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Sophia's Choice...

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Hmm, Bethusela rhymes with Methuselah. She is one cranky old white dragon, isn't she? ;)


Cranky..? Nah.. Bitchy..!


So, if Seraphim cannot be evil -- how does one explain the dark seraphim in the class quest?


I do believe that was explained at one point in the class quest. By Loromir, Ino less.


If I recall, Loromir says something about the Seraphim's numbers are thinning so they tried Necromancy - bringing back the dead - to bolster their numbers - with um.. unpleasant consequences. He then sends you off to the Lizardmen's swamp because a lot of undead hang out there.


And fear not, that WILL be touched on.. But there's a lot more to get to before that.

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A good read.


Like the new character from a distance. Thankfully, I am not married to such a creature! If Bethusela looks anything like this EPIC piece from Larry Elmore. Very happy she is on the side of light.




Also, I stand corrected on Elvish Lore here in Ancaria. Forgive me if I caused any confusion. Being such a fan of Tolkien, I assume everyone uses Lore derived from the genius.


I remain, ice_dragon_by_mirz123-d3geb97.gif

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Yeah. That'd be about right. Tho somehow, the scale seems a bit off. That lizard is HUGE..! Don't recall them being quite so big in either game. Either way - it's close enough for government work.. :D

Eh.. Don't sweat the Elf thing. Just helps to pay attention to the story line.

EDIT: Bloody heck..! That Wayback machine is kinda useless. Either that or no one bothered to flesh out the Navigation Crystals Quest on the wiki fully before it went *poof*...



Edited by wolfie2kX
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OK folks.. Sorry for the delay - but this has been one of those weeks. <sigh>


This chapter is kind of short, but it's a necessary break from the action. More to come soon...


---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


By the time Sophia and the Dragons left the librarian behind and made their way to the portal, it was late in the afternoon and was getting dark. Sophia set the portal to travel to the portal in Ruka in the Orc territory where it was still mid afternoon.

They stepped out of the portal in the center of town and made their way down the hill. There were many Orcs in evidence, scurrying about, doing their thing. Sophia led her party towards the eastern exit. She figured there would be few, if any Orcs roaming about the north eastern corner of Nor Plat. That region was primarily the realm of wild boars, deer and the occasional warg.

“OK team, we’ve earned a bit of rest, I think. Feel free to relax a bit and hunt up a bite to eat. But by all means, let’s stay out of trouble!” Sophia said. “I’ll be right here. I’ve got a document or two to read. The three dragons wasted no time. The boys stripped and got ready to transform while Bethusela merely shifted her shape.

Sophia sat down and dug into her pack to find her lunch. She dug into her meal and pulled the papers from another pocket and started reading the tome entitled “The Heart of Ancaria – a Metaphysical Treatise”. One passage caught her attention:



At the time of the Chaos Wars, we extracted elements from the soul of this world to protect our Seraphim and make them holy.

... Elements which, if combined, grant the power over life and death...

Elements which were scattered to the four winds by the oldest of the Seraphim and submerged in the blood of wars.


This intrigued Sophia. If she read the passage right, the Creator extracted something from Ancaria itself somehow and used it to create the Seraphim. Maybe these elements were that something special that made Seraphim blood so unique and if they could be found again, and combined properly, maybe they could create the effects of Seraphim blood without the need for a Seraphim to produce it. She would have to ask TARA about that.

The final line didn’t make any sense to Sophia either – “the oldest of the Seraphim”? Seraphim were all the same age. Or so Sophia had always been told. More questions.

She decided to have a look at the final tome. She looked at the first page. This was going to be a problem. The document was in a completely unknown script. It wasn’t like anything Sophia had seen in her considerable years. It didn’t look like the script used by the Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Lizardmen. Not even like the chicken scratching used by the Orcs.

That settled it, she would have to go back to see TARA again and have her explain. Or at least read it, if she could.

She looked around her and saw Orphas and Loromir flying around. Bethusela wasn’t in evidence, but for all Sophia knew, she could have caught something and was eating.

Suddenly, one of them dropped out of the sky and swooped down toward the ground somewhere beyond the trees. She couldn’t tell which one of them it was. She heard a thud and a squeal from something just beyond the trees - likely a boar or sow that just became Dragon chow.

The other dragon suddenly dropped from the sky and came in for another swooping attack. Another thud followed by another squeal. Another snack acquired!

As daylight was beginning to fade, Sophia decided to regroup her rather unique team and head back to the Island. There would be time for more hunting tomorrow. She made her way toward the direction from which the last thud came from. She came upon Orphas, just as he was swallowing the last of whatever he had just caught.

“Feeling better?” Sophia asked.

“Much! These boars are quite succulent. Loromir was quite right! Very tasty,” he replied.

“Good. Do you need more?”

“To be honest, I could eat another dozen of these, but at that point I’d be fit to bust.” Orphas said.

“We can’t have that now!” Sophia laughed. “Besides, we need to head back to the island to see how Lurinda is doing,” she said with a more serious tone.

“Indeed. I’ll be with you momentarily!”

“Do you know where Loromir and Bethusela are?” Sophia asked.

“Loromir was off in that direction,” Orphas pointed roughly towards the southeast, “and Bethusela was over that way – by the foothills.”

“Good. Let’s get moving!”

Orphas transformed himself into his humanoid form and got dressed.

“Orphas, can you tell me more about this schism that came between you and the other Dragon clans? Sophia asked as Orphas got dressed.

“Not really. It started long before I was hatched.” Orphas said.

“Didn’t your parents or teachers tell you anything about it?”

“Not really, it was as Bethusela said – no one really knows why it happened – just that it did. That and the fact that other clans should NOT be trusted. Ever.”

“I got that much from before. Is this something that will cause a problem in the future?” Sophia asked.

“It will not be easy, but Loromir and I trust you. If you trust her, then I will do my best to overcome the prejudice I feel toward her and her kind.”

“Trust is something that must be earned. I feel that there will be a lot of earning that needs to be done in the near future – on all sides.”

“Agreed.” Orphas said.

“Ready? Let’s move out.” Sophia said.

Suddenly there was a rustling in the tall grasses to the east. Bethusela burst out from the foliage with a sneeze. A cloud of fog came from her nose.

“My apologies if I startled you. These weeds do not agree with me.”

“It’s all right, Bethusela. But it’s a good thing you’re here. We were just getting ready to get everyone together and go back to the island.”

“In that case, I’m all for moving on.” Bethusela said, just as she sneezed again.

“Then let’s go looking for Loromir.” Sophia said and moved out in the general direction Orphas pointed to earlier.

The trio moved through the forest and finally came to a clearing. Sure enough, there was Loromir feasting on a boar.

“Ah... Loromir! I see you’re well fed my friend.” Sophia said.

“Indeed! The boars in this region are most succulent! And easy to catch!” he replied. “I take it we’re heading back now?” he continued with a hint of disappointment.

“Yes, we are. I need to find out how Lurinda and that guard are doing.”

“In that case, give me a moment!” he said as he swallowed the last of the boar he had in his claws. He then promptly began transforming and getting dressed.

“Ah... That hit the spot! I’m ready.”

“Good, near as I can tell, we’re closer to the border station than to the city we just came from. I think it will be quicker to go there than back to the Orc city.”

The group set off for Orcish Byway.

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Hope everyone enjoyed their pork chops.. :D


Today's installment finds the gang taking two steps backwards... But at least they get to avert a near disaster...



---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


They arrived at Orcish Byway a short time later and climbed the hill to where the portal waited for them. Aside from a few odd looks from the humans living there, they arrived without incident. Sophia set the portal for home and the group stepped through.

“Greetings! Sister and er... everyone!” the guard greeted Sophia and her trio of companions.

“Greetings! I trust everything is well.” Sophia replied.

“Oh... It’s you my queen! Yes, everything is well – at least down here by the portal.”

“Good. We’ll be heading up to the tower now.” Sophia said.

“Very well!” the guard replied.

The group headed up the path toward the tower. About half way there, Bethusela stopped short and groaned.

Sophia stopped and looked around, just in time to see Bethusela double over. “What’s wrong?” she asked worriedly.

“It’s so hot around here.” Bethusela wheezed, sweat pouring down her face. “Hello... Frost Clan Dragon here.”

Sophia hadn’t thought much about it until she said that. It was a bit warmer here on the island than in the Orc territory, and much, much warmer than at the library. “Not a problem. Gentlemen, let’s get Bethusela back to somewhere more comfortable for her.”

Loromir and Orphas offered to help support Bethusela, but she shook them off saying, “I’m not that incapacitated. I can make it back down on my own.” She took another step, stumbled and fell to her knees.”

“Forgive the obvious, but the situation appears to be quite the opposite.” Orphas said as he picked her up to carry her. Unfortunately, Bethusela didn’t seem to be conscious to register the comment.

Sophia, Loromir and Orphas made their way back down the path and arrived at the portal moments later.

The guard at the portal took notice of the group. “Is something the matter, my Queen? Shall I summon Manda?”

“Not yet. Our companion is overheated. She isn’t used to the warmth of Seraphim Island. Set the portal to take us to the Library! Quickly!”

“Yes, my Queen!” she replied as she jumped to the controls and set the portal controls as directed. “All set, my Queen!”

Sophia and the three disguised dragons went through the portal and arrived just outside the library moments later.

“Put her down – directly on the snow.” Sophia said.

As Orphas complied, Bethusela began stirring. “You can quit fawning over me, nerd,” she said to her savior. “Where am I?”

“We’re back at the library’s portal.” Loromir added. “And you should be perhaps a bit kinder to those who came to your aid.”

“What? So are you now expecting me to give him a medal or something?” Bethusela replied, her icy tartness intact.

“She’s almost as good as new.” Sophia replied, with a slight chuckle.

“Now then, what happened to me?” Bethusela asked.

“If I didn’t know better, and mind you, I’m not a medic, but it appears you overheated.” Sophia replied.

“Where were we?” Bethusela asked.

“On Seraphim Island.” Sophia replied.

“What was that awful stench?”


“Yes. Stench! It was almost as bad as a Fire Clan Dragon’s breath.”

“Sulfur.” Loromir replied. “I’ve noticed the odor myself, but it wasn’t that big a deal to me.”

“Leave it to the nerd to figure it out.” Bethusela added.

“Oh... That... There are some rare occasions where some volcanic gasses get released. But it’s nothing to worry about. The island hasn’t seen an eruption in eons.”

“Volcanic..? Did you say VOLCANIC?” Bethusela demanded.

“Yes. Volcanic.”

“Frost Clan Dragons and volcanoes do NOT mix!” Bethusela said with indignation.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“Nor did we,” Orphas jumped in.

“No... I suppose you couldn’t possibly know,” Bethusela said, her indignation deflated.

“Let’s put this down as an instructional moment and move on.” Sophia said. “This may complicate things a bit, but I think it will be all right.”

“If I can’t go to warmer climates to help you out, I don’t see how much use I can be to your cause.” Bethusela replied.

“Actually, you can be very useful. You can help out by guarding the library. Think of it this way. The repository of knowledge in that library is priceless. While it’s true there’s a lot of stuff in there – crop yields and such – that isn’t quite that important, the information about the Creator and his ancient technology is irreplaceable!”

“True enough. I still have a bone in my craw about that.”

“Yes. And if we ever want to get to the bottom of that, the best thing to do is keep TARA, the librarian and the library safe.”

“I can do that!” Bethusela said.

“On that note, let’s go inside and let her know about her new protector,” Sophia said.

They walked to the entrance and stepped inside of the library. A pair of figures greeted the group as they entered.

“Good evening,” the first figure greeted them.

“Good evening,” Sophia replied. “We’re here to see the librarian.”

“Ah, you’re in luck, I am the librarian,” the second figure proclaimed.

She stepped into the light – and Sophia could immediately see that she wasn’t the librarian. She wasn’t even a Seraphim. A quick glance toward Loromir and Orphas confirmed her suspicions. They were trouble.

Quick as a flash, Sophia had her blades out and the tips aimed at the two figures’ throats. “I think not!” Sophia countered. “Now then, just who are you really?”

“What do you mean? I AM the librarian!” the second figure insisted.

“I think not. I was here this afternoon and I did some work with the librarian and you are not her.”

“Sophia! What is going on here?” the Seraphim librarian asked, half asleep.

“That’s just what I was about to find out.” Sophia replied, her attention still focused on the two intruders. “Do you know these two?”

The Seraphim librarian stepped closer and looked them over. “I can’t say I’ve ever seen either one of them.”

“Funny, the one on my right seems to think she’s got your job.”

“You don’t say. I didn’t know you had me replaced while I was off taking a break to get a bite to eat and take a nap,” the real librarian said.

“I didn’t. And I don’t think I would have put a mere human in charge.”

“What died in here?” Bethusela jumped in. Everyone except for Sophia looked at her, as if they hadn’t a clue as to what she was talking about. “Can’t you smell that odor?”

Loromir, Orphas and the real librarian shook their heads.

“I see. More of the Archmage’s necromancy.” Sophia said. “I’m going to have to have a word with that man, but in the mean time... Who are you and what do you want from the library?”

The two intruders looked at each other and smiled in a most unpleasant fashion. “It’s not likely you will find out,” the first intruder said.

“Indeed, our time here is up!” the second said just before both threw their heads forward, impaling their necks on Sophia’s blades. Caught off guard by their action, Sophia relaxed her blades slightly and the added weight of the corpses pulled the blades downward, allowing them to slide off from the tips.

The two corpses rapidly began to decay far more rapidly than normal.

“Let’s get these two out of here, quickly! Loromir, Orphas, Bethusela – I want them burnt to ashes!”

Loromir and Orphas grabbed one each by the feet and dragged them outside. Bethusela didn’t move. Sophia looked at her.

“Frost Clan Dragon here. I don’t breathe fire. My talent would cancel theirs out.” Bethusela explained.

“Oh... I see,” Sophia said.

Bethusela was now looking at Sophia as if she had forgotten something.

“Was there something else?”

“Not really, other than why we came here.” Bethusela said.

“Of course. We can’t forget that.” Sophia smiled. “Bethusela will be staying here with you as a guardian of the library complex.”

“I see. How generous, my Queen! But wouldn’t she be more helpful in your entourage?”

“Actually, her talents limit her to colder climates. As such, I’d feel better if she was here with you – especially in light of tonight’s visitors.”

“In that case, I would be most honored then, to have the help. It might actually be nice to have someone to talk with.”

“And I will do my best to keep these riff raff from trying something again.” Bethusela pledged.

“In the mean time, I suggest we look things over and make sure they haven’t done anything!” the librarian said.

Sophia’s face blanched. She took off toward TARA’s chamber while the rest of the group fanned out and searched the library’s various hallways and rooms.

The librarian called out, “There’s someone else here!”

Sophia turned around and ran toward the voice. Bethusela did likewise. They converged in the central gallery, just before the junction with the other hallway. The librarian had yet another presumably undead figure cornered with her sword.

“Just what do you think you’re doing in here?” the librarian asked.

“I’m afraid you’ll find out soon enough...” the figure replied, with a sick laugh.

“GET BACK!” Bethusela commanded and immediately began transforming into her dragon form. She knew she only had seconds – and she had to push the transformation to the limit. She only hoped she had enough within her for one quick freezing blast and the time to let it out.

Sophia and the librarian meanwhile jumped backwards at Bethusela’s command. Something about the way her command was given gave them the incentive to back off from the shadowy figure now before them.

Bethusela’s large form filled up the space in the hallway until there wasn’t any space left. She could barely breathe, but she mustered what lung capacity she could and let loose her frosty breath. Her target, which had begun smoldering, froze almost instantly.

“Somebody Hack that thing’s head off!” Bethusela wheezed.

Sophia moved quickly and swung her blades at the neck of the undead being. As it was frozen solid, the blades did little damage but to score the layer of frost surrounding the now frozen corpse.

“Allow me,” the librarian said and performed a flying kick to the thing’s head which neatly snapped off at the point where Sophia’s blades hit. The head flew and landed a short distance from the torso.

“Is it over?” Sophia asked.

“It should be,” Bethusela wheezed.

“What just happened?” the librarian asked.

“That thing was about to immolate itself,” she wheezed.

“Immolate – as in set fire to the books and other documents in here?” the librarian asked, her face blanched.

“Exactly right.”

“How did you know?” Sophia asked.

“That thing seemed to get hotter all of a sudden.” Bethusela replied.

“See, it’s a good thing we came back here after all.” Sophia said.

“Well, this is awkward...” Bethusela said. “I seem to be stuck.”


“Stuck as in - I can’t transform!” Bethusela said, her tetchiness returning.

“That’s not good.” Sophia said. “Is there another way out of here?

“I’m afraid not,” the librarian replied. “There is a pair of galleries on either side of this one, but there’s no way to get to them from here. And besides, those two are completely stuffed with a backlog of documents I haven’t gotten to yet.”

Edited by wolfie2kX
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OK folks... Today's installment continues the wild ride where we left off and things can only get wilder!


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Meanwhile, just outside of the library, Loromir and Orphas were completing their task. They dragged the two corpses outside and to a clearing south of the entrance.

“I’ll do the honors,” Loromir said as he began to strip. “I doubt we’ll need both of our flames to dispose of these wretched things.”

“Fine, I’m really not fond of the cold myself,” Orphas replied.

Loromir was almost done removing his clothes when all of a sudden the two corpses spontaneously burst into white hot flames. Moments later, the corpses were no more.

“Well... That was different,” Orphas said, amazed.

“No doubt about that,” Loromir replied, as he quickly started putting his clothes back on.

“I have to wonder how much damage there would have been had these two burst into flames inside of the library.”

“Immense amounts of it, no doubt.” Loromir replied, “There certainly is a lot of flammable documents and other things inside.”

“I am confused though,” Orphas posited, “if the intention was to destroy the contents of the library, it would seem to me that it would be better to have sent more of these walking bombs.”

“Indeed. While these two would have caused a great amount of damage, even if they spread out, there seems to be plenty of nooks and crannies that would have survived.”

“Maybe there’s a limit to this kind of magic?” Orphas said.

“That could be the case. There were only three of them on Seraphim Island.” Loromir continued.

“Maybe it’s limited by the caster’s mental acuity?” Orphas said.

“That is a possibility. Maybe we should ask the Archmage next time we see him?”

“If there were three of them on Seraphim Island then...” Orphas started.

“We’ve got to get back – quickly!” Loromir realized, “We’ve missed one!”

The two ran as quickly as possible back to the library.

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Back in the library...

“We should move as many of these documents away from around this creature,” the librarian said. “It’s fairly cold in here, but it is above freezing...”

“... and that means our ‘friend’ will thaw out sooner or later,” Sophia finished.

“The question is – will our ‘friend’ burst into flames once it gets to room temperature?”

“I’m not sure,” Bethusela wheezed, her breath was a bit more labored than before.

“Hang in there, Bethusela!” Sophia said, encouragingly. “Loromir and Orphas will be back soon enough and they will come up with something.”

“Hah. Those two can’t figure out anything. I’m stuck here fast. What’s worse – the air is getting a bit thin. We’re likely to suffocate soon.”

“I think you’re underestimating our friends again,” Sophia said. “I realize your clan had some sort of disagreement with their clan, but, trust me, they’re far more intelligent than you might give them credit for.”

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Loromir and Orphas went back inside.

“Sophia? Bethusela? Hello...” Loromir called out.


“I don’t like it.” Orphas said.

“Neither do I, brother,” Loromir replied. “Let’s go deeper.”

The pair made their way deeper into the library and suddenly found their path blocked by a rather large squared off dragon rear end.

“Well... That would explain why they can’t hear us.” Orphas said.

“Indeed. I wonder what possessed Bethusela to transform in here. There clearly wasn’t enough room for her dragon form.”

“There must have been some good reason for it. She likely found and confronted the third bomb.”

“That seems to be most likely.” Loromir agreed. “And I’m guessing Sophia and the librarian are stuck on the other side. So how do we get her out of here?”

“They probably are. We certainly haven’t run into them on this side of the blockage. As for getting her loose... Let me think a moment.”

Loromir grabbed Bethusela’s tail and gave the end a vigorous shake. Orphas looked at Loromir quizzically.

“I figure that she will notice her tail being played with and let them know that we’re here.” Loromir said.

“Good idea, though, I’d be careful if I were...” Orphas replied, just as the tail twitched and nearly flung Loromir into a bookcase.

“Say no more, brother! I remember she wasn’t too fond of anyone touching her tail from earlier today when we released her which is why I did it. If anything would get her attention – that would do it.”

“And she would, no doubt, express her displeasure to Sophia and the librarian. Very clever, brother!”

“Now... What to do about the real problem?” Loromir asked.

“There are only two paths I can think of – but neither is without risk. And I fear I may not be able to do either without your help.” Orphas said.

“What are our options?”

“The first option is to use a portal spell. The problem is, as always, determining the exit coordinates. I do not feel comfortable trying this – I do not have a good enough feel for this plane of existence as yet to control where the exit would wind up. If I had a few years to tinker with things, I could be more confident. But as it is, I could put the exit somewhere even worse than where they are now. Not to mention it won’t help Bethusela much.”

“And the other option?” Loromir asked.

“We would have to use a spatial compression spell. But that would take both of us to do and would likely sap all of our energy.”

“I’m not familiar with that one.” Loromir replied

“No, you wouldn’t be. It is a very advanced spell. Something the Master Dragon Mage of our clan was teaching me – just before the Carnach’s arrival. We managed to do it only once successfully before we were invaded. The first two dozen attempts wound up, well, let’s just say, the result wasn’t pretty.”

“How bad?” Loromir asked.

“Worse than taking one of those melons the Seraphim are so fond of and dropping a huge boulder on top of it.”

“I see. That sounds dangerous.” Loromir said.

“It is. We would have to focus all of our energy on compressing Bethusela. And we would have to be very careful to apply the spell in such a way that we do it evenly on her entire body. If we apply too much to one spot, we could break bones. And that would be bad for her if we broke a rib or two and punctured her lungs.”

“That would be quite bad. But on the other hand we must consider our options. If we do nothing, everyone – Sophia, the librarian and Bethusela die. If we do something and make a mess of things, Bethusela could die; Sophia and the librarian may live. Or we could succeed and everyone walks away alive and well. I don’t see an option. We must do our best!”

“You’re right, as usual. Just so you know what the consequences are,” Orphas cautioned.

“Let’s get to work then.”

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Meanwhile, on the other end of Bethusela...

“Something just grabbed my tail!” Bethusela said, with surprise.

“See, I told you they would come for us.” Sophia panted. Bethusela was right. The air was getting rather thin in here.

“I just hope it isn’t more of those nasty undead creatures back there.” Bethusela said.

“I doubt it,” Sophia said. “The Archmage can’t seem to manipulate more than three of them at a time.”

“You know this for a fact?” Bethusela wheezed.

“Just a theory... Thus far, they’ve only been seen operating in groups of three here and on Seraphim Island.” Sophia replied. “He doesn’t seem to be doing too well with three of them as it is. He does fairly well with two at a time – as he did with the two in the lobby area, but the third one didn’t seem to be able to do much of anything until he lost control of the other two.

“It’s the same as on the Island. Two of them took over the prison, while the third made the mistake of coming after me. He was rather easy to deal with. One punch and he was disabled. I think the puppet master cut him loose to enhance control of the other two.”

“Fascinating theory. Maybe we can talk about it later – if there is a later. But right now, let’s relax and stay quiet and not use up what little air we have on this.” Bethusela wheezed.

“Good point.” Sophia replied.

“Oh my...!” Bethusela exclaimed.

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

“The key to doing this is concentration. You must maintain focus on the spell or things will go wrong, very quickly. Take a deep breath and relax.” Orphas instructed.

Loromir focused himself as best as he could. He took the deep breath as instructed. “Just one question, brother – has anyone attempted this spell while transformed?”

“No,” Orphas replied, “Nor is this the time to dwell on this sort of thing. Take one more deep breath.”

Loromir complied.

“Now then, we must use our minds – and reach out with them to surround the object – in this case Bethusela – we are focusing on. Take another deep breath.”

“I’m sensing her shape, it’s rather odd... Brick shaped, if you will.” Loromir replied.

“Very good. Make sure you’ve got your mind wrapped entirely around all of her – head to tail tip.” Orphas continued.

“Her wings appear to be crushed up against her body.” Loromir commented.

“Yes, but try not to focus on that right now. Just focus on her as if she was an object instead of a living being.” Orphas instructed.

“Right. Focusing.” Loromir replied.

“Do you have her surrounded with your mind completely?” Orphas asked.

“Yes, I do.” Loromir replied.

“Good. I’m ready myself. Now comes the tricky part. We must execute the spell in perfect sync. If we’re slightly off, we will crush her like that melon.” Orphas cautioned.

“I’m ready...” Loromir said.

“Good. Remember the words. On three...” Orphas said.

“I remember – let’s get this done.” Loromir said.

“One... Two... Three...” Orphas counted.

“Erkor morinar consimnum!” they said in unison.

Bethusela’s body started shrinking. Documents pressed up against her started falling down.

“Keep it up!” Orphas exclaimed. “We’re not quite there yet.”

Loromir merely did his best to maintain focus. Meanwhile fresh air rushed in around the bulk of Bethusela.

Orphas and Loromir strained under the load but kept going.

“Sophia! Wake up!” Loromir shouted.

Sophia thought she was hallucinating as she thought she heard Loromir calling to her. But no, she realized breathing wasn’t quite so difficult. She did her best to suck in as much fresh air as she could. She turned to look at Bethusela and it struck her as being quite odd that she was shrinking away. She looked at the librarian who was collapsed on the other side of the doorway. She stood up on wobbly legs and went over to her. She checked for a pulse in her neck and found it. She shook the librarian slightly. The librarian moaned slightly. Sophia looked again at Bethusela. She had shrunk to a size where she could fit through the doorway.

“Sophia... QUICKLY!” Orphas commanded, the strain on his voice was evident.

Sophia was still a bit out of it. But she got the message. She stumbled toward Bethusela and grabbed the shrunken dragon who was now about twice the size of an average chicken and ran for the exit. She was slightly surprised that the weight was heavier than she expected, but not nearly as heavy as a full sized dragon would be.

By this time, the librarian had come to her senses and was making her way toward the exit herself. She saw Loromir and Orphas on the verge of collapse and made her way toward them. The three of them supported each other and made their way outside as well.

Sophia had put Bethusela down onto the freshly fallen snow just as the librarian, Loromir and Orphas came stumbling out.

“Gently, Loromir, we must reduce the pressure very gently!” Orphas commanded. “If we don’t, it would be just as bad for Bethusela.”

“Easing off gently!” Loromir replied.

Sophia and the librarian stood back and watched as Bethusela slowly regained her normal proportions. Sophia grabbed her hip pack and opened it up. She found a pair of energy potions. These were good for relieving fatigue during combat. And it looked to Sophia that Loromir and Orphas were on the ragged edge.

She waited until they just about collapsed before approaching them. “Here, drink this!” Sophia ordered and handed one of the energy potions to each of them.

By this point Bethusela had regained most of her full size.

“ARGH! What happened to me?” Bethusela wheezed gulping in huge lungfuls of air.

Sophia dug into her pack again and grabbed a large healing potion – like the one she gave Loromir – what was it? A week ago.

She opened it up and handed it to Bethusela. “Drink up. It’s a healing potion,” she said.

“T-t-thank you,” Bethusela said.

Meanwhile Loromir and Orphas were clawing to get their clothes off. Their time was up and a transformation was imminent.

“So how are you feeling, Bethusela?” Sophia asked.

“Sore and tired,” she replied. “Being stuck took quite a lot out of me.”

Sophia’s face went ashen as she remembered why Bethusela got stuck in the first place.

“I’ll be right back!” she said as she ran inside. She found the still mostly frozen corpse exactly where it was. She grabbed the corpse’s shoulders and dragged it toward the exit. She noticed there was a faint glow coming from the chest and redoubled her efforts to get it outside as quickly as possible.

The librarian came rushing up past her and grabbed the corpse’s feet.

“This thing is thawing fast!” Sophia said. “Let’s get it out of here!”

“Wait, where is the head?” the librarian exclaimed.

“It should be where we left it! I’ll get the corpse out, go grab the head!”

The librarian dropped the feet and ran off to get the head as Sophia resumed dragging the corpse toward the stairs leading out.

Sophia reached the steps leading out and started upwards. Sophia was getting a bit worried. The corpse was getting warmer. The frost coating on the outside of the corpse was nearly gone. Sophia did her best to hurry to the top. She was two steps from the top when suddenly the door at the top opened and someone ran past her.

“Sophia! Am I glad to see you!” the figure said.

“Manda, is that you?” Sophia replied.

“Yes! We were starting to get worried about you.”

“Quick! Grab this thing’s legs and help me get it out of the library!” Sophia ordered and Manda complied. Between the two, they managed to get the corpse outside in short order. The corpse was starting to glow inside.

“Let’s get it over the railing!” Sophia ordered as she propped her end up against the railing and pushed as soon as Manda was clear. The librarian arrived at the entrance at this moment and tossed the head over the edge. The rotting fire bomb fell over the side and both burst into intense flames.

Sophia and the librarian collapsed up against the railing in relief.

“My queen! Are you all right?” Manda asked with worry in her voice.

“Yes, I’ll be fine.” Sophia said, “Check on everyone else. We had a close call.”

“So it would seem,” Manda replied wryly.

“Check on Bethusela.” Sophia asked. “She got stuck in the hallway for a while and I want to make sure she is OK. And while you’re at it, check on Loromir and Orphas.”

“Er.. Exactly what happened here? And who exactly is ‘Bethusela’?” Manda inquired.

“Oh... That’s right. You haven’t met her yet. Bethusela is the big white dragon over there. We managed to liberate her from the Carnach’s clutches – not long after you left. Then we went on a short hunt and everyone got fed. We were on our way to the Island but Bethusela can’t visit there – mainly because of all the heat. She’s a Frost Dragon, you see. So we came back here, with the intention of having her guard the library.

“When we got here, we found two intruders inside – more of the Archmage’s foul necromancy. So we got rid of two of them almost immediately. Then we searched deeper inside and found a third. It seems this batch of undead have a nasty surprise. They can self immolate. Bethusela saved us all – she transformed herself back into a dragon and hit the corpse we just threw over the side with a blast of her frosty breath. She got stuck in the hallway and couldn’t transform herself back into her humanoid shape.

“Loromir and Orphas somehow managed to shrink Bethusela down so we could move her outside. I then went back inside to move the corpse outside and the rest you pretty much know,” Sophia recounted.

“Sounds like you’ve all had quite a busy day!” Manda replied. “Very well, let’s get a look at our new friend.”

Manda left Sophia and the librarian to recover for a moment. She went to where Bethusela was laying in the snow.

“Hello?” Manda said to the big white Dragon.

Nothing but a faint rumbling from the big lizard as she breathed in and out. Manda stifled a laugh as she realized that the Dragon was snoring. She turned her attention to the two big blue/green Dragons. The two of them were not in as good a shape as their big white cousin. They appeared to be drained of energy and shivering in the cold.

“We need to get some fires going!” Manda ordered. Fortunately, Loromir and Orphas were a short distance from where Bethusela was resting.

“I want eight piles of wood around these two,” she ordered her crew as she pointed to the two dragons.

Sophia, meanwhile, had recovered enough to join Manda.

“So, how are they?” she inquired.

“The big white dragon is resting comfortably and is even snoring.” Manda reported, “But these two are drained of energy and are now freezing to death. We need to get some fires going around them to warm them up a bit.”

“What can I do to help?” Sophia asked.

“Not much, maybe gather some firewood. We’re going to need plenty of it. Dawn won’t be for a while yet.” Manda replied.

“I’m on it!” Sophia said and turned to find some wood they could burn. The problem, however, was there wasn’t much in the way of dead trees or even loose branches lying about. What little there was seems to have already been gathered.

Sophia thought to herself where could she find a place where there would be wood they could use for building the fires.

“Accessing... There is a lumber camp south of here in Timbervale where lumber is currently being produced. There is an active portal at this location.”

“Perfect!” Sophia thought to herself.

“Manda, I need two or three of the Seraphim you came with. We’re going to get some wood. There’s a lumber mill south of here at Timbervale that should have some wood to spare. We’re going by portal.”

Manda turned and found three Seraphim who were gathering wood nearby and ordered them to follow Sophia.

“Let’s get some firewood!” Sophia said as she set the portal for Timbervale. The group stepped through.

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I don't think any girl likes her tail being grabbed by some random guy, so I think Bethy's reaction is pretty normal. :-)


True.. Though it could be she just might not like that part of her body getting stimulated regardless.. Some women I know aren't into people touching their feet for example. Too ticklish...


You are full of surprises.


Thanks.. I try... :D

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Ok folks.. Things are starting to look up a bit for our heroes - sort of. Fans of the first game will no doubt recognize the area where Sophia and her troop of Seraphim have landed - if not in the first part of the double header, then certainly by the second half.


---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Sophia and her group emerged from the portal in Timbervale in complete darkness. Fortunately, someone thought to bring a few torches along and lit them.

The light of the torches illuminated the small lumber camp. It seemed to be completely abandoned. Sophia walked to the building that appeared to be a bunkhouse, thinking the lumberjacks were all sound asleep. As she knocked on the door, it creaked open slightly. She motioned to one of the Seraphim with a torch to come over to her. The torch was brought over and the light shone inside to reveal six empty bed frames.

This was odd, Sophia thought. This was supposed to be an active lumber camp.

“Search every building!” Sophia ordered.

“Aye!” the members of her team said in unison.

Sophia looked around as her eyes adjusted to the near darkness. The camp looked as it likely should. Not that Sophia had much experience with lumber camps, but it looked like what one would expect a lumber camp to have – a building for sleep, one for tool storage, one for storing wood, a place to cook and store food and of course, an outhouse... It was all there – except for the lumberjacks.

“Report!” Sophia commanded. The three Seraphim came over to her.

“The storehouse is empty. This camp appears to be abandoned,” one of the Seraphim said.

“I see. What about the food stores?” Sophia asked.

“Um... I’ll go check,” she said.

“OK, what about the tool shed?” Sophia moved on.

“There aren’t any tools in there. It’s been cleaned out,” the second Seraphim reported.

“And the bunk room?” Sophia asked.

“Cleaned out, I’m afraid. No sign of anyone’s personal belongings,” the third reported. “One other oddity I just realized was missing – the windows have all been removed.”

“The food stores have been cleaned out. Not so much as a bag of flour or beans in there. Apologies, my Queen for not thinking,” the first reported on her return.

“Not a problem. What about dust or cobwebs?” Sophia asked.

“Dust seems to be minimal in the kitchen area.”

“And in the dorm?” Sophia continued.

“Minimal there as well.”

“And this would suggest?” Sophia asked for a conclusion.

“The camp was recently abandoned, not more than maybe two days ago,” the third Seraphim replied.

“That would seem to be a reasonable conclusion.” Sophia replied.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the camp. Sophia and her companions were knocked over by the blast.

Moments later, Sophia recovered a bit. “What happened?” she asked of no one in particular.

“Unh... No idea, but it came from the portal,” the second said.

“Is everyone all right?” Sophia asked.

“I’m good to go,” the first said.

“As am I,” the third reported

“I’ve been hit,” the second replied. “My arm – I can’t seem to move it.”

“I’m on it,” the first said.

“Let’s go see what happened.” Sophia said.

Sophia and the third Seraphim cautiously made their way towards where the portal stood. The arch housing the portal was gone. The faint glow of the portal was likewise, missing.

“Well... This is problematic.” Sophia said. “Let’s get everyone together and move out. There’s not much we can do here. We’ve got to get our mission completed and back to the Library.”

“Aye...” the third Seraphim said.

“Let’s move out.”

Sophia and the third Seraphim went back to where the others were. “Are we able to move out yet?” Sophia asked the first Seraphim.

“We’re ready,” she replied.

“Good, let’s get moving then. We’ve got a long way to go to the next portal and we still need to find some wood.”

“Aye!” the trio said in unison.

“There’s a path that appears to lead down the mountainside toward the valley over there,” the first Seraphim said.

“Let’s go then.” Sophia said and the group started down the path.

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Sophia and her crew were on the path leading away from Timbervale for a short time when they saw a faint light in the forest ahead. Sophia stopped them before they got too close.

“Hold up here. I’m going to get closer to see if this camp is friendly or not.” Sophia whispered.

“Aye!” the trio whispered back.

Sophia snuck up on the camp as silently as she could. There were three Elven men sitting around a campfire in the center of the camp. The one she could see didn’t look very happy. The camp looked incomplete – as if they had only been working on it for the past day or two.

The men were sitting around quietly. They hadn’t said so much as a word in the time she had been watching them. Sophia quietly crept back to where the three others were waiting.

“It looks peaceful enough, but be on your guard.” Sophia whispered. “Let’s go.”

The group then walked down the path the rest of the way making the usual amount of noise.

The Elves sitting around the fire took notice of the new arrivals.

“Greetings, kind Elves!” Sophia announced herself and her party. “We’re traveling in search of firewood.”

“Greetings, kind Seraphim!” the dour faced man replied. “You’ve come to the right place. The wood we’ve got right now isn’t worth a plugged gold crown at the moment.”

“I’m Sophia, the Queen of the Seraphim, by the way. Why is your wood worthless?” she asked.

“We’ve had an infestation of Ancarian bark beetles,” the second replied. “The bloody things chew up the bark on the trees around here and burrow into the wood. They lay their eggs which then become maggots that chew wormholes into the wood. No carpenter would touch it. Voracious little buggers they are. They can devastate a forest in a season.”

“I see. Is there no means for getting rid of these pests?” Sophia asked.

“There’s only one sure thing that will kill off the bark beetles and their brood. That’s fire!”

“I see, that’s not a good thing.”

“Nope. We’re all pulling out of here tomorrow. We tried moving our camp a ways from our previous camp, but the bloody beetles are here as well.”

“By the way, the portal up the mountain blew up”

“Yup. That was to be expected. The portal crew came out for a service call last month. They looked it over and found it wasn’t stable. Something about some sort of instability in the land around it. They put in a brand new one just south of here.”

“You don’t say!” Sophia said with relief. “You see, one of my companions was injured by a stone that flew off when the portal exploded. I’d hate to have to try to get to the next nearest portal.”

“Yup. You sure wouldn’t – the next nearest portal would be quite the hike. Henrich, why don’t you show the Seraphim the way to the portal, while I talk business with the Queen here.”

“Right! Ladies, if you follow me...” Henrich said.

“Give me a moment,” Sophia said.

“Ancarian Bark Beetle Cure” she thought to herself.

“Accessing... I have no data on the means to control or eradicate the Ancarian Bark Beetle.”

“Blast! Maybe the library had some information on eliminating the pests,” she thought.

“Library tie in is available. Shall I access TARA for information?” the helmet replied.

“You can do that?” Sophia thought-asked in surprise.

“Affirmative. Accessing...” the helmet responded.

“There is a tincture that can be used to eliminate the bark beetle available. It must be sprayed on the trees. The trees will absorb the medicine and the bark and wood will become toxic to the beetles. The trees can then recover over a period of two years. Shall I download this information to local storage?”

“Yes!” Sophia thought to herself.

“Mister... I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.” Sophia began.

“Oh... Sorry... I’m Barkod the lumberjack,” he replied.

“Barkod, what are your plans now for the forest?”

“Well, not much we can do about it, except burn it down.”

“And how long would it take for your business to recover?”

“Honestly, it would put us out of business for at least a generation - at least, in these parts. A burnt forest won’t recover for at least a hundred years – maybe longer.”

“What if I told you there was a way to deal with your pesky pest problem and be back cutting trees – right here in these woods – in about two to three years?”

“I’d say you were drunk on wood alcohol.” Barkod replied.

“Well, I’m not. I do have access to a lot of ancient knowledge though. And there’s a tincture reported to kill the bark beetles and help trees recover within two to three years.”

“I’d say, I’d have to see it to believe it,” Barkod replied.

“Very well. I’ll be back very soon.” Sophia replied.

“Where are you headed?”

“I’m headed to the library. I’m going to get you the formula for making the pesticide.”

Sophia and Barkod made their way to the portal. When they arrived, Sophia made note of the new portal’s address and set the device to the library and stepped through.

Edited by wolfie2kX
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"Sophia made not of the new portal’s address and set the device to the library and stepped through."


Reads like she did not make an updated address for the new portal. Hope this doesn't come back to haunt them in the future.


I remain, :dntknw:

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She waited until they just about collapsed before approaching them. “Here, drink this!” Sophia ordered and handed one of the energy potions to each of them.


Those energy potions Sophia gave to Orphas and Loromir = Ancaria's version of Red Bull:


"Red Dragon give you wings!"



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Ok folks, time for another installment. And this time progress is gonna be made.


---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
The Formula

Sophia stepped through and made for the library. She saw the three Seraphim who went with her to Timbervale being looked at by Manda.

“Can I get a print-out of that bark beetle cure?” Sophia thought. “Make it two copies.”

“Accessing... The print-out is being generated now,” the helmet replied silently.

“Bethusela! You’re looking better!” Sophia said as she walked by the great white dragon.

“Yes, I am feeling better.” Bethusela replied. “Though I am not so sure about those two.”

“Yes... I’m worried about them as well. But fear not, I think I’ve got a fix for what ails them just inside the library.” Sophia replied, “Manda, do you have a minute?”

“Just a minute, I’m afraid. I’m trying to see if I can get Loromir and Orphas to have something to eat.”

“We’ve got a bit of a problem. The forest where we went for firewood is about to become a bunch of kindling. It seems there’s a bark beetle infestation. The lumberjacks seem to think the only solution is to burn the affected forest to the ground and let nature recover itself over time.”

“That’s not good. Some forests take centuries, if not longer to recover.”

“Indeed. I did a bit of research with the helmet already. It seems there’s a chemical solution that also helps the trees recover from the bulk of the damage in as little as a few years.”

“That is good news.” Manda replied.

“True, the only problem is, we need to make the stuff. I told the lumberjacks that we could get them the materials they need to save their forests in exchange for the firewood we need to warm the boys up.” Sophia said.

“I see. Well, then let’s go see what we need to make this stuff.”

“Let’s!” said Sophia as she and Manda made their way into the library.

When they got to the librarian’s office, they found the librarian sitting, staring at some papers.

“Greetings! Did TARA print some document out for me?” Sophia asked.

“Greetings again, my Queen! And yes, TARA did, two copies. Here you go!” she replied. “Though, I must ask how you managed to do it when you just got here.”

“I’m not entirely sure. But it seems my helmet has a certain rapport with TARA.” Sophia replied as she handed one copy to Manda.

Manda looked at the document and laughed.

“Um... Mind letting us in on the joke?” Sophia said.

“Read the document for yourself. It should be obvious.” Manda replied.

Sophia scanned the document in question.



Ancarian Bark Beetles – A Cure to a Nasty Problem

It’s a well known fact that Ancarian bark beetles are a nasty pest that can level an entire forest in the span of an Ancarian year. Short of burning the entire stand of infested wood, there is no commonly known means of eradicating the pest. Of course, that tends to be highly uneconomical as it can take several centuries for the afflicted stand of trees to recover.

What isn’t commonly known is that they are highly allergic to grain alcohol. The little buggers can’t hold their drink! They tend to fall off of the trees they’re perching on and die. They also can’t seem to resist getting a taste of it either.

The key to saving the trees is spraying each afflicted tree with bark beetles with at least enough grain alcohol to douse the trunk of every third tree evenly as high as a typical Elf can reach. Be sure to use pure grain alcohol! No need to waste the good stuff on these bugs! Nor is there any need to age the stuff – just use it as it comes out of the still.

The best time to spray is when they’re swarming and when they hatch out of the bore holes they’ve been living in since their mothers laid them as eggs. Swarms tend to last about fourteen days.

The trees should recover once they’re no longer being poisoned by the grub’s waste matter. It should take about two to three years for the bore holes to fill up as the tree recovers.

-Elwood the Wise 15 Tyrbor 1976 Fourth Bountiful and Benevolent Elven Empire

“That’s all?” Sophia asked in amazement.

“And to think I was worried the formula would be something that would take weeks to make,” Manda replied with much relief.

“Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best solutions!” the librarian added.

“I’m thinking we’re going to need a still.” Sophia said, “And I know just where to get it! Silly me, Manda, how are Lurinda and the guard?”

“They are fine. The guard is already awake. Her mind is still a bit of a blank, but we’re still early on in the treatment. Lurinda hasn’t quite woken up as yet. But I think her dose was a bit larger.”

“Good! That is certainly good news!” Sophia said with relief. “But now, I need to get this information back to the lumberjacks so we can get some firewood to get Loromir and Orphas back from the brink!”

Sophia ran out of the library and back to the portal.

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Sophia stepped through the portal and arrived without incident in Timberton.

“Barkod!” Sophia called out.

“Ah... Sophia, you’re back,” Barkod replied, “I didn’t think you would be back so soon.”

“Yes, well. I did say I needed lots of firewood and that it was important that I get some quickly.”

“True enough. So, did you find the solution to our problem?” he asked.

“Yes, I did and it’s amazingly simple.”


“Really!” Sophia replied, “A very long time ago, a man named Elwood the Wise found a way to kill the bark beetles.”

“Elwood the Wise?” Barkod said, “I’ve heard tales of him, though he was referred to as Elwood the Fool... What makes you think this cure of his would work?”

“Mainly because things that get filed away in our central library need to be proven fact, not just flights of fancy.” Sophia replied.

“Well... That remains to be seen. What did he say was the cure?”

“Grain alcohol. Lots of it. Sprayed on every third tree. Here, I have a copy of his writings on the subject here.” Sophia replied.

“Er... That’s not going to do me nor my mates much good. None of us can read.”

“Can’t read?” Sophia repeated, in amazement.

“Nope. None of us ever really had much use for book learnin’. We’ve been out in these woods, chopping trees since we were big enough to swing an axe, helping our fathers just like they did when they were knee high.”

“I see, “Sophia said.

“But if you want to know anything about trees, forestry, our knowledge is second to none!”

“I have no doubt about that,” Sophia replied. “In the meantime, maybe we should try this cure out on a small scale. Do you happen to have anything with alcohol?”

“If you’re meaning booze, of course we do. What did you have in mind?”

“Well, we need a small dish, say, a shot of alcohol, a box to put them in and a bark beetle or two.”

“That should be easy enough. We’ve got all of the fixin’s for that in camp. Let’s go see if this works.” Barkod said skeptically.

The two walked back to the camp and Barkod immediately went looking for a box, a small dish and a bottle of whiskey. Sophia walked behind him as he collected the items for the test.

Barkod took the cork out of the whiskey bottle and took a swig. “It’ll be a shame to waste this stuff on those pests. Figures they’d like it as much we do.”

“The document says it doesn’t have to be anything special – just grain alcohol.” Sophia said.

“Oh... You mean starshine?”

“Starshine?” Sophia asked.

“Yup. Starshine. It’s pure booze. Gets you drunk right quick. Makes you see stars too – that’s why it’s called starshine. Of course, the next morning, you feel like you’ve had a five hundred year old pine fall on your head.” Barkod explained.

“I see. Just consider yourself lucky to have a hangover. The beetles can’t handle it. They drop dead after drinking it.” Sophia replied.

“I see. Well, in that case, I kind of envy them. The last time I got ahold of some starshine, I wished I was dead the next morning!”

“I’ll bet! Now, just pour a few drops into this dish and all we’ll need are a couple of beetles.”

Barkod poured a tiny bit into the dish. Before he could put the cork back into the dish, there was a distinct buzzing in the air. Sophia quickly put the dish into the box and the buzzing sound followed her hand inside. Sophia pulled her hand out quickly as Barkod moved a torch over the top of the box so they could see what was happening. Sure enough a large bark beetle had sniffed out the sample and flew in to sample the contents.

Moments later, the beetle was joined by another two. Something odd was happening to the first beetle. It had slowed notably and came to a sudden stop. The other two soon followed suit. Suddenly, the first one simply popped. The carapace of the beetle shattered and the innards of the bug splattered all over the inside of the box and the torch above the box. Moments later, the other two beetles likewise exploded.

“Well, I’ll be...” Barkod said in astonishment as he wiped the bug guts from his face onto his sleeve.

“See, I wouldn’t try to steer you wrong.” Sophia smiled.

“I can see that. But do you have any idea how much hooch we’re going to need?” Barkod asked.

“Well, no, not offhand, but I’ll bet if I ask a knowledgeable lumberjack such as yourself, you could give me a pretty good idea.” Sophia said sweetly.

“Welp, we’ve found the beetles infesting about fifty acres. There’s usually about fifty to sixty trees per acre, so that’s somewhere between 2,500 to 3,000 trees!” Barkod said.

“So we’ll need enough to cover at least thousand trees.” Sophia mused. “We’re going to need a still and some spraying tools. Not to mention the stuff needed to make grain alcohol, er, starshine. I’ve got someone who can make the still. And he can likely do it in record time. I can pull in a few favors from people in the grain and sugar businesses... I assume you’ve got plenty of water.”

“Yup, we’ve got a well right over there,” Barkod replied.

“Good, we can have you up and running in a few days and spraying trees within two weeks.”

“Thank you!” Barkod said, “And to think if you didn’t get here until tomorrow, this whole area would be burning! We were set to start burning trees in the morning.”

“Now then, I’ll need some firewood.”

“How much do you need?” Barkod asked.

“How long before daybreak?” Sophia asked. “I need enough to make ten bonfires that will burn until then.

“That’s a lot of wood, but we’ve got plenty to spare.” Barkod said.

“Great!” Sophia replied.

Just then, a Seraphim arrived in the camp. “My queen! Manda wants to know how long it will be. Her er... patients are very cold...” she said.

“Not long at all. In fact, go back and tell her to send a few more troops to help move the firewood through the portal.”

“Aye!” she said and turned on a dime back to the portal.

“In that case, let me show you the firewood.” Barkod said as he led Sophia to the storehouse. He pulled open a huge door. The torch light played on the stacks of lumber that was rendered useless by the holes bored into the wood by the beetle grubs as they chewed their way to the tenderest parts of the trees.

Moments later, a group of Seraphim arrived at the storehouse.

The leader of the band of Seraphim stepped forward and said, “Reporting for wood hauling duty!”

“Good. You’re name is?” Sophia asked.

“Surika, my Queen,” she replied.

“Surika, meet Barkod the lumberjack. You will be the liaison with him and his crew for the time being. Coordinate with him on moving the lumber we need. I need to go back to Seraphim Island and get our blacksmith working on a still,” Sophia said.

“Aye!” Surika said.

“Barkod, I’ll be back later with the still and ingredients we will need to eradicate this pestilence from your trees,” she finished.

“Great! Should we just sit back and wait, then?” Barkod asked.

“No. I need you and your crew to clear an area for the still and make room for the supplies. We don’t need to start any fires that we don’t want and don’t need to attract other vermin.”

“Good enough. We’ll be waiting your return!”

“On that note, I’ll see you all shortly.” Sophia said as she left and made her way to the portal.

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