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Problem with Dashing Alacrity

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Ok here's a little problem I've been having, I decided to start a new seraphim, going for Dual Wield, ExaltedW and RevTech.Now the problem I have is with Dashing Alacrity, every time I activate it it turns my toon into a 1hit kill mass murderer...I just started out so my toon is lvl9

Now I haven't played seraphim in a long time but this is kinda annoying,not sure if it's a bug or smtn else but here's the thing, DA is supposed to give you increased casting,attack and run speed.No where in the description does it say "you will be 1shoting every creep" for the duration...


Example: normally it will take me 6-7 hits to kill a champion, and 2-3 for standard mobs, but if I activate DA I will insta kill every champion and mob with just 1 hit...There is no visible damage boost all my hits still do normal dmg, only the mobs fall down after just 1 hit...So a champ having say 500HP will go down after just 1 hit for 47dmg...I tested it out on White Griffon, it took me quite a number of hits to cause any visible dmg to his HealthBar, then I turned on DA and he was down in 4 seconds...His HP was going down like crazy almost like every hit I made did 10x the damage.This only happens with melee attacks,using Flaring Nova for example works normally...


Anyone has any ideas what is going on here?This thing is really annoying as it is a total game breaker...I mean I like having OP toons as much as the next guy, but not like this...


Btw I'm playing version 2.65.1 with cm patch 0120


Hmm this must be an Ice&Blood or CM feature, it doesn't work like that on vanilla game :o


Strange... I have never seen this with Ice and Blood or the CM patch.

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