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20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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DarkMatters - Member
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Posts posted by Dax
  1. 32 minutes ago, SLD said:


    I call vanilla Sacred empty. Just like an empty room. Diablo2 had no roleplay elements at all, and it was never meant to have any. Sacred has those elements ready, but Ascaron
    did not use them. Instead, they filled everything up with cheap stuff. How is the smith of Hedgenton called? Boboid? Oh, man. I could find a better name even after undergoing
    a lobotomy in the flat-earth-lab!
    Despite our little dispute, your opinion is valuable to me. Can I convince you to take a look at the reborn mod? If the answer is "YES!" I'd like to prove you wrong. Well?

    Chrom laughs at Ascarons marketing tricks! He laughs from his mountain!

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, SLD said:


    I claim, that there is nothing humorus in vanilla Sacred. Did not laugh a single time.

    I claim, that the team filled stuff in hastily just to get it done. For example, there is a very old post at a german tabletop-forum called "orkenspalter" where a user complains,
    that Ascaron called the fans for help. They shall start naming items for them. The funny thing is, that an insane amount of well named items exists in the global.res, which
    can be decompressed. That's why I got the missing books handy so fast. Why did they not take the already existing item-names? Maybe they are the rememnants of Armalion, locked away.
    You know, from the guys who got sacked.

    Speaking of putting content together after all... Aahhm no. Following games got mentioned and a bit used in Sacred:

    -Planescape Torment, which plays in one league with Ultima7. The game is regarded as a big, fat rpg. Even today.
    -Freelancer: A space shooter, with an extremly well written environment. Great game.
    -Divine Divinity, supersexycool, from the makers of Baldurs Gate 3. I can hear the sounds, so they have played it.
    -Gothic 1: As above
    -Icewind Dale 2: As above

    Despite such a fantastic amount of inspiration, all they came up with is: "Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Lala and Poo, go to hell!" Really?

    The interview with Mr.Stradal can be found on wikipedia, it's in German. He explains many things. Could the old team of Mr.Stradal do it better? I think so.
    You may watch the Armalion game trailer on youtube and compare it with nowadays Sacred. It is quite a difference.

    Speaking of the management, I still call their marketing tricks, I have explained above, malicious and sneaky.

    • Like! 1
  3. Interesting, but here are the Amazon links. Everything for sale, not free. So it got printed, boxed and they made money by selling the addons after all. Proves my point.

    Sacred Plus

    Sacred Underworld

    Sacred Gold

  4. I like your defensive stance, but I see things a little different.

    Ascaron sold Sacred1 in various variants four(!) times, for let's say 20 bucks each. Maybe a little more.

    Sacred Plus
    Sacred Underworld
    Sacred Gold

    Under such conditions, keeping gamers bound to the product at all costs does not make sense? Of course it does. You milk them dry.
    Sell them product, after product, after product. And make sure they do not dust off.

    -How do we do it, bother captain?
    -Easy. Keep them busy!

    Speaking of lore... What Sacred1 has to offer, would you call that "lore" for real? I mean, you got the .de version I assume. Tbh, I
    am sure they could have done it far better, but the old rpg-team of Mr.Stradal got sacked and when his studio became part of
    Ascaron, they gave him a new crew, but obviously they did not know how what to do.
    Sacred1 is filled up with silly stuff. With crosslinks to entertainers, scientists, comic figures, movies, tv-shows, fastfood restaurants...
    It's a nightmare!

    Ah, well. After all it is pointless. The tools are out there, mods too, everyone can play Sacred the way he likes it.

    • Like! 1
  5. I got one max level hero which I used go get all books together, for some reason. I also transferred the sera-book in multi-player to him.
    The other heros of the same class, but not max level and not all books, suffer from the same bug I mentioned above, after I have found all
    books. The bug also applies to fresh level 1 heros of the same class. Did not check other classes, though.
    There was maybe something in the making, because the small talk of the npc's in chapter one, before Wilbur bites the dust, always points
    toward an existing mini-secret. There is a hint for Thorwyns Club, the Vampire-Queen in the sewers of the capital and so on and so on. On
    the other hand, it might be also possible, that the only intention of getting all books together was to bind the player to the product as
    long as possible. By envoking false hopes.
    And that's not unlikely. Leveling up to the max in vanilla takes a very, very long time, game mechanics remained hidden, until the player
    community dismantled them after all, which lead to many screwed up first-run characters. Also, as many mentioned it here already, there is
    a massive misbalance in vanilla between the characters. So picking the right hero makes things easy for you, picking the wrong class... well,
    looks like you have to start it all over again, huh? Remember the killer torches in the cave on the pirate island? What a wonderful idea.

    My personal opinion is, that Ascaron was a company, that regarded their customers/gamers not in the best way. Maybe not the coders, or the
    graphic guys, but the management for sure. And they were leading the pack. No one else.
    Nowadays it is absolutely normal to mooch off players, but for me, as some kind of old timer and player of dos-games, these are foul,
    dirty and malicious marketing-tricks and their generous usage does not cast a positive light on the company imo.

    • Appreciation 1

  6. - Caravan system like in Fallout 1 & 2 to slow the game down and offer more gameplay options
    - Endgame content: Fallout 1 & 2 one-liners for monsters and enemies
    - Unlock tavern after "region is at peace" drink & rest option + new regional questlines
    - Horadic cube like in Diablo2 + rechargeable runestones, which can be quicklinked to the B-button
    - Gentle grave robber loot-system (find send-in community items of all levels and difficulties)
    - Gentle amount-of-books-found bonus system
    - Rogue traders, alone somewhere in the wilderness, selling community items
    - Random encounters around the world. Wandering travellers, contract killers, merchands, adventurer groups...
    - Wilderness-ambushes by various monsters and bad guys
    - Real estate agents
    - Proper written game environment
    - Pitch black caves, tombs & nights, use of torches
    - Weather system with rain, ground fog, heat exhaustion in the desert...
    - Henchmen/militia system
    - Proper NPC and NPC-guard AI
    - Reworked horse system
    - Reworked chest-loot system
    - Reworked item drops
    - Fancy abilities for full sets. They should be still clunky to play, though.
    - Dangerous unique enemies with special skills
    - More monsters
    - Reworked sound design
    - Fixed and working combat arts for all heros, including proper descriptions

    Swamp-Snakeboss has the most powerful weapon in vanilla I'd say. Axe is one handed, so double wield is possible, has up to 4 sockets, always 128% magic spell damage bonus in Niobium, even more when not swapped in multiplayer, plus up to 140 percent to regen special move, or spell. Also big, fat damage. Either pysical or poison. Not bad. Just a matter of farming. Save before you enter his palazzo.

    • Like! 1
  7. On 2/14/2024 at 5:16 PM, Khorath said:


    I see three projects right now, but it does not look good.

    Thoriums Life Leech project is possibly maybe the most promising candidate, but it fell silent after 2022. Not so sure if it can be recandled. I hope so personally, since Thorium is a big fan of Sacred and knows its mechanics very well. He is also well known to the devs and his LAN-trick made it into the Reborn Mod. Yup. He's a somebody.

    Ankledots Sacred remake can be found on Youtube. It looks very nice and Ankledot seems to be an ambitious and competent man, but he has no team. So it is unfortunately doomed I'd say. Even with a team of 20 people, it is still a sh!tload of work.

    Last but not least, there is a guy (Dracir) in the DE forum I talked to one, two times. He is using the Skyrim editor to rebuild the world of Sacred 1 in his own way. As above, I like his fire heart, but there is no light at the end of the tunnel imo. However. He is determined to get it done, primary for himself so far, so I gave him a thumbs up, but also a friendly, but brief warning, that the chance for quitting the whole thing is very high.


    I think I have found the right song for your avatar-pic. Blast it loud!


  8. Yeah, let it rest for a while. I am also barely dragging myself forward in terms of modding. It is really a burden and the only reason that I do not flush everything down the toilet is, that I put far too much work in. I am sick of setting countless of cr!p right, being caught in an infinite trial and error loop. Tbh, I gave the documentation-guy here a like, because he did his job well and professional, but as for the cheering and talkative executives... do they only roughly know, how bugged, unbalanced and unplayable both games were and how many hours, years of work modders put in to make them palatable at all? I guess not.  
    So I let them go. Won't stop their confetti-throwing upper echelon parade.

  9. Here. I took the picturs from Pevils place as reference: http://pctalk.info/Games/Sacred2/PevilsPlace/sacred/sets.php

    Annouk's Grace: VLADY_ARMOR_1
    Arhles Tgaw's Net: VLADY_SA2
    Dalmar' Grandness: VLADY_ARMOR_2
    Esal's Vicissitude: VLADY_SA1

    (Just did a quick run. Will sort it later)
    Goilomn's Haste:
    Kablelrinte's Banishment:
    Rideg's Vision:
    Thar Eross' Blessing:
    Thodran's Rage:


  10. Here. I took the picturs from Pevils place as reference: http://pctalk.info/Games/Sacred2/PevilsPlace/sacred/sets.php

    Annouk's Grace: VLADY_ARMOR_1
    Arhles Tgaw's Net: VLADY_SA2
    Dalmar' Grandness: VLADY_ARMOR_2
    Esal's Vicissitude: VLADY_SA1

    (Just did a quick run. Will sort it later)
    Goilomn's Haste:
    Kablelrinte's Banishment:
    Rideg's Vision:
    Thar Eross' Blessing:
    Thodran's Rage:


  11. 21 hours ago, Lindor said:


    Stop it, all of you!
    We lie to ourselfs and close our eyes in front of the reality! Here:

    No. One. Cares.
    Live with it!

    I am sorry. I did not want to say. But all those mentioned community related failures, we all experienced more or less over the years, should have teached us some lessons. Yet, we refuse to see. Maybe because we love Sacred to the point of insanity. Listen. Stop that social media cr^p! It's just a sh*!tload of work, with no positive outcome. There are not enough people here to constantly hold up the flag for years in the social media channels. Also, check the remaining forums. Zombs, all of them! Wasted time, wasted energy.
    Instead I'd suggest: Gentle cryo sleep mode and slow buildup of mods. For both games. We can discuss what can be done, got a nice and practicable idea already, work together a bit, but without pressure. If we got enough stuff for a year or so together, let's see how we pass it on to the community so that we got a constant flow of mods over a certain time. Lets monitor the outcome, then we shall decide if and how to continue. For me, it is the most reasonable aproach. I tell you: I do not want to loose any more modders. Not one. Including you!


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