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Everything posted by Silearth

  1. The interface is definately diablo, but is that such a bad thing? I don't want to have to learn a new way of gaming every time I pick up a new iso RPG. The graphics looked great. Even though it looks awesome--both graphics and game play--I am weary of free online RPG's. I have yet to play one that can hold my interest for long.
  2. Hate to rub salt in the wounds, but I've been in lazy mode since I got home Friday evening. The most strenuous thing I have done so far is make a pasta salad. I love 3 day weekends!
  3. I used Open Office for months and loved it at first. I started to get annoyed when my wife got it as well and she kept trying to send files to a friend with M$ office. Always managed to send in the wrong format even though I set it to save as a word file by default. Then I started to notice how hard it was to find some functions. I took the plunge and downloaded a trial of MS office 2010 Home & Student. When my trial runs out I am buying the 3 user version.
  4. I--I just don't know what to say.... I can be horrified, since we've done the roast pig thing for several parties. It does look good and all, but I would feel like I was eating the cast of Gforce...
  5. L O stinking L! Haven't heard darkies in some years. Darkoids, Darklings, Darkamaniacs.....
  6. I would suggest--if you are looking to create a truly powerful mage--that you forget about the fashion. Either wear blackstaff's armor or Amarri. Blackstaff will add power(and full time ghost meadow) and Amarri will give secret damage which makes up for the loss of power. You do not have to socket shard runes at all if you invest in a super-high level of Ghost Meadow.
  7. I have tried several of the free browser-based RPG's. They hold my interest for awhile, but eventually I have to move on. Many of them have great graphics, but there is always something lacking. And then there is the small matter of having to pay for the really cool items. Can't blame them for that though--they are in it to make a profit and bless them for creating a system where you can play for free just by giving up the uber equipment. My other grip is that there are usually tons of people just sitting around trying to sell crap. The last game I played had so many in one town that I couldn't find the quest givers.
  8. A two for one: I'm driving the back roads and suddenly realize that there is a fire truck coming up fast, but on the wrong side of the road. I quickly find the right shoulder as does most everyone else. But there is a wolf amongst the sheep. One driver does not pull over--does not stop. She slows down until the emergency vehicle passes and then floors it before most of us can react. We were driving down a one-lane highway and she, this wonderful opportunist, uses our need to obey the laws to pass us. Later on that same drive, I'm cooking along at 70 mph and a rather large truck coming the opposite direction decides that he needs a bit of my lane. I do not alter my course. Oh really? he says(at least that is what I imagined he said). He takes a bit more of my lane. When we met, he was close enough to swap paint, though we did not. One look in my rear view mirror showed that those behind me shifted to the right. What can I say, I had a headache and was feeling belligerent. @Timo. Wow, there are just so many. Computers ruined do to techs pretending to know what they were doing. I'll have to hit him up today for specific stories.
  9. My kids start that crap in the store and Captain Backhand is called right away! Actually, only one of my kids is into those sorts of public displays and once she gets going it can be difficult to deal with her. . .for everyone else. All I have to do is make her laugh and she is back to normal. Horrible computer stories! I have a friend at work who was once a tech for Best Buy--the stories he tells me!
  10. Here we are again.... I got so close to the 60lb goal and then I let it slip away. The wife had been ragging on me, telling me that she could tell that I was gaining weight. I chalked it up to anger that her diet was not working for her. The next morning, I got on the scale to find that I had gained a whopping 8 pounds. That put my net loss at about 50 pounds. It's been a few weeks since that morning and I believe that I have lost some of the extra weight. I've been doing a lot of stair climbing at work--4 trips up and down 5 flights every morning and then a mile on my afternoon break with my friends. They are starting stair routines in the mornings as well. The fat is melting off, but slowly. My legs are quite impressive now. Even the wife had to mention my new, 0-fat legs. My goal for this year was 170 by December. Well I'm in the 180's now, so a little more hard work and I'll be good.
  11. I remember buying a cassette tape from FEDCO years ago. It was Pat Benatar. I went to play it in my auto-reverse cassette player and it kept reversing every few seconds. Upon a closer inspection, I discovered that there was no tape--just the clear plastic leader. Boy was I mad. Now I kind of wish I kept it. As for the DVD, the company finally contacted me. They gave me two free rentals and assured me that they would retrieve the DVD and dispose of it. Got one of my free rentals tonight. Chose Land of the Lost; the family loved it. We laughed throughout the movie.
  12. We have been using Redbox a lot lately. For those not in the know, these are video rental kiosks. They charge $1.00 per night and if you keep the movie for 20 consecutive nights it belongs to you. Well, this weekend I rented Monsters Vs Aliens. I already saw it with my oldest and youngest and they other two really wanted to see it. I popped the DVD into my player and it froze about a half an hour into the movie. I inspected the DVD and found that there was a warp in part of it. It almost looked intentional. So I logged into my account and reported a damaged DVD. We went to return our DVDs and I tried renting it again--the kids still wanted to see it. My wife opened the case and it was damaged. Crap! I got the same DVD. So with the faulty disk in hand I attempted to get another to come out. To my horror, I found that the one in my hand was the only one available. Disgusted, I promptly returned it.
  13. I tend to take most shots of others using the wife as a shield. Love the spontaneous shots. Everyone is used to me behind the camera. My health has improved so much due to a combination of meds and the weight loss; I have been told that I am much more fun to be around and so I end up in the shots more often. I lost nearly 60 pounds, but gained back 6 or so. I do a mile walk with friends every week day in addition to 4 trips up 5 flights of stairs during my first break each workday. I'll tell you something though, spend a few hours walking in the sand--that's a workout! My legs are sore. I also have a horrible burn on the back of my neck. Actually, I haven't done much baking. I've been doing a bit of BBQ, though.
  14. A very good friend of the wife and I invited us to a birthday party. She would have to be a really good friend to make me drive from Victorville to Huntington Beach. I can get a little silly around my wife's friends, and they tend to encourage me......
  15. I am not published yet. I have submitted stories--years ago, but never had any luck. You can see some of my(very unpolished) work on the SIF, in the fan fiction section. I had two series that followed the exploits of a battle mage, gladiator and a seraphim as well as a few stand alone tales.
  16. Lol, didn't see this until today. Like I said, in the story, Silearth was a demon. More to the point, a non-sentient being created to be used as food to increase another demon's strength. I always wondered where the name came from. Well, I have a driving need to know . . . everything. I spend a great deal of time looking things up. So it is very possible that I happened upon Silearth and forgot that it actually means Siliceous earth. All the other names in the story have been changed, but Silearth remains.
  17. I am not a big fan of mushrooms, but it did look good. The garlic and spices and the coconut milk . . . I'm getting excited just thinking about it. I just happen to be a HUGE fan of coconut milk/cream and we always have two or three cans of both sitting in the pantry. A couple of warnings to any who would like to give it a try. Make sure everything is nearly done before adding in the milk. You want to marry the flavors, but if you cook it too long your run into the danger of breaking down the milk. Adding coconut milk or cream to a dish adds a definite shelf-life to your food. Don't keep it around too long. I had to learn that the hard way.
  18. I lurked a bit back when FDM was first born; I do not recall how long. After that I lost the link for awhile. Even back then, I was impressed with the niceness compared to the SIF.
  19. I can't add much to that list, but I will say that full metal is awesome! It has a bit of humor here and there, but really gets serious. That one really grabbed hold of me--very well done. Trigun is another good one. Starts off kind of quirky but moves into serious themes as well. Yu Yu Hakisho was a favorite of mine for awhile, but I would imagine that it would not appeal to everyone.
  20. Exactly the reasons I do like him. Put him along side an american actor with good timing and you've got gold. I never really liked his older kung fu movies, though; too silly for my taste. They should have made it a parody and cast Chris Tucker as Dre. Now there were a couple of bright spots: The clichéd 'are we there yet' while climbing the stairs got a chuckle from the audience, as did the kissing scene. Though, as a less progressive parent, I get tired of seeing little kids having their first kiss in movies. When I was twelve, girls still had cooties.
  21. Went to the movies Friday night. We went to see Jacky Chan and little Smith in Karate Kid. I am a huge Chan fan, and I have hope that Will Smith's kid will be as big as his father. But I have to say that this one was a bit of a let down. First of all, it appears that they borrowed the script from the the original and changed up certain parts. In the first, Daniel learned basic moves by sanding floors, painting fences, and waxing cars. Corny, but it did have a certain crazy logic to it. But now we have a kid learning Kung fu by hanging his jacket from a peg. They did poke fun at the chopstick scene from the original and that was funny. Also, the updated healing hand technique was cool. A major problem with the film--and I hate to admit it--was Jacky Chan. He was trying to be Mr. Miagi(sp?) yet he does not have the delivery of Pat Morita. At least the fighting scenes were better.
  22. Recently had a deep cleaning done. Always love getting shot in the gums. I mean, who wouldn't love that. The numbing medicine couldn't help against sensitivity to cold; I am suddenly VERY sensitive to cold in the lower front teeth. The dentist is cleaning my teeth with some sort of dremmel tool that shoots a jet cold water while it is doing its thing. The dentist is wet sanding my teeth. I can mask pain to a certain extent--it's a great talent to have really. But the medicine wears off too quickly. I don't want another shot so I do my slow breathing and try to forget the scraping and tearing going on in my mouth. Good news is in 44 years I have had one cavity.
  23. We have a new super villian at work. We have been unable to discover his/her true identity or even his/her agenda. We have code-named our criminal the PP bandit. Yup, once or twice a week he/she leaves a rather large puddle on the bathroom floor that can only be intentional. All attempts to find the identity of said public peer have failed. But one thing is for sure, who ever it is is either dehydrated or takes a lot of vitamins. We even got security on the case, but nothing so far. As a joke I created a top ten list of reasons a person would do that. It was a big hit. A buddy of my posted a note to the bandit on the wall in the bathroom and a target on the ceiling, daring him to attempt to make the shot. Today he posted a picture of a fire hydrant on the wall and brought in a litter box. He even posted a flyer concerning a pee contest. Well, both of us got called into the office to listen to a message from our compliance officer. Almost got in trouble....lol.
  24. I have long been a fan of the Cage man. He just has this certain . . . quality. He is either ultra cool or a stuttering bumbler. And he always has a melt down somewhere in most of his movies. This one looks like a winner for me--but I do admit that it has a chance to be total crap. At any rate, I'm going to see it. Oh, and gogo . . . it costs me something near $100.00 USD for movie tickets and a trip to the snack bar for my brood. Drive-in's are better cause we bring our own food.
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