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Everything posted by Abbzug

  1. With 75 points in each focus and tactics you'd have 13 modification points. Not that you need all 15 modification points, but if you want it you'd need another 49 points in tactics lore. Which is fine because tactics lore is a great skill to raise even past mastery. Concentration you could probably leave at 1. The mastery bonus isn't very useful for your build since you'll only ever want two buffs up. I'd leave it at 1, but you could consider putting 10-20 points in it while it still has some good bang for the buck. Or rely on +skills to inflate it. I'd probably swap speed lore or toughness for combat discipline. It's a big damage boost when pumped very high, and a flat -regen mod even it's just a single ability in a combo is nice. Enhanced perception is also nice, but that'd mean dumping 5 points in something silly like riding to unlock it. But it's up to you, your set up is fine.
  2. Actually just had another crash on my Inquisitor without lightsabers. Maybe I should just stay away from inqs for now hehe.
  3. They exist on the PS3 version, I have two orange ones on my Inquisitor. I bought them when he was around level 10 and his bargaining was about 20. Tbh they're not really worth the trouble. And yes I notice as well that on the PS3 version I get lockups if I use them. I've only had 4 lockups. Once on my BeeEffGee seraphim. Three times on my Inquisitor (all within the span of about 2 hours and while using lightsabers). My TG who is my main and has nearly 40 hours has never had a lockup. So I stay away from the things now. It's so much easier to find better weapons with bargaining anyway.
  4. In the ever increasing complexity that is RPG gaming people have separated Area of Effect into GTAE and PBAE (point blank) though, and the latter is of no real problem for the console versions. So that's why I tried to differentiate them.
  5. By GTAE I mean ground target area effect. Those spells are really clumsy to aim without a mouse. Not a big deal since you can make a zillion builds without these skills even as an archer or nuker, and even if you don't use them all the time they're still useful in boss fights or against ranged units. But you can make them easier to use. Put them second or last in a combo. The GTAE will fire where the target took damage. It won't work too well for the high elf GTAEs because they have such slow casting animations, and you'll likely end up in melee range for the second cast or it'll miss entirely (though I guess if you're geared for it you can still run away and kite during regens). It's better for frontline battlemage types. Inquisitor mostly. Since the console version has 12 slots (for weapons, CAs and combos) we have a lot of space for placing stuff. Personally I like to end my combos with clustering maelstrom. Pretty much anything will work to initiate. But my favorite to gather up a swarm then do a combo of raving thrust and clustering (raving thrust has a small stun component and clustering has a very fast cast animation). Or I start with levin array. Melee CAs works fine as well. I haven't tested it, but it probably works well with shadow warrior charges and leaps.
  6. What level are you? I didn't really have any trouble with runes after level 30 or so. I was making so much gold I could trade the ones I had 2 for 1 at 25k each. By 40 I was going 1 for 1 for 125k a pop. I'd just level up.
  7. You can't put gold in the stash. But you can put items which sell for lots of gold in the hero stash. And no you can't trade between players on couch co-op, though I think they plan to implement it in a future patch.
  8. Just died for the first time on my TG (level 47 on one of the last bosses in silver). If your character is strong enough you can load up a bronze game and stand in front of a mob. That's what I'm doing anyway, I just had to take off some gear (chance to reflect close combat gear). Obviously won't work for a level 1 toon, but should be okay if your HE is pretty high.
  9. Correct, and the DW attack speed bonus would also apply to weapons-based CAs (the equivalent for casting speed bonus on casting lores)
  10. 1) The focus skill for an aspect determines max level without penalty. For nether allegiance that's Astral Lord Focus. If you had 130 levels of nether allegiance memorized but only 30 skill points in Astral Lord Focus you'd get the first 30 points at full value, but the remaining 100 would be at decreasing efficacy. I have no idea what level they'd be, but it wouldn't be anywhere close to 130. 2) Most buffs increase your regeneration time for all other combat arts. Nether allegiance does. So unless you have high stamina, high astral lord focus, and high concentration, well you won't be casting any other CAs.
  11. Not sure, but in the first Sacred the base weapon speed varied by character class. Like the vampiress could swing a 2h sword faster than any other class. Daemons had very high rate of fire with xbows. Axes for dwarves, and so on. I don't know if this holds true in Sacred 2.
  12. Is this like Sacred 1 where the more runes you eat the less frequently you'll have runes drop for you?
  13. this is what a lot of developers are saying. there's a lot of untapped potential in the PS3, but it's extremely difficult to program for. as others in the thread have said, this decision mostly depends on what system you already have, but I have a 360 for the online experience. as ign & 1up reviewers have said, yes you have to pay for xbox live, but it's easily worth the (with the price drop) $30 a year. the games selection is what is keeping it steadily ahead of the ps3 and ahead of the Wii in recent total game sales. ps3 sold well because of the blu-ray player, but now that you can get them for under $200, I think it's gonna have a lot of trouble ahead. Actually the truth is neither console is really powerful enough to do 1080p games that look good. In fact most games labeled 1080p for either console are in a much lower resolution natively, they're just upscaled. Both companies cheat with how they define 1080p, and in fact there are more native 1080p games for PS3. Some 360 "1080p" games aren't even in 720p. The few games for either console that are in true 1080p have pretty simplistic graphics. It is a little easier for the 360 to do 1080p upscaling as it has a hardware upscaler while the PS3 has to do it in software. But it really doesn't make much of a difference. If you want true 1080p gaming, you need a PC (I say this as a PS3/PC owner). However the difference between 720p and 1080p isn't going to be a big deal for console owners, so there's not much need for it anyway. Obviously it is for PC gamers.
  14. Hey there, new user as well. I grabbed the PS3 version. I've been following the game for awhile and sort of liked the original Sacred, but got burned with the onerous DRM Ascaron uses, and could never figure out how to play online. So even though my PC's a lot more powerful than my PS3 I decided I'd wait for the console version to avoid such issues. Plus I love local co-op in action rpgs. I've not played too much. Graphics aren't really all that good, but I wasn't expecting much. Perhaps I'll download the PC demo and see how they match up. The character options still seem as overwhelming and unintuitive as the first game, but if I can play this one multiplayer I'll probably stick with it longer to figure it out. Also taking screenshots in PS3 is only available if the game developer has enabled it. It was some firmware update for the PS3 awhile back, but it's not on by default and I'm not sure if Ascaron enabled it.
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