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Short story: love and gaming

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So today is infact the 3rd annual anniversary of when me and my soon to be wife actually met face to face for the first time:=) how it all began...... 3 years ago in the mysterious lands of world of warcraft after a cruel and unrelenting night of hardcore raiding+drinking whiskey and singing on ventrillo.. I decided to relax and go farm some gold then I saw a familiar name on my friends list 'Alexandera' this person I had known for 2 years prior but not really had much contact with just done some instances with now and then so I decided to start to chat I was drunk:P 'hey dude! hows it going!' alex replies 'Fine.....wow your up late are you drunk or something?' me: 'ofc its friday dude' alex: 'you know now as really good time to tell you IM NOT A DUDE' me: oh..dont beleive you.. and so from there we exchange email account and webcam. I dont know wat I was expecting but not the godess I saw in front of me, I thought to myself it the beer googels man chill out but we chatted for hours and the alcohol wore off and she still stayed just as pretty. The next day I expected her to maybe not be so intersted I dont know maybe just bad experiences with women in the past to my amazment she MSN'ed me first saying 'ive been looking forward to speaking to you all day' the shock:D The real twist to the story for me was that many of my other friends in game from norway actually knew my fiancee. Anyway from that day we spoke much we arranged to meet she came to England few time I came to Norway few times but we fell hopelessly in love LOL sickbags at the ready folks^^ so September 7th 3 years ago I handed in my 1 months notice to my boss and then moved over here in october from there I sold my house in england bought one with my soon to be wife in norway I not only had a girlfriend who I had known for a while with common interest but along with that 20 norwegian friends all who knew her and me too so the first 6 months here as you can imagine was constant LANS and drinking parties,but now living life in slow lane we created a wonderful baby girl who is 10 months old now and plan to have another soon.

I just think this is something I like to tell fellow gamers you can find love in a virtual world! You do have to leave your bedrooms/gamerooms tho:D;=)




Has anyone else had a similiar experience or found love via gaming?

Edited by genmei
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Wonderful story genmei. Who would have guessed that the best of both worlds could come together... In a box. :D Oh this gives me an awesome idea. The Wedding Game! An MMO where your mission is to seek out love, hehe. In the final act of the game you have your wedding. :lol: So will your wedding be in RL or Ol? ^^

I hear about story's like yours more and more often as time goes on. Meeting someone in an MORPG is a very interesting way of getting to know someone. Especially when you compare it to say, a bar setting. In a game there's goals, co-ordintation, necessary communication and generally plenty of opportunity to laugh. The online veil kinda works a lot like alcohol in that people tend to socialize more easily. There's tons of great things about meeting online and I'm not at all surprised that you made a lasting connection with Alexandera. Big congratulations to both of you and what a wonderful story that is. Cheers to a "happily ever after" genmei. :drinks:



Very funny story about gamers in love and how their friends made them a really funny wedding video game. Starring the newly weds. If you don't read the article you gotta at least watch the video near the bottom. Too funny!


The Tokyopia Wedding Game

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