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What do you hate and like the most?

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-most of my relatives, GF

-doing stuff with my friends


-eating and cooking up to a certain degree :) just don't do it that much

-shopping with my GF ^_^



-people who refuse to be polite to you/me

-cleaning :(


-going against the wind

-cycling in the rain

-cycling in the rain against the wind

-young idiots hanging around outside and being annoying at night when it's freezing just because they don't like it at home

-people who cannot raise their kids and create the idiots mentioned above.


That was pretty much what I could think of atm. :P

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People who stop for conversations in doorways

People who wander about in shops never walking in a straight line

People who use ATMs to make detailed account enquiries - just take the damm money!

Adverts in which the voice over is a whisper

People that think migraines are headaches

Doctors (Charlatans) - not surgeons or nurses

People who try to push their point of view down my throat without listening to my views

Idiots. By that I mean people who need help but wont ask or accept it.

The cult of the celebrity. I dont want to know about your transparant attempts to be in the public eye thanks.

Soap Opera's. My life is interesting enough thanks.

Adverts that "introduce" inanimate objects - like shampoo, or perfume, as if it were going to be your new best friend

Reality show TV. Send em to the jungle and leave em there I say.

Paparazzi. You don't know the difference between what's in the public interest and what the public are interested in. Parasites.

People who say "With the greatest respect"... because the next thing they say won't.

Apathy & Poverty: In our world, 15,000 children die from preventable causes every day.

Tom Hanks.

Bob Dillon.


So, basically, people.




Hargan Daaz Cookie Dough Dynamo ice cream


My Family (mostly)

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