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Posts posted by Lindor

  1. All unskilled lvl216 niob characters with all sets and everything you'll ever need + challenge

    View File

    Updating this description every single time I update the upload which has to be done manually because I can't quote from an upload description has become long and tedious, just check the original description please, this one right here will not receive future updates. Also I'm gonna copy-and-paste this text to all my other upload-discussion-Thread-descriptions from now on.


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  2. 4 hours ago, Lindor said:

    I'm probably asking for too much but can you make this a module of S2EE? The spell looks so cool and I don't want to choose between the two mods, they're both great.


    Nevermind, I thought they were incompatible because the ingame description of the spell and its mods didn't update for me and you said in the description that 


    On 5/30/2019 at 1:16 AM, Flix said:


    • This mod will not be compatible with any other mod that changes spells.txt or global.res (the game texts file).


    which S2EE does, so I figured that was the problem.

    Then I realised S2EE doesn't change anything about instill belief and the reason it didn't update was that I chose the german language for both the original game and the cm-patch and the rotating blades of light mod does not have a german description yet. Reinstalled everything in english, now it works perfectly fine. Sorry for not realising:B6nFRAh::D

  3. On 9/19/2020 at 8:20 PM, gogoblender said:

    Great, helpful first post... this has got to be the best Community in the galaxy... welcome to DarkMatters lindor!




    Thank you for your kindness, I'm feeling welcome here:yay:

    Oh yes this community seems to be great, the sheer amount of work put into things like the cm-patch or s2ee... it's glorious:resp:


    About mf vs valuables, I have now also access to a max level greed dwarf with the full thar eross set. Having farmed now for days with five different characters with and without mf, I think I now see the difference: mf not only increases the "level" of the loot but also greatly increases the amount dropped with each kill - my dwarf gets consistently 7-9 items per cerebropod, highest amount yet was 11 with a single kill, while my bm only gets like a maximum of 4 items, sometimes even none per kill. Unfortunately the dps of my dwarf is not very high so it's not really worth it for me, in terms of loot per second my thorwyns vampire using a variation of csaszar's:


    probably has the best farming rate yet.:)


    There's one more thing I wonder about: do the items you already have in your inventory, equipped, in your chest or even on other characters have an influence on what drops? E.g. your missing only one piece of a set, does it make that item drop more or less likely? There was once a rumor that the number of scrolls in your inventory makes it more or less likely to drop scrolls from bookstands, maybe this is also true for sets and uniques? This would maybe make it worth keeping sets you care about in your inventory or to equip them... or to drop them somewhere in a muling world, depending on how it works.

  4. Hello:bye:

    Pretty new Member here. I read through this thread for me being curious about wether or not there is a difference between magic find and chance to find valuables. Still not sure, hovering over the little plus sign when equipping stuff with both modifiers suggests no since both add up to the same stat, but maybe that's just a lazy displaying thing and there is an actual difference. It might also be worth noting that both are called "chance, besondere gegenstände zu finden" in german, maybe it's just that there are two different translations.

    I can share some of my tricks though, since I'm currently working on a project where I need lots and lots of items - don't want to spoil too much cause it would be bad if I announced something and weren't able to do it:


    -Every time you kill anducar (the human, not the demon) you get a guaranteed item thats either unique or a set - at least in niob, has been quite some time since I killed him last in other difficulties since I'm usually only doing ancaria campaign until I reach niob. You can simply make a save right before you kill him in a multiplayer campaign and simply reload with any character you'd like to get better equipped.


    -If you want to farm items via quests, like nandi explained, there is another trick to do it quicker: quicksaving/loading does not close windows, so you can

    1. quicksave right before you speak to somebody about to be giving you your quest reward,

    2. speak to him,

    3. quicksave,

    4. repeat from step two until there are like 20+ windows (of course not visible because they're all exactly above each other just looking like one window)

    5. once you're satisfied, click ok and immediately get a huge amount of items

    I learned this technique from a speedrunner, he has videos on youtube, couldn't find them anymore although I'm pretty sure they're still out there somewhere. This is of course an exploit, I'd say the anducar method is a little bit cleaner. I mean you're still abusing the loading system, especially when doing it in bronce and loading in niob, but you first have to complete the underworld campaign at least once.


    -There is a pretty nice guide here in the forum for muling in all difficulties:

    On 8/17/2007 at 12:10 PM, Nihilith said:



    Muling in single player mode


    It's quite simple once you know how. Let's explain it all with an exemple.

    Your battle mage got a nice set piece for a wood elf. You'd really like your WE to own it. Power is just some steps away.

    1 – Start a multiplayer campaign game with your BM (if you can't start a multiplayer game, see the section : XIV Technical help on page 31).

    2 – Drop the item on the floor

    3 – Save the game sith a nice name such as : Uber-super-WE item

    4 – Quit (do not export the char)

    5 – Create a multiplayer campaign game with your WE using the load option. Load the Uber-super-WE item game

    6 – Pick the item

    7 – Quit without saving.

    Your WE own the item, and the saved game is still here, with the item, as you didn't saved it after picking it.

    It's that easy.


    Tip :

    Get a high level character. Use the savegame trick but instead of dropping one item, drop all your gold, runes and items. Save the game. Pick the items back to your toon. Exit the game. You got a lot of money, runes and items for all your starting characters. You got new items, new runes. Load the game, drop them, save, pick them back up, exit. More stuff for the starting toons. Isn't multiplayer a bless ?


    Links :

    Prism's SP Masterguide

    Muling in all difficulty levels


    As said in a previous chapter about game difficulty, one char cannot cover all the levels. So, to be able to mule from any char to any other char, you'll need 2 mules. One must be level 60 (Bronze – Silver – Gold) and the other must be level 140 (Gold – Platinum – Niobium). To transfer an item or rune from a level 140+ char to a level 1, you'll follow this method :

    Mule from level 140+ char to level 140 mule in niobium

    Mule from level 140 mule to level 60 mule in gold

    Mule from level 60 mule to level 1 char in bronze

    That's a lot of steps, but the only way to get it working.



    Back to TOC - Next article



    you can use the same trick to duplicate items, especially things like jewelry, just by starting another multiplayer game after step 7 and immediately quitting and loading the "Uber-super-WE item" save again. But beware - often I'm loading a multiplayer savegame, not all items on the ground are loaded correctly and some items are missing. Simply quitting and reloading again between steps 5 and 6 works for me. You can lose a lot of items if you're not aware.


    Most of this stuff might already be well known, thought I'd share it anyways.

    But I'm still interested in the difference between mf and chance to find valuables, My highest chance to find valuables char currently is a 2244 bm with no mf but high sb simply for the purpose of testing the difference, since I use the anducar trick to farm stuff, yet there is only one thing thing I noticed: chance to find valuables does not seem to do very much when killing dragons or the Subkari, at least in my experience. Maybe mf does? Also the thing is you can get mf only via skills or set boni and chance to find valuables only as an item modifier. There are just so many things that suggest there is a difference and so many things that suggest the opposite that I'm really unsure:dntknw:

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