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Everything posted by Solus

  1. Like I said that option is up to you. I just find that with this build and the Def skills I do not take enough dmg to make Purifying Chastisement worth while vs the Dopples extra dmg output. That and I gave my Dopple the Gruesome Inquisition tree line so he is more or less the 3rd skill line for me lol. but like I said if you look at the way it works out, there is plenty you can move around and still keep it and effective and fun build with a play style more to your liking. I find the survivability is higher this way then with other builds I have tried. Guess what I am saying is my primary intention was to make a build that didn't take hardly any dmg thus making Purifying Chastisement not needed so I opted to take the Perma Dopple and use him for extra dmg output and crowd control. I hope this clears up my point of view on it. But try the build and mod it your way who knows maybe we will find the Perfect build (if there is such a thing LOL). I just Posted My Idea so that maybe it will help people get a base on what they want. If there is any other questions plz ask away. I will be happy to state my opinion. I do However see where your going with that and I may make my 8th inquis and mod him to give this a try. Thank you for your opinion.
  2. I am New to this site but I am not new to the game. I have run 4 different Inquisitors up to there 60s and 2 into the 70s. I am now on my 7th (lucky number) and Finale Build and I have it all worked out for a Battlemage Setup. I am currently level 42 on this build and Take very little DMG at all even at end game. That in my opinion is great for an inquisitor. This is Possible by keeping your combat arts at a steady increase with your skill level. SKILLS: 1. Duel Wield (a must for the dmg output) (75 points) 2. Astute Supremacy Lore (120 points) 3. Astute Supremacy Focus (120 points) 4. Concentration (80 points) 5. Nefarious Netherworld Focus (126 points) 6. Tactics Lore (75 points) 7. Armor Lore (84 points) 8. Combat Reflexes (84 points) 9. Constitution (82 points) 10. Toughness (75 points) This build dose not include Nefarious Netherworld Lore because it uses this aspect to weaken Foes not to DMG them. As for the The Combat arts keep up your buffs (Reverse Polarity and Soul Reaver) as for runes into each CA keep the buffs at around 3/4 what your level without penalty is (for instance level without penalty is 40 you want buffs at about 30 runes used). This is due to the recharge times. To many and you have massive regen times and you dont want that. as for the other combat arts keep them at about half as many runes used as your buffs (as befor if you have 30 runes in your buffs you want 15 in your other combat arts). This is to keep regens to a min and still be effective. When it comes to the Nefarious Netherworld skill tree forget the Eruptive Desecration combat art. The points in the N.N. Focus allow for 12 mod points so you can mod the other 4 combat arts in this tree to be used to there full potential. As for the buffs..... You want the mods to add chance to deflect close combat and the mod for chance to reflect spells for your Reverse Polarity. With these mods you have a good percentage to block almost all attacks and or reflect dmg back as long as you keep this buffs level up to par. For last mod you can choose. (But if you dont want your friends to be mad at you I would go with Def mod lol). When it comes to Souls Reaver you can make your own choice for the Bronze and the silver Mods but for gold you want the +health for colected souls mod. This mod gives you a good bit of health for anything that dies near you thus healing any dmg your other buff may not have stopped. Due to tactics Lore you will be able to fully Modify 3 skills in the Top Aspect Tree (Gruesome Inquisition) I Strongly belive you should go with the Frenetic Fervor first this skill will double your atk speed even in the lower lvls for a brief time which is always handy. the other 2 are up to you. P.S. the reason for going up to and past the mastery on Concentration is so you can Turn your Doppelganger into a buff as well. Not to mention the added effect of faster regen is always helpfull. P.S.S. Mod the other combat arts as you see fit. the CA called Clustering Mealstorm can be not only a good mob control but also a Party Pleasing spell as it gains a ton of dmg as you catch more foes in it. if you get 20 or so in its grasp it will kill most if not all due to the dmg growth times the number of foes. So the increased range mods (both of them) should be a priority for this CA.
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