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The Journals Of Freya. Entry 1

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The Journals of Freya

Entry One

Dear Journal,

I have finished talking to my tutor who was sadly killed by two Inquisitor Guardsmen. I killed them before they could get a chance to kill me first. I then stopped off for much needed supplies and I got back to my journey, I am to find the High Elves, which I intend to do, but life is not all about killing enemies, be they are human, animal or not. I want to be able to enjoy my journey too and that I do intend to do so.

I walked by the way to the Quarry and discovered a mine that is blocked up, which is a pity, I want to know what sorts of treasure lay within it, the enemies will be either bat or rats, or both with humans to fight too. I know it is not much to look at, but I simply wanted to share this place with you


Edited by SheHawk
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