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Sacred 2 CM Patch Team
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Everything posted by marcuswob

  1. That's what the bugtracker is for: 1 - http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1132 Need a savegame 2 - http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1133 Need a savegame 3 - http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1134 What books/quest? 4 - http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1135 closed - known bug in binaries 5 - http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1136 closed - intended 6 - http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1137 looking at that, but most likely not fixable CU Marcus
  2. Some tools I wrote in the beginning to check the game Installation, Version, path, language and so on. CU Marcus
  3. Information: Older CM patches, tools, test versionen etc. will be uploaded here after CMP V0150: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6mWJPtqErDcSkg0eGdubGdVaHM&usp=sharing CU Marcus
  4. Yes. As the Seraphim themselves all look the same the focus of this image is the armor. The helmet, chestplate and wings of the Netting are quite unique. CU Marcus
  5. The connection between the earlier armor of Failitia and the later Netting of the gods should be obvious. I'd prefer a view of her head with helmet, as the resolution of the image is limited and small details will geht lost. CU Marcus
  6. Point is: - Daniel Govar didn't respond to my request - The Dreamweaver.tga doesn't look well in the log So I'm looking for an artist to make some better illustrations ;-) CU Marcus
  7. A few questions to discuss: - Should restricted quests (god, char) be available in Freeplay/PvP? - Should there be any quests in PvP? CU Marcus
  8. Yes, Mantis needs registration, but only email and password. This is to keep people informed as soon as his/her ticket is edited/solved/closed. BTW, I've uploaded Release Candidate 11. In this one some small typos are corrected and the releasestages are simplified. These values control the availability of the quest in different modes (SP, MP csmpaign, PvP, Free...) CU Marcus
  9. Yes... I'm looking for some illustrations of Shelob and Failitia for the log: For Shelob like http://danielgovar.com/tolkien/shelob-2/ For Failitia (http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Failitia,_Dreamweaver_of_the_Gods) should be like the seraphim from Sacred 1, like http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred:Dream_Netting_of_the_Gods -> http://www.sacred-legends.de/images/wallpaper/Seraphim_1024x768.jpg, wthout halberd, with sword See http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1105 as well. The file format (TGA) is a little tricky. Put "shelob.tga" and "Dreamweaver.tga" into the folder pak\data\icons\pixmap to see them in the log at their quests. CU Marcus
  10. Of Singeplayer and Multiplayer? No. CU Marcus
  11. The caption of the buttons is one thing, the function another one. I can change what's written, but not the function. CU Marcus
  12. Who knows... If there are players, bugs and motivation everything is possible :-) CU Marcus
  13. And I'm eagerly waiting for some pictures to be used for http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1105 Even thought about using http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/22048-finally-sacred-3-fan-art/ in the logbook or deseigning a quest called "To be continued..." CU Marcus
  14. http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1118 CU Marcus
  15. I thought of that myself as today there is no mulitiplayer, closednet or opennet anymore. To do so you'll have to change and recompile the global.res file. And as the CMP Version is shown on several places now I'll remove that for the release version of V0150. CU Marcus
  16. No, still testing. No bad replies yet, and I'm trying on some smaller issues... stay tuned, won't be long. CU Marcus
  17. What exactly do you have in mind? At first, I renamed some buttons to make clear that a patched version won't work in opennet or LAN with a non-patched version. Later I removed buttons which are useless now... CU Marcus
  18. http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=1067 Download path: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6mWJPtqErDcSkg0eGdubGdVaHM&usp=sharing It's still the old version of Sacred2Launcher. I'll review the code in the next days. CU Marcus
  19. See http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/251-llamas-cm-patch-mod/ CU Marcus
  20. Old versions of the CM-Patch are available here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6mWJPtqErDcSkg0eGdubGdVaHM&usp=sharing CU Marcus
  21. Yes, at the moment. I'll freeze RC9, where one quest is modified. I'm playing this quest over and over, making small changes and adjustments. Which Version do you need? CU Marcus
  22. A position in the world of ancaria is described in one of the following ways: - Tile and position {sx=,sy=,sz=, px=,py=,pz=} and orientation - Linear position {x=, y=, layer, orientation=} - Table of values {x,y,z,a,b,c,o} - String of values "x;y;z;a;b;c;o" - invalid format {x;y;z;a;b;c;o} + The linear position is only used in the setup of quests. I already replaced this in V0073. + The invalid format works nevertheless, but not always, so I decided to replace these occurrances with the string format. + The string format can be transferred into "tile and position" by the built-in function toWorldPosition("..."). During debugging of one of the quests I found a miscalculation, so this function also works most times, but not every time. So I decided to replace all these occurrances with the "tile and position" format. So With RC8 you will find only - Tile and position {sx=,sy=,sz=, px=,py=,pz=} and orientation - Table of values {x,y,z,a,b,c,o} To make sure that every built-in function can get the position in its needed format I've written a formatting function some time ago to be used in teleporters and gotopositions. If everything is fine nothing has changed, only formats. A bad case would be if a NPC now appears on a position it wasn't before. CU Marcus
  23. Complete overhaul of positioning values and functions with RC8. This is a massive change and needs a lot of testing before release. Give us one more week... CU Marcus
  24. Just discovered a massive bug around positions and teleporting: http://www.frankrentmeister.info/mantisbt/view.php?id=965 This has to be fixed, ohterwise quests will get stuck. Edit: Found a work around, used it in RC5, uploading. CU Marcus
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