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Sacred Guide: Beware the Hooly's The Grotesque Choir Girl Guide

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The Grotesque Choir Girl Guide

Having experimented with the Daemon for a few months now, I've decided to go against the norm and build an "Abysmal Choir Daemon". This is by far the most enjoyable magic daemon I've made since it requires more strategy and input and it is a refreshing change from the more passive Blazing disk and Hell sphere builds.
I play single player and all my characters begin in silver.
This guide assumes you are fairly familiar with the game.


Put all your attribute points in to mental regeneration. No more needs to be said.

Abysmal Choir

The main offensive skill you will be developing would be Abysmal Choir. The skill operates by affecting every one in melee range (or at very close proximity) with a lingering "curse" which will slow them down by 50% and does constant damage up to the spell's duration (I think level 1 Abysmal Choir lasts around 20 sec). While the damage may be low compared to other daemon spells, the net damage is actually much greater since it affects every thing in melee range and lingers until the enemy is dead. Thus it is possible to instantly curse ten enemies at once as opposed to killing them one by one.
In my opinion, it is not advisable to make a huge rune investment in to this skill. While you may get a higher damage, you will have to deal with longer regeneration times, which will leave you vulnerable while you wait. Instead, have a lower level Abysmal Choir with a lower regeneration time allowing you to curse more enemies faster and just let the Choir slowly do its work. I developed Abysmal Choir while pegging my regeneration time at 5 seconds.

Battle Daemon

By keeping Abysmal Choir at a low regeneration time, you will most likely have a lot of extra runes. Don't let it all just sit in your stash, exchange them and develop the Battle Daemon form. Battle Daemon is probably the only other skill you will want to use. It compliments Abysmal Choir in two ways.

A. The more enemies you have around you, the more effective Abysmal Choir will be. The Battle Daemon form comes handy by offering physical resistance, which will be a lifesaver in both early and later stages of the game.

B. The Battle Daemon form also offers boosts in physical damage will increase the damage of Abysmal Choir since its half physical and half magical. While it may not be a lot, it will help to offset your Abysmal Choir damage/regeneration trade-off

This skill is used purely for defensive and complimentary purposes so regeneration time isn't an issue if you don't use the "Attack" move (you shouldn't need to any way). If you are not developing Abysmal Choir, consume Battle Daemon runes till your hearts content.

Optional CAs:
Soaring Daemon

Useful mainly due to mobility. It offers some defense boosts but I prefer Battle Daemon since it reduces damage as oppose to avoid it and also increases the damage of my Abysmal Choir.


I think this spell is very interesting. It creates an aura allowing you to raise damaging tentacles over the bodies of your enemies. I am yet to experiment with Tentacles but it may act well as a supporting spell… did I mention it adds a lot of gore?

The three most important skills are Magic Lore, Meditation and Hell power. The first increases abysmal choir damage and while the latter reduces regeneration time. Consistently put skill points in these skills until you experience diminishing returns. It is then better to develop other skills such as parry, armor, constitution etc since they'll offer higher benefits per point. I'm sure I don't need to go in detail as to what skills to choose since they are all self-explanatory.


Since I play single player, I don't have the luxury of trading and getting good items early on. I just take what I can find but with an emphasis on mental regeneration, life leech and magic find.
The most important thing to look for early on will be socketed items in which you can socket vampire runes. Aim to get around 9% life leech and you'll be reasonable safe.
After my life leech issue was dealt with, I place priority in magic regeneration beyond any thing else. I always went for items with the highest regeneration bonuses regardless of defense/resistant since you'll have the Battle Daemon form and life leech to reduce damage.

Socketing abysmal choir instead of consuming them will allow you to raise its level while only rising half of its regeneration time. I'm sure most people know that already.
I also found the Blacksmith socket attributes to helpful since one of the option is X% increase in spell damage and X increase in mental regeneration.
Enlighten Iron is a good item to be carrying since it gives you two sockets, regeneration bonuses and magic find.
My socketing policy is to socket the first slot with either a rune or jewelry and the rest with Blacksmith socket attributes.


Using Abysmal Choir:
What makes Abysmal Choir so useful is that it affects every one around you so it's a good spell for crowd control.
Run to a place where there are enemies and wait until they react and charges towards you. Run to a new place and repeat. After you've rounded up a mob, take a leap of faith and run in to the center of the crowd. With Battle Daemon form always active, you shouldn't take too much damage. Wait until most of the enemies are in melee range and then cast Abysmal Choir and then run out of the mob so you'll stop taking hits. Once abysmal choir has done its work, your life should be back to full if you have invested in life leech.
Make sure you are always in Battle Daemon form. In the event that you turn back to a normal form, you can instantly recast Battle Daemon if you didn't use the "Attack" move.

Dealing with range attacks:

The major weakness of this build will be its inability to deal with range attacks. To make abysmal choir work, you'll need to get in to melee range but with most range enemies, they run away as soon as you go in to range. One way to deal with them would be to left click on an enemy so you have a lock on. You daemon should approach and engage in melee attack. Initially, the enemy will try to run but keep attacking it and it will switch to melee. You can then cast abysmal choir and move on to the next range attacker.
I usually incorporate this while I farm mobs but I focus in getting rid of the range attackers. By time the range attackers are gone, my abysmal choir would've affected and killed all my melee attackers.

Final words

Out of all that has been mentioned here, I think the most important thing that will make this character work would be patience. The Abysmal Choir Daemon takes a bit more time to fully develop and will be weaker in the early stages but that's what made it so fun compared to the other more…"effective" builds. So if you are bored with Blazing disk and Hell Sphere, give the Choir Girl a try and watch your enemies die before the screams of the abyss.

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  • 4 years later...

How do u make it work on boss monsters? Since from what I remember abysmal choir wont work on boss monsters(like the black bear in bellevue graveyard). Otherwise sounds interesting:)


I always liked that CA, and I think the title of this build is AWESOME.


Bumping for any Sacred original fans that may have an answer





  • 3 years later...

Giving this build a run and yes choir DOES NOT work on the war bear quest (am playing 2.28 or lower, maybe 2.29 fixes this?). Also shining lights quest and the 2nd merchant quest at porto vallum - choir does not affect the bears or minotaur, it just fizzles. It will work on wolves.

Gonna add my thoughts to the build info. LL% needs to be high, 9% or higher. Daemon doesn't get armour lore till level 20 IIRC and its hard to get spell damage and regen without neglecting armour and constitution. Try and get combos going early and stock up on yellow potions. For runes, I'd recommend getting as many battle daemon ones as possible even prioritise them over choir, discs and call of death. I'd find myself using normal attacks with choir or discs and the extra damage in battle daemon form helps alot.
Currently at level 28 in silver, died 3 times and gotta say it's a test. I can see how it would play well on high levels with pumped up call of death and battle daemon form but it seems a long way away.
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  • 1 year later...

Think I might give this build a go again, maybe make it a hybrid of sorts (flame form & wall of flames?). I wonder how well choir + Call of death and split would work together. Dread sounds useful too if you are rounding up mobs, good reduction of their attack values.

No trading means this may be useful


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augmint, any chance of a video upload of your build to youtube etc? It's such a distinctive CA ( I liked most of the Daemon's...they had a little more graphic splash than the earlier ones in game).






You mean a wall of flames build? .... not in the foreseeable future sorry.

Gonna add another thing choir doesn't affect .... the riddle in the desert quest with the vases. There's a humanoid demon that it won't damage.
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