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Everything posted by wolfie2kX

  1. Works for me... Btw.. How DO you insert a YouTube video into a Wiki page? Images aren't a problem, Ogg files don't seem to be an issue - but there doesn't seem to be a means to easily embed a video into a wiki page...
  2. At this point... I'd have to say - it's somewhere between "slim" and "none" and Slim left town. First off, the current fully patched version of Sacred 2 Fallen Angel is 2.43. The 2.40 version, while it's a major milestone, has issues and it's unlikely that anyone would give it the effort. If someone were to do a mod for Falen Angel, they'd do it for 2.43. If you're really, really in the mood to play that particular quest, your options are fairly straightforward. 1.) You can uninstall Sacred 2 entirely, and then reinstall the original game - and then carefully, manually patch your way up to 2.34 and stop there. You may have to disable the Sacred 2 auto updater for the duration. Bear in mind that there are a number of issues that later patches fix. You can get the individual patches from here 2.) Pony up and buy the Deepsilver Sacred 2 Gold (The EU edition) from the link at the top of this page or by visiting www.sacred3.org and clicking on the link there. After patching to 2.65.2, you can download the CM-Patch which can be found here There are benefits, of course, of going the route of buying the Gold edition. You get the latest, stable version of the game, compatibility with Windows 7, and the two new areas to play in, and of course, the new Dragon Mage character.
  3. Which is why I asked... We'll have to see what Gogo has to say about it.
  4. Hmm.. Ya think? We've got other pages that are just as weak. The Britney the Bard statue is just as tenuous... I've even got pics for it.. And video even:
  5. Geeze.. Looks like we're gonna need an Axe Detailer for all them balls... For those who haven't seen it yet... Note the large bag of soccer balls at about 1:38... But on another note... I think I may have found another egg... A very subtle and not so obvious egg... I do believe I found Spartacus..! Ok.. So there you are, taking the path of the dark side, and you make it to the Broken Lance Tavern - where you pick up the initial Undead Legion quest. In the back, there's a guy who has some escaped slaves and he needs you to round up 10 of the shackles - to teach the buggers a lesson. If you play on the light side, you go out and find the 10 guys standing around and they will offer the 10 shackles for their freedom. You go back, and the guards attack you because one of them saw you let the humans go - and there's no blood on any of the shackles. BUT... If you play the dark side... You go out, you hunt 'em down, and bring them back to Brutus Plutocratio, the slave owner/trader. After you've brought them back and he gives you your payment, the guards go on the offensive. After you've wiped them out, Brutus will tell you: "That was Spartus Spartacio. What an ungrateful Human! I had him trained as a bodyguard, but what does he do?...." Anybody got any thoughts on this? Should it get a page of it's own? Or get stuffed onto the Misc page?
  6. Just don't go truffle hunting with that oversized porker. The dog will find the truffle, but he won't eat it. The pig, OTOH, won't stop until it's gone. Come think of it, he'll probably eat you just as quick..
  7. Griffon? The mini-boss in the desert? No.. I believe he's talking about the white griffin - who's near the resurrection monolith north of the West Tyr-Lysia portal on the way to the Noriath Temple area. It's the north/west corner of the Elf region. It's one of the early mini-bosses you come across in the game. As you're walking up the road from the portal, you'll come across a guy near the northern monolith. His quest is for you to slay the white griffin. If you do, you're name will become legend... Or so he says. He's long gone by the time you've finished knocking the monster off. He's unique as opposed to the other more traditional griffins in the southern desert area.
  8. It's gotta be in the Human territory somewhere just from looking at the grass and background. I will have to go through area by area Try the Valeview area, I seem to recall tables like that there... I am not familiar with that name, where is that in relation to Warfgels or Griffenburough? East of Griffinborough - and kinda north. Just south of the Royal Honky-Tonk bar and grill but west of the Three Winds Winery... Oh. and btw guys.. The Teardrop Hamlet island one has a name. It's Villa Boerdijk - named for the employee doin' the BBQ thang at the top. Not to split hairs, but that's the name of the island.
  9. It's gotta be in the Human territory somewhere just from looking at the grass and background. I will have to go through area by area Try the Valeview area, I seem to recall tables like that there...
  10. FWIW... I've come to find that the Gold (not brown) Life Leech, while it may be great going up against bosses, it positively bites up against regular mobs. When you've got a boss worth 10,000 hit points, 1.2% LL is a good thing. But if you're up against a level 20 Kobold with 400 hit points, not so much. In early going, the fixed values give you more additional damage/healing. It should be pointed out that % LL also is a factor of the boss monster's FULL hitpoints. If he starts out with 10,000 hit points, you take whatever percentage of that 10,000 hitpoints EACH and every time. If you've got a weapon with a 1.2% LL built in, that will rip an additional 120 hit points from the boss's hide every time you hit him. Bargaining is generally a good thing - provided you keep pumping points into it. You'll find better gear and you may even see an increase in better drops for both mob farming and completing quests. I've seen more higher end stuff drop with bargaining kept as high as humanly possible than without it.
  11. BTW.. there's another trek egg of sorts in Orcish Byway.... The gravestone that reads "Viking Rule of Acquisition number 1: Remember where you beached your long boat." I've copied it to the Star Trek page... It's a reference the the Ferengi from the Next Gen. Come think of it... It's a double whammy... Remember Kirk had a line in The Voyage Home - something about remembering where they parked the Klingon ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate park.. Updated the page.. Edit 2: Am dying to finally hear the tale Knuckes has to spin with regards to his grave marker in Twainbrook... The one about the pink spandex and the bunny jumpers...
  12. @ Chattius - Looks like it might be a variant of the Serrano chilis.. Probably some local variety as it doesn't seem to be broadly cultivated. I didn't find any mention of it except on that site you linked to. Serranos look like those - except the serrano tends to be fairly straight. I gotta wonder about that site. Most people refer to a chili pepper's heat in Scoville Units. Bell peppers are at 0 SU while jalapenos are rated at about 2500 SU. Serranos can get to about 10,000 while the scotch bonnet and it's cousin, the habanero can top 350,000 SU. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoville_scale At any rate... That does sound intriguing. At most here, in L.A., about all you'll ever see is Jalapeno jelly - which is pretty darn good actually. I may have to play with the concept a bit when I have the time to do it.
  13. Exactly what sort of chilli do you mean? Jalapeno? Serrano? Scotch Bonnet? There are bazillions of varieties of chili peppers out there - all with a varying degree of heat.
  14. not to mention map revealed and survival bonus mucking up the chance to find valuables And that too, along with any mf on gear changing over time too. And that's where I've actually got a bit of control over the whole thing - I'm using a fixed set - Deylen's Power. I'm also going out of my way NOT to include any Chance to find Valuables modded weapons, rings or amulet. The Sigma says my "chance to find valuables" is like 1.9% - and it's in white - at the very bottom of the list. Doubting it's got that much of an effect on how things are going. The only changes that will happen are if I happen across any jewelry that has Bargaining +x on it or weapons that bear maybe some life leech or All Skills +x or something else that's useful. Edit: Raving Thrust = very good call - especially useful if a mob didn't quite get wiped out by the Levin Array.. Gives you a bit of breathing room, if nothing else. Thanx!
  15. Yah.. I got a hankering for some stuffed cabbage after reading this thread.. So.. Tonight, I made a batch. Kinda sorta followed Chattius' game plan, if not the exact recipie. Didn't have any venison - so I substituted ground beef. Also upped the ratio to 1 part ground beef to 1 part ground pork. Forgot the eggs and garlic. D'OH! I also threw in 1/2 a cup of cooked rice. They actually held together pretty well regardless. I baked the stuffed cabbage in the oven for about an hour @ 350 F. Instead of mushroom sauce, I made it with a tomato sauce. I also finely shredded the cabbage left over from the middle of the cabbage I got the leaves from after remvoing that tough darn near inedible core. I sauted the cabbage shreds and then threw in a can of sauerkraut that I lightly rinsed to get rid of the excess salt. I topped this concoction with a jar of Kroger brand spagetti sauce. I served it with cooked potatoes boiled in salted water. Overall, it came out pretty darn good, if I say so myself.
  16. @ Furian - No worries. I'm sure someone can fix it... It's not that hard - just look at the examples given and go from there. But if you don't feel confident - it's not a problem. @ everybody... I found another egg from Chattius' list from the German forums.. It's the wooden bike in the jungle. What do we wanna do with it? I'm thinking put it on the Misc egg page. Not that much of a story behind it - at least none I'm aware of...
  17. Ack. I just use the standard Sacred 2 screen shot method - hit the printscreen key... But I'm guessing that's what Xfire is remapping. I should wind up there tonight. X'ing fingers. Khorum might be a bit more difficult to get to - but not impossible.
  18. Hmm. I'll have to check into that next time I've got the game up and running.
  19. Update time... I've made it to level 51 - almost at 52. I've arrived in Thylysium and have over 80 quests done. I've been playing with combos found in this post I've found the combo he listed with Clustering Maelstrom and Levin Array to be quite amusing - line 'em up and the Levin Array is like shooting fish in a barrel. The exploding corpse thing - Eh.. Not always quite as useful as you might think. Got Combat Discipline for the 9th skill to give me the triple combo thing. Putting most of my points into Bargaining, the three focus skills and Concentration to keep the regen times in check. I'm finding dual wield a bit of a waste. It really bites big wind when you're trying to hack and slash some thug and he gets scared, wets his pants and runs away so you gotta then go chasing after him. Better to just shoot the bugger from a distance and put him down like the mad dog he is. Onto the goodies! Thus far the set drops do seem to be more frequent. In the span of a few hours, I've gotten no less than 5 set pieces - a Saraki's helm, 2 Saraki's chest armors and a Saraki's belt. In addition, I've also gotten a set item I've never seen before - the chest plate from Dreadbringers and another Deylen's belt. Speaking of Deylen's Power.. Finding there's a rather massive nerf (25%) on movement starting with the level 60 set. Avoiding that, for now, like the plague. I'd like to get done with this exercise before I grow a ZZ Top style beard. Bargaining is at level 51 (hard) with +4 bargaining relics installed all the way around. Currently Bargaining is sitting around level 68 with a few all skills +x trinkets and weapons. Sadly, no lightsabers nor special offers from the merchants. Ah well. But I have found one sword with All Skills +7 which I snapped up - even tho it was rather expensive at about 350K Gold. Eh. It's worth it. The tough part - remembering to make it the current weapon before I visit a merchant. Currently using a nice little throwing star that has some nice mods. Thus far, no futher unique or even legendary items have thus far dropped my way. I am seeing a LOT fewer gray items. I'm finding more white, blue and yellow goodies being dropped.
  20. Sauerbraten - sounds doable.. Tho I have had buffalo burgers before. The flavor is not that far off from regular ground beef - tho it's supposed to be healthier (leaner meat). Premarinated meats - Yup. We've got that sort of thing here as well. Not quite sure how long they've got the stuff sitting there, but I would hope it's not been sitting there for days. For what it's worth - I'm with you. If I'm gonna do something that requires a marinade - then I'm going to do it myself. Most of the seasonings they use, I find to be somewhat off - not quite the way I like it. It's like the old saying - if you want something done right, do it yourself. Processed isn't an evil word when it comes to meat. You like pepperoni on your pizza - no? That would be classified as "processed" meat. Same with most lunch meats (bologna, salami, hot dogs, and any other kind of sausage.) Processed meat can simply be defined as any plain meat that's had anything added to it - even salt and pepper.
  21. Well... Venison chili does seem to be a natural idea for what you've got. Of course, you could get seriously perverse with the stuff and mix in some ground beef (the fatty stuff) and make a holos burger walk on the wild side... Since you're going solo - you don't have to go full bore with it - maybe instead of the standard sized pizza - make it with the smaller, personal pizzas instead.. Call it the Mini-Me of Holos Burgers...
  22. Sounds pretty good. It's been a long while since I've had any sort of stuffed cabbage. I might have to give it a shot - I saw some buffalo (Americn Bison) steaks at this shop earlier tonight. The sign said they'd be happy to grind anything in the case for you. Buffalo, like venison, is rather on the lean side. Let me see if I can help you with some of those terms... Ground Cattle = Ground Beef Ground Cattle sounds like a cow, ox or bull that's had it's legs amputated prematurely or something and is permanently on the ground. (gotta LOVE/HATE English for all those multipurpose words). 750g = about 1.65 US pounds 250g = .55 US pounds 200 C = 392 F (call it 400 F for ease of dialing in that oven) toes of garlic = cloves of garlic Remove the leaves of cabbage with TONGS... No matter how you slice it, removing it with your tongue > < would be rather painful - especially if you've just pulled it out of boiling hot water! The pot in the middle picture would appear to be a 9 x 13" baking dish, aka a casserole also aka as a lasagna dish... 140 C = 284 F (call it 275 F for easy dialing in on the oven) 85 C = 185 F For what it's worth - 85 C sounds awful high for an internal temp. Sounds overly well done - but then again, we are talking about wild game here. Best cook it a bit more and be sure you killed off anything nasty than to get sick... Better safe than sorry..!
  23. As a matter of fact, there is.. It's on the Sacred Wiki here. Very cool! 4 down, and 3 more to go... Can you get a screenshot of the location without all the controls and make it full size? If not, I'll be likely passing through the area in the next day or so.
  24. Yup.. That be the place.. I used to live about 2 miles from the original stand in Glendale. It's sadly long gone... The old corporate office's were right across the street and are now home to a gym.. As it is now, I gotta drive about 11 miles to get to the Burbank location shown in the video. Damn.. Starting to get hungry... Yeah.. About 20 years ago, I took a cross country trip helping a friend move and we found a few restaurants under different names, but all sporting the Big Boy character. One somewhere in the midwest was called "Elmo's" That was, I think their biggest mistake - not having a homogenous brand identity across the country and around the world. Everybody knows the big chains by one name, but if you've got Bobs Big Boy in the west coast, Elias Brothers in Michigan, Elmo's in Ohio or Iowa, and who knows what anywhere else, something is likely to get lost in the translation. Speaking of the Big Boy character... I went to an asian restaurant called Noodle World in Alhambra, CA a while back I looked around the place and lo and behold, there was a Big Boy standing on a platform inside the restaurant about 15 feet off the floor. Thought it was quite out of place, left over from when the place was actually a Bobs way back in the 80's.
  25. Sounds somewhat like Ullie's Potato Fields... It's a spud farm, and there's hills in the area. Wonder if they have Kartoffelfeuer in that part of Artamark come harvest time... Wouldn't be too surprised if there were such a thing given the guys who wrote the game are German... They might be quite familiar with subject. Myself... Comfort food = a Bob's Big Boy cheeseburger combo. That's the Big Boy burger with fries and a salad. When I was sick as a kid and my stomach was a bit wonky, I'd get one of those instead of the usual fare. For those who aren't familiar (and that would probably be most people outside of the US), the Bob's Big Boy cheeseburger was the great uncle of the Big Mac from Mc . It's pretty much the same arrangement - 2 all beef patties, onions, lettuce, cheese, in a double decker configuration. The exception was the sauce. They didn't use Thousand Island dressing - they used a combination of Heinz Chili sauce and sweet pickle relish (otherwise known as Hamburger Relish). Sadly, Bob's hasn't had the same sort of fortune as Mc .. Theyve darn near gone out of business several times and are in the process of rebuilding the franchise... You can read more on 'em and look at the pictures here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Boy_(restaurant)
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