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Mostly to the Mods : sacredwiki.org question

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Well, didn't remember I had an account here, but happy it's here.

I was just checking on whois about sacredwiki.org, and I'm crossing fingers the owner is still around.

The domain is set to expire next year in August. I don't have much money, but I want to see it live, or save it whole before it goes down.

Anyone knows who to contact about it? and y'all willing to keep it alive?

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Wouldn't someone be able to mirror it all by themselves? Thanks for the heads up, I guess I'll save the site.

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Probably @gogoblender or @Schot would be the ones to ask about the current state of the wiki domain.

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9 hours ago, Spesiel said:

Well, didn't remember I had an account here, but happy it's here.

I was just checking on whois about sacredwiki.org, and I'm crossing fingers the owner is still around.

The domain is set to expire next year in August. I don't have much money, but I want to see it live, or save it whole before it goes down.

Anyone knows who to contact about it? and y'all willing to keep it alive?

Hi Speciel, and welcome to DarkMatters!

We renew all the domains for the sites every year I think since back in 2005 and were hoping to update the forums software to the latest in coming spring :bounce: 

Are you trying to make an edit to the Wiki, is this why you're asking?

I can add you as a registered member, and you can become a Wiki Editor if you'd like to add or edit content

if its for this reason please just pm me and I can do it for you

SacredWiki forever!




Haha! Thanks, I was not trying to make any edits yet. That might happen someday though ;)


Just a concern long time player of Sacred 2, and didn't want this treasure trove to be lost 

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