech attacks seem to be Combat Art's and can be blocked. It is not as good as expulse magic, but it greatly lowers the chance that you are by all of the leeches silmultanous.

    weaponless combat = casting speed for Combat Art's

    So you think too that weaponless RI may be affected by casting and not attack speed? Socketing casting speed would have the extra benifit that it helps the tangled vine, twisted torment, dustdevil, ... casting speed too. I like synergies.

    Waffenloser Nahkampf

    In germany it had a long tradition. It fills several chapters of midage fencing books. A knight with a full plate which got tripped or fall is as defenseless as a turtle laying on its back. So several books say that some knights fought weaponless with just a shield to block strikes while getting in hand to hand range. If you look at the pictures of some old knight plates: the elbow part is often a thorn. So grap an opponent, make him fall and hammer the elbow, the shield or a stiletto into a weakness of an enemy's armour was a quick way to kill and not much exhausting. (remember they fought in full armour and couldn't allow themself to fight the next opponent totally exhausted). In later years Kampfringen was thought to be unhonourable and no longer taught. But it is stupid to think that europe would be the only place without a traditional weaponless martial art. Hand and feet are very cheap weapons and learning to use them was probably invented several times all over the world.


    The german word for it is Kampfringen. Some of the books about used to be online at ARMA. The following picture shows a grapping technique to disarm an opponent and the kicking counter of the disarmed opponent:

    unarmed combat in a fencing book

    Even I did subhunting and SAR, I had to learn some martial arts at my army time. I got interested into Kampfringen, but there is no longer any school teaching it. Closest would be training at rangers, seals or what we had before reunion of germany: Fernspäher. I did Bojitsu instead.

  13. In the Spidergirl-'guide' I wrote how the spidergirls get shrunkenheads. They do it with stacked twisted torments. Twisted torment is generally to weak to kill an opponent. You either have to bring an enemy close to death and then chain-cast low level twisted torments or you can bring twisted torment to really high levels and use a x% life leech weapon attack to recharge it with regeneration per hit (not for PC-players without addon, consoles work fine).

    The enemy has only to die while torment is active. If more than one torment is active than the possibilities to get a head stack. I never modify any other combat art for headhunting than twisted torment. If a head is white, blue or yellow depends on the monstertype. Magic find changes nothing.

    In general you will get yellow heads only from main bosses from the main quest or all dragon bosses. A blue human head is only possible if you play evil and kill Eddie the Barkeeper, a blue animal (hunting spider) only from a certain spider champion in a cave close to the tree spirit boss on dryad island, ....

    Not every monster types drop all 3 colours. A list with colours and which monsters they may drop are in a german list of shrunken heads. I think the sacredwiki doesn't have the full collection of possible heads.

    Another thing to know: I think that a yellow head may have up to 3 modifiers: 2 from rings and one from amulets. It counts as an armour so it gives some armour and armour penalty. This and some tricks yo uca nread in a german mini-guide how to hunt for heads.



    You can get addicted to headhunting

  14. If I would have played it allone it would probably be level 80: it's the only character I have touched since x-mas. But my daughters play the spidergirl-kungfu-dryad challenge (see dryad guide section). So whenever the bargainer is doing shopping , the other spidergirl stops playing to prevent a level gap between the two characters. She is playing the family smith = this character in this time.

    Most of the time playing was done by my daughters at bad weather in winter breaks.


    Most of the leveling was done in the new crystal region of the AddON. This character is not as good in wide radius Area of Effect as is a fiery ember build, but it kills in close combat with spears so no time is wasted with loot collection, all drops are in q-radius.


    And on a second thought: 3days mean 3 days + few hours total playtime. It doesn't mean that I created the character 3 days ago.


    The whole design idea of this character is that I play half distance normally because I suffered from eye damage from my army time. I can't aim ice spray above a whole screen or snipe with a bow from a distance. So I made me a build which allowed my personal playstyle: close and personal. I use ember to aggravate enemies so they run into my spears.


    So no, I doubt that I can play a character to 140+ in just 3 days. But 3 a total playtime of 3 days is possible. Work, 5 kids, horses and dogs, being in volunteer firefighters and other stuff eat up a lot of my spare time.

  15. The old beast is still running, level 142 in Niob now at 3 days playtime. Its engine is no longer air cooled. It has now water cooling added. Water from T-energy swamps has the nice effect that the steam from the cooling system adds an energy fields around the guardian which prevents a lot of damage arriving at the Guardian.


    I didn't play it allone, its the family smith so rest of family pushed it's level a bit. My daughter called it the hoola hoop guardian. In full action with several spears running simultanous it looks like the Temple Guardian swings a hoolahoop ring with thorns around his hips. Currently it does 5 layers of spears per activation and because of RpH its recharged rigth again. Fiery ember , which has only the focus, is used to reduce attack speed of enemies and lure them to the deadly hoolahoop in a wide radius.


    I don't know if a specialized build with spears and a weapon Combat Art in a combination will do better. The animation of the growing weapon arm takes a time, while the left click knife attack is really quick in recharging with RpH.


    But probably in a build not done for roleplay adding energy-shield-lore for toughness might be a good. And adding bargaining for constitution to buy good jewelry to boost the ehnergy shield might work too.


    I still play without a battery for fast leveling and because of roleplay I use a shuriken for life leech against bosses. My daughters prefer the full melee set for life leech but they are better mouse acrobats than her outdated daddy. I prefer to press both mouse buttons when leveling, and having a battery the Temple Guardian would fight from a distance while the spears pierce holes in the air.


    Anyone who has a another working deadly spears build which could give some advive?

  16. Yes, using explosions in groups recharges Combat Art's quickly with RpH. That was one of the reason shield lore was this pushed: being able to fight in big groups early.


    My daughters reached Niob yesterday with level 85 for the tank spider and 89 for the bargainer spider (alchemy boosted mentors). Killing undeads in farview (level 115 ones) for half an hour in niob was without problems. Just the items found were too high in level.


    Fen fires were really annoying, small, hard to see, quite big damage and the damage done to the mis only a third of the normal one. They seem to have either physical damage mitigation or are immune to armour piercing. Anyone knowing if ghost type enemies have special immunities?


    I updated the spidergirl guide for new skill and Combat Art values at level 85 and some play experience.

  17. You can execute combat arts with speed casting by just pressing 1,2,3,4,5. You can edit a file so you can attach a weapon slot to a combat art.


    Most fun are the details:

    Stumbling over a statue and reading something like: Prinz Poldi, at each big battle he was sitting on a bank. Prinz Poldi is the nickname of a soccer (this soccer is just for americans, everywhere else people are smart enough to name it football. How can a game be football if you mainly throw and hold the ball)-player in the german national team. At each european or world championship he had to sit on the bank with the reserve players.


    Or the car exhibition, the bus stop with the skeleton because noone invented a bus yet, the crime scene like CSI, ...

  18. The spidergirls are now in Dryad-Jungle at level 85 doing the platinum main quest to reach niob. Nature focus will be brought to mastery now. Tangled vine got its first modifier.

    The scorpion boss lost its head: RpH, defense and torment. My daughters said it was somehow strange: hunting for heads brought no good ones and then, while not exspecting it at the main quest it is a really good one.

    Bringing vodoo focus to 5 and not only to 3 as soon as possible for modifying torment to duration would have been better. So the 4th mastery would be delayed by just 1 level.

    The detheya set is a mix of parts from level 45 to 90, but it is the life leech of the full set which is needed.


    Only one girl has the full set ,so the bargainer does the support: dustdevils, tangled vines, ...


    I will update the skill and Combat Art list when they reached Niob, so probably when I am back from work. I did some more chapters to the spidergirl main post (guide?)


    What is still missing:

    defending against spells

    defending against DoT


    And listening to the discussions while playing:

    A chapter for the optimal shield. Weapon fighters have different damage types in the weapon-slot and my oldest has the philosophy that each area demands the optimal shield at least till platinum:

    melee area: yellow shield with scalable blockchance melee

    ranged area: yellow shield with scalable blockchance ranged

    caster area: Stalworth Saveguard

    melee and ranged: yellow shield with scalable defense value (shield and speed lore and barkskin pushing it)

    mixed with casters: Stalworth Saveguard


    I suppose that scalable defense will get better and better because not only the base defense climbs, but also the x% from skills and barkskin get better the higher you are in level. Blockchance ist still there because of mastery and climbs with level too. So probably around level 120 niob a scalable defense shield and the stalworth would be enough.


    If you have something to make this guide better, please tell it. Somehow I never want to write a guide but my character ideas keep changing into ones. So this 'guide' was obviously never thought as one. Normally you play a character and then write a guide about it if you know how it will be played in niob. This guide developes while being played. So I have a problem:


    People who followed the discussion now and people who will read the guide months later. I wonder if I should do 2 'guides': A writedown of the played character for the people who want to see how this character developes. And a 'real' guide about how I think an optimized character should look.

  19. I knew there was a RpH thread somewhere. Regeneration per Hit was not working as it should on PC before the AddOn. However it always worked on the consoles. Most guides were written from PC-players before the time of the AddOn. So the builds ignored RpH. Most console players built there characters from old PC-guides so it seemed they didn't try RpH because of this.

    But as soon the AddOn was out it was soon noticed how powerful RpH can be:

    Regeneration per Hit Thread


    So if you see an old guide from a time before the AddON and if you play consoles or the AddOn: keep in mind that the guide writer had no RpH in the old game versions. Now you have it, and it is really a single modifier which can change who character ideas.

  20. If an opponent hits you depends on several factors:

    Invisibility- dryad can't get it





    What you should know is: You can't block, parry or dodge 100%. A formula prevents hidding the 100. So 40% evade +40% evade are not 80% but more like 60%. The idea of the spidergirl's defense is multiplication. Rather than putting all in one defense she uses all three:


    defend/evade :

    dryad's dexterity gives base defense

    shield and speed lore multiply the base defense by adding x% defense

    dustdevil gives evasion

    reflexes give evasion



    A yellow shield with scalable block chance melee is around 50% block at 70 points.

    Shield lore mastery gives even better blocking



    barkskin is modified for reflection


    So an enemy hitting you means that you didn't evade, block or reflect. The probabilities that you couldn't block, evade or parry are multiplied.


    So if you can do 3 times 40%:

    all in one defense is like reducing-formula of (40+40+40) = 70 (guessing, not at machine). So chance you get hit= 30%

    2*40 in one and 40 in another is like (1- reducing-formula of (40+40))*(1-0.4)= 0.4*0.6. Chance to be hit is 24%

    all 3 defenses: 0.6*0.6*0.6: 21.6% chance to be hit



    Shield lore if used with a yellow shield with scalable block chance adds to 2 defense area's. There are different approaches which shield is the best. You can have scalable modifiers in either blockchance melee, blockchance ranged or base-defense. So in mixed areas (opponents with ranged and melee) and if having shield lore at mastery using scalable defense might be best. It will protect versus melee and ranged and the defense is boosted by 2 skills: shield lore and speed lore while shield mastery gives still a decent block chance.


    Edit: Editing the Spidergirl main post to new values. Reflexes were taken as 10th skill. I cut and pasted this post and the one about optimizing the damage into the spidergirl main post. So it should be possible later to present the character in the dryad main forum. This character is kinda a prototype. So the main post will be a collection of new results. I will mark changes so people can follow the discussion here. A nobvious mistake in the original spidergirl was to take only 3 and not 5 points in voodoo. Hunting shrunken heads with 5 points and torment to head hunter and longer duration is a big difference.

  21. I think RpH is the difference. In beginning every socket of the characters of my oldest daughter was filled with either -enemy chance to evade or RpH in early game. The second daughter tried concentration potions and alchemy to overcome the long concentration times in early game. She was doing a bargainer spidergirl, with alchemy and bargaining instead voodoo and reflexes. They did 2 player parties.

    The reason shield lore and not armour lore was pushed: The regeneration effect and item level from armour lore can be got from +all skills. Since full set will be used armour mastery is not needed to unlock something. Shield lore will be needed for level 90+ yellow shield when block chance will scale with shield mastery. Shield lore will have 2 effects: it pushes the defense from dexterity and it gives scaling block chance. So its rather don't get hit than trying to resist a hit.

    My oldest likes shield lore from many PvP battles with class mates. Armour lore can't stop life leech. Not getting hit can. If you see it from the defensive side and not from the regeneration from: shield lore allows to ignore reflexes, constitution and armour lore for a while.

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