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Kiss me you big beautiful Dryad Trader!

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She's here, she's beautiful, she can buy, and now I'm broke but happier than a pig in mud. Just about three days ago something strange happened to my build. It broke. :P I was wondering when something like this was going to happen, and happen it did. Zinsho spent a lot of time and set me up well with some ubershopping at level eight down in Silver, and had given me the most beautiful set pieces with gorgeous rings all socketed. We're talking uber rings here that could make anyone at Christmas drool. Rings with evasion, leech +23, and deathblow galore. The sets the rings were looking all shiny in were actually getting to be old by level 70 and so, I changed the pices but lost a few of the rings. Calamity. All of a sudden the ease of the build disapeared and things were not getting killed fast enough and in fact... *gasp* I was taking damage :)


Of course, Schot's mantra during all this time was... build a trader, build a trader for weeks now. And the lightbulb lit just a few days ago. I'd have a messed up build parked at level 63. It had a whole range of really wacky skill choices on it like damage lore, EP and NO armor lore. After a while of that build being too hard to level up I'd kept it parked up there and was slowly scavenging her poor equipment to lower level dryads that were coming up the ranks.


Good thing was?


She still had one skill choice left.







I leveled up the parked dryad from 63 to 65 and clicked on Bargaining after I had chosen not to spend any of the skill points from those two levels.


Sacred 2 at that point REALLY started.


I quickly put together a Bargaining suit using all items from General Skills and Bargaining and All Skill...and the really wonderful thing is how after you put just a few points of of those skills into your equipment within a matter of hours you can buy MORE equipment with those stats and keep upgrading to better equipment. It's like a friendly virus that just keeps growing while your ability to get better equipment gains so fast in a matter of a few hours!


My beautiful girl has now, in the course of one day spent 30 million gold on her trading suit, and of course...buying for friends is probably the most fun part of a trader.


Within a few hours of Trading and putting on a few levels to get her to level 69 The trader now has Bargaining at about 174 and you guys should see the stuff I'm able to buy.


- Plus all skills +4 ring

- Plus all skills +8 ammy

- Deathblow PLUS crit, evasion, Attack, you name it...any combo of two or three of those mods all on one ring.


In just a few hours I was able to now get stuff like this :














My concept of Deathblow has changed ever since Zinsho first got me those rings. As it turns out, we don't really have to trade out base damage to get deathblow or any other mod... with trading...all you're really doing is ADDING Deathblow to all the mods you already have socketed in your rings... even with damage.


Llama helped me stick Ammies onto an Ancrid's blade. He's got Smith skill and so was able to override the game's limitation on only rings into silver sockets.


Yee Haw! I now switch to that weapon slot and stick on my trading suit everytime I need to buy stuff for friends.


My lovely is a friendly girl and she's picked up tons of + all skills rings so that we can all here and anyone I see online, can add them to our builds.


Cool thing is my main toon is at level 75 and so my trader is buying all her rings for her and (lol, If I can keep up the discipline) I'll keep leveling her as well so she can keep supplying me with rings.





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Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!


did I mention it...?


AWESOME! :lol:



4x +all skills amulets


2x Deathblow rings


4-5 Damage Rings


A few good blowpipes (prefered with high damage and sockets)


(/questlog: "gogoblender has recieved a new quest") ^^,

Edited by Putrescine
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It is fun!

And the ring to rule them all?

Plus five to all skill PLUS DeathBlow ....


Socket a couple of these babies on and things go down like hot butter.





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Wow! There's so much in this game to discover! I'm soo looking forward to getting out of HighElf's-ville. And... maybe getting higher than level 12... :)


Thanks for leading the way gogo!

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I think the next trader I'm going to make is going to be a duel wielder. I'm with a shield and wep only on her trading slot...and I love using officer's saber...hello three gold slots ^^ and...because they're all gold slots, I get a bonus to all skills rings!





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