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20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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Timotheus last won the day on July 4 2024

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  1. I just finished Shiki. To use an infamous quote: it was one of the animes in the world. Yes, any adjective is purposefully missing. The art: the scenery is done really well, but the character designs are WAAAYYY out there. Even for an anime. You know the meme? Well it's hard to spot the main character in Shiki because somehow the studio decided everybody needs crazy hair in this show. And the clothes, dear Lord the clothes. I would like to mention one character in particular: Tatsumi. The real crime is done by the person that gave that man his shopping privileges. The storytelling: Pretty interesting. I don't want to spoil anything, but the reason this turned up on my radar was because it seemed to fit my weak spot listed above. The story itself is not super special, but good enough. The characters lack depth. And it's quite difficult to find a really likeable character in this series. Did I like it: I guess...? Recommended? It seems to get hyped up more than it deserves, but a decent 7 (MyAnimeList) is not bad. And at least it's a story in full.
  2. My result is a little skewed the wrong way, I don't remember our upload being higher than our download we've been on fiber now for a while. We don't need higher speeds than this IMO.
  3. That's awesome! Love the green ever since I tried creating a noob Anbu "cosplay" when I was in college I have massive respect for people who lose themselves in this stuff. I really miss MSN a lot, it was such a convenient piece of software to keep in touch with friends. Whatsapp in a browser is what comes closest for me right now I guess, but it's just not the same. After MSN there was this brief void called skype which was utterly horrible to use compared to MSN, and then everybody in my circle moved on to social media. That never worked out for me. We had a local version of Facebook called Hyves, I "used" that for a bit - ie I had an account but never logged in. So I stopped using that, and a year or so later the company went belly-up. And I had a facebook account for a bit, but grew to hate all the giveaway and lottery spam from everyone, and all the ads, so deleted that as well. That marked the end to be able to get in touch with a lot of people, but I just couldn't be bothered at that point. And now I just have a twitter account which I so far have only really used to complain to an airline webcare team because our flight got delayed 7 hours without notice. I think I've had that account 7 years or so it's just something I occasionally use to be able to read certain posts I get sent...
  4. Hiya pevil welcome back! That age is nearing steadily for me too, I hit 37 this year. As to what happened in my life in a nutshell: finished college, got a job, still there lol, got married, and a proud father since last year. My gaming time tanked, but I try to find the time to play every now and then. I mainly play Project Zomboid when I can, occaisionally some Plate Up! with the wifey, and I will go back to D4 when the expansion releases. It’s weird to think back when I first touched Sacred, many many years ago, and this board surviving all this time. I randomly saw Llama in.. what was that game again, it ‘s still in beta I think.. Last Epoch. I have Rotluchs added on there but haven’t touched the game in ages. I wish I had kept in touch with the OG’s but with Skype/MSN dieing, and not having any accounts on other gaming platforms, this was the last place I would find them after the SIF closed up. And with the SIF closing, I lost contact with quite a few people too. What game is UO? Can’t wait to see the pictures
  5. No relatives, no nothing. We just really liked Canada the first time we went there (Vancouver & Rockies). It was a last minute decision to be honest, we've never booked a holiday this late. Lotta pre-travel stress, but everything went as smooth as we could hope for and Mick did great. We were unsure how the would do on a long flight but it went really well. It's been a few weeks now but time flies and I haven't really been in the mood for forums these past few weeks...
  6. Hi xeyp, welcome to the FDM I've been roaming this place since 2007, and played S1 religiously in my late teens, early 20s. It really is a shame you felt intimidated to play S1 online because that has been my most positive online experience - maybe because Sacred was a bit of an obscure game and the people you would find online time after time were as into the game as you (and I) were. The Sacred International Forum (SIF) was very active - I spent a lot of time there - and it was a really fun and welcoming community. Sadly, as with most things online, they dissapear. Thankfully these games can still be enjoyed offline. Maybe I should jot down my first experience with S1 as well somewhere. Your post was a very interesting read, and resembles mine quite a lot if I'm honest. Stick around, we're quite a nice bunch of people
  7. We will actually be doing something that has made me anxious so we'll see how things end up... We're heading to Toronto you know, all three of us... The first few days we'll spend in the city and then it's time to pick up an RV and head to Niagara Falls. I'm just a little bit nervous about only the ENTIRE trip We've thought about heading over to Montreal as well, but decided against it to drastically limit our travel times after arrival. It's weird, Tam and I have traveled to the States, Canada, Australia, and quite a few places in Asia, no problem. But with the kiddo around, I'm suddenly feeling... Like a dad I guess.
  8. The summer break is coming up. I will be off for 4 weeks, crazy stuff. Can't wait. Also, haven't had that many weeks off in a row since high school. Don't think I will remember my passwords by the time I have to return to work
  9. Did someone lock the doors? Whyzzit so quiet here? Barkeep, hit me up with a little nightcap, our little one is going through sleep regression - again - and I can use all the help I can get!
  10. Time zone differences are brutal. I really can't game like I did 20 years ago, you know, having a job and a family now and the 6-7 hour time difference I have to you gogo means that we mostly just managed to catch one another as I was right about to log off for the evening. By the way, haven't touched D4 in months. Will probably end up playing the expansion though. (Sidenote: Jeez 20 years since Sacred came out, what a crazy realization...)
  11. Our little guy could not wait to get out, Tam's leave was about to start when her water broke. He was born 3 days later, almost 5 weeks early. They spent 2 weeks in the hospital, there was some medical stuff after, but all well and good now. Just getting used to a constant lack of time and sleep I prefer not to throw pics of the kiddo online hope you don't mind it's his choice in my opinion, not mine. And since he can't choose yet, I prefer to keep him offline. @Delta! Your place looks amazing you should be proud! The painters are here to do our window sills and stuff, some much needed maintenance!
  12. Currently I'm not really playing D4 anymore. I did however install Diablo Immortal on my phone, played through it. Meh game at best. I think I'm headed back into SP games for a bit, enjoying Project Zomboid again. I do think I'll get back to D4 just not sure when. Or on what system, I picked up D4 on XBOX since it's crossplay, so I can play with my PC character there as well. My PC is showing it's age and I'm on the verge of retiring it. Might continue playing on my Lenovo gaming laptop, might switch to console all together. All in all, with our little guy my gaming time got sparse
  13. Hi @Rotluchs I think this time I succeeded (I tried Rotluchs a bit ago but I never got confirmation it worked) because I got a system message saying Bobcat has been added to my friends list.
  14. Probably not powered @gogoblender because I don't think it will be beefy enough to run an external monitor like that. But yeah, it will connect to a regular monitor via HDMI and apparently they are working on Freesync support. Although the deck is too underpowered for that to really matter, I think.
  15. There's an official dock but plenty of people buy one off amazon and then have the ability to use it as a pc: charging, wired networking, keyboard and mouse, and an external display. I would not game on a high resolution though!

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