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Posts posted by masteff

  1. Robb just doesn't like to admit he misunderstood when his mom told him to get a real job and climb the corporate ladder! :D


    From the stories that Robb's told me, I'm going to bet that some of those 300' towers on the tops of mountains feel just as far from the ground as a 1000'+ tower on flat land. You can kinda avoid looking straight down but impossible to not glimpse the horizon and the added height of a mountain can put the horizon awfully far away.

  2. http://forum.sacred2.com/showthread.php?t=70377


    If you make other changes in the settings file, like turning full screen mode off, does that take effect?


    Perhaps do a file search on your pc for settings.cfg and make sure it didn't put another copy of the file somewhere else (which would be really weird, but so is the fact that it's not working for you). My next guess would be the version of the game you downloaded has disabled that feature (which again would be weird).


    And not to insult you but... you are testing it by creating a brand new toon and not loading an existing one?

  3. Don't put a CFL in a garage door opener... it'll burn out in no time flat. Took me ruining two bulbs before I researched on the web and figured that one out.

    I've never heard about this before, is there a reason this happens?




    Two problems from what I read about it... 1) vibration and 2) the light switching circuit in many openers is not compatible even w/ dimmable CFLs. Basically, one way or another, it damages the CFL's circuit.


    I would assume that manufacturers are fixing this in new garage door opener models (if not, it's a class action lawsuit waiting to happen).

  4. Look on sacredwiki for Prism's Master Single Player Guide... Prism was the one who documented how to do it.


    You're basically right on. Maybe it's a co-op game versus a LAN game?


    Let me know if you can't figure it out... I'd have to reinstall but I know of zero reason it can't still be done.


    EDIT: actually, if you need help figuring it out, send me a PM too because I'll be out of town and might miss a post in the thread.


    EDIT 2: here's the guide: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Prism%27s_SP_Masterguide%2C_SP_Tips_%26_Tricks It does appear to be a co-op game.

  5. I had a smartphone thru work for about 9 months. Other than work emails, I'd say most of my data use was "convenience". A number of times I'd stop and make myself walk to a nearby PC and use a real web browser instead looking at the tiny screen.


    On my current phone, I only use wifi internet. I sometimes put a note in my phone's calendar to remember to look something up later. I haven't found anything I'm missing out on that's worth $30-$40 per month.


    If I had a busier life, maybe I could justify a data plan. But not now.

  6. I was shocked when I looked at my profile that I've spend over 340 hours so far playing D3.


    I installed the "public test realm" and tried the next patch for a bit. Seems like a few nice improvements but not a real game changer.


    Since I'll just keep playing it if I don't force myself to change... I uninstalled D3 this evening. Not sure if/when I'll go back.

  7. So I found my first unique in Inferno. If I remember correctly, it was called Maloth's Focus. Went immediately to the AH and looked it up. I was surprised to find over 500 of that unique for sale!! (No telling how many are really listed since it only lists 500 items at a time.)


    The good news is at least some people realized it wasn't so unique and were selling it for under 2,000 gold (of course some idiots have it listed for millions). Supply and demand finally prevails.


    I have to say that the stats just really weren't all that great. Maybe if you could actually find drops that were at or above your level, then it might have been worth keeping. The only thing going for it is that uniques have more item mods than rares... but its mods weren't anything special.

  8. I glanced at this article... it's a tutorial on HDR (he has a link for a German version of it, can only hope it's a good translation). He also talks some about the software and hardware. On page two he says what's needed for hardware (looks like best option is a camera that makes RAW files).



    Oh, or try this sites "recommend" feature. By selecting "HDR" under features, it appears to list cameras that have built in HDR.


  9. Okay, after saying in another thread that I don't pay more than 20-30K, I paid 50K for this sword. And yes, that +6600 DPS is really the boost this gave me! I have yet to play w/ it but I expect to pound thru a good part of Hell w/ it!!



  10. It's a solid story. I was happy w/ the acting, etc.


    But WOW!! the 3D is what I've been expecting 3D to be for all these years. Back when we were kids wearing blue and red glasses, this is what we dreamed of. To finally see 3D be so fully and properly utilized... awesome.


    If you're even remotely interested in seeing this movie or just want to see what 3D has the potential to be, pay the extra few bucks to see this one in the theater in 3D.

  11. Back to the original question... yes, prices are insane. I got stuck at Inferno Act 2 because I refuse to pay more that 20 or 30K for any one item. Even in a public game w/ 4 players all working together, mid-Act 2 is just beyond my current gear.


    But... I think the paragon levels will change the AH over the next month or so. Each paragon level increases your stats. So you'll be less dependent on uber gear. And w/ everyone reaching max MF and GF, people will be finding more and better stuff which will then go on the AH. It's just a matter of time while players grind out the paragon levels. Or at least that's my plan and opinion.


    EDIT: of course, if I were cynical, I might suggest that the people w/ gold bots are buying out all the cheap items in the gold AH to ramp up the prices and make casual players move to the real money AH.

  12. I now have a level 60+2 SC barbarian. If anyone wants to take a stab at selling in the real money AH, I am willing to do all I can to help level you. Just PM me for my battle tag.


    I think the downside to the RMAH is players like me who buy low and sell low in the gold AH. Of course, I'm just barely into Act 2 Inferno so I'm not really getting the "sweet" items that people would actually pay much for.

  13. I did similar a year or two ago... upgraded my 775 to the max (non-extreme) CPU it could handle... the Q9650.


    I just searched and found this discussion http://www.overclock.net/t/963382/q9650-4-05ghz-vs-e8500-4-05ghz-vs-i5-2500k-4-04ghz-benchmark-results which to me gives some credit to the idea that a game that uses the full quad core can benefit from it (a few people conclude the CPUS are the same, but a couple of scores show a marked difference, which says to me that if the cores are used then they help). I'd think you'd want to really confirm that GW2 will make use of the extra cores.

  14. My granddad took a wood roof shingle, split off a strip of it, then shaped it with a saw and knife to make a crude arrow (the thick part of the shingle being the head and the thin part being a wide flat tail). He cut a notch near the front and then gave us a short stick with a heavy string that had a knot at the end. Put the string in the notch with the knot to keep it in place. Then fling it with the stick. Try to keep it from getting stuck in the trees or lost in the brush. (He lived in the country so no risk of hitting the neighbors.)


    Of course the absolute best was rubber band guns!! a block of wood cut roughly like a gun, a notch at front and clothes pin at the back for the trigger!

  15. I just hit level 60 w/ my SC barbarian so was trying to figure out the whole paragon thing...


    The most important factor to me is continuing to gain attribute points w/ each paragon level. I don't know how many points per level you gain, but 100 levels worth are bound to add up.


    I'll keep playing for awhile. I'm thinking Inferno might actually be survivable for me now (w/out extreme grinding and AH shopping).

  16. It's been very quiet in D3 lately. Is everyone moving on?


    I moved from HC to SC because I finally had it with dying every couple of days (or couple of hours, or even couple of minutes on a bad day). On the up side, I've made it to level 57.


    I do really dislike that you can't play using drops as they seem to always be below your level, never equal or above you.


    The grind has become: play several hours to get gold and another level, spend all the gold in the AH, repeat.

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