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Everything posted by Klaxons

  1. Is this unrepairable? I believe by now it's possible to decode and change at least something in game exe.
  2. Something strange is about secondary quests markers update on map. Mostly after changing quest goal or completing it, the quest mark may not update or not disappear until you manually rechange active quest. This is a common problem, not for some particular quests.
  3. New quest bug. During quest "Days goes by" after Ambul became ghost and attacks you he remains invincible so you cannot complete the quest.
  4. Is there any way to download clear CM in zipped archive instead of cringe exe? I get it on Steam russian community page so anything is possable inside. Also it doesn't want to "install" itself on top of Addendium or inside of free folder.
  5. Can't you just add invisible letter at the end then? Right after last one. Maybe not "space" but something without graph interpretation.
  6. Is it possible to add there "И" instead? Also, is it possible to save minimap settings and active buffs between game launches? Doubtly, but maybe... Also just found that some types of swords are keeping backwards while in the left hand (in right hand they are ok). Will post pictures later.
  7. Two mysterious marks of failed quests on minimap that seems to be uppear from the beginning of the game, I believe. There is no text about it on mouse hover and there's no failed quests in the quest log either. Back to "Ancaria Airlines" quest. In reward section it says that you will get one skill and one attribute points. The problem is - your not. And, perhaps, you shouldn't since this quest is free of efforts. It's also be wise to move it to later location, but it's only my thought. Also I found that theres in no pictures on loading screens after you get back in the game from Alt+Tab. I remember I saw them then I installed Addandium with GME, but after I paste it into the game folder directly, it's show only last screenshot while loading back to game.
  8. Just found staff with invisible icon. Tried to reopen game but this doesn't help. Also found few throwing phials with invisible icons but screens aren't available. Also one question is concerned me. Is there really no hotkey to fast move items from inventory to stash and back of it? Even with all this patches?
  9. Doubtfully it's possable, but it will be nice to improve turn on animation and sound effects for lightsabers...
  10. Don't know if it's possable.. maybe add some "cost" for this quest? Not to just free travel with free skill points for litterally zero efforts from the player.
  11. I believe it might be totally rewritten with more details since this quest is quite specific one. Some story lore would be welcomed (if it have any). As an example maybe: "Сегодня мне улыбнулась удача! Я выиграл билет на головокружительное путешествие по туристическим курортам Анкарии. Путешествие было невероятным! Надеюсь, когда-нибудь удастся снова повторить этот незабываемый тур." But, I donno - it's preferrably to rewrite this quest story whole, add more logic into it :/
  12. In this quest you have follower NPC, private Reinar or something like that, not sure how it sound in eng. So, this NPC got 2 options of combat behavior - sword or bow. I choosed bow and now he's just basically do nothing. Running around and gesticulates alot durring any battle (and even without one). Also "Ancaria airlines" quest got very frustrating and short description on russian. Not sure if that supposed to be so.
  13. Didn't saw any "lieafernado" yet after activating this patch. Maybe just unlucky. Will check it again.
  14. Also, is there any way to enable PhysX effects for some random objects (like leafs) again? Maybe by adding optional parameter for code in optionsCustom? I know it's not great, but sometimes it might looks pretty :/ Matter of taste.
  15. Alright! With Lumen's help I somehow managed all that - the game is work pretty fine. Thanks for all advices and for backing this project until now )
  16. I hope so. Just installed the mod. I believe this is not supposed to be like that. Yet, since I used old char from vanilla - this is not big deal I think. Another question. I see this mod is override all fonts, make it standart again. Can I just paste it over with different fonts?
  17. Thanks for this mod. Yet, I must admit, that installation instructions is too short. While all "old users" shurely know how to handle it, the new ones don't. I'm ask to make this section clear. Can I install this mod on clear version of the game (with elite textures)? Can I install it witout CM 1.60 (it's say that this mod alredy include CM, but I'm still not sure)? Do I need to change options in "optionsCustom.txt" as if I was installing CM? Do I need to use GME or I can basically just copy files from archive into the game folder? What if I already have CM, do I need to copy files or may I still use GME? That is important questions due to this game (and this particular mod) doesn't have just "all-in one exe" with optional chooses inside. I am working on mods to other game myself and wonder why there is no dozens of people in this thread with the same questions about how to install this all right. Again, thanks for your work, but it's just need to be better formalized I think :{
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