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Gruesome Focused - Feedback for my Inquisitor build?

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Posted (edited)

1. skills

2. combat arts

3. combos




1. skills


gruesome inquisition focus

dual wield

armor lore


astute supremacy lore


tactics lore

combat discipline

spell resistance

nefarious netherworld focus




2. combat arts


gruesome inquisition


callous execution (bleed / lacerate / judgement)

ruthless mutilation (ire / petrify / frenzy)

mortifying pillory (disgrace / proclamation / mortify)

frenetic fervor (fanaticism / resolve / relentless)

purifying chastisement (mystic / eradicate / hallow)


astute supremacy


levin array (elongation / hesitation / dynamic)

clustering maelstrom (gravitation / vortex / vortex)

reverse polarity (rebound / counterblow / evade)


nefarious netherworld


dislodged spirit (spite / deprivation / stimulate)

paralyzing dread (panic / decrepit / confidence)

soul reaver (zealot / source / zealot)




3. combos


dislodge spirit + mortifying pillory + ruthless mutilation + callous execution (boss)

dislodge spirit + mortifying pillory (debuff)

clustering maelstrom + levin array (crowds)

frenetic frenzy + paralyzing dread (enhancement)

purifying chastisement + reverse polarity + soul reaver (buff)

Edited by LXTN

Hi Travis, welcome to Darkmatters. I'm not sure what this topic is about. Are you asking a question or looking for a build, or proposing a tested build for others to use?


I've moved your post to Inquisitor discussion as well.








hi gogo


just a proposed build.


picked up the game and this seems to be the direction I'm headed.


looking for some feedback.

1. skills

2. combat arts

3. combos




1. skills


gruesome inquisition focus

dual wield

armor lore


astute supremacy lore


tactics lore

combat discipline

spell resistance

nefarious netherworld focus




2. combat arts


gruesome inquisition


callous execution (bleed / lacerate / judgement)

ruthless mutilation (ire / petrify / frenzy)

mortifying pillory (disgrace / proclamation / mortify)

frenetic fervor (fanaticism / resolve / relentless)

purifying chastisement (mystic / eradicate / hallow)


astute supremacy


levin array (elongation / hesitation / dynamic)

clustering maelstrom (gravitation / vortex / vortex)

reverse polarity (rebound / counterblow / evade)


nefarious netherworld


dislodged spirit (spite / deprivation / stimulate)

paralyzing dread (panic / decrepit / confidence)

soul reaver (zealot / source / zealot)




3. combos


dislodge spirit + mortifying pillory + ruthless mutilation + callous execution (boss)

dislodge spirit + mortifying pillory (debuff)

clustering maelstrom + levin array (crowds)

frenetic frenzy + paralyzing dread (enhancement)

purifying chastisement + reverse polarity + soul reaver (buff)




Spell resistance: the common sentiment is that spell resistance does not work as advertised. Perhaps this has been fixed on the PC.

I know I have never taken it.

Astute Lore: you want focus since you are using the buff - you will be severely limited in terms of Combat Art level without penalty I am level 100 with a max Combat Art level of around 25.


Combat Arts:

MP: I expect you will find moritfying pillory not worth modding. I have never used it myself.


Astute Suprmecy Combat Arts: you want to mod 3 Combat Arts in the aspect. You will need 70 skill points for that. CM works fine with just the bronze mod, reverse polarity needs at least 2 mods, Levin Array can work well with no mods. So really, for 9 points, you can get up and running. mod the buff and CM accordingly


DS: stiumlate is broken on xbox, not sure about PC

PD is seriously buggy - it gives enemies all the debuff conditons you use

No IS? it locks down bosses! (they cannot move)

SR: when will you add this buff? Last? to use 3 buffs you need to be level 75...

Posted (edited)



awesome, thank you. that's pretty much the info I was looking for. just needed someone a little more familiar with the game than myself.


anyone else have suggestions? I'll be playing on the 360.

Edited by LXTN

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