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From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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DarkMatters - Moderator
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dimitrius154 last won the day on December 17 2024

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About dimitrius154
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  1. None observed. I see a very similar picture with "Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader". Rather than fix the typos, code them in as is and call it a day.
  2. Mostly, some behaviour parts are hardcoded. The usage procedure is dictated by the orcsystem.dll which I believe to be a customized version of the OGRE graphics engine. Particle filenames are tied to hardcoded spell names.
  3. Nope, proposing the most callou... ahem, quickest solution So, it was not about the entry itself, but its absence?
  4. Replace all three files, then add them back, one by one.
  5. I'd suggest replacing the current blueprint.txt with the one from the previous release.
  6. Ten minutes actually. It's that experience thingie
  7. One to three months, I reckon. It's not the gods who burn the pots. By the way, CheatEngine is indeed a premier debugging tool. P.S. This particular crash happens at the checkBlueprint@cDropMgr@@ABE_NIIIII@Z procedure execution, the culprit is most likely a faulty entry in itemtype.txt. The most cost-effective approach would be to systematically hack off parts of itemtype.txt content until the entry in question is found.
  8. Hmm, sacred2.exe actually. Sacred2.exe: 0x000bf8e6 change 0a to 10 0x000c080f change 0a to 10
  9. That's because there're 2 available skills cap expressions in s2logic.dll sacred2.exe.
  10. Hello there, Gogo! It so happens there's some heavy snowfall at my place as well)
  11. Well, finally got the time to continue with the development. Bug reports are appreciated.
  12. Although.... perhaps, they shouldn't. Sort of a murderous aura duration, once in range, the subject is, ahem, infected for (short)life.
  13. The complete package: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CQiBrlSLAUNGNobyAwlsAjPrjyeat38R/view?usp=sharing. Password is 12345.

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