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Everything posted by dimitrius154

  1. That's correct. The procedure is: upon the "SHOUT_ATTACK" trigger, 65% chance to deliver "SHOUT_ATTACK"("TAUNT" changed to "SHOUT_ATTACK") voicelines, 35% to deliver "TAUNT..."(alignment/race - 50/50 chance) voicelines.
  2. Good night! That's kind of surprising, the damage to NPC's from NPC's is drastically reduced. You might have to heal escort targets, from time to time.
  3. What is the specific CA in question?
  4. @Flix On that note, using function 42 with et_debuff_EAW instead of 133 is probably not a good idea.
  5. Well, I've found so many new things, I'm starting to forget the old ones. I've been keeping some mad scribbles for the last 3 years at least)
  6. @Flix Wonder as to why the bb_armorrip_phy bonus type was changed from BONUS_DEBUFF_ARMOR_POTENTIAL to BONUS_DEBUFF_ARMOR. weaponpool.txt error: mgr.addWeaponPool { -- NPC_stonearmy_leader dbid = 792, prefDmg = 1, prefDmgProb = 0, content = {1567,1569,}, contentProb = {1,1,1,}, } creatures.txt error: "boss_fog_hit" entry is present.
  7. @FlixTake a look at the following part: " playQuestSpeech{ tcid=3290, lokaid="QUEST_1180_KING", questid=3433 } setTimer{ id=3433, interval=3, count=1 } end) quest.setScript(3433,"OnTimer",function(args) setFixedListener{ position=nil, } solveQuest (args.id) end) " There's no timed condition, the sound source is getting sent away immediately upon the OnTimer event's execution. The example of the properly working code part: " setTimer{ id=1663, count=4, interval=1, } end) quest.setScript(1663,"OnTimer",function(args) local seraphim=8433 local Inquisitor=4410 If args.count==4 then changeCreature{ tcid=seraphim, effect="FXTYPE_INVALID", } "
  8. I wonder if the quest 3433 does not get activated due to the following part: questReach = { stations0 = { taskcreature = 8485, needsActivation = 0, }, }, })
  9. That's not quite correct for any of the lines given by playable characters. It's quest_xxx_voice_{condition}_{character_id}, where {character_id} is SE, DR, SW, IN, HE, TG, DM.
  10. Have you tried the "TAUNT" with the latest Addendum s2logic.dll? I think, I've fixed them sometime at 2019...
  11. @Flix A few questions about soundprofile.txt: 1. Why did you decide to replace "TAUNT" entries with "SHOUT_ATTACK"? Was it in order to increase the frequency of use? 2. The "SHOUT_ATTACK_THIEF" have been replaced by "SHOUT_ATTACK_HUMAN". Were the original ones not getting triggered? 2. It puzzles me to see quite a few "TALK" entries having their sound resource ID changed. 3. The DM's event534 = { event = "APPROACH_BOSS", id = "10", resource = 228726 }; was replaced by event534 = { event = "TALK", id = "285870252", resource = 228726 };. Hmm, wonder as to why.
  12. There was no such original procedure, I had to invent it myself(works for spell-based attacks). The correct type is determined by checking for spellcontroltype ID's and checking for active area-related spell token entries, if the ID I question is ambiguous. The Invsibility detection function had been modified to accomodate an equation juxtaposing stealth value, enhanced perception value and a random(0,1000) value at each tick.
  13. getPosition@cEntity@@QBEABVcWorldPosition@@> 56. Something cannot be placed at the location, the address pointer, ahem, points to a rather small value(the cause for all of those access violation errors, whatever the application is), reserved by the OS. Might be anything, ranging from a drop with a non-existant model to a dll editing fault.
  14. @Flix All shapeshifting skill invokers inherit the original stats, skills and boni. It was the most consistent thing to do, IMHO. However, extra CA derived boni might work, I've never tested that avenue.
  15. It was a spontaneous decision, borne of the "problem->solution" logic, where the problem was, that choosing the original "Alchemy" was contrary to common sense.
  16. Done specifically as a gold sink + "don't feel too comfortable" solution. The old rate was truly obscene, like the whole land was full of healers and such, even at the Desert. Sacred Pharmacy 2)
  17. @FlixJudging by the "spez" retrieval code, the ones supposed to work are "DRPC_RUNES" and "DRPC_POTION". I have found no obvious references to the bonus itself in any of the loot related functions, or any other, for that matter. I've never tested it, but it might be inactive.
  18. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tYbUbZ1TU35FXHKmutrOIomw30Kl2New/view?usp=sharing The previous one was deleted along a bunch of obsolete stuff. "The forest is is cut - the chips fly."
  19. @FlixI find the mounting feedback about receiving the same set items at an abnormally high rate unexpected, since I see no obvious flaw with the drop.txt normal distribution. Have you received any such reports for EE 3.2?
  20. @FlixThere're multiple extra "KE" animation entries for models/npc/monsters/skelett-krieger/v_skelettkrieger-v1 but no extra corresponting animation files. The models/npc/highelves/highpriest-inquisitor/v_highpriest-inquisitor has an "SM09" entry instead of "SM11". models/npc/monsters/goblin-rider/v_goblin-wildschweinreiter and models/npc/monsters/kobold-rider/v_kobold-wolfsreiter "HORSE" entries have been replaced by "SPECIAL" but no corresponding files are present. I see that you try to set enemy mounts as special. As far as I know, that would not alter enemy rider ability to cast CA's.
  21. Many issues can be traced to the recently discovered faulty appelations within a primary game library: Addendum s2logic.dll fix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UIamGhQ0VKQSWZccsbd5WEZ4Lla17JmA/view?usp=sharing Addendum Extra s2logic.dll fix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/106uNXTh2iUqs7qUsNULmFR96l3tX1LhP/view?usp=sharing
  22. Hmm, they now use "Hireling_mage_no_defense". Another 2018 modification mechanically added to the D2F without extra notification. They have at least one CA. The A.I. issue is resolved by adding the "melee_attack_ca" to the problematic melee summons.
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