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Posts posted by chattius

  1. Now I am curious. Patch 2.64 german version, 1 level in magic coup which is modified for damage, life leech and stray damage.

    Listed damage for normal attack is 630 and for magic coup it is 1340. Normal hits did no life leech so I did pictures and looked which targets had lines and which not. The normal hits were around 550 and the magic coup ones around 1250. Target was an orc with only physical. Bow was this unique dragon bow, socketed with lava.

    The quick test character had tactics, armour, ranged, arcane lore + focus, speed lore, constitution. Buff was unmodified GI. All attributes in dexterity. If I will continue the character then it will get no concentration and no more GI as soon I get a skin. Rest of family says too that bows do more damage with MC than with normal attacks. Is it because we have still 2.64 at our local LAN?

  2. 4 girls, our 2 year old twins are mixed.


    Beside that I use Sacred2 for teaching, I guess the most education my daughters got when helping to build their own rooms and bath, good times to teach electric, static and more.


    When we bought our house, a railworker house at a no longer used railway line mid in forest, we had a long discussion if we really should do it, but 15000 german marks, 7000 US$ then for a house, barn and surrounding with 100 fruit trees sounded cheap. No one was living in it for 3 decades, next village (120 people) 800 metres away, 3 bus' a day, no longer a train, no cinema, no cable TV .... and no internet.


    So we are permanently repairing the house, changing the barn into kid rooms and such. It's funny that we bought our first friesian horse not only for our daughter but for house repair. Wooden patchwork frame from oak, then the space is filled with braided willow twigs and covered with a biological, heat containing, breathing and cheap mix:


    fine cut hay, stray, horse apples

    add clay and water

    smear it on the willow twigs


    The bacteria in the horse apples will rot the hay and stray away, leaving tiny 'worm holes'. So the wall can breathe, no sweat water inside, while still a very good isolation.


    So by helping with the repairs they learned a lot and it didn't had the taste of forced teaching. When we did the lighting for the kid room I asked which cable she would choose, 3, 5 or 7 wires to have 2 switches for the light at different places. So when she was 9 she knew about OR and AND switches already. It was mainly that I was able to spend a lot of spare time with my kids and there was no hurry, we knew that we would need nearly a decade work to have our house finished.


    And for the shotguns:

    We preferred big dogs. Our recently diseased Tarzan was a Saint Bernhard/ traditional german shepherd mix. Traditional german shepherds are the long fur variant from the storm blowing mountain ranges. Now we have 3 Leonberger dogs ,each way over 120 pounds in weight. They are trained to rescue people out of water. There are several small lakes to breed fish close to our house, so it gives less head aches if we know that the dogs will guard and can rescue in emergency.


    One bad thing at living in the countryside and having daughters who like animals:


    23 hedgehogs which were too light for winter sleep, 71 young snakes rescued from the horse apple heap, a tame mouse weasel (mother was caught by a fox), 5 little owls in the barn who need hunting training to be set free in spring, 300+ bats (we kinda stole their barn, they were there when we bought it)


    3 dogs, 4 cats, 3 horses, 13 geese, around 50 hen


    It was a hard time to teach them which birds feed their nestlings only at the nest and which does on the ground too, if they were fallen from the nest. Some years we had young falcons, buzzards, owls, ... And only the falcon nestlings would have needed care


    So now my oldest wants to become an animal doctor specialised on artificial limbs. (Love for animals and engineering combined in one job). My second is a hunter, she can spend days to watch out an animal, prepare the cameras for one perfect shot.


    I can see this even in Sacred2. The characters of my oldest are always to test out a lot of stuff quickly, while the few characters of my second are designed to have have fun in late game.

  3. My second is playing "Krieger des Lichts" from the german group "Silbermond" in an endless loop when she plays her Seraphim. Krieger des Lichts translates to warriors of the light.


    English translation of the song


    So when I hear the music I know she is playing her seraphim :(


    When my daughter was 3 I wanted to buy some computer books. We entered the store and the first thing my daughter was seeing was this 4 feet linux penguin. A lot of whining and crying, finally the clerk phoned his boss, got a key, unlocked the chain on the penguin and was selling it too me, leaving an empty spot in the kids corner.


    Half a year later I was phoning the store for some books and the clerk said that he got a very big green dragon from another software now and I would better leave my daughters, all of them, at home when I would come for the books ;)

  4. Have to test it myself again when I am home. But Magic Coup used to do less damage with ranged weapons than with melee weapons as long as I can think. Stray damage on ranged looked like one third of all shots at 2.34 and not like the one in ten if it would be criticals. One thing that prevented many people to play a ranged elf was this way less damage in magic coup. In Pre-2.43 a strength bonus on weapons had a way bigger effect than a dexterity one. Got fixed I think.


    I got more damage with magic coup then with left clicks IF I didn't take ranged lore and modified for damage. A magic coup at level 1 modified for sure hit is not much more damage than a left click with 5 points in tactics to unlock ranged. Tactics give nothing for magic coup and the (20% in damage ?) of a level 1 magic coup modified for sure hits is comparable in damage with a left click if tactics is taken. (low levels and arcane lore not very high yet)


    Have to check it myself if something changed in 265, or ask my wife: she plays an elven archer as her only character for a year now- level 93 or so.


    So all I can guess at the moment: You have a low level magic coup and with a modification to sure hits it shouldn't do more than 20% more than a left click and about the same if you took tactics to unlock ranged. 4 times the listed damage should be a display bug. But magic coup should give damage to ranged ones.


    I will ask my daughters to do some tests. School breaks start today so they should have time.

  5. Enough water so each pasta piece can freely move

    some salt (or herbs)

    some 'female' oil

    let the pasta slowly fall into the pot with boiling water so each gets a thin layer of 'female' oil


    If the sauce contains 'male' oil then it will get attracted by the female oil and get glued to the pasta


    Too bad that we moved before I learned from the italian girl in my 3rd class what a male and what a female oil is.


    If you use herbs and no salt you can use the water in the pot as base for a soup. I learned this from a navy cook at my army time.

  6. Potato-pancake


    If you ask any older person in my area about Pfannkuchen (pancake) all of them will think about potato-pancakes. Corn (I learned that corn is always the mainly used corn in a region: wheat, barley, maize, rye,... ,dependant on where you are the farmers name their main local corn plant always corn) was not really getting ripe in our mid mountain range and so potatoes were way more common in the times before the railroads or cars came to the hills. And instead of doing the normal pancakes with flourm potatoes were used.


    So one of our family favourites are potato-pancakes with Sauerkraut, which we invented accidently. We planed to do normal potato-pancakes at a saturday, when we noticed that both of our older daughters invited some friends for dinner not knowing that the other did so too. Since we are a big family with 5 kids we have normally more than enough for dinner. But doubling the number of persons forced us to improvise:


    We took the normal potatos, bear garlic and other saisonary herbs, eggs, onions, spice and added: Sauerkraut (we make it ourself, so we had 5 50 litres barrels of it in the cellar)


    Somehow everyone said that it tasted way better this way. The long fibres of the Sauerkraut allowed the oil to drop out from the pan cakes. So now we always do it the new way.


    We smear Apfelkraut on the hot pancakes. Apfelkraut is close to apple-butter. We make it on our own too, every apple, pear, quincy which was not picked from a tree but fall down is made to Apfelkraut.


    There is only one problem with potato pancake and 5 kids: I have an old coal hoven and a really big full iron pan (50 centimetres in diametre): but I can never do more than 8 pancakes at a moment. So the kids always come to see if I am finished and get one of the already made. By the time I am finished with the last pancake, all the kids are satiated already and I find myself alone at the dinner desk. Stupid pancakes, even they are really tasty, they are not made for 5 kids who are still quickly grewing and always hungry.


    So I prefer Dulges. Another local traditional food, but if I am done with baking it, everyone eats the same time at the desk. I like it when I see that our 10 person desk is full. You take the same as for potato-pancake but add some cut Blutwurst (blood sausage? or black pudding is similiar if you take meat as a filler) and cut Mettwurst. And instead doing single cakes you put all together in the pan. You mix from time to time so all gets crispy.


    We do everything to make the german food more feared than the english one.

  7. Reading this how to fight DoT -----


    is any of you using green potions?


    Yes I know that they are only 25% of your hitpoints in niob without alchemy. But I think it can't be that our family smith is the only shadow warrior with alchemy. It can't be , or? My melee elves, my sohei all use alchemy. So I think I will post a quick note about how our smith included alchemy in his playstyle.


    We planed a smith character for our whole family for ages, but none of us wanted to play one of the classes which have smithing. So we finally agreed on a shadow warrior and that everyone should play it for a while. Since it was a shared character everyone was allowed to choose some skills and combat arts. Our second daughter wanted to play with skeleton fortification, our oldest wanted to test the shadow warrior mainly as a possible opponent in PvP tournaments she does with class-mates at the local youth club, my wife wanted him to shoot and I said : Do what you want, but I want alchemy.


    So the character looked like


    02 tactics

    03 armour

    05 astral lord lore

    08 concentration

    12 astral lord focus

    18 blacksmith

    25 male volent champion focus

    35 alchemy

    50 constitution

    65 ancient magic


    Shadow veil is not taken as a buff (yet?) and only modified till silver. Playing is mainly done with spectral hand and (after buying the AddOn with RpH recharged) fortifications. The weapon is mainly a mean big two handed sword with x% life leech. Since spectral hand gets it attack speed from the astral lord lore a weapon skill was not really needed. Against bosses trollteeth boost the attack value.

    It was a character everyone did some ideas in, so it was a surprise that the resulted mix played nicely. Killing spree got more damage from ancient magic even it wasn't planed with this in mind. 3 Buffs and a temporary shadow veil were enough to replace one or 2 defensive skills.


    So a shadow warrior with blacksmithing is perhaps a good way to try out some alchemy on it. Our character is probably not the best one, but it can be played in several ways without getting boring. And thats what we wanted for our smith: reaching high levels and still discovering a new way to play it from time to time.

  8. Your boy is left-handed?

    Me and my second daughter are left-handed too. I bet that is the reason my oldest daughter uses an assymetric trackball. To keep us away from her computer. Personally I prefer a ring mouse. Since all my characters are played close and personal and no need for long range targetting that is okay for me. But buying rings is a pain;)

    Our six year old daughter hates computer games. She prefers board games and likes to look at our faces when she wins.

  9. Alchemy is still very useful in the 'RpH-Age' of Sacred2.

    I really miss alchemy on my PvP-Temple Guardian which I have to play at PvP tournaments with friends at firefighters. I lost in the lottery and I am forced to play a Temple Guardian to niob 140 without dying and then use the same character in PVP tournament. The chance to block root effects, boost physical armour, get RpH , attack value, attack speed just with trophies without sacrificing sockets is very useful in PvP.

    I haven't taken warding energy lore (yet- I am just level 61) on my Temple Guardian so I wouldn't place this skill in my top 3. Same for toughness: toughness is useful if you get 70+ damage mitigation from items or spells.

    Bargaining is very very useful. Even a character doesn't have it, it will probably have access to items bought by a shopper. I would place armour lore before toughness.


    I agree with the most useless skills. I never used Divine Devotion, pacifism or spell resistance.


    Alchemy builds have to be build around alchemy. It's not a choose between two skills like toughness or constitution, shield lore or reflexes, combat discipline or ancient magic. You can't choose between alchemy and another skill. That is the reason that I wouldn't place alchemy in my top 3 skills. But all my new characters which allow alchemy have it. Mainly because I am so used to my trophy shortcuts that I do them automatically without thinking.


    And 4.0 second RpH at my Temple Guardian and then getting rooted. I really miss my trophies at these situations.

  10. Fastest hits - blowpipe

    Highest damage: x% life leech shuriken versus bosses, and only against other high hitpoint enemies


    To reach similiar damage with other ranged weapons against bosses you would need a full detheya set as a dryad. The set will give x% life leech.

    I would use blowpipes because of their instant hit. You play console so blowpipes work very nice with 'regeneration per hit (RpH)' items. RpH is in effect as soon as the game client registers the hit. Bows would have flight time. So the damage output with blowpipes which reduce their regeneration time with RpH might be best in normal combat.


    Caution BUG: For PC 2.64+

    The highest damage with the biggest Area of Effect will be dryads with acute mind who took the staff lore skill. The all around attack (not sure of the english name at the moment) will hit every enemy on the screen, even if hidden behind walls or trees. Given that it seem to be guaranteed hits in a very very big surrounding you can use RpH to drive acute mind and the attack to very high levels and have it recharged instantly. Its so unbalancing that some people take riding to reach places with not dead enemies faster.


    I am against bug abusing, but if you see every enemy around you dropping you should at least know what is happening.

  11. There are different builds from me:

    There are the weapon-based spell Combat Art's: magic coup, archangel's wrath, shadow hand where the attack speed comes from the magical lore and not the weapon skill.

    Then there are builds which use life leech weapons to kill bosses. I use normally alchemy to replace a weapon skill in this case for tempory +attack value, attack speed, ....

    If I use a weapon skill then its normally not for the attack speed or double hit but to unlock modifiers like chance to hit more enemies on polearms.

    My sohei for example uses polearm skill and speed lore because I was too lazy to shop for equipment.

  12. I can speak only for magic coup:

    If I do a full melee approach I modify for damage and socket CtH. So I found out that around level 100 when I had 10 sockets for damage (rest for defense and CtH) that 7 or 8 niob damage rings and rest whet smithing was best for me.

    A sure hit modifying instead damage turned the ratio to like 5 x-x damage and 5 whet.


    Playing hybrid the stuff gets more complex: CtH sockets are useless for your spells, while Whets affect both, ... so a sure hit modifying of magic coup is better for hybrids.


    And that was only the elf which has a single weapon Combat Art. And even for an elf its not easy to decide.


    For other classes:

    A hard hard gets more damage from the combat art than an all-around attack,... so the hard hits would win earlier from x-x rings than the 'attack'-Combat Art.


    Sometimes I replace a defense socket with a (x-x damage/- x% attack value of enemy) ring.

  13. After eye surgeries I play zoomed in in half distance. So my weapons of choice are shurikens. All my dryads are multiaspect ones and using shurikens because of their x% life leech. Halfdistance is a good compromise for hybrid builds which use regeneration per hit to recharge high regeneration spells. So I would say:


    Caster dryads: Shield

    You will have acute mind for high Intelligence and put all points in vitality. Take a rare shield with scaling defense value or blockchance. If it has sockets: socket block combat arts. Your attack spells will get the block chance in their affect list. In areas with a lot of casters I have a special shuriken/shield slot were all 4 sockets are filled with block combat art. It will exchange a bit damage for better spell protection.

  14. Good job, when I posted my idea about a polearm melee elf in the german forum , melee -using all three aspects , almost a year ago everyone told me crazy. Delphic arcane was perhaps the most under estimated aspect in the game: every elf had it, but mainly for GI and expulse magic and shadow step.

    Very interesting that my daughter came to the same conclusions as you in her elf without concentration 'homework' at begin of the addon. She did shadow step modifications first because it had guaranteed explosions and you could flee from a mob you gathered for a explosion.

    I hope she was not emailing you for help on her build :) And I have to reconsider her current homework: doing an elf without concentration which combines the shield maiden and her no concentration build. She may read your guide.


    There is one thing I would do: if you have a bargainer, why not add the fire focus for the fire skin? If you attack with arcane spells mainly, you could could use the fire skin in late game melee because of it's melee reflection. The reflecting gets better and better while the physical only protection of crystal skin runs in problems late game at mixed damage. But of cause pseudo permanent invisibility is to be considered too. My feeling still says: fire focus if you have already a bargainer. Fireskin, meteors modified for optimized stunning and perhaps late game even the fire demon modified for some more protection as a third buff.


    Playing melee elves for a year now:

    If you want a pure melee elf , then cobat strike is modified for single target damage to either weaken bosses or for tactical playing: shoot it at a distance at a single target without alerting anything in the surrounding. Melee purists want their weapons to do the kills.

    But a 'bolt'er is of cause interested in as many hits as possible.


    In the AddOn there is a new regeneration mode: Since you can replace mana steal by RpH (regeneration per hit) to a degree: you could choose life leech for a more melee orientated playstyle.

    If you play with combinations without RpH the new regeneration system is good. For a RpH-build stuff is more complex. You do a cascading shroud and you can't do a magic coup for a while because regeneration is splitted. So you need a good hit chance for your normal attack too, because you will need it to recharge really high regeneration times. I prefer the classical regeneration system for a RpH build, especially if there is an emergency spell in another aspect than the RpH attack.

    Example Seraphim: If you use an archangel's wrath with RpH and you use classic then you can till take the healing from celestial in case you can't hit your target (mainly flying demons).


    This is one of the builds where you should drive the focus and not the lore to its maximum first: delphic arcane. I noticed that arcane elves were the least affected to any patches, addons from all our characters, because they had always magic coup as a reserve for a melee or hybrid playstyle if needed.


    And now I have to put some thoughts in a new sadistic homework for my daughter: perhaps a WIDD-elf ;)

  15. Totally forgot to update this thread: she did Niob and she got her card. The next cruel action of me was to promise my daughter a new vaultingbelt for our friesian horse if she writes a summary about her character. We discussed a bit, and she will start a character in virtual 4 player LAN (maximum our machine can handle). It will melt this character with the shield maiden of our second daughter and adds even some bargaining.


    02 bargaining

    03 arcane lore

    05 armour

    08 ice lore

    12 arcane focus

    18 ice focus

    25 shield

    35 constitution

    50 ancient magic

    65 fire focus


    The playstyle of this character is obvious: spend half the time at shops to buy the gear which is needed: RpH, -enemy chance to evade, block Combat Art, ....


    RpH and life leech from magic coup are planed to free the character from concentration.

  16. From Schot:

    Ayup, It's been a year since Sacred 2 began. It's time to bring out some widders.

    Funny, in german the word Widder is something like a big horn sheep or in a military meaning a battering ram. The romans called them aries, their word for Widder. Because the head of the ram was formed like the head of a mouflon. The zodiac sign Aries we call Widder in germany.

    And yes, it can be dangerous to stand in front of an enraged Widder, mouflon, ....


    New approach:

    As a german I fight till the bitter end and the closer we are to a defeat the crazier and weird are our inventions. Okay hitpoints booster slots are of no use. I won't accept a defeat in my WIDD idea. So next is a damage mitigation booster slot. In theory we could bring around 15% damage mitigation in 6 sockets around level 140. The difference between 85% and 100% is a lot:

    85% damage mitigation is like having 6.7 times your normal hitpoints as virtual hitpoints. 100% is demigod. Add a energy shield to catch life leech attacks, ....


    You reduce your damage mitigation in a controlled way, take some hits, and play damaged but immune. So far one theory. Perhaps even a one weapon approach with shield is possible:

    Blooddryads and icy shield with its damage mitigation. Sockets would be filled with damage mitigation.


    Another approach would be to concentrate most of your defense! in your main weapon! slot. You fight a small group of enemies you can handle, get damaged, swap to your main weapon slot and are now a lot saver. Would be most useful for shield users.


    Or temple guardians turn off their energy shield take hits and turn it on again.....


    I was really puzzled that the only players I saw so far with WIDD were shadow warriors.


    Okay, to bring a character without regeneration in combat from constitution to a level where 95+% mitigation are possible is not easy.


    For the seraphim: she has this healing miracle which can do in combat regeneration, she has an emergency shield. Some stuff to play around. She will get low on skills, so I put some thought in how to play her:


    Will the weapon based spells: magic coup, archangel's wrath, shadow hand take use of WIDD?


    If yes a celestial techno babe with archangel's wrath would be worth some thoughts. No need for tactic lore or a weapon skill. And the magic aspects would bring useful spells. While the warrior focus is enough to modify 3 Combat Art's at mastery level.


    And I was considering a mix of death blow and WIDD. Archangel's wrath modified for a double shot should get rid of the problem of deathblow, that you need 2 hits. I plan to use the wrath at melee range. So there is no need for target seeker mod and I can do explosions. There will be not much flight time of the shots, so easier to control an RpH (Regeneration per Hit) approach.

  17. After one year in Sacred 2 I decided to play my first Seraphim above level 25. I used to quick test all classes and then decided to master my melee elf understandings. So now I will start a Seraphim. I wanted to test as much as possible in a single build as usual. And I wanted to play something which was never played before. So I planed to try out Dashing Alacrity and its reprisal modifier. I am not at my play machine before weekend, so some of my thoughts may be plain wrong:


    It gives high WIDD (wounds increase damage done, if I remember this correct). But normally you don't want to take any wounds, except you have really really high hitpoints and use high life leech.


    So I will try the opposite approach: I will use very very low hitpoints. Crazy, I know.

    But I was thinking about booster slots for buffs, soldat and dobri's demigod thread, reading the combat arts of the seraphim to get used to their english names, .... and I stumpled above Dashing Alacrity.


    So I had a stupid idea:

    Fill a slot with a 3 socket sword and shield. Put no points in vitality, do not take constitution. Socket in each of the 6 sockets a jewelry with lifepoints,

    Start Dashing Alacrity, swap to your main weapon slot, you will now have way lower hitpoints, while you are quite save in your energy shield and because of damage mitigation.


    Will this really work?

    Which other classes could play such a WIDD-build?


    I know I am a pest with my crazy ideas, but I really never read anything like a lifepoints filled slot for WIDD using before.


    The build will probably be an archangel's wrath seraphim.

  18. The Elementalist

    There are two ways to play the elementalist:


    You can play it as an allrounder, doing standallone killing damage in all 3 aspects

    You can play it as a 'real' Elementalist


    The 'real' Elementalist would use the 2 other aspects not as Killers but for support. So the damaging combat arts in dragon magic or mentalism are modified for support not maximized damage:


    dragon strike would be modified for stun, reducing enemy CtH, radius

    mind strike to last longer, multiple enemies, slow down

    energy blaze to slow enemy attacks, radius, ?



    If you plan to play several dragon mages, I would do the elementalist as a real one, having the other aspects modified for support. Another dragon mage mentalist could modify the mentalism spells to maximize damage, so it wouldn't be like playing a very similiar character again.

  19. Is there a thread with a collection of different shoppers for different classes with different purposes?


    Playing at home with family our shoppers are stationary in a chain. They are designed for a certain level and knowing this some fun shoppers can be played which would be way too weak for niob: Like an alchemy weaponless Kungfu-Dryad shopper for level 75 or similiar.


    At youth club my second daughter plays a shopper seraphim in party mode with a friend who plays a shadow warrior smith and the character should be able to reach and play in niob. The seraphim is currently in platinum chapter two, following main campaign to reach niob: Level 62 , bargaining at 211.


    Then there are shoppers who can survive on her own hardcore in niob, ......


    And then there are the tactics:

    If I have shoppers in a chain at level 2, 20,40,60,80 already: There is no need that the planed level 100 shopper does more than 1 point in bargaining before it reaches level 85. Points are better spend into combat skills first.


    So a collections of shopping characters and there purpose could be handy for others.

  20. Spell Intensity is said to make it more probable that a spell does its maximum damage. When I was using unique gloves with +x% spell intensity and moving the mouse on intelligence in the C-menu I saw a raise in the damage intelligence would give to spells.

    But it was only at the attributs menu at intelligence not at the combat art menu.

    So one of them must be an display bug:

    If spell intensity is giving more damage via intelligence then the combat art menu should be updated too, or ?


    I hadn't switched Combat Art's. perhaps I should have done that to force an update. But since I can't play again till next weekend and I can't sleep when I see additional damage I could perhaps add to my build, thinking about the possibilities:


    Is anyone knowing for sure that spell intensity is not raising the maximal damage of a spell?

  21. Sorry for late response, I was thinking what to write. I have absolutely no experience with consoles but I played melee elves for almost a year. For the PC the AddOn changed a lot: Regeneration per Hit (RpH).

    For consoles it was working all the time. So in late game (platinum, niob) using the fire skin modified for melee reflection, arrow burning and more damage might give some protection and good damage. You could use magic coup modified for sure hits, life leech and stray damage in connection with a x% life leech shuriken to recharge your tempests.

    But you would have to do your own tests if this style will work with the auto-targetting on consoles. My Bauchgefühl says that fireskin might be the better buff late game. Its x% chance to reflect melee and x% damage gets better and better the more runes are in.


    If you like to experiment: start with GI as Buff till gold and try out how RpH will workout in connection with fireskin. Post your experiences, I am curious.

  22. My very own history with RpH


    Pre-AddON - confusing RpH

    I just re-read my first posts in the german forum and I had already great ideas for RpH. But sadly it had no effect on magic coup. So me or someone else started a topic about RpH after each patch. Some Combat Art's worked in some patches, some not, then sometimes only effect at low levels and not on high levels even the RpH was at 5 seconds. It was all confusion and nothing really useful. So I played without RpH for 9 months. I did each character class a year ago to level 25 and then decided to play melee elves. I designed several characters for my kids


    The AddON, a new class and more

    When the AddOn came out I tested the dragon mage: He has not a single weapon based combat art. So I tried a horse (yes horse, not special mount) build to test if horse combat arts might be fixed (they were not). I unlocked riding with alchemy, added all three magic foci for the buffs and elementalism lore. With riding mastery I could stay away and send out waves of destroyers, playing was almost to easy, given that alchemy boosted life leeching shurikens while cooldown of destroyers can do an awfully high unresisted damage versus bosses.

    But I noticed that with demon teeth and alchemy I could do 4.5 seconds (RpH) for a minute. So I tested RpH in the dragon forms with the same character (you get a totally new body, only dependant on your level and runes in the form) and I found it was not brought to the forms. But then I pressed my T-key because I was frustrated that I wasn't hitting. I had T always for trollteeth (+attack value and T for trollteeth or T for TREFFEN (german for to hit)) and I saw my attack value climbing a bit. Even the dragon berzerker had no alchemy skill: the trophies were unlocked at a level 1 alchemy. So I was playing with the other trophies and considered demon tooth a bit useful for 20 seconds quick combat. It was a very nice first dragon mage when nobody had a guide and there is a thread about this character in the german forum. The character was reconsidered over and over again while being playing but never restarted. Noone had experiences yet and I thought that this character was like a small swiss army knife, possible to do tests with most of the stuff a dragon mage can do. He reached Niob around level 100. But somehow it was not my playstyle. Using destroyers to fight at the corners of the visible screen was nothing for me. I wanted a close combat dragon mage.


    First serious Testing

    The Sohei

    And then my real testing with RpH began: I was puzzled that noone in the console forum was using it even it worked there all the time. But most of them read the PC guides (for which it was nearly useless pre AddON) and most didn't try much own testing on consoles. So I decided to do my own RpH-Character. As a proof of concept I decided to do a challenging character: A dragon mage fighter who would use weapon hits to recharge his mentalism spells. I modified mind strike for Area of Effect damage since I would be mid in groups for recharging and I could do mind strike real high. It played surprisingly good.


    A RpH-dragon mage Shopper

    When my 12 year old daughter asked for a character similiar to her shield maiden (which shines with RpH, even designed pre AddOn) but with bargaining. I did some tests and found that a weapon skill for hitting would not be really needed - given the right equipment (a shopper should get it). So a bargaining variation of my Sohei was created. (same Thread as the Sohei)

    She had to restart when she started playing at a youth club, she was playing a archangel's wrath seraphim.


    Why no weapon combat Characters with RpH?

    So the AddOn designed characters share a very similiar playstyle- at least for my 12 year old and me:

    • melee elves: magic coup and stray damage with RpH
    • seraphim: melee range archangel's wrath with dual shots, explosions and criticals
    • dragon mage: mindstrike (modified for Area of Effect) and normal attacks with RpH at very high buffs and Combat Art's to recharge

    All builds don't need tactic lore or a weapon lore (most useful for dragon mage, CtH sockets take a lot of room). So a semi-defensive spell like snow storm (slow) for elf, dragon strike (reduce enemy attack) for sohei, or shock waves (stun) for seraphim can be brought in a combination and recharged with the weapon based combat art. If you do not play much you try to have a similiar playstyle for all characters, same key bindings for similiar spells and such. So all my seraphim, dragon mage, dryad , shadow warrior ideas were kinda variations of my melee elf style: Close melee with protection mainly done by spells.



    Regeneration system: I prefer the classical regeneration system for RpH builds. So you can have an emergency Combat Art from another aspect if your recharging hit fails.

    Cast speed: I did modify my dragon mage Sohei's companion for faster cast speed. I did it because I had no dragon magic lore. It proofed to be the right choose: Combat Arts above malus reduce execution speed.


    Planed characters:

    I have not much time playing, so I am currently helping my 14 year old daughter to design a character for a PvP tournament in the winter breaks at a local youth club. The weird runes demand her to play a Netherworld Inquisitor. Leveling will be done with a RpH supported necromancer play style.

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