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  1. 198 downloads

    Name: Paramount Pendant Type: Amulet Class: Legendary Available Levels: Silver 15, 20 Gold 30 Platinum 40 Niob 50 - 200 (Increment 10) Variable Modifiers: Combat Art Range +X% Damage Mitigation Physical +X% Damage Mitigation Fire +X% Damage Mitigation Magic +X% Damage Mitigation Poison +X% Damage Mitigation Ice +X% This item does not drop in the game. It is hidden within the blueprint file and was likely intended for use by the developers. The boost to Combat Art Range and to Damage Mitigation is indeed more than significant. I cannot over emphasize the previous statement. Please use this item judiciously. Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  2. Almost every week I get the question on the forums or in private messages: how do I make a specific unique or legendary drop for me? This is a guide to how you can mod the scripts to get any item you want to drop as a quest reward. The key is making the item(s) the reward for a quest that is very easy to solve: in this case, it is the multiplayer "start quest" which only requires you to enter a LAN game and either go through the portal or climb on your mount. Detailed instructions are as follows: You should use a good text editor like Notepad++ for investigating and editing the game's text files. 1) First identify the blueprint ID for the item or items that you want to get. Do this by looking in blueprint.txt. It's located in the scripts/server folder of the game install folder. There is no master list of all the ID's and proper item names, but you can figure it out by some trial and error. For the CM Patch items at least, the items mostly have the proper names commented in the entry. Here's an example: newBlueprint = { id = 4143, name = "sword01set02_desertrose", palettebits = "1111111111111111", dmgvariation = 100, minconstraints = {40,13,0}, lvljump = 10, usability = 0, allotment_pmfpi = {700,0,0,0,300}, uniquename = "", specialuseonly = 0, bonusgroup0 = {895,1200,10,9,0}, -- Serious Open Wounds bonusgroup1 = {878,1250,10,9,0}, -- Freeze bonusgroup2 = {893,1300,10,9,0}, -- Opponents Defense bonusgroup3 = {894,800,10,9,0}, -- Opponents chance to reflect melee bonusgroup4 = {751,1000,10,9,0}, -- Gold Slot itemtypes = {13511,}, wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_DEFAULT',}, } mgr.createBlueprint(4143, newBlueprint); This is the blueprint for the sword Desert Rose. You can see that the ID is 4143. 2) Next step is to enter that blueprint ID as a quest reward for the multiplayer quest in quest.txt (also located in scripts/server folder). Search "multiplayer" in quest.txt and it will take you to the proper quest entry (there is only one instance of the word). Add a new line defining a quest reward just above the line that says "report_required = 0," Add this text: rewards = { {4143,0}, }, The number 4143 can be replaced with any other blueprint ID. If you want multiple items, just add them underneath the previous ones like so: rewards = { {4143,0}, {4144,0}, {4145,0}, }, Save quest.txt (back it up first!). Now on to step 3. 3) Now you can go get the item in-game. To start with, select "Multiplayer" and then "LAN" at the start screen (don't worry, you can take your normal singleplayer characters into a LAN game, then return to singleplayer games with nothing changed). Create a new game, remembering that higher difficulties will yield better versions of the item. When you start the game, you'll be on Multiplayer Island. Then all you need to do is either enter a portal or just climb on your mount, the "quest" will complete and the item(s) will drop to the ground!
  3. 182 downloads

    Name: Blade of Legends Type: 1h Sword Class: Legendary Requires: There are no known special requirements for this item. Item designed by Ascaron Entertainment. This item's name will vary due to its amazingly unique attributes, as it is widely discussed by they who dwell in Ancaria, for it is indeed a "Sword of Legends." Socket Types: Element: 1 Modifier Sword Weapons Item Modifiers: Survival Bonus +X% Experience per kill +X% Damage Mitigation +X% Life Leeched Per Hit +X Regeneration Time -X% Item Levels: 5 - 200 Silver: 5, 10, 15, 20 Gold: 30 Platinum: 40, Niobium: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: none (This item will not drop, it is "hidden" and was apparently for the developers' use only, for the attributes are quite "over-amped." Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  4. 90 downloads

    Name: Bartuc's Cutthroat Type: Fist Weapon Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 This Legendary item is a Diablo 2 easter egg. It is a recreation of the Assassin fist weapon of the same name. Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage +X% Life leeched per hit +X Strength +X Dexterity +X Combat Reflexes +X Attack Value +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: Bartuc's Cutthroat Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  5. File Name: Blade of Legends File Submitter: Hooyaah File Submitted: 27 Aug 2016 File Category: Fallen Angel Legendaries Name: Blade of Legends Type: 1h Sword Class: Legendary Requires: There are no known special requirements for this item. Item designed by Ascaron Entertainment. This item's name will vary due to its amazingly unique attributes, as it is widely discussed by they who dwell in Ancaria, for it is indeed a "Sword of Legends." Socket Types: Element: 1 Modifier Sword Weapons Item Modifiers: Survival Bonus +X% Experience per kill +X% Damage Mitigation +X% Life Leeched Per Hit +X Regeneration Time -X% Item Levels: 5 - 200 Silver: 5, 10, 15, 20 Gold: 30 Platinum: 40, Niobium: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: none (This item will not drop, it is "hidden" and was apparently for the developers' use only, for the attributes are quite "over-amped." Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  6. Paramount Pendant View File Name: Paramount Pendant Type: Amulet Class: Legendary Available Levels: Silver 15, 20 Gold 30 Platinum 40 Niob 50 - 200 (Increment 10) Variable Modifiers: Combat Art Range +X% Damage Mitigation Physical +X% Damage Mitigation Fire +X% Damage Mitigation Magic +X% Damage Mitigation Poison +X% Damage Mitigation Ice +X% This item does not drop in the game. It is hidden within the blueprint file and was likely intended for use by the developers. The boost to Combat Art Range and to Damage Mitigation is indeed more than significant. I cannot over emphasize the previous statement. Please use this item judiciously. Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Submitter Hooyaah Submitted 08/27/2016 Category Fallen Angel Legendaries  
  7. File Name: Kilkeel's Poison Bringer File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 09 Feb 2016 File Category: Ice & Blood Legendaries Name: Kilkeel's Poison Bringer Type: Blowpipe Class: Legendary Character: Dryad Requires: Ice and Blood Expansion Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Material: 1 Item Modifiers: Opponent level for death blow X% Chance to Slow Opponents by 25% +X% (Ranged Weapons Skill) Chance for critical hits +X% (Ranged Weapons Skill) Chance for Poison +X% Item Levels: Silver: 15, 37, 49, Gold: 61, 73, 97, Platinum: 109, 121, 133, Niobium: 157, 169, 181, 193, 205 For more information about this item visit: Wiki Page Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: Noisy Cricket File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 14 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: Noisy Cricket Type: Energy Pistol Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 This weapon is an easter egg from the film Men in Black. The "noisy cricket" was the name of a comically tiny gun that produced tremendous explosions when fired. Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage against Insect +X% Opponent level for death blow +X% Chance to disregard armor +X% Chance to knock back opponents +X% Chance to hit additional opponents +X% This modifier is unlocked by the Ranged Weapon skill Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Noisy_Cricket Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: Spider's Bane File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 14 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: Spider's Bane Type: Shield Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch This item is quest reward for completing The Root of all Evil (final quest of the Ephrahim's Nightmare quest chain that was added with the CM Patch). The Root of all Evil quest requires the player to defeat Shelob, a powerful Boss spider. The Spider's Bane was designed to be reminiscent of Shelob's appearance, as if it was made of this spider's remains. Socket Types: Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Item Modifiers: Chance to find valuables +X% Damage over time: Poison -X% Detrimental Magic Effects -X% Block Chance: Root +X% Chance to Slow Opponents by 25% +X% Chance for Poison +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  10. File Name: To Mega Therion File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 14 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: To Mega Therion Type: 2h Magic Staff Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 To Mega Therion is Greek for "The Great Beast." The name is sometimes attributed to one of the beasts that rise from the earth and sea in the book of Revelations, and this moniker was also taken by the notorious wizard Aleister Crowley. Socket Types: Gold : 2 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage against T-Mutant +X% Survival Bonus +X% Regeneration Time -X% Ancient Magic +X Casting Speed +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:To_Mega_Therion Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  11. File Name: Power of NIF File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 14 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: Power of NIF Type: 1h Lightsaber Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch You can get this legendary lightsaber only while completing the Epic Office Quest and only if you have the Community Patch installed. Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Chance to inflict deep wounds +X% Willpower +X% Chance to reflect: Projectiles +X% Direct Damage X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Power_of_NIF Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  12. 362 downloads

    Name: Power of NIF Type: 1h Lightsaber Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch You can get this legendary lightsaber only while completing the Epic Office Quest and only if you have the Community Patch installed. Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Chance to inflict deep wounds +X% Willpower +X% Chance to reflect: Projectiles +X% Direct Damage X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Power_of_NIF Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  13. 109 downloads

    Name: Spider's Bane Type: Shield Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch This item is quest reward for completing The Root of all Evil (final quest of the Ephrahim's Nightmare quest chain that was added with the CM Patch). The Root of all Evil quest requires the player to defeat Shelob, a powerful Boss spider. The Spider's Bane was designed to be reminiscent of Shelob's appearance, as if it was made of this spider's remains. Socket Types: Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Item Modifiers: Chance to find valuables +X% Damage over time: Poison -X% Detrimental Magic Effects -X% Block Chance: Root +X% Chance to Slow Opponents by 25% +X% Chance for Poison +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  14. 235 downloads

    Name: To Mega Therion Type: 2h Magic Staff Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 To Mega Therion is Greek for "The Great Beast." The name is sometimes attributed to one of the beasts that rise from the earth and sea in the book of Revelations, and this moniker was also taken by the notorious wizard Aleister Crowley. Socket Types: Gold : 2 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage against T-Mutant +X% Survival Bonus +X% Regeneration Time -X% Ancient Magic +X Casting Speed +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:To_Mega_Therion Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  15. File Name: Eugene's Axe File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 13 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: Eugene's Axe Type: 1h Axe Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 This Legendary item's name is an Easter Egg reference to the Pink Floyd song, "Careful With That Axe, Eugene." Socket Types: Gold : 2 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage +X% Survival Bonus +X% Chance to disregard armor +X% Chance that opponents cannot evade attacks +X% Chance to inflict open wounds +X% (Hafted Weapons) Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: Eugene's Axe Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  16. File Name: The Redeemer File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 14 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: The Redeemer Type: 2h Sword Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch Even though there are several official promotional pictures of the Shadow Warrior wielding this sword, this sword was not present in game before the Community Patch v120. Socket Types: Gold : 2 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Strength +X% Direct Damage X% Chance to inflict serious open wounds +X% Requires the Mastery of Sword Weapons Skill Chance for critical hits +X% Requires the Mastery of Sword Weapons Skill Opponent's armor: Physical -X% Requires the Mastery of Sword Weapons Skill Damage: Physical +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 40, Gold: 60, 80, Platinum: 100, 120, Niobium: 140, 160, 180, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:The_Redeemer Development Thread: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/17767-weapon-proposal-for-cm-patch/ Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  17. 215 downloads

    Name: The Redeemer Type: 2h Sword Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch Even though there are several official promotional pictures of the Shadow Warrior wielding this sword, this sword was not present in game before the Community Patch v120. Socket Types: Gold : 2 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Strength +X% Direct Damage X% Chance to inflict serious open wounds +X% Requires the Mastery of Sword Weapons Skill Chance for critical hits +X% Requires the Mastery of Sword Weapons Skill Opponent's armor: Physical -X% Requires the Mastery of Sword Weapons Skill Damage: Physical +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 40, Gold: 60, 80, Platinum: 100, 120, Niobium: 140, 160, 180, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:The_Redeemer Development Thread: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/17767-weapon-proposal-for-cm-patch/ Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  18. 139 downloads

    Name: Noisy Cricket Type: Energy Pistol Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 This weapon is an easter egg from the film Men in Black. The "noisy cricket" was the name of a comically tiny gun that produced tremendous explosions when fired. Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage against Insect +X% Opponent level for death blow +X% Chance to disregard armor +X% Chance to knock back opponents +X% Chance to hit additional opponents +X% This modifier is unlocked by the Ranged Weapon skill Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Noisy_Cricket Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  19. File Name: Khorum Reflector File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 14 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: Khorum Reflector Type: Shield Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 Shields bearing this oasis design are found on guards in and around the desert city of Khorum. This shield was NPC-only until it was unlocked in CM Patch 1.50 Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Item Modifiers: Chance to reflect: Close Combat +X% Chance to reflect: Projectiles +X% Chance to reflect: Combat Arts +X Chance to reflect: Stun +X% Block chance: Root +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 40, Gold: 60, 80, Platinum: 100, 120, Niobium: 140, 160, 180, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Khorum_Reflector Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  20. 201 downloads

    Name: Khorum Reflector Type: Shield Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 Shields bearing this oasis design are found on guards in and around the desert city of Khorum. This shield was NPC-only until it was unlocked in CM Patch 1.50 Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Item Modifiers: Chance to reflect: Close Combat +X% Chance to reflect: Projectiles +X% Chance to reflect: Combat Arts +X Chance to reflect: Stun +X% Block chance: Root +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 40, Gold: 60, 80, Platinum: 100, 120, Niobium: 140, 160, 180, 200 Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Khorum_Reflector Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  21. File Name: Horns of the Forest God File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 13 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: Horns of the Forest God Type: Bow Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 Socket Types: Gold : 2 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage against T-Mutant +X% Chance to inflict deep wounds +X% Regeneration per hit +X Attack Speed +X% Chance for Weaken +X% Chance for Burn +X% Chance for Poison +X% Chance for Freeze +X% The above 4 "chance for secondary effects" are a single bonus that is unlocked by the Ranged Weapon skill Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, Gold: 60, 80, Platinum: 100, 120, Niobium: 140, 160, 180, 200 Wiki Page: Horns of the Forest God Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  22. 189 downloads

    Name: Horns of the Forest God Type: Bow Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 Socket Types: Gold : 2 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage against T-Mutant +X% Chance to inflict deep wounds +X% Regeneration per hit +X Attack Speed +X% Chance for Weaken +X% Chance for Burn +X% Chance for Poison +X% Chance for Freeze +X% The above 4 "chance for secondary effects" are a single bonus that is unlocked by the Ranged Weapon skill Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, Gold: 60, 80, Platinum: 100, 120, Niobium: 140, 160, 180, 200 Wiki Page: Horns of the Forest God Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  23. 140 downloads

    Name: Eugene's Axe Type: 1h Axe Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 This Legendary item's name is an Easter Egg reference to the Pink Floyd song, "Careful With That Axe, Eugene." Socket Types: Gold : 2 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage +X% Survival Bonus +X% Chance to disregard armor +X% Chance that opponents cannot evade attacks +X% Chance to inflict open wounds +X% (Hafted Weapons) Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: Eugene's Axe Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.
  24. File Name: Bartuc's Cutthroat File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 13 Feb 2016 File Category: Community Patch Legendaries Name: Bartuc's Cutthroat Type: Fist Weapon Class: Legendary Requires: Community Patch 1.50 This Legendary item is a Diablo 2 easter egg. It is a recreation of the Assassin fist weapon of the same name. Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Element: 1 Item Modifiers: Damage +X% Life leeched per hit +X Strength +X Dexterity +X Combat Reflexes +X Attack Value +X% Item Levels: Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50, Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90, Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130, Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 Wiki Page: Bartuc's Cutthroat Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file
  25. File Name: Soorn's Doombringer File Submitter: Flix File Submitted: 09 Feb 2016 File Category: Ice & Blood Legendaries Name: Soorn's Doombringer Type: 1h Sword Class: Legendary Requires: Ice and Blood expansion Socket Types: Gold : 1 Silver : 0 Bronze : 0 Material: 1 Item Modifiers: Chance for deadly wounds +X% Opponent's chance to reflect melee damage -X% Chance to reflect: Close Combat +X% All combat arts +X Chance to inflict serious open wounds +X% (sword mastery) Item Levels: Silver: 15, 30, 45, 55, Gold: 70, 85, 100, Platinum: 115, 130, 145, Niobium: 160, 175, 190, 205, For more information visit: Wiki Page Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder. Click here to download this file

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