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My New Inquisitor - Build Discussion

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This is the new build im working hopefully it will remain effective through niob :D




This Is what Im Shooting For





Astute Supremacy Lore - 75 -100

Dual Wield - 1 (Boosted By + Skills)

Astute Supremacy Focus - 75 - 100

Gruesome Inquisition Focus - 75

Nefarious Netherworld Focus - 35 (for mod points boosted by + skills)

Concentration - 1 - 75 (im not sure if im gonna need the three buffs or not and my regens are pretty good at the moment)

Armor Lore - 100

Constituition - 75

Tactics Lore - 100 - 200

Toughness - 200


Attibutes: Primarily Focused on Vitality Till 50 Then Split Strength and Vitality


My Last build was similar but had spell resist instead of toughness and the attributes where split between stamina, will power, and intelligence.


So far this build is level 52 and doing well. I havent finished silver yet (been trying to explore a lot of the map) but every boss has fallen pretty quickly..


Any words of wisdom much are appreciated (I have not made it past platinum with any of my toons yet.)

Posted (edited)

Concetration mastery is a must-have. I prefer combat discipline over AS Lore, but since you took it's gone. All you can do is not add to much points in it - I don't have as lore and up to 3 players on server cm+rm kills mobs in one cast.

Master concetration and constitution first, use RP and reaver until 75, then add PC (I prefer Inure as gold mod). Doppelganger is best to be kept as a spell, at about 120 level and AS focus mastery he can be around for all the time anyway. Third mastery should be armor lore to unlock all channel motigation gear, after this it's up to you.

Edited by Zonc1


I've moved your topic over to Inquisitor Discussion. If/when you feel your build is full tested and want to submit it as a completed build, please pme me and we can move it to Inquisitor Builds.








so the build so far is running smoothly level 82 at the moment and tearing threw platinum with a vengence ive been able to solo all bosses and every dragon in plat and have not lost less than probably a ninth of my health meter in a single battle if that... offensive skills have been put on hold in far of quickly knocking out the mandatory masteries of armor lore and constituition concentration I feel is needed for the second buff slot but the mastery to run soul reaver im not a hundred percent sure on but plus atack and defense from a buff is good so we will see... I think gi focus will be my next mastery so I can raisemy spell levels... im allso thinking when I get the three attibute im may divide them between str vit and stam but regens have not really been a problem and advice

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