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Everything posted by colif

  1. Its good that there are new weapons, they just need to fall. I have seen half those models for the 2 handed hafted weapons before but at least two are new. Also glad I am playing my 2 handed hafted Shadow Warrior again, he might find one of these.Off topic: Dragonslayer is a great choice for crystal plains, or at least, I found it was last night.
  2. Thanks for adding these, I was starting to wonder who would add them. MY logon refuses to work so I just let others. Some of the colors in this new theme are hard to read, like the group names, and just the text in this fast reply box. Looks good though
  3. I agree with you Gogoblender, it doesn't feel like a proper expansion without new weapons. Patches added sets, this has just given us back unique armours we had originally and nothing new. The one new legendary sword I have seen looks exactly the same as the Sword of the Blood Dryads/Romuil's Tears. Its bad enough uniques have similar appearance, yet alone legendaries. Makes you think they had limited artwork to work from and just reused something already available with new stats. I am sure there are new unique weapons, I thought it said it in the patch notes (I am wondering now why I believed them).
  4. The 4 socket Shadow Warrior set item could be from Ravoks, it has 3 items and each has 4 sockets. Its not exactly hidden, it just doesn't drop very often. Especially in 2.43, haven't seen it in Ice and Blood yet. Some of those Shadow Warrior sets remind me why I wear the official sets most of the time. Those inquisitors remind of of Holy Grail, for some reason.
  5. The colour of mods doesn't seem to make much sense, but as its related to a feature of the game, and not the wiki, we can't do much about it. I don't understand why skills +x can be yellow on 1 item and blue on the next, and how game works out what colour its going to be on the sigma if you have multiple items with mods of different colours adding to the total.
  6. Nice work, I should have looked instead of wondered
  7. If only there was a way to scan it and get a word document at end I will let someone else do this one:
  8. Um, lol... Hell Amania should read Hello Amania Some of my words may have the US spelling as though I typed it in word using the Australian dictionary installed, Firefox seems to ignore that dictionary and auto correct. So neighbouring & colour have alternate spellings. Might add that to my sig somewhere, reminded me of Terry Pratchett as Death's horse is called Binky.
  9. There is another new book, Diaanja's studybook but this one took long enough to type out, I will do it tomorrow. All the words in caps match the book in game, so leave them as caps THe story made me regret having to kill the 1 eyed creatures.. I want a Blinky of my own.
  10. The last one is a legendary shield and um, they can drop anywhere but the odds are really really small. All swords are random, they can fall anywhere (ok, possibly excluding Boneslicer but it fell for someone recently too) so farming 1 region for them is fruitless. I have found all the old unique swords, the last fell in the crystal region yesterday (Quetzal's - I almost missed it). I still use Lord Waynes in Niob even though its a plat version, its damage matched to Serpents Tongue makes everything else look sad. It would take a legendary (Or a niob version of same swords) to make me swap.
  11. There is one more quest in Crystal Plains, it is called "The Challenge" - it is in an arena and you have to kill about 8 waves of enemies. I was glad there was no boss at the end, I had thought it would be like the demon one on seraphim Island. It appears Hunting Fever I is bugged as Spunky completed quest but upon entering the game again, it was showing as failed. I still haven't got a complete quest listing for Blood Forest, and it appears that though there is a main quest chain, it has no title and all the parts just get added to bottom of listing - not what I would call a neat result.
  12. Turns out both zones count as chapter XI so once I have completed all the quests, I will add the rest
  13. You should know me by now, its 1 day into getting Ice and Blood & I have already done all the quests in 1 region. Ok, I failed 1 but I shouldn't have taken it as its a timed event and I didn't know where to go. Anyway, here is a list of the quests I did do. This quest order is backwards, its in order of completion. This is light campaign, I will have to see if dark is different. Chapter XI On The Trail On the trail I On the trail II On the trail III On the trail IV On the trail V Purest Water Surveying The Final Destination The Final Destination I The Final Destination II The Final Destination III Entry Conditions Entry Conditions Green Crystals Suspicious Tracks Suspicious Tracks I Suspicious Tracks II Suspicious Tracks III The even sadder Simon The lost gift Don't trust the statistics Representative cross section Breeding & Preserving Hunting Fever I - this is quest I failed, I assume there are more parts Crystals No More .. Malfunctioning Generator Ogre in Distress Terms of Admission Damn Seraphim Fur Hunter First Steps THere are two bosses & 1 mini boss in the region. I didn't think to get stats for the mini boss, it snuck up on me. Narmul is tricky but no so hard once you work him out. The Guardian regens health as you fight him. I would post these on wiki but I have yet to fix my password there.
  14. I missed that part. Okay, what type of Shadow Warrior are you playing as? Do you use melee weapons or Astral lord? Are you using Dual Wield or a single weapon? If a single, I would suggest using a shield in the battle, to help keep you alive. In later levels, you can find 1 handed weapons with a mod of % life leech, very useful against bosses as its a fixed percentage of their total life. If Dual Wield, just go with best weapon combo. I normally use melee, and make a combo of Killing Spree & Rousing command as a temp buff before the fight. Then, depending on weapon choice, I attack bosses like so: If DW, I make a combo of Frenzied Rampage (thats all I have needed so far, it kills everything) If sword/axe I use a combo of Scything Sweep/Demonic Blow (I normally take Combat Discipline so I can add Frenzied Rampage on end of combo. Its overkill really, wipes out crowds well too. If you are Astral Lord, I really don't have that much experience with them. The only AL Combat Art I use is Nether Allegiance, and my guy is more powerful than they are anyway, so its kind of a waste. Oh, and I hope you are using Reflective emanation as that buff will keep you alive. If you have concentration, use Grim Resilence too. Great combo of buffs, live givers. The bosses aren't that hard, I have had to kill 2 at once before and they aren't that hard. But then I normally don't try them before level 38 so maybe go grind a few lvls and get some gear
  15. I have been wondering when I would need to do next maps? Did we all look away at same time and forget?
  16. They may patch you to 2.43 but to me, the logical approach would be to patch the consoles to 2,47 which is what the expansion packs version is (or 2.46, I am going from memory) as it would make sense to have everyone on same version, especially if there will be no more patches. But then I don't work for the company.
  17. Play an inquisitor Spunky and you will. She is part of the class quest. I think she is meant to die then as if you have to legendary weapon, quest is essentially over. I don't like your chances of keeping her alive in last battle otherwise, essentially since she stops being immortal around here.
  18. I found another new quest (or, at least, I can't see it on the Wiki) in the desert. It exists on both campaigns, but is different in each. Both start in same place, refer map: And both start same way. When you get to location, you will find a steaming jug. clicking on it will reveal the djinn, but how quest progresses from here depends on which campaign you are on. The Djinn wants to be freed, if you are on the Light campaign you have to fight it, whereas in Dark, you just free it and let people in area deal with it. Here is chest after its broken:
  19. Is this in multiplayer as from what I remember, it doesn't work in multi player. Only single player.
  20. Just curious, the way the game shows how much experience to next level has markers in it, is that new or just something from elite graphics? Love to see where new areas are marked on map now.
  21. I have had to go back through that door before and never had this problem, I got stuck on a rock while fighting octo and had to hit F12 as I couldn't even attack, But I didn't restart in between fights. Its a shame game didn't save your progress after going through door, then it would be open.
  22. It feels like it does Gogo as all I get off the ones in swamp is gold or Potions, but the experience is worth it - they give about same as a regular werewolf, and about half a champion. I am looking forward to that island (If you cannot guess, I play Single player only, though I could go there via free mode). I always have mentor potions, they generally out number every other pot type by a large degree, I will sell almost anything compared to mentor potions. I have about 2 months of free time starting next Friday, I might look at closed in that time.
  23. Quest rewards in general are crap. Apart from the legendary item you get for doing the class quest, there isn't any real reason to do them excpet if you are like me and like to complete everything. You can sometimes get set peices from quests, but this is very random. You didn't mention the Ascaron Staff quest, which is super long and which starts in Jungle. Rewards are 1 legendary 1 handed mace and a set of rings. As for quests, I do them all and must have bad luck with drops on the quests you mention (ok, undead legion can drop extra items, so its not that bad). Dream Vampire especially. Will have to see what basement gives since I am in desert at moment. There is a quest in desert (I think) or dragon tunnels, that gives a Unique fire relic as its reward. Open mode is best way to farm bosses in single player. Some things do respawn in single player (Like the forest guardian) but the majority don't. But in open they respawn every time you restart server.
  24. I find that with a high enough RE in the swamp (and toughness mastered) I don't really miss GR not running - I was playing last night and somehow forgot to invoke GR and I didn't notice it was missing until about 2 hours in. All it adds is health for me and with high enough skills, I don't get hurt in the swamp unless surrounded by olms and I don't have poison relics in the slot, but thats very rarely.
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