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Shopper networks are a life-saver!

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There is only one scenario in one game that has ever made me want to pull hair out: losing a shopper in this game. Most of us are vets of the game, you know all the planning, charts, and calculations that go into shoppers, as well as the frustration of "Dude, I did everything correctly: I leveled correctly, I slotted correctly, I destroyed a lot of gear to make this shopper suit and still the items that were yellow last level are now blue and white this level. How?! How did I calculate wrong?" Also, the occasional boredom of not being able to "play" the regular game, having to stick to only mobbing. I've seen some (none on here that I'm aware of) claim to be able to play the game regularly with their shopper, but I'm slightly skeptical. You took your leveled shopper against the niob Mist and weren't too squishy? There are several bosses who I wouldn't pit my shoppers against. Anyway, last night, all my shoppers (as well as their backup files) were wiped off my computer, ALL of them, from level 15 all the way up to 160ish; my shoppers, my smiths, my barg-smiths, the whole chicken-pickin lot of 'em. Just as I was about to tear through my house hopping and swearing with such fervor that Q*bert would have been in shock and awe, I remembered that we have extensive shopper downloads on here. Thanks, gents, I've never really made a spectacle out of myself, and y'all saved me last night from discovering what that feels like :)

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That's horrible.

You can try rebuilding him by making an exact new copy and leveling him up through a character editor. Wont bring back the gear, but at least you will have your shopper back.

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Thank you for that :) I won't lie, though, getting lazy a little as I'm getting older. I could indeed fiddle with a character editor. Heck, I might be able to even make better shoppers through that than I had to begin with. I'll tell ya, though, boss, it's so much easier just to download the shopper network download we have on here :)

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OK, I understand the rational behind a "Shopper" but wasn't aware that there was a shopper network available nor character editors!


Do you have any links to either?

Edited by Spock
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Temple Guardian Shopper network was the one I was talking about, Spock

What about the character editor you mentioned. We had one available to us when we were Beta testing. I know because I created some amazing characters to help me test later parts of the game. I didn't realize there were some that would work with the retail game.

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