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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Check out this hit . . . Advanced 20% [wayne] Graf Zahl -vs- [TF] Doublov Using just those ships, he could go toe-to-toe with Urkhai's entire fleet and do more damage than he takes. Owie! So if anyone ever offers to trade you a Uni 6 account, Just Say No.
  2. Interesting, now Tenchi has joined Purple A . . . Sphenodon (1) Urkhai (2) download (4) Tenchi (17) Jaczakl (62) NEW (70) axel (74) Ill sell Deuterium (91) Le Treasure (665)
  3. Heh, I do love stories. I hit NineNine's colony in G5 with RIPs as well, although I timed it so I hit 40 minutes after the ban lifted. Wouldn't want to seem like I was taking advantage. Well, done, SercaN!
  4. Before the hit - Points: #82 (911,754) Fleet: #170 (11,498) After the hit - Points: #113 [-31] (795,987) [-115,767] Fleet: #528 [-446] (1909) [-9589]
  5. @Yarasa: You have to like no-resources down, no-interest financing. Especially when you never pay back the principle. It almost seems unethical . . . almost. @GoGo: If I sent in fodder, my losses would have gone way up, so I just went in with the heavies. You'll be happy to know I built more since the hit, now I am at 100 Bombers and ~240 Destroyers.
  6. I have been farming Sensei for several months, he intermittently builds some ships or defenses and I usually swat them. One of his colonies in G6 tends to have a boatload of res on it, but since I have no colony in G6, I have to farm him from G5. So it takes my ships 2:41 to get there. Wave 1 - The attacker has won the battle! He captured 462,999 metal, 80,308 crystal, and 40,358 deuterium The attacker lost a total of 36,000 units. The defender lost a total of 554,000 units. At these space coordinates now float 36,000 metal and 36,000 crystal. Wave 2 - The attacker has won the battle! He captured 249,161 metal, 40,161 crystal, and 20,181 deuterium The attacker lost a total of 16,000 units. The defender lost a total of 268,000 units. At these space coordinates now float 2400 metal and 2400 crystal. Wave 3 - The attacker has won the battle! He captured 124,908 metal, 20,089 crystal, and 10,093 deuterium The attacker lost a total of 24,000 units. The defender lost a total of 186,000 units. At these space coordinates now float 3600 metal and 3600 crystal.
  7. Well, I figured since NineNine was banned w/o (v) mode, and in the Spirit of Christmas as I celebrate it, I should hit his neighborhood colony with RIPs. I kept one RIP back for fleetsaving . . . and notice that the hit occurred 40 minutes after his ban ended. I am just too nice sometimes. At 12-22 10:41:27 the following fleets met in battle: Attacker Ike (5:254:7) Deathstar 11 Defender NineNine (5:250:4) Recycler 3 (Lost: 3) Solar Satelite 108 (Lost: 82) Rocket Launcher 4198 (Lost: 3113) Light Laser 999 (Lost: 703) Heavy Laser 129 (Lost: 92) Gauss 99 (Lost: 66) Ion Cannon 129 (Lost: 86) Plasma 55 (Lost: 38) Small Dome 1 (Lost: 0) Large Dome 1 (Lost: 1) The battle ended in a draw, both fleets withdraw to their home planets. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 15,478,000 units. At these space coordinates now float 9000 metal and 54,600 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 0% Your 30 recyclers have a total cargo capacity of 600,000. At the target, 9000 metal and 60,000 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 9000 metal and 60,000 crystal.
  8. Happy Birthday Dan! Hope that everything gets cleared up in time for you to enjoy the weekend and holidays. At least you got to go home, have dinner and presents, and a little nip of something. My last birthday I spent from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at work (with 11 hours of that in court). My wife was already in bed and mostly asleep by the time I got home . . . and that was only my second worst birthday. So, if you get to spend some time with friends and family and get to open some presents as well, then life isn't too bad. Plus, you got a nice first DAWN HoF.
  9. Well, I thought I would wait until the end of your Birthday here to wish you a happy birthday, so as to stretch out the joy as long as possible. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'll even include, just 'cause you are so special, a painting I did of an Aurora . . . Hope you had a wonderful birthday.
  10. If you ever wanted to get a festivus pole but didn't no where to get one, today if your lucky day! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16314291/from/RS.4/
  11. Yeah, I noticed, that's what makes it special. I sent a note to Munson . . . 12-21 11:58:17 Munson [1:8:7] Re:NineNine - Banned many many thx who has report the insult mail I replied that I did not know, only that I noticed it in Galaxy view . . . 12-21 12:45:08 Munson [1:8:7] Re:Re:Re:NineNine - Banned I attack him atm ... ^^ , many thx again
  12. Thu Dec 21 2006 10:00:43 Nameless Neko NineNine Fri Dec 22 2006 10:00:43 heavy insult
  13. Indeed, there are now 7 people in Purple A: Sphenodon (1) Urkhai (2) Download (4) Malpendiu (66) NEW (73) axel (83) Ill sell Deuterium (94)
  14. I hit this account a week or two ago on a phalanx hit, I saw the fleet doing a 6-hour round-trip transport to a local colony. Well, same thing today. I contemplated waiting until the fleet got large enough that it would be a HoF, but then I thought, "why bother? Anyone who gets caught doing the same thing two weeks later is just as likely to rebuild for me again." Attacker Ike (1:276:5) Weapons: 120% Shields: 130% Armour: 130% Battleship 1343 (Lost: 4) Bomber 88 (Lost: 0) Destroyer 229 (Lost: 0) Defender Lillisnorre (1:282:8) Weapons: 100% Shields: 100% Armour: 90% Large Cargo 7 Light Fighter 867 Heavy Fighter 22 Cruiser 9 Battleship 10 Bomber 13 Rocket Launcher 579 Light Laser 2068 Heavy Laser 359 Gauss Canon 42 Small Shield 1 Large Shield 1 Four Rounds Later: The attacker has won the battle! He captured 4762 metal, 10,651 crystal, and 101,358 deuterium The attacker lost a total of 240,000 units. The defender lost a total of 15,346,000 units. At these space coordinates now float 1,249,500 metal and 499,500 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 17% Recs:. Your 120 recyclers have a total cargo capacity of 2,400,000. At the target, 1,249,500 metal and 501,000 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 1,249,500 metal and 501,000 crystal. This hit is helping to finance my LF rebuild and recycler expansion program.
  15. That is true, to some extent it puts you on the defensive, a position that does not suit my personality. That was the single worst thing about going for Gravitron for me, that I needed to protect something 24 hours a day for most of a week. Right now my planets have next to nothing on them (it is rare that they have more then a few 100K of res) and my moons are all defended, some heavily, and soon-to-be jumpgated. If someone wants to try to steal res off one of my moons they have to send a big enough fleet to overcome the defenses and possibly my entire fleet.
  16. In his post on his hit on Kat, Urkhai lists himself as being in Purple A. http://board.ogame.org/thread.php?threadid=201832 I checked and that shows on his colony as well. Still in TRuST until the next update on the stats though. Interesting.
  17. Welcome to DarkMatters, although I've seen a few of your posts already, so it looks like you are already making yourself comfortable. So, are you a hated Yankees fan, or do you like the Mets, who rock, or at least did before the players and managers decided to strike or lock out every few years?
  18. I always deploy moon-to-moon. If I want to get something from Planet A to Planet B, I deploy to Moon A to Moon B to Planet B. I even do this in the SS where I have two moons. I don't like people to know what I am up to. I do the same when I trade with people, I always send from my moon and ask that they send to my moons. I have no idea if people even bother phalanxing my planets. I only get probed a few times a week most of the time, although occasionally someone takes an interest for whatever reason. I suspect Revenge 9 was phalanxing me when he was trying to hit my fleet a couple of months ago. Unfortunately for him, it was rare that I even deployed my fleet to that moon. I know Darth phalanxed my planets in G8 regularly for about 6 months, as did Raar/Indystar, but they didn't have moons. Still, pretty stubborn given that I pretty much never had anything there. I might consider it if I was trying to bait someone, but it would be just as effective to do a long deploy from your moon, pretending that you are doing a FS deploy. Of course, if you have a DF there someone would have to be pretty daft to fall for it. The downsides are that 1) if they send too big a fleet I have to recall a long deploy and then burn the deut, fleet slot, and time to resend it and 2) it would tend to preclude using RIPs to ninja, as they take about 22 minutes to get from moon to planet. Any vaguely intelligent attacker should notice that. If you try to send early, you'll get a * by your planet when the RIPs land. If you try to send 22 miuntes before impact, the attacker should be watching their phalanx at least once during that last 22 minutes.
  19. Depends on how gullible the people with phalanxes are. I don't generally phalanx planets with moons unless I am trying to figure out online times or fleetsave times. I usually don't hit people with jumpgates unless I know I am sending a fleet that can take out their entire fleet, or they are a n00b like Sphenodon. I'd be pretty suspicious about someone who suddenly started to deploy to their planet rather than their moon. The potential profit would have to be pretty good and the defenses small in order to justify wasting the deuterium if the target came online And, if they can phalanx your planet, they *should* be able to observe your fleet coming from your moon to the planet. This of course assumes that people are as paranoid as I am.
  20. That's what I've been doing for about six months. It saves fleet slots, which tend to be in short supply for me. Some times I run into problems because I want to gate things in both directions, so I have to wait an hour or so.
  21. As of the last update, there is a new alliance: Purple A Purple A - Sphenodon (1) - NEW (74) TRuST - Urkhai (2) - download (4) - axel (82)
  22. He must have a TON of RIPs. My 12 would take no losses against the defenses, but with the fleet there they'd get slaughtered in 4 rounds or less (5-6 if I sent 120 LF as an escort). I might send them against his G3 colony though.
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