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How do you choose your planet names?


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I'm curious as to how you all choose and name your planets and colony names. Is there something that just feels right and so you choose that name? Do you often change the names of your planets?


My first ones in Uni9 were named after I was given the title Da Dark One on DaGirl World...so I have Da Dark, Da Dark Pad and Dark....woot highly unoriginal of me hey! hehehe but I enjoyed the Dark theme for my planets *g*


Then after talking with GoGo about turtling and moving into Gal 4 I chose Leatherback as my first there...it's so obvious I know but it's inspired by the lovely pic Clulthu posted of the turtle....now I have Tipsy (no real reson) Zdrouvka my lowest field count ever and I thought ahh cheers what a rubbish field count...and it means cheers roughly in Polish...then there's ChiChi...it's from a longtime ago...a few ppl used to call me ChiChi the cheeky monkey :blush: and now I have Tariq which is how my youngest pronounces a friends name...and it's so not that hehehe but it makes me giggle when he says it.


In Uni2 I just had the three and this was my first account. After much giggling with DaGirl on irc Madam Sin was decided upon as my main then Dingalings after a friend helped me with my first colony and Yogi was my last. My cousin is the only person to call me this and still does...Yogi Bear Claire...it rhymes see lol ( Oh I still haven't deleted that account :o)


Anyway thats mine and the reasons or lack of reasoning behind them. What are yours?

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my main planet is gabija - its my daughters name. also its name of one lithuanian goddes (goddes of fire and the household. She also appears as a spirit of fire). next is pikulas - lithuanian god of the underworld, all kinds of evil and death. perkunas - god of the atmosphere and the "waters" of the sky. he was most important god. laima - is the deity of fate, pilenai - it was castle in medieval lithuania. the story was, that defenders burn themselves instead of going to slavery. dundulis - another name for perkunas.(I dont know why I chose those names - probably it was right mood for it). if you want more info about those names you can googlre them. and last one is mobili - it just means mobile - when I build it, it supose to be temporary colony, but im still keeping it and probably will keep .

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Wow Gintukas...they are excellent names! I just did a quick google for the Lithuanian Gods and Godesses names...wow...next I'll google for something a bit more in depth this is fascinating! Thanks!..I have also found a name from there for my next colony.


I was looking at the names for the Sun Goddess and Moon God,Saule and Menulis, my youngest is called Saul but being a boy Saule isn't quite right so I thought Menulis would be a nice connection :)


Wow this is really inspiring Gintukas Thanks :D


BTW...If you don't mind me asking where does you name come from?

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my name is gintautas (translated to english it mean defender of nation) or gintas (short form from gintautas). and gintukas is diminutive from gintas. I have cousin, and his wife was calling me by this name, and also his daughter was calling me by same name ( it was funny, usualy we using those diminutives for kids, and she ( cousins daughter) was calling me by this name when she was like 4-5 years old and I was 20ish.

and im glad that its interesting for you :)

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Gintukas...I probably pronounce them completely wrongly but the way I hear them in my head is like those roman names, they are very powerful names so I think they have a strong inflection on the end of the word if I am making any sense at all! to try and explain that....I hear Gintukas...as Gin Tu Kas with the Kas being the stronger sound?


With the exception of your daughters name...gabija..I'm kind of hearing it in my head as GabiYa...thinking that the J is pronounced as another letter? Actually I think the way I hear your daughters name is a kind of spanish version?...ahh that can't be it can it?...haha you have got me veery curious now Gintukas!


hehe am I completely way off here? :wacko:


It's very hard to try and explain this....excellent question though Gintukas! and now ofc I hope you can come back and explain how they really sound :P

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I wil try to explain how to pronounce it sometime next time - need to get my dictionary and look in internet (im not good at explanations - will try to find some info about this) - its still too early for me - need few more coffies

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