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Everything posted by Miquin1

  1. No worries. I'll usually proof my own stuff, but I always like to bring it to someone else anyway. Our minds will sometimes "fill in the blanks" on things we intended to be in there, so we can go over something several times and never notice it.
  2. Hi there. I'm checking it out right now. I'm reading Episode One. It seems pretty solid so far. There is one passage that I found a bit confusing, however: On the first pass, it sounds like her daughter is the one vaguely resenting her dolls. It's a minor fix. May I suggest the following?: That keeps almost all of your original wording intact. You and I have different writing styles, so I wanted to preserve your flavor as much as possible in my suggestion. But it does clear up a passage that can be confusing to a reader and helps keep the forward momentum of your narrative flowing. Okay, I'm going back to continue reading. You've got a solid grasp of writing from what I've seen so far. EDIT: Okay, I've checked out the first part. It's 5am here and I haven't slept yet, so I'm probably going to go ahead and do that, but I'll check it out some more tomorrow. It reads well. You give a lot of good visualization to the scene, so it is easy to draw a picture in my mind of what is going on. The action taking place is clear and concise. You've got some nice touches you put in there as well. The narrative 3rd person introspective moments that you weave in with the more concrete descriptions of things helps give a sense of of connecting the characters to the world they are in.
  3. Remember: Our Game Unleashes Enjoyment S W I P E
  4. Delta, I support this idea of giving unlimited fun eats daily. I am prepared to stand for this cause. Plus, I finally noticed where the "Like" button is. Gorillas Really Are Not Icky H I N B S
  5. Clapping Elbows Lightly Isn't Normal F U D G E
  6. Rainbows Are Simply Prismatic Bands D O G M A
  7. Nice one. Everybody Always Reads Horror Stories Elephants Are Really Heavy, Sucker! B E A R D
  8. Good Always Makes Evil Shudder Grandpa Avoids Mom's Early Suppers Godzilla And Mothra Emerged Silently Give A Man Edible Steak T I T L E
  9. There's a "link" tag button in the bar above where you type your post. example Basically, just highlight the word and then look for the "link" button and it will bring up a small menu for you to link to a URL, an anchor in the thread or an email. Press "OK" and you now have a linked item. EDIT: I posted this and clicked the link to be certain I did it right....and to say hello back to you. Hello, and welcome.
  10. Unless they have some sort of automatic filter for the word "Unbended", I would probably say to drop the name in a natural way while commenting on the subject of the video or whatever. It could also be the presence of a link in a comment which may make the automatic filters consider it to be SPAM. Lots of spammers use links in their posts, so even I have a habit of skipping over any post I see that has a link in it. Another thing that can be done would be to upvote any comments on those sites that bring up Unbended, just to bring those comments greater prominence. It's not even insincere since I can see fans of Sacred 2 who were upset by Sacred 3 be genuinely excited and eager for Unbended. But, yeah, I'm not sure what you posted, but I would think that including a link would trigger the filters on a site like Youtube. I would probably try something like "Sacred 3 seems a bit too linear to me, to be honest. I prefer a more robust form of character development and exploration, like what is being done for the upcoming game Unbended. I would probably get someone who, like me, was underwhelmed with Sacred 3 to pay a visit to a site like DarkMatters where they can get a better feel for how much more an ARPG can be." <---- Something like that stays on topic, gives the Google Keywords for people to search and helps let people be aware that not all ARPGs are like Sacred 3. Even the criticism of Sacred 3 is kept polite and to the point, which will probably echo the feelings of someone who never played the earlier games and just assumed that all of them might be boring. Now if you posted something similar to what I just suggested and still got flagged for spam, then it was probably whomever posted the video just censoring anything that brought up other games that Sacred 3 would be unfavorably compared to.
  11. Darn, I just realized I posted my original entry to an earlier post....so I'm editing to do the correct 5 letters. CHATS Chimneys Have A Terrible Smell Can Horses Avoid The Saddle? Cooked Halibut Always Trumps Sushi Crying Has Always Tasted Salty Okay...lemme see..... F A V O R
  12. I have a Samsung Galaxy S4. So, yeah, it's extremely thin, so I figured it was important to get something to give it a little protection. I think the Otterbox products are pretty good. I've had my phone in those and it does not interfere with it's functions at all...just gives it a lot of armor and hitpoints, more than anything.
  13. No way to log out? Sheesh, I'd be too paranoid to send it in anywhere. Glad it's working again for you, though. I keep my phone in those Otter cases which seem to be pretty good. There's been occasions where I dropped my phone, but the casing seems VERY good at absorbing shock and protecting the phone.
  14. Hiya Han, $4 on steam is pretty awesome, so 'twas a good move on your part to get it. The community patch should work just fine with it, too...as I had applied the patch to my Steam version (I bought it again from GOG when it was there because GOG is just that awesome to me that I will re-buy games I already have when they have them). As for the patch itself, you can find that here: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/20458-the-new-sacred-2-cm-patch-now-available-for-ice-blood/ ...assuming, of course, you haven't already gotten it. From one new guy to another....welcome aboard.
  15. A couple of pounds, perhaps. The weight is pretty well distributed. On the inside, it has interior padding to keep it from moving around, so despite the bucket-shape of the thing, I could move and turn my head without having my vision obscured.
  16. Thanks for the welcome, guys. The helmet was not at an event. I had taken a trip to the UK and this was at the Royal Armoury in Leeds. They had some swords and armor and such that they let people handle, so I put that on and one of the people working there snapped the picture for me.
  17. It was a fun time, and that is definitely the funniest celeb story I have. I think of all the people I've met, the one that really got me happy was running across Sergio Aragones at the SDCC many years back. He was heading to some thing he was doing and I was walking along carrying The Life of Groo which I had just bought there and he noticed me holding this book that he had done and stopped to talk to me. I don't know how well known he is overall, but he was always one of my favorite cartoonists, so just having a minute to chat with him was completely awesome.
  18. This totally resonates with me. I just mess about and explore....and I mean that in both the game world and the character building aspect. In my very early days, I had no idea that too many runes would be a detriment. Respecing brings convenience, sure...and as was brought up by Flix, having that convenience could just as easily encourage experimentation because you know if you completely broke a character, you could fix it straight away. I guess my real problem with the ability to Re-Spec is that it makes the game fundamentally easier. I like the idea that I have to learn at least a bit about the game's mechanics --- so that when I DO experiment, I can get better ideas to function within the scope of the game. Not having an easy way out will tend to focus your ideas and it creates it's own challenges like trying to make a mage-type class into a viable tank. The downside is that it will limit the appeal of the game. There are lots of people who will find having the potential to make a really bad build somewhat intimidating. For them, the idea of a Re-Spec is great because it gives them some leeway to make mistakes early on without feeling like they are being punished for being ignorant of the game. But once you go down that route, what really makes that High Elf you've been playing feel like it's especially yours? Ultimately I think that this distinctive quality of being able to make a bad build that you have to live with.....this aspect of having to learn the ins and outs of the game that I find so appealing...are what drive a long term dedication among a fan base. Sure, it means you put off some people early on...but a very dedicated fan base is good because so long as you deliver the experiences they find compelling, you'll keep them and add more over time. So, yeah, I would much prefer that there be no Re-Spec in Unbended. It just appeals to me so much more that way.
  19. Many years ago, the guitarist for Guns N Roses split off and formed his own band, Slash's Snakepit. Early in that band's career, they were going to do a gig at a Hollywood club (I think it was the Whisky, but I'm not 100%. There were a number of rock clubs, with the Whisky being perhaps the most well known, but all of them could get some pretty good names at the time) and my friend Melanie wanted to go check them out. We brought along some other friends and drove to Hollywood and even got lucky enough to find street parking that wasn't totally horrible. There were 5 of us, 2 guys and 3 girls. Needless to say, the line for getting in was absolutely huge. We expected that, though, so we just got in and waited. Despite the length of the line, it moved along pretty regularly. Almost decent street parking and a line that didn't keep us in limbo for eternity? This was going much better than we could have hoped. Those hopes were dashed upon getting to the window. They didn't want to let me and the other guy with us in. They only wanted to let in the girls. While this attitude was not surprising, they did not reckon with the obstinate stubborness that Melanie could conjure up. She was simply not the type to go into that club without all of the group, and she didn't come out all this way and wait in line to be turned away, either. She could be tough as nails, and I always adored that about her. I saw her jaw set in that particular way that told me she was prepared to dig in and keep the rest of the line waiting all week if she had to. I took that opportunity to step away and go have a cigarette. I walked across a driveway and leaned against a wall and just sort of looked at the line behind with a mixture of amusement and pity. As I reached into my pocket for my pack, I realized that I was out of cigarettes. I was about to go back to the line and get one from Melanie when a car and a limo pulled up and people began to get very excited when Slash got out of the car with a very pretty blonde and some other people. The people in line started to edge closer, but a couple of the larger guys accompanying Slash waved them back. I stayed where I was. He was walking up the driveway to the back entrance to the club and it was going to take him right by me. No, it wasn't being star-struck, I'd lived in Los Angeles my whole life at that point; it was the fact that I was absolutely certain that he'd have a cigarette. As he walked by I called out to him. "Hey, Slash. Do you have a smoke?" I must have sounded very casual, or it was just instinct, but he stopped and pulled out his pack and handed me one. We made some chit-chat while he got out his lighter to light it for me. He asked if I was going to see his show and I cracked a joke about the situation we were in, but saying we were pretty determined. He laughed and that was pretty much it. Nothing big, just the small talk people usually engage in to pass those momentary meetings. As he headed on I called out to thank him for the smoke and he called back something to the effect of "I'll see you at the show". Since I was just in the conversation with him, I knew it was just him referencing that he just figured I'd get inside wtih my friends and watch him perform, not that we were going to be hanging out or anything. But the guy at the window had no idea of the context. He thought I knew Slash, so not only did he let me and my friends in, we didn't have to pay either. Good parking, easy line wait and a free show. Sometimes even good things can come in threes.
  20. Okay, I'm just gonna say right now that I always appreciated the free camera in SR2. When I play games in a locked isometric view, I have to remind myself that I don't have the luxury of a 360 spin for my view. Okay, that's out of the way...you know my bias. I actually like what I read about them going with a hand-drawn world. Some of those adventure games (point and click style) have some incredible artwork and while they aren't necessarily a game style I particularly enjoy, I have bought a couple simply on the basis of liking the artwork. Now I am imagining something similar to that, only with the gameplay style of an ARPG, and I think my preference for a free camera can be ignored. It's a bold idea and will help to create a distinctive style for them to establish this new property. It's an incredibly cool idea and I can't even fathom how much work it will be to do it, but I think that the creative potential for it will make it worthwhile.
  21. Nice to see so many other people who hold CDPR in such high regard. I wait on a LOT of games. I'm generally let down by most games that promise the moon, so I've conditioned myself to keep my expectations low. Even with that, some games STILL manage to be a letdown, but it does keep me from being overly disappointed with most. But since my expectations are generally low...and since the end product generally falls into what my lowered expectations are...I find it easier to just wait on getting most games. I feel no sense of rush, and if I miss out on something, I feel no sense of loss. CDPR is a huge exception to that rule. So, yeah, I pre-ordered on GOG...though I am not watching trailers and such because even just seeing screenshots gets my hype levels skyrocketing to absurd degress. The last time anything got me this eager was when I was a kid.
  22. Hello everyone. I've had a membership here for a while...and I think I have a total of 4 posts as of this writing (This will be the 5th), so perhaps I should introduce myself to the community at large. I'm Miquin1 and I got into playing Sacred 2 when I saw it on the 360. I've since moved to the PC version when Sacred 2 Gold became available in the states (and no DRM...Thanks GOG!) and my play style is more of the "fuss about and not really do much of anything. Mostly explore and kill tons of creatures" type of play. I enjoy the game immensely, and I do read about character builds from other people to see how they approach the game and the Wiki is just awesome. So it's fair to say I like the site, even if I hide in a little cave and only peer out every so often to let my presence be known. Since GoGo was kind enough to help me out getting an Avatar for me, I thought it only right that I should contribute a bit more to the community, even if it is only some conversation. The avatar itself is an actual picture of me wearing a full face helmet in case you were wondering where I got such a disarmingly handsome image from. That's about all I can think of to say for this intro, but I'll be poking around some of the other boards and chiming in when I can think of something substantiative to say.
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