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DarkMatters - Member
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Posts posted by Dax

  1. As for Sacred 2 it all goes well I think. Overlookers got ripped very early. There is a guy who has uploaded the new versions of Reborn immediately after release and revealed years later, that he is not part of Overlookers Klan. Such things are always painful for the makers. Maybe that was the reason they have switched to bit.ly Look here: https://www.moddb.com/downloads/sacred-reborn-v321

    Speaking of missing feedback, it is a well known problem here. Work in the first line for yourself. Thats the best way to deal with the issue.

    • zomgod! 1
  2. The poll is interesting!
    The question is, which approach is the most reasonable.

    Work silently and unleash the whole shebang as a whole:
    + Calm and relaxed working
    + Far less pressure on the modder due to the lack of a demanding community
    + Strong focus on the project since distractions are missing
    - Community looses interest and moves on, or has never heard of it.
    - No checks and balances from a third side.
    - No feedback, input, or morale boost, since the community is not involved in the making.

    Step-by-step release with fequent updates:
    + Mod gests constantly checked by the community, feeback is coming in all the time.
    + More players become interested and want to play the new mod.
    - People go easily into the but-it-is-not-exactly-like-I-want-it mode and start calling your mod cheap trash and cr!p.
    - High pressure on the modder to deliver all the time can lead to frustration and finally burnout.

    Share with other modders only until the mod is ready:
    + Give and take. You help fellow modders, they help you.
    + Qualified ideas and input are coming in.
    + Expertise is exchanged.
    + Make some friends in the best case
    + Relaxed working withing a circle of people, who know how much work it is to get things done.
    - People dislike each other, maybe even start fighting
    - You (might) get ripped


    Sorry for being off topic a bit.

  3. There are people here, who do the coding. Even if you cant see it right now. You can toss ideas at any given time. If they find an audience, is an other question.

    Speaking of your style of play, well, lets say it is refreshing. Something entirely new. But since S1 is concepted as a fast f!ck-sh!t-up-and-do-not-look-back slasher, I do not think many others will give it a try. I would rather suggest to join mod teams and to work on ideas. I really like the book-thingy. Its pretty cool.

    • Appreciation 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Rotluchs said:


    Videogame addiction and massive consumption of video games is slowing down your mind and has a tremendously negative effect, especially on young folks.
    Which are the future of any country. Unfortunately, the whole article is hidden behind a member wall in the "Der Spiegel" magazine. Is it overreacting
    then to keep sh!t away from the population? I think not. We all know that the Prohibition did not work out, so the change must come from the inside.
    Example: After taking a swim, your brain will release all brain chemistry related drugs at once for easily 15 minutes in a row. Thats the key. The
    secret is, to trick your kids into the pool and let them swim for a while. A big, fat win for all sides, except the sad-faced gaming industry, which
    stands crying and alone outside.

    What shocks me is the completely ruthless buisness behavior in the US. I tell you straight in your face, that US companies have no problem with it to
    devastate even their own population, as long as they can mooch off money. Example opioid crisis, or even worse, the story with the endocrine disruptors.
    Scary stuff. Since you speak German, I will gladly link the whole story on "arte" for you. Just let me know.

    Speaking of good clean fun, why not play old games? The 90s are full of flawless videogame gems. Bug free mostly, cheap and they run on the oldest
    machines. Modders keep things up to date, even continue working on the game. There are infinite numbers of rpgs, shooters, tactical games, slashers,
    what ever your heart desires, you will find it. Imho today, you will hardly find quality stuff like Deus Ex, Xcom, Ultima series, Jagged Alliance
    and so on. Games of today simply aim for visual overload, often combined with a ridiculously poor story. Followed by user binding, personal data
    collection, including data sale by the game company, merchandising and more and more often, the nasty tricks we talked about before.

    Conclusion from my side:
    Just stay away from such games. Even drug addicts believe, that they are in control of the drug. The sad truth is: No. They are not. The drug controls
    its user. The addicts are either to stubborn to accept it, too optimistic, or too dense.

    • Like! 1
  5. The game we talk about, is a harmful way of money making. By creating a game addiction, the customer shall be drained to the max. Tell me in a few simple words: Where is the difference to drug addiction or alcoholism?
    As soon as you are addicted, you come back frequently to buy your shot. Does not matter if it is opium, booze, or an item upgrade, you have just bought for 10 bucks. The company wants to see cash and the only thing that matters is, that the addict is sending money in constantly. What happens to you, if you loose your job, ruin your family, your life, or your health, is none of their concern.  
    The governments of Denmark and Belgium acted absolutely correct and protected their citizens from such a sh!t.

    • Like! 1
  6. 12 hours ago, dimitrius154 said:

    Three months total, all things considered.

    The Sacred 2 endeavour took much more time due to it being as much model and texture, as code. I had to invent and apply a procedure to unify all Temple Guardian animations along with the other characters. Some... apprentice had decided, that this particular character's animations were to be rotated 90 grad. against Y, creating extreme deficiencies for the mounted mode.

    Processing and improving/replacing the D2F models took some more time. And extra sounds and music took some more, as well.

    Call it a bulldog approach. Once I sink my fangs into the target, I don't release it, until the objective is achieved.

    Under such circumstances I would say that your position in Bavoria is well deserved. :bow:

  7. 10 hours ago, dimitrius154 said:

    Fortunately, the number of encrypting algorithms is rather limited and folks at Ascaron hadn't decided to "reinvent the wheel".  Also, a certain Mr.Mouse's work had been used as a cross-reference.

    Impressive indeed. Do not know how many hours you have put in to get the whole thing fixed, but I am sure it took months and months. Big respect to you from my side. Sometimes however, I ask myself if doing all the modding on your own is a curse or a gift.

    • Appreciation 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Lindor said:

    Also Dmitriy claimed to be the only person in possession of an almost bug-free version and said he might publish it in the future.

    You can ask him if you're interested.

    Mmh? How is that possible? The game´s  code is encrypted. So either Strahd did everything on his own over the years, or he is is a former member of the Studio 2 and salvaged some tools before the downfall. Or he grabbed, driven by pure luck, the only working copy on the planet when he bought the game back in the day. But speculations aside, with a release we would have in theory 3-4 new versions floating around. Reborn Mod, Raven Rock, the version where the world is covered with ice and snow, and Dimitrius´ pureblood Sacred. Smells like trouble to me.

  9. Overlookers and the maker of Sacred NL are not the only guys who are busy. There is quite a lot of magic happening since a few months. Good old S1 shines like a star. Things that have been regarded as entirely impossible get in reach slowly. It is fantastic. The only problem is, that the most people here do not see what is happening. If you ask me, stay tuned!

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