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Everything posted by mibbs

  1. It must be useful to use to cast buffs many-socketed weapons and shield (officer saber\mirror shield is the better choice), and then socket it with some high-level runes (the best is from niobium with +6 to buff, but has 50 level requirement). Of cause, if you have these runes
  2. Will be a great idea to equip HE gloves with the transformation of the physical damage in the ice. I was always disappointed that ice shards cause the physical\ice damage 50\50 and very much damage goes in enemy armor, especially before getting the mastery of ancient magic skill, especially against undead.
  3. The big problem was my inexperience and lack of knowledge of a scripting language, I have not found a formula in the game data, and evaluate them in the process of gaming experiences. I can thrice vouch for this information. Special thanks yandex-translator, which proved the uselessness. Do not use online translators, learn the language!
  4. Вы смешны в своих попытках рассуждать об имбалансности сета. Вы видимо не хотите видеть что у той же Серафимы есть два дополнительных элемента доспеха и как следствие дополнительные сокеты для заковки. Опять же, говорить о "слишком большом" параметре DM на вещах для высшей эльфийки глупо, т.к. есть всего 1-2 элемента, где может встречаться этот modifier, и он не может быть двойным, это делает невозможным собрать большие значения DM и в целом делает высшую эльфийку очень слабой в живучести. ___ You are ridiculous in our attempts to talk about the overpower of this set. You probably don't want to see that the same Seraphim have two additional piece of armor, and as a consequence of additional sockets for jevels. Again, talk about "too large" parameter DM on things for the high elf is stupid, because there are only 1-2 element where can meet this modifier, and it cannot be double-bonuse on one piece of armor. This makes it impossible to collect large values of DM and generally makes the highelf very weak in survivability (oneshot on niobium for some bosses).
  5. Multiplayer notice: Sacred's multiplayer servers (Internet) are no longer functioning, therefore multiplayer is only possible over a local area network (physical or emulated). Khe-khe, **** Ascaron Ent :/ Russian servers of Sacred 2 are also not functioning. May be tunngle can help)
  6. On the value of specialized skill depends on the magnitude of the hidden modifiers parameters of equipment. For example some of the types of armor option "detrimental magic effects -x%" requires armor mastery; Every point in the appropriate skill (maximum 255 points) increases the hidden parameter modifier: 1) For bonus parameters of armor and weapons, emerging with each other cumulatively (1+1=2) and a chance to block: melee\driver\fighting skills x% on the armor. The final modifier = Basic modifier* + Basic modifier / 255 * level of skill (maximum 255) If a hidden parameter modifier initially requires mastery of skill, then when you open the option right will have a 27% bonus. This bonus is applied directly, I.e. multiplied by the basic* value of the parameter. Growth graph bonus depending on nested skill points linear, the final parameter is increased approximately in 2 times in comparison with the base case of the value of specialized skill 255. The approximate value of the bonus option at n nested points in the skill profile: 1 - 2%, 50 - 18%, 75 - 27%, 100 - 36%, 150 - 54%, 200 - 72%, 255 - 90%. 2) For bonus parameters of armor and weapons, emerging with each other in a unique way with lowering progression(1+1=/=2), for example "chance of the enemy: cause bleeding", "detrimental magic effects -x%" etc. A bonus is also multiplied by the basic parameter, but the final bonus at each level of the skill profile is much less than if modifier was cumulatively. If a hidden parameter modifier initially requires mastery of skill, then when you open the option right will have a 9% bonus. The final bonus for the characteristics of this type increases linearly and is the result: 1 - 1% 50 - 6% 75 - 9% 100 - 12% 150 - 18% 255 - 30,5% 3) For bonus parameters of shields: Hidden by skill modifier "chance to block: x%" on the shields (not on the armor!) it has its own progression: 40 points in a skill - 50% bonus 80 points - 75% bonus 192 points - 100% bonus, 255 - 110% bonus. For example, if the Kira's wall at 1 in skill "shields" is set to block 43,7%: 40 skill level - 43,7*1,5 = 66%, 80 skill level - 43,7*1,75 = 75.4%, 255 skill level - 43,7*2,10 = 89,4% If a hidden parameter modifier initially requires mastery of skill, then when you open the option right will have a 72% bonus. *remember that a basic setting of each thing depends on the dificulty level : for example, if on "silver" base value block shield 200 level of 35%+, the "niobium" already 47%+
  7. Analysing the damage formula: damage taken = damage dealt*(100% - DM) * (damage dealt*(100% - DM) / (damage dealt*(100% - DM) + damage are absorbed by armor)) you can notice that the armor absorbs the more damage than a higher DM has character. In particular, with a 33% DM armor begins to absorb in one and a half times more damage, 50% of DM - 2 times more damage, 75% DM - 4 times more damage. This makes the skill of "Toughness" is the more valuable, as it not only increases armor and DM, but also increases the efficiency of this armor.
  8. Armor? Damage over Time -X%? Damage Mitigation? Just try to attack poison elemental with Viperish Disease or fire elementals wits Eternal Fire (without 75+ ancient magic of cause). Than see: if theese skills cause damage to poison\fire immune creatures, DM and DOT -x% are useless against these skills.
  9. I hope, silverfox help me with the translation, I will make up for my research in the field of game mechanics, in particular'll add information about penalties for overeating runes, the schedule of dependence of damage from intelligence (or describe in words) and others
  10. Dear Chattius, there are parameters: direct damage, damage over time. In the game's discription on spells.txt we can see two different types of damage: mgr.defineSpell( "he_in_feuerball", eiStateName = "cSpellCastProjectile" entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_fire", 700, 350, 0, 133 }, entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 350, 175, 0, 133 } mgr.defineSpell( "he_st_frostschlag", eiStateName = "cSpellCast" entry1 = {"et_dotdamage_ice", 1050, 525, 0, 42 }, entry4 = {"et_spelldamage_ice", 210, 105, 0, 133 } mgr.defineSpell( "he_st_schneesturm", { eiStateName = "cSpellCast" entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_ice", 84, 42, 0, 133 }, entry3 = {"et_hits_persec", 500, 3, 0, 4 }, entry5 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 210, 105, 0, 133 } Snowstorm causes direct damage, not DOT Damage mitigation works always, without exception. only lifeleech ignores +++ duration of detrimental effects is 450 ticks (4,5 sec) in the game bleeding\poison\burning cause damage: 200-200-200-200-100 Root is detrimental effect too, 75+ hard points on "magic resistance", "detrimental magical effects -x%" protect. Stun can be blocked\reflected by special parameters "reflect: stun", "block: stun", but the duration of stun can not be redused by anything, stun is NOT detrimental magical effect.
  11. THANK YOU!!!! I am so slow) I posted it myself, but you can cut on of these topics. Nice!
  12. Sacred 2 - aspects of the game mechanics. Influence of the character attributes for damage in combat effectiveness, not related to the use of weapons (Spell Damage Based Combat Arts Combat Arts, further CA). The formula of calculation of the damage: ( Base damage + Base damage *M( C ) + Base damage*M( B ) ) * M( I ) * M( K ) * check_resists * M( P ) - Base damage of CA, excepting eating runes, can be increased only by one way - by adding modifications, if any (as for skills, causing damage, they always are). Usually modification give an increase damage not more than 35%, but to take them it is necessary, if the CA is used for the damage. - A hidden modifier M( C ), depending on the level of CA, which is CA_lvl*0.02: 2% on 1 level of the combat skills of 200% 100 level. - M( B ) is essentially a set of bonuses that comes equipment, activated power-UPS and skills. For example the skill of "ancient magic" 34 level, "military discipline" 31 level, and "a study of the Lord of storms" 26 level in the sum will increase damage 100,3 + 100,3 + 99,4 = 300% damage by setting the value of M(B) equal to 3. - Intelligence directly affects the modifier M( I ), and if at such low levels, CA this modifier has extremely high values of 1+5,66/1.000 int at first level character, 100 level character 1 + 0,26/1.000 int, and at player level 200 1 + 0,19/1.000 int. - M( K ) - has 2 meanings: 1.0 - normal hit, 1.2 - critical hit. - M( P ) has 2 meanings: 0.7 - if failed check the magic resistance, 1.0 - if the validation is successful. Check the magic resistance - compare the value of the magic power of the attacker and magic resistance of the victim, the failure of the inspection reduces damage by 30% (one and a half times compared to the original!), power of magic 2400+, you can always win this check on units, Champions and bossesthe highest (200+) levels. In addition, if the test the resilience of magic had failed, the power of detrimental magic effects caused by the CA, is also reduced by 30%. The damage over time (DoT) power of magic does not affect! - check_resists - factor, multiplied by the total damage after checking the resistance of the victim. The value of the coefficient is calculated by the formula: check_resists = damage taken/damage dealt and can have a value above 1 in the case when the opponent has his or purchased option ' vulnerability to damage: fire\venom\ice\magic\physical +x%. In the game for damage resistance has a "damage mitigation: x +x%" and the actual armor for each of the 5 elements. The final formula of damage (for each of the five elements of the damage is calculated separately): damage taken = damage dealt*(100% - DM) * (damage dealt*(100% - DM) / (damage dealt*(100% - DM) + damage absorbed by armor)) Damage mitigation checks BEFORE armor check, making character with high DM percent and high armor value actually immortal! For example inflict physical damage to 50 points by the mob with 200 points of physical armor and damage mitigation 40%: damage taken = 50*(100% - 40%) * (50*(100% - 40%)/(50*(100% - 40%)+200)) = 50*0.6 * (50*0.6/(50*0.6+200) = 3.91. That is, the mob with 200 armor and 40 DM will receive 4 points from the initial damage. In addition to direct damage in the game is stretch out detrimental effects (poisoning, burning, bleeding), and the periodic damage. *detrimental magickal effects Poisoning, burning, bleeding (+ freezing and the weakening of reducing the attributes), with some likely to occur on the opponent at the moment of impact weapons or combat skill, causing % of damage caused effect over time (5 seconds). If the effect was of critical strike, the damage effect is increased by 20%, if the effect has disappeared from the combat skills, do not authenticated on the magic resistance, its damage is also reduced by 30%. Several effects stacks, simultaneously may hang\strike several different detrimental effects, but visually displayed will be the only one. If the parameter magic resistance of the victim has the extremely high values (6000+ willpower at 200 character level), the duration of the detrimental effects falls to 1 second, and the capacity is 6 times! *Periodic damage (damage over time) A certain % of the direct damage of the combat skills inflicts damage to a goal for some time. Multiple periodic damages stacks, simultaneously can damage several different elements, but visually displayed will be the only one. Periodicals are not absorbed by armor, but can be nullified by the parameter "Damage Over Time: fire\venom\ice\magic\physical +x%", option "damage mitigation: fire\venom\ice\magic\physical +x%" and 75+ level of skill "magic resistance" The skill of "Ancient magic" partially ignore armor resistance and periodical damage resist, but only for combat skills not related to the use of weapons. This skill takes only available resistance of the enemy (relative reduction of resistance). Temple guard's CA (evaporation ice\burning coal) increase the vulnerability of the ice or fire; to strengthen the "crystal skin" of the high elf is a mod "cold", causing vulnerability enemies to ice damage, but it works only in close proximity to (distance to the goal of gender screen and less). These skills can be put on opponents in the zone of the debuff "vulnerability: ice\fire +x%" and "vulnerability to Damage Over Time: ice\fire +x%", which not only deprives the enemies current resistance, but also can reduce them below zero, thus we would be caught in the debuff more damage than indicated in the description of the skill. These skills do not affect the armor goals and reduce its options "damage mitigation: fire\venom\ice\magic\physical +x%" and the resistance of the periodic damage for a certain absolute percentage (and not on a percentage of the current value as a skill "ancient magic"). *** Damage must be greater than the target's armor, preferably several times, otherwise armor absorb a huge percentage of the incoming damage. On the contrary, with the huge incoming damage (such as niobium the attacks of the bosses, combat skills bosses and Champions) profitable to collect parameter "damage mitigation: fire\venom\ice\magic\physical +x%" as dial elemental armor to reach at least a level of damage on Platinum\Niobium impossible. Options "damage mitigation: fire\venom\ice\magic\physical-x%" and "Damage Over Time: fire\venom\ice\magic\physical-x%" have cumulatively (1+1=2) and can reach 100%, thus making the character immune to these types of damage. From periodic damage protect the 2 parameters: "Damage Over Time: fire\venom \ice\magic\physical -x%" and "damage mitigation: fire\venom\ice\magic\physical +x%", moreover, they work alternately (layers): 50% of damage mitigation and 50% periodical damage reduction in the sum would be equal to 75% of the reduction of the damage from the periodicals. Fully immune to freezing damage and periodic ice damage (100% damage mitigation: ice, -100% periodical damage: ice) elementals at 75+ level "ancient magic" (50% reduction of resistance) get 25% periodic ice damage, since the damage is first reduced the remaining the option "Damage Over Time : ice -50%", and then the option "damage mitigation: ice +50%". 75+ hard points of skill "magic resistance" reduces duration detrimental magical effects (burning, poisoning, bleeding, freezing, weakening) and time of the action of periodic damage. At level 75 skill gives 35% duration of effects and periodicals, and the duration decreases with increasing skill. The damage dealt by detrimental effects and periodicals reduced damage in proportion to the duration of use. For example, 5 seconds periodicals 250 damage/sec 75 skill level will hit in 2 seconds: first tick of 250 and second tick 187 damage in the amount of 35% of the initial (437 against 1250 original). On duration of debuffs and stun skill has no effect! 75+ skill level "toughness" gives the option to "damage mitigation: fire\venom \ice\magic\physical-x%", which will be added to the current level of equipment \skill, when the sum of the indicator "mitigate the damage: fire\venom\ice\magic \physical-x%" from all sources will reach 100%, character becomes immune to all damages inflicted by this element (including the periodic damage). Option "detrimental magic effects -x%" reduces duration detrimental magical effects (burning, poisoning, bleeding, freezing, weakening) and in proportion to the period of validity reduces damage from them. Several indicators not be added together, and multiplied non-lined (1+1 =/= 2), I.e., their sum is committed to 100%, but never reaches. Possible to block or reflect only the direct elemental damage, but not periodic damage. A successful block and a reflection of the near/distant attacks cancel detrimental magic effects of these attacks. Some detrimental effects (burning, poisoning, bleeding) are periodical damage too, since it first reduced by parameter "detrimental effects - x%", second reduced by "Damage Over Time: poison\fire\phisical -x%", third reduced by skill "magic resistance", and finally reduced by "damage mitigation: poison\fire\phisical +x%" Poison spider's attacks in swamp can be greatly reduced ! I hope, my based-school english didn't sad you. Good luck
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