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Everything posted by Charon117

  1. Yeah, ofcourse, if I change causesSpellDamage but dont define any tokens for it, it wont do anything. Would you be able to explain what the numbers stand for ? et_spelldamage_fire", 580, 290, 0, 133 The first is the damage number I assume, and the last one is the calculation type. Do we also know of any spell(s) that take weapon damage and type into account that we could splice into this ? I dont think the staff will use cast speed ever, since the game treats it like a weapon in the first place. We only started to change the projectile, the staff still gets treated the same as before.
  2. @Flix It will work in a way. It classifies the projectile as a proper spell, but since it doesnt know where to pull the damage calculations from it doesnt do any damage. Somebody would propably have to insert it into the proper Sacred 2 calculation model. Different approaches to this would propably be better, like changing a CA spell to a single projectile like the HEs fireball. You would even get mods ontop of it.
  3. @Flix Some tests later. So to bring this to a general level the AI has 3 reasons to attack. 1. The doppelganger gets attacked 2. The player gets attacked 3. The player attacks a specific mob Scenario 1: Everybody stands peacefully around. In this scenario the doppelganger wouldnt do anything because there is no reason to attack Scenario 2: The player attacks mobs. First, the specified attacked mob gets the highest priority ( 2 & 3 ). Then, since the player pulls more mobs, all mobs attacking the player are eligible to get attacked. Scenario 3: The player attacks a boss who is disabled. The doppelganger targets the boss because of 3. Tests show that there seem to be 3 distinctive AIs. A. Melee AI B. Ranged AI C. Caster AI ( Magic Staff required ) The Melee AI works the best, as it takes all 3 reasons into account when deciding to target mobs. It frequently uses CA and buffs if available. The Ranged AI has condition 1 and 2 broken. If you dont attack a mob he will just stand there doing nothing. The caster AI actually gets a 4th condition to attack: 4. Can cast spell With this the Caster AI casts a spell, and makes a single attack afterwards. Condition 1,2 and 3 are broken for him and he will do nothing until condition 4 is fullfillable again. I dont know how to fix this, or if it always have been like that, but I suggest forcing the AI behaviour of the doppelganger to be always on melee, if that works.
  4. As far as I know quests dont increase your MF in any way. Is there a code line for this anywhwere ? Can somebody add it ? I suggest 600 quests to be worth half of a full Enhanced Perception bonus so 200% MF give or take. For vanilla this means 1/3% MF for every quest. For ESP this means 1/3% / 4,40´3´ MF ( remember the multiplier ? ) Im pretty sure you understand the added meaning to having a permanently added bonus to doing a limited number of quests. It means questing and killing along the way becomes so much more meaningful than soloing mobs.
  5. The glorious days of full servers and massive multiplayers are over. And with it gone are the stronger mobs, the better loot and the bigger experience. With this in mind I would like to get a polished SP experience. The first thing I would like to discuss is the loot progression in the game. Creating different characters and raising them up you will soon realise there is a big gap between characters who can skill Enhanced Perception, and the ones who cant. 4 out of 7 characters can skill Enhanced Perception as a first skill, the others are not so lucky and might even have to waste another skill slot on an unwanted skill to get access to Enhanced Perception. Even when you get access to Enhanced Perception you will soon find it a static value. Keep it as high as possible and forget it. From my experience a Seraphim with 20% SB and a 1 + 42 = 43 level Enhanced Perception has a whole tier of loot advantage over an Inquisitor with 80% SB and no Enhanced Perception. The loot gap is massive. Some people say its simple. Change ZRareExpectation in the balance.txt and you will get better loot. But thats a bad choice. What is Sacred 2 about ? Think about this: I will give you the save file with level 200 char and all the loot in the game. Would you feel satisfied ? I think not. Sacred 2 is not about the goal. Sacred 2 is about the progression towards the goal. Its not about having a level 200 char, its what experience you made to get there. This means that changing the ZRareExpectation bends and destroys the progression of the game. You have no clue on what you are bending and what values you should put in there. Get legendaries at level 10. Hurray. Not. I have a better idea. First of all we need to close the gap between characters having easy access to to Enhanced Perception and those who dont. Dont get me wrong. I dont want to eliminate the differences between characters. If a char has problems to get Enhanced Perception these problems should still exist. But I want to do is to decrease the importance of Enhanced Perception. The question we have to ask is this. How many talisman ( yellow find valuables modifier ) we want the Enhanced Perception skill to embody ? A level 110 Enhanced Perception is worth 264,2% chance to find valuables ( says the wiki ). At the same level you will find roughly 10% talisman for the same thing. That means at level 110 Enhanced Perception has the worth of 26 talisman unsocketed. Thats insane. We need to get this number down. I want Enhanced Perception to be the equivalent of socketing 5 talisman of equal level. Thats still an incredible significant boost to the MF rate. Think about like getting access to 6 additional ring slots. So lets say it should float around 60% increase. How do we get there ? 264,2 / 60 = 4.40´3´. Keep this multiplier in your head. It might get important later. With this we fixed the Enhanced Perception skill, and brought it closer to the base value. Alright you will say, but all we did was to decrease the MF. Less loot. Hurray. Not. Right. There is a code line in the balance.txt which is called SkillMagicFindFactor, and it governs how valuable MF is. The higher the MF, the lower the zrareexpecation lower bins will become, and more space for the rarer item tiers will be made. The best about this is that the intended progression of the game doesnt get hindered in any way. It naturally evolves along the lines of your character. I suggest a magnifying of x10 for the SkillMagicFindFactor. The CP value is SkillMagicFindFactor = 200, and I play with a SkillMagicFindFactor = 2000. My chance to find valuables is around 25% without Enhanced Perception and I get uniques and sets every now and then. Im not really getting spammed with them, and I would find sets faster if I would do quests with a QUEST_UNIQUE = 1000 but it feels a lot better than being 5/6 of the loot uniques and legendaries. Following this "chance to find valuables" on items becomes a REAL choice. Do you use your talisman/ring/socket for defense, offense, or to boost loot chances ? Do you take Enhanced Perception as a skill to further improve your drops, or do you need that skill slot for another defensive art ? How many sockets can you use up to boost your MF on a HC character and still survive ? How much dps can you sacrifice to maybe get another 5% ontop ? Meaningful choices, natural equipment progression and a satisfied gameplay experience are what this is about. A level 1 character with no chance to find valuables wont gain anymore from SkillMagicFindFactor = 200 than it would from 2000. But on the journey he will maybe get a +4,6% item. And he can use this to get better items. Maybe another +4.6% talisman. SkillMagicFindFactor doesnt throw rare items at you. It just raises the cap of items you can get, and it rewards your gameplay, not your editplay. I play on EE with SuperSpawn and the Challenge mode. And I have to fight for every slot to be useful to me. Sacrificing 2 slots is a decision between 2 or 3 hitting mobs, getting enough armour to survive longer, or having 16% more MF to *maybe* find better items. You can ADAPT your equipment to your playstyle. And maybe you will find that very nice sweet spot to farm fast and the best items at the same time. Gameplay skill translates into better items, instead of *only* faster farming. Phew.
  6. In 2.43 mage staffs were melee tools. If I would summon my doppelganger he would buff up and tell the mobs close and personal how the Christians did it. No mercy, no questions asked, no wasted time. Just a "Give me your sooooouuuuuul." But times have changed. In S2G/CP1.6 Mage Staffs are shooting projectiles. When I summon the doppelganger I have to ask him if he is really here. Most of the time he walks around, or just stands there. Every 4 seconds he uses a single CA. Than he falls back into depression. Until the next 4 seconds passes and he remembers to use another CA. I would like to help the doppelanger onto the bright side again, show him how beautiful life can be and tell him to change his mind to a ranged and/or melee AI behaviour. Does anybody know how to force the doppelganger to a certain AI and/or has a different solution for this ? Help. Looking for brain surgeon.
  7. Can you reclassify all mage stuff projectiles as "Spell"s ? This would circumvent the problem of mages being dependend on accuracy for staff hits.
  8. Heres an improvement I havent been able to implement. If you hold down your LMB you can move around your character to wherever the mouse is pointed towards. If you move your mouse towards your character model and once it gets to a sufficient close range, the character stops moving. I would say there is a 100 distance around the character, in which a held down LMB doesnt pick up a command. So cool so far. The problem presents itself When you are farming mobs. Lets say you are surrounded by mobs, and click and hold down on the first mob. He/She/It gets killed and you slightly move your mouse onto the next enemy. ... nothing happens. The reason why nothing happens is that a held down LMB does select the next target you hover over, yes, but since your mouse is still within a 100 distance of your character, you are still frozen in place. This means in order to target close mobs, with a held down LMB you need to hover over the next mob after the last one is finished, then move away your mouse. Rinse and repeat. This leads to very erratic movement, and hurts the feeling of control over your character. Apart from losing DPS, killing your character because you walk towards something you dont want to, or even be frozen in place because you are completely surrounded but the mob you want to attack moved out of attack range. This doesnt not apply to your RMB, as it can pick up targets regardless of the distance your mouse is away from your character model. Due to this, most players won´t even notice this. There is partly a solution available here: But its not a very good one. For once, Sacred 2 doesnt register 2 buttons pressed simultaniously. You can write a script of pressing the LMB 10 times per second, but if you press space to consume a healing potion and it accidently hits the same frame as the LMC you dont consume your potention. Deadly, if you really needed to drink that in that frame. Apart from that ALL other commands get ignored if they fall onto the same frame, including switching weapons, consuming any potions, switching CAs. I looked into the options.txt but didnt find anything of note. I think this would be an improvement which doesnt concern content, version number or balancing the game, but it would a general fix that would immensly improve the feeling of accuracy in your game. Where you move your character where you want to, attack when you want to, and have an overal improved control over the game. Would feel awesome. @FlixThats the question I would ask help for.
  9. Dont believe me. Do the math. A naked, unskilled seraphim with Dashing Alacrity and Bloodlust level 50 has 15 + 10 + 15 = +40% AS. And a level 50 Dashing Alacrity is NOT high. According to this http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/16221-how-many-runes-can-I-use/ The CA level can reach 200 ( no matter how you do it ). The theoretical math gives us 15 + 10 + 60 = +85% AS. So an unskilled ( except for the level lore )m naked seraphim breaks the AS cap with 35% AS unaccounted for. And we are not even yet taking weapon lores and and weapon mods into account, let alone set boni, rings, talisman or sockets. Ok, I will cut you some slack now ;).
  10. @Flix My point is that sentence doesnt make sense and is plain wrong, even if you have the affection of a grandmother for her nephew. If we are talking about coding and you are saying Code=X doesnt have an affect above value X than that means even if I increase the value beyond X there will never be any effect in the game. Which is wrong. Ofcourse the coding means that the cap of the Speed is raised, but thats self evident. And also wrong, in some cases. As far as I know there is Attack Speed, and than there is animation speed. They are not the same thing, but they are connected. So you can have an AS for 140% and the animation would maybe get a speed of 155% but since you are capped at 150% you wouldnt get teh faster animation, and thuse wouldnt benefit from lower regen times. Once you increase the cap to 400% you can see that some things simply run faster, even with AS and MS being below 150%. I think its important to stress that SpeedMax affects EVERYTHING, in the game. It is a pretty powerful modifier. Too powerful in my oppinion. I would have prefered to split it up into different code like SpeedASMax, SpeedMSMax, SpeedAniMax and so on. Than again I would have also prefered a more stable game ;). Im grateful for what Sacred 2 gives. Edit: The Right To Edit ! I have to completely disagree with you there. SpeedMax=1500 is such a powerful modifier that once I found out about it I thought about disregarding any weapon Speed mods because the cap is reached so fast with weapon lore + general good gear. Again, my example is the 2.43 seraphim which I found later out had 264% AS when I removed the cap. VERY easily reachable. SpeedMax=1500 basically removes Dashing alacricity from your skill pool once you reach higher levels, since your AS and MS cant get increased anymore anyway.
  11. My seraphim was so fast that it made the 360 degree Staff Lore Glitch look like a toddler exploit. She was so fast that the camera even had problems keeping up with the char model as she killed everything on screen. Also AggroRange=4000 Im still waiting for the right to edit my posts.
  12. Indeed. The faster you kill, the more graphical content, gore, corpses, animations and reanimations must be created. Im not sure how relevant that is, but my first seraphim with 264% Attack Speed could crush the game reliably by starting in the desert and running into the jungle in 5 minutes max. She was just too fast. She was so fast that the jump animation was 50% faster than SpeedMax=1500 and she still cut 15% of animation time at the end in order to trigger Pelting Strikes earlier, which again had 30% of its animation cut at the end to trigger the next attack earlier. At the second soulstone my game usually gives up trying to keep up with all the deathsounds and death animations. 1 second audio loop crash. The problem is propably the system as its been worked hard in the last years. Run time is propably 365 x 3 x 9 hours total. Im sure Sacred 2 would run better if I buy a new rig. Than again no other game does that to me. And the workaround is not only for people with frequent or infrequent crashes. In the long run every crash makes you less likely to continue playing Sacred 2. With the game saving every 30 seconds you loose ZERO progress. I also think the game runs better because it empties "Data to save till next save" more frequently. The most important point of this is no more anxiety, and thinking about saving EVER again. I also got a question in the next thread coming up, and would kindly ask you to take a look at it.
  13. Either that sentence is wrong, or misleading. The correct thing to say would be "Anything over SpeedMax doesn't appear to have an effect on a unit." It would be better to rephrase the whole sentence though. SpeedMax affects EVERYTHING in the game. From animation speed, over run speed to attack speed.
  14. Build: Vanilla 2.65.2 Community Patch 1.60 Enhanced Edition 2.1 EE:SuperSpawn EE:Challenge Mode or for short [S2G/CP1.6/EE.2.1/SS,C] Lets start at the beginning. I played most of my time on 2.43 before the Ice and Blood expansion. I graduated with a Seraphim, and then took an Inquisitor deathless to Niob. Then a crash rendered my niob campaign unplayable. I decided it was time to upgrade to the Gold Edition and move on to the CP. That was also partially in hopes of a more stable game. I quickly discovered that my current build is x3 times as unstable as .43 was. And so the Odysee began. The Odysee for a stable game. Win 7 x64 Amd FX 4300 Quadcore 4GHz GTX 970 Sacred 2 Gold on Steam This is a glosar of most googleable solutions: 1. Change your animMem to 0 in the options,txt in your %APPDATA% folder. if not manager then manager = { animMem = 0, grannyMem = 0, pmsMem = 0, secMem = 0, sptMem = 0, texMem = 209715200, https://steamcommunity.com/app/225640/discussions/0/864956554687300470/?l=russian 2. Add -skipopenal -nocpubinding to your launcher https://steamcommunity.com/app/225640/discussions/0/828935269281676179/ 3. Change/ Update your driver to X General advice. 4. Force PhysX and AA over the Nvidia graphic card. 5. Install Memory Cleaner https://www.koshyjohn.com/software/memclean/ 6.Rename/Delete your LaptopGaming_xp.dll and LaptopGaming_vista.dll https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=166938930 7. Set your exe to run in XP/Vista Compability mode. https://steamcommunity.com/app/225640/discussions/0/2765630416821318551/ 8. Change the .e to the .g (included in CM 1.60 AFAIK) http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/22409-sacred-2-memory-leak-fix/&do=findComment&comment=6991649 9. Lower your ingame graphic settings (sure!not!) Update 10. Trimmed Elite Textures [proper decrease in instability] http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/23091-trimmed-elite-textures/ The trimmed elite textures take up less data space and thuse effectively reduce the crashes to an immeasureable low. 11. I think theres more, anyway ... Most things *maybe* helped, some things made it better some worse. There wasnt a definite "solution" just "how to gain 5 more minutes or gameplay". I think looking through the messed up relationship between Sacred 2 and each individual PC beyond the first 2 steps is a waste of time. Memory cleaner made my PC laggy and unstable. First it seemed to help, then it didnt, then it made it worse. In the end I made a completely fresh reinstall of everything, changed the animmem lines to this if not manager then manager = { animMem = 0, grannyMem = 0, pmsMem = 0, secMem = 0, sptMem = 0, texMem = 209715200, and added -skipopenal -nocpubinding to my launcher. Thats all. And ofcourse listpoint 8 is included in the CP. Now the memory leak issue has been discussed at lenght already, so I won´t go into it. What I want to point out is that the stability of Sacred 2 is heavily depending on the playstyle of the player. A vanilla, melee Seraphim with SpeedMax = 1500, and no added mobs will "never" crash your game. A CP Inquisitor with SpeedMax = 4500, maining Inexorable Subjugation and a magic staff will crash your game as fast as possible, giving you around 20 minutes of gameplay. Yes, SpeedMax has an influence on the stability, as faster Speed means faster animation, means a more taxed system. But the main point is how much graphical content you produce, with Subjugation doubling and tripling the count ofcourse + all the projectiles flying around from being a ranged main. Im pointing this to let you know that you might wanna think about it as playstyle vs stability, and find your sweet spot. However, all of this doesnt help you with the lost time every time the game crashes. Which is what I have the solution for. Simply let a script press your autosave key every 30 seconds. I have a Black Widow Ultimate keyboard and with Synapse I can simulate a F7 press every 30 seconds pretty easily. But you can write a quick script like this one http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/21231-autohotkey-script-for-a-movement-or-attack-key/ for your Qicksave key very easily as well. This is it. The ultimate solution. No more lost time, forever. No anxiously thinking when you last saved. Just playing. This is a glossar of fixes, so people dont have to look them up all seperately a workaround for no more lost gameplay time Cheers, Charon
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